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Psychologia. Terapia. Zdrowie psychiczne. Dbanie o siebie. Monika Kotlarek - psycholog, terapeutka, autorka książek. Dzielę się wiedzą i doświadczeniem. Psychoedukuję. Łamię tabu. Walczę ze stygmatyzacją.
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Speaking of Psychology

American Psychological Association

"Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.
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In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.
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Bold Unedited Discussions on Psychology, Philosophy, Therapy, and Change. Entertaining and informative talks explore psychology and philosophy with a variety of guests including authors, doctors, healers, professors, therapists, scientists and more. We delve into everything from modern therapeutic techniques to ancient wisdom practices, offering practical and unique approaches to living a vibrant life. Host Paul Krauss, MA LPC, draws on his unique background – from a rural motel childhood to ...
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Vous vous posez des questions sur la psychologie et le bien-être ? Découvrez le podcast de, le portail leader en psychologie qui vous permet de vous sentir mieux quand vous en avez besoin. Retrouvez Psychologuenet sur internet et les réseaux : 👍Instagram: 👍Facebook : 👍Notre site : 🔎Pour lire nos articles : ❓Pour poser vos question ...
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My Pocket Psych is all about the psychology of the workplace. Each episode, we'll examine the world of work and explore a topic through the lens of psychology. We'll aim to give listeners tips to help improve their experience of work - moving from surviving to thriving! My Pocket Psych is brought to you by WorkLifePsych Ltd and hosted by Dr. Richard MacKinnon and Pilar Orti.
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Savvy Psychologist

Seeking a healthier emotional life? It’s time to bring a trained psychologist and mental health expert along for the ride. Dr. Monica Johnson explains the why behind complex emotions, helps you form better relationships, and guides you down the path of self-understanding.
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Weekly discussions and perspectives on all aspects of psychology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, and mental health topics. Psychoeducation, information, misinformation, controversy, and passion about an incredibly relevant and misunderstood medical field.
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Nazywam się Karolina Koziara, jestem doktorem psychologii, specjalistą seksuologii. Pracuję jako adiunkt w Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz doradca okołotestowy HIV/AIDS. W tym podcaście staram się tłumaczyć zjawiska psychologiczne w przystępny i prosty sposób. Moją misją jest wyprowadzenie nauki poza mury uniwersytetu, a przy okazji rozbrojenie mitów jakie narosły wokół eksperymentów i zjawisk psychologicznych. Become a supporter of this podcast: ...
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Willkommen beim Podcast "Klinische Psychologie", dem Podcast, der die bedeutsamsten und neuesten Forschungsergebnisse zur Psychotherapie beleuchtet. Nicht nur Fachleute können von diesem Podcast profitieren: Auch Betroffene oder Angehörige erfahren, welche Therapieformen bei Angststörungen, Depressionen, Zwangsstörungen etc. besonders wirksam sind. NEU: Zu allen Episoden gibt es jetzt Video-Versionen auf YouTube! (Kanalname:
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The Sex and Psychology Podcast is the sex ed you never got in school—and won’t find anywhere else. Kinsey Institute researcher Dr. Justin Lehmiller takes you on a journey through the psychology of sex and relationships, offering practical tips along the way that can help you take your intimate life to the next level. Learn more on Dr. Lehmiller’s blog at
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A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now. For business enquires please email New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopif ...
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Psychologie: Wissensproviant

Psychologin M.Sc. C. Prochnow

Wissensproviant: Der kompakte Proviant mit Beiträgen aus der Psychologie für Wissbegierige. ;) Episoden bis einschließlich Folge 73 sind seit Ende 2023 nicht mehr verfügbar. Weitere Infos unter: - Quelle Intro/Outro Melodie-Ausschnitt: von Draganov89 bei Pixabay.
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Podcast o tym, jak wykorzystać odkrycia psychologii w swoim codziennym życiu, zarówno osobistym jak i zawodowym. Będziemy koncentrowali się przede wszystkim na praktycznych aspektach psychologii, ale nie zabraknie też ciekawostek oraz odpowiedzi na wasze pytania.
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Liebe auf den ersten Blick: Gibt es die wirklich? Kann jeder zum Workaholic werden? Und: Was steckt hinter Phänomen wie dem Helfersyndrom oder Emotional Eating? In diesem Podcast beantwortet die Psychologin und Wissenschaftsjournalistin Fanny Jimenez zusammen mit Redakteurin Derman Deniz und Gästen eure Fragen rund um psychologische Themen aus dem Alltag. Never Mind hilft euch dabei, eure Gedanken und eure Gefühle im Alltag zu verstehen: wo sie herkommen, warum sie sinnvoll sind – und wie ih ...
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This is NOT a professional therapy podcast. This is simply the view of the world through the lens of someone who happens to be a clinical psychologist. It is not polite, it is definitely not professional, but it IS real.
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This is a podcast about deciphering human behavior and understanding why people do the things they do. I, Zach Elwood, talk with people from a wide range of fields about how they make sense of human behavior and psychology. I've talked to jury consultants, interrogation professionals, behavior researchers, sports analysts, professional poker players, to name a few. There are more than 135 episodes, many of them quite good (although some say I'm biased). To learn more, go to PeopleWhoReadPeop ...
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Psychologen beim Frühstück

Annika Lohstroh, Michael Thiel

Psychologen beim Frühstück belauschen, wie sie über die Themen reden, die sie gerade beschäftigen: Von der "Psychologie des Lügens", über "Energievampire" und das Streitthema "Ordnung" bis hin zur "Macht des Vergebens". Immer persönlich, immer menschlich aber mit psychologischen Erklärungsversuchen, warum wir uns wie verhalten. Unsere Zuhörer lieben es, mit uns auf den Ohren zusammen zu frühstücken: "Danke für die Sendung ! Ich habe ein neues Hobby am Sonntagmorgen: Bügeln und Eure Sendung h ...
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Forensic Psychology

Circle Of Insight Productions

Dr. Carlos is an adjunct Professor in Forensic Psychology and Criminal psychopathology. He discusses concepts in the world of forensic psychology. He discusses legal issues pertaining to forensic psychology, psychology disorders, the criminal justice system and more
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Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting

Dr. Lisa Damour/Good Trouble Productions

“Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting” is the essential podcast for parents seeking expert guidance, tested strategies, and psychological insights on raising kids, especially tweens and teens. Join renowned clinical psychologist Dr. Lisa Damour and former journalist and mom of two Reena Ninan as they explore real-life parenting challenges. Looking to learn more about how to boost kids’ resilience, build their confidence, or support their emotional well-being? Dr. Lisa and Reena have got you ...
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The Psychedelic Psychologist is a conversational-style podcast hosted by Dr. Ryan Westrum with clients and guests who use talk therapy to integrate Psychedelic experiences for healing and personal transformation. Tune in to hear people’s experiences, breakthroughs and stories of healing addiction, depression, and trauma through Psychedelics. Dr. Ryan Westrum gracefully and empathetically narrates real therapy sessions with people in their most vulnerable and transformational moments.
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Dipl. Psych. Eskil Burck

"" konzentriert sich auf neueste Erkenntnisse der Lehr-/ und Lernpsychologie. Ziel ist es, eine Brücke zu schlagen, zwischen Forschung und Praxis. Denn was nutzt all die psychologische Forschung, wenn wir sie nicht benutzen? (Mehr Infos finden Sie auf NEU: Zu allen Episoden gibt es jetzt Video-Versionen auf YouTube! (Kanalname:
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Die Geheimnisse eines Mentalisten - Kommunikation, NLP, Hypnose, Coaching und Psychologie

Alexander Schelle - Mentalist und Hypnotiseur - Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Kommunikation, Coaching, NLP und Psychologie

Mein Name ist Alexander Schelle und ich stehe seit mehr als 20 Jahren als Mentalist und Hypnotiseur auf der Bühne. Ich bin ausgebildet als Hypnose- und NLP-Coach und biete neben meinen Shows auch Seminare und Vorträge. Der Podcast ‘Die Geheimnisse eines Mentalisten’ soll auf unterhaltsame Weise einen Einblick in die Welt des Unterbewusstseins geben – in die Welt der Psychologie und der Hypnose. In den psychologischen Folgen werde ich einen Blick auf ansonsten weitgehend verborgene Seiten uns ...
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Jestem praktykiem. Matką czwórki dzieci, pracuję na co dzień z młodzieżą, rodzicami, nauczycielami. Moim celem jest wzmacnianie rodziców, by byli dla swych dzieci autentycznymi i kochającymi przewodnikami.
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The Addiction Psychologist

Samuel Acuff and Noah Emery

Drs. Noah Emery and Samuel Acuff interview researchers, clinicians, and policymakers in the field of addiction psychology with the hopes of enhancing recovery. Official podcast of the Society for Addiction Psychology.
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In this 8-10 minute podcast, I as a psychologist and a priest use my training and skills to examine the Gospels. I will present alternative interpretations and insights into the meaning of Scripture for men and women in the 21st century. I can be reached at
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Przed Tobą świat, ludzie, zachowania i emocje, ujęte i wyjaśnione przez psychologię. Jesteśmy zespołem psychologów, coachów i psychoterapeutów, którzy każdego dnia pracują z wyjątkowymi i jedynymi w swoim rodzaju osobami. Usiądź wygodnie i zamknij oczy. Psychologia ma przed Tobą wiele wyjaśnień, a człowiek kryje tajemnice. Zapraszamy Cię do wspólnego poszukiwania odpowiedzi. Wszystkie odcinki podcastów, tworzone są przez zespół specjalistów SOMÉNTIQ. Opieramy się na literaturze naukowej, don ...
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I am a transgender woman, an Educational Psychologist, and a scientist published many times over in the field of gender diversity thanks almost entirely to some truly outstanding trainees and colleagues. On Classroom Psychology we take the questions asked by public figures, even those posed as confident declarations, and we look to the scientific literature to find answers. Join me, and together we'll create a society where everyone can find a place to belong.
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Three licensed therapists breakdown and analyze popular movies and characters from the perspectives of an individual, child, and a marriage and family therapist. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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show series
O metodzie progresywnej relaksacji Jackobsona. Timestamps: 12:47 Procedura Jackobsona Łap mnie na: 🐦 Twitter @realKarKoz 📸 Instagram at @dr_kkoz_official 💼 LinkedIn at k-koziara 📚 ResearchGate at Karolina_Koziara Become a supporter of this podcast:…
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Human beings have an overwhelming tendency to overemphasize the significance of the present without considering context or historical perspective. For many, here and now is as good as it gets - we have steadily progressed from a savage past, and all we have to look forward to is the great unknown. But if our literature and cinema are anything to go…
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Ein altbekannter Spruch lautet: Was dich nicht umbringt, macht dich stärker! Was sagt die Forschung zu dieser Aussage? Sind Menschen, die viele Traumata und Krisen durchlaufen haben, später wirklich resilienter?Für Fragen und Feedback: Dipl. Psych. Eskil BurckDas Buch:…
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Nur die Klügsten hören diesen Podcast...In diesem Video tauchen wir in die faszinierende Welt der „Egofalle“ ein – eine Beeinflussungstechnik, die auf der Überzeugung basiert, dass Menschen eher zustimmen, wenn sie dabei ihre positiven Eigenschaften bestätigen können. Wir werfen einen Blick auf die aktuelle Studie „Egotistic Trap as a Social Influe…
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Dr Kirk answers patron emails. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. Become a member: Become a patron: Email: Websi…
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W tym odcinku zabieram Cię w podróż do Tajlandii, gdzie odkrywam, jak żyć prawdziwie i uważnie. Opowiem o dwóch prostych, ale przełomowych metodach: praktykowaniu „jeden moment, jeden dzień w jednej chwili” oraz angażowaniu się w czynności, które uniemożliwiają multitasking. Dowiesz się, jak zwolnić, zatrzymać czas i poczuć życie na nowo. Gotowy na…
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Dans cet épisode 212, la sexothérapeute et naturopathe Gwennaëlle Deroost partage ses conseils pour raviver l'intimité et la complicité au sein du couple. Vous découvrirez des astuces pratiques pour renforcer les liens, raviver la passion et favoriser une communication authentique entre partenaires. Sur le podcast de, nous sommes en…
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Romantic comedies are one of the most popular film genres. But how accurate are rom-coms in the way they portray sex, love, and relationships? My guests today are the hosts of a new podcast that uses the science of relationships to separate fact from fiction in some of the biggest rom-coms of all time. We’re going to explore some of the things that…
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There is a lot of terrible news out there, so much so that we could spend every hour of every day reading it and still not be done. What's worse is that we can now access that news at any time, any where, any place from our phones and this has lead to a phenomena known as doomscrolling. Doomscrolling may feel comforting, but it leads to more existe…
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Share your thoughts with me Get in touch : Check out our upcoming retreat in 2025 : My Lifestyle and cook book Living Ayurveda is now available on Amazon :由Charlotte
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[Rerun] What is it like to be attracted to your therapist? Can it help? Also, what does it feel like to have dissociative identity disorder? A listener tells us. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. Become a member:…
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Maggie and Tim continue their Q and A session with creator of Psych, Steve Franks! Some of the questions they answer are "Who was the most excited to sing?" and "Was any improvised?" and so much more! ​Sponsor: - 25% off ALL mattress orders and TWO FREE Pillows Follow, Follow, Follow! Instagram: @thepsychologistsarein Twitter: @psychologi…
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This week Scott is joined by one of Australia's foremost practitioners of acceptance and commitment therapy, Dr. Russ Harris. Scott and Russ discuss Dr. Harris'' "Happiness Trap” cards, which are designed to invigorate one's mental health with ideas to boost self-esteem and challenge intrusive thoughts among other mental health practices. See omnys…
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In this episode, another in the Thriving at Work series, we take a look at how sleep contibutes to our wellbeing and performance at work and ask: can you really thrive when you haven't had enough sleep? Full show notes for this episode can be found at Thanks for listening!…
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Dr Kirk answers patron emails. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Dr. Kirk's clones & AI answers 08:27 Repeating yourself & Dr. Kirk's hearing 32:25 Dr. Kirk's breakup advice & playlist 42:32 2022 OPP 43:56 Are these red flags of narcissism? Become a membe…
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How can you begin to heal from complex PTSD? In this episode, Jill sits down with Stephanie Foo to explore her memoir, What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma, a deeply personal account of her healing journey through complex PTSD (CPTSD). Stephanie shares what it’s like to carry the weight of complex trauma, offering insights in…
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Do you have trouble with interpersonal relationships? Have you been told you're a bit too harsh, critical, intense, or overbearing? This week, the Savvy Psychologist will help you focus on a communication skill designed to help you have more effective communication in your relationships. Savvy Psychologist is hosted by Dr. Monica Johnson. A transcr…
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Does shopping bring you joy? Or do you feel a bit of pain and regret every time you have to make a purchase? Many of us will be shopping for gifts in the upcoming weeks—whether we enjoy it or not. Scott Rick, PhD, of the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, discusses how our emotions drive our buying behaviors, why some people spend mo…
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Zapraszam na kolejny wywiad z cyklu: „Różnorodność niejedno ma imię”, gdzie rozmawiam z Psycholożką, Autorką książek psychologicznych, w tym „Depresja, czyli gdy każdy oddech boli”, „To nie smutek, to depresja. Poradnik dla rodziców nastolatków w kryzysie”. Podczas wywiadu dowiesz się Czym jest depresja? Jak odróżnić depresję od przedł…
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Czy wasze przekonania o sobie, świecie, o byciu szczęśliwym ułatwiają Wam życie, czy raczej utrudniają, uniemożliwiają podejmowanie działań i powodują, że stoicie w miejscu? Dzisiaj chciałbym dać Wam okazję do tego, żeby się nad tym zastanowić, a w razie potrzeby ustalić, jak sobie z niekorzystnymi przekonaniami radzić. Ponadto finanse oraz ciekawo…
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[Rerun] Given all the misinformation on the internet, choosing the right degree can be nearly impossible. Dr. Kirk Honda provides a guide to choosing the right degree for you. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. Become a member:…
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“Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting” is the essential podcast for parents seeking expert guidance, tested strategies, and psychological insights on raising kids, especially tweens and teens. Join renowned clinical psychologist Dr. Lisa Damour and former journalist and mom of two Reena Ninan as they explore real-life parenting challenges. Looking…
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Our sexuality is something that evolves and changes over time. However, traditional sex education does a poor job of preparing us for those changes. In today’s show, we’re going to talk about how to stay sexually healthy for your entire life. We’re going to explore what people at different stages of life need to know, why maintaining sexual health …
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This week, Maggie and Tim welcome the creator of Psych, Steve Franks to the show for a special 2 part Q and A episode of Psych: The Musical. The trio answer fan questions such as how long did the musical take to film, did the cast have to take singing lessons and so much more! ​Sponsors: - 50% off your first haircare subscriptio…
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Über psychische Erkrankungen zu sprechen – vor allem, wenn es einen selbst betrifft – war lange Zeit ein ziemliches Tabu-Thema. Inzwischen gehen viele, aber nicht alle Menschen, offener damit um. Bei der Frage, wann es aber Zeit ist, sich auf die Couch zu setzen und eine Therapie zu beginnen, gibt es sehr viel Unsicherheit. Und einige sagen: Eigent…
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The best things in life aren't always the easiest and it's often this exertion and extra effort that holds us back from diving in or fully committing. Whether it's a new routine, an ambitious study schedule or workout plan, knowing how we can use psychology and neuroscience to make hard tasks easier is incredibly valuable. In today's episode we dis…
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Send us a text We are encouraged to stand firm Lk 21:19 and be careful (Lk 21:34). These are valuable lessons for life, not just for coping with the end times but also applicable in the present moment. I wonder if Jesus was talking about the end of the world or teaching us something about our spiritual lives. I wonder if Jesus is telling us to be r…
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Dr Kirk answers patron emails. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. Become a member: Become a patron: Email: Websi…
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My guest today, Keith Kurlander, has seen all facets of mental health practice and business ownership, from solo clinician to podcast host to influencer and large-scale business owner. He chats with me today about the journey through each of these stages. We get into the “how” but also the “why” behind some of his choices, giving you a glimpse into…
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Welcome to your weekly dose of The Psychedelic Psychologist. This week we drop in with Guy. A passionate spirit who tells his story of overcoming addiction and finding happiness. Sharing that with the psychedelic experiences he now is touching emotions he has never felt. A Reflection on Family and Empathy In the journey towards healing and sobriety…
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Folge 277: Sag mal…DANKE Studien haben herausgefunden, dass am ehesten Dankbarkeit gut für unsere physische und psychische Gesundheit ist. Doch wie kann man angesichts dieser Krisen, die es momentan gibt, jeder Menge Druck und Dauer-Stress so etwas wie Dankbarkeit empfinden? Und ist Dankbarkeit nicht eher eine Sache für Schwächlinge? Sollte man sic…
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Verändere dein Leben Hast du das Gefühl, dass dir manchmal der wirkliche Schlüssel zu einem erfüllten Leben entgleitet? In diesem Video zeige ich dir, wie eine einfache – oft übersehene – Veränderung deinem Leben eine ganz neue Richtung geben kann. Wenn du bereit bist, die Augen zu öffnen und eine unerschlossene Quelle von Zufriedenheit und Erfolg …
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