O Podcast Quadrangular Kaza foi feito para facilitar o seu dia a dia. Ministrações, Aulas da Escola Bíblica e muito mais para facilitar o seu dia a dia.
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- Hej, miło Cię tu widzieć! Jeśli lubisz creepypasty i klimat opowiadań grozy to dobrze trafiłeś! Rozsiądź się wygodnie, załóż słuchawki i posłuchaj... Chcesz zostać Wspierającym? Zapraszam!: https://anchor.fm/quadrotes/subscribe
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Podcast Quadrangular Vida nova e Young Sessions
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No ‘Na Quadra’ dos canais ESPN, você fica por dentro de tudo no mundo da bola laranja. NBA? NBB? Euroliga? É aqui com Ari Aguiar e Guilherme Giovannoni!
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Im "Mannheimer Morgen"-True Crime-Podcast „Verbrechen im Quadrat“ taucht Gerichts- und Kriminalreporterin Agnes Polewka in Verbrechen ein, die Mannheim und die Rhein-Neckar-Region erschüttert haben. Für ihren Nachrufe-Podcast "WeiterLeben" ist Agnes Polewka 2024 mit dem renommierten Theodor-Wolff-Preis ausgezeichnet worden.
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Captains Quadrant a Star Trek and SciFI Podcast with your hosts Jason Roy Gaston and Joe Dove! We are be the main hub for all laughs and chats about the world of Science Fiction! New episodes premiere join us LIVE at 9pm EST on Youtube. Captains Quadrant is about looking back at all wonderings and queries about recent or past #StarTrek and #SciFI shows.
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Four-quadrant films are movies designed to appeal to the biggest, widest audience possible. In the process, they can often leave out a lot of LGBTQ+ representation – but end up loaded with subtext. In The Queer Quadrant, hosts Brooke Solomon and Jordan Gustafson examine cinema in all its cultural contexts, and explore why your favorite four-quadrant blockbuster is maybe…not as straight as you think it is.
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"Die Quadrataugen" ist ein Podcast mit Fabian Douglas, Lisa Oppermann sowie Laura Samide vom YouTube Channel "GigaTV Mag" und "Nerdkultur" Host Marco Risch. Sie reden über Streaminghighlights, Kinoreleases und Serienstarts, manchmal auch mit Spezialgästen! Der Podcast erscheint alle 2 Wochen am Freitag. Die Quadrataugen ist ein Podcast, der im Auftrag von Vodafone von der Jellyfish Germany GmbH produziert wird. Aufnahme & Schnitt: Ron Harupa Produktion: Laura Pia Samide Und wenn Du jetzt noc ...
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With increasing information overload and packed work schedules, staying up-to-date on the newest oncologic advances is harder than ever. But take heart! The QuadShot is freshly brewed four mornings each week so you can quickly down and digest the day's most pertinent cancer news.
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A chapter by chapter reread of the Empyrean series by Rebecca Yarros. We will discuss themes, foreshadowing and just generally have a good time.
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Welcome to Quad Cities Live! KWQC’s Morgan Ottier and Kyle Kiel highlight everything they love about the Quad City Area. We’ll share the best place to find unique dinners, gifts, and fashion. Get a front-row seat to Quad City events. Hear from experts about how to keep your kids entertained at some of the best places in the Quad Cities. Thank you for listening to Quad Cities Live.
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A frase que dá nome ao podcast é de Jorge Jesus. As histórias são contadas pelo Rui Miguel Tovar. O Desporto está recheado de acontecimentos e frases que nem parecem reais, mas são.
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Filmpodcast der Quadrataugenrunde
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Quadball (früher: Quidditch) ist eine Mischung aus Handball, Völkerball und Rugby. Und egal, ob du den Spruch schon tausend Mal gesagt hast, erst seit kurzem Fragen beantworten musst wie “Fliegt ihr dann auch?” oder ob du letzte Woche erst herausgefunden hast, wie man das mit dem Schnatz macht: Willkommen im Quadcast Club. Hier sprechen Veteran*innen Henni und Niklas über alte und neue Zeiten, Entwicklungen, Regeln, News, Quove und Community. Infos, Feedback, Liebe an [email protected] ...
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En este podcast encontrarás historias, vivencias, conocimiento y análisis, sobre todo de temas de contabilidad y de impuestos, también trataremos temas de actualidad y temas de crecimiento personal y profesional y mucho emprendimiento.
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Aula FAT 2019
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Changing radio forever
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Podcast by Q7coputers
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These conversations address the challenges of faith and the college experience.
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Podcast que se aventura no universo dos quadrinhos.
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Pour les vieux Geeks de l'apocalypse...
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Tudo sobre o universo das hq's, dentro e fora das páginas.
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Podcast com quadrinistas paraibanos e convidados.
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Talk about everything and anything
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Podcast by Q540
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A pop culture blog for geeks
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The best electronic music
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A pop culture blog for geeks
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4 friends who watch movies and like to discuss them afterward, for your amusement!
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Welcome to the Quadri Hamzat podcast, where amazing things happen.
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The Quadcast introduces a new show where we talk all things college life! From good study habits to not eating ramen everyday, this conversational podcast entertains and helps student adjust to college life.
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Podcast by Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular, Pouso Alegre - MG
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funky fun time
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A pop culture blog for geeks
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Un espai que fusiona msica i art. D'aquesta manera es posen en com dos vessants de la creaci humana que, malgrat l'impacte social que han tingut al llarg de la histria, no s'acostumen a encarar i contrastar. Els dissabtes, a les 16 h
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Podcast by QUAD-Derby
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A new podcast about the movies industry, Oscar season, pop culture and more from journalist, writer, critic and Academy Awards pundit Gregory Ellwood.
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If you compete or want to compete in Wellness this podcast is for you! Learn everything you need to know to be your best Wellness competitor!
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A pop culture blog for geeks
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We are a team of powerlifting woman of all shapes and sizes here with everyday topics. Not only do we discuss the sport of powerlifting but so many other related sports and our everyday life. No topic is safe from our honest opinion. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quadz-cast/support
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Untold stories about the battle ground at the age of 20s
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Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular do Parque São Bento em Sorocaba - Sp, liderada pelo pastor Jefferson Campos.
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QuadPodcast is hosted by Bob Ness, a C-6 quadriplegic. The podcast is designed to inform, educate and entertain. Listen and learn about people with spinal cord injuries: We’re independent people who lead interesting lives. We’re all walks of life, nice people, jerks, funny, dull, partiers, teetotalers, doctors, lawyers, actors, musicians, etc. everything that makes people humans. Hopefully you’ll meet some or all of them…well, meeting all would be impossible, but at least you’ll hear some co ...
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Um podcast de gibi. Com Andrei Moscheto & Lula Carneiro
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Quadrivia is the Podcast that takes you a step beyond trivia, and into the minds of the people who craft it. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quadrivia/support
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We just talk about anything and everything Cover art photo provided by JJ Ying on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jjying
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!由quadcitieslive
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Ep. 01- 5T De Anticipos, ingresos y Contabilidad - Todo lo que querías saber acerca de los ANTICIPOS y su tratamiento fiscal
En este episodio de "De impuestos, contabilidad y otras historias", exploramos a fondo el tema de los anticipos fiscales con un invitado de lujo: el Mtro. Amaro Jaen Torres Velázquez Cule, experto en estrategia fiscal. Desmitificaremos los conceptos clave y aprenderemos cómo optimizar el tratamiento fiscal de los anticipos en tu negocio. ¿Quieres f…
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Der beste Sport der Welt braucht die besten Volunteers der Welt. Im Team, beim Deutschen Quadballbund, bei Turnieren, in Rulebookrunden, bei Quidcrush, … eine davon ist Gast in dieser Folge. Wir sprechen darüber was Volunteers tun, was sie brauchen, wer sie braucht, wie sie die passende Aufgabe für sich finden - und wie sie sich selbst schützen. Br…
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Samantha and Kellsie dive into Chapter 11! Violet's on the moon over Xaden's letter and just can't stop thinking about it. The mail is being redacted, Jesinia accidentally gets a 2nd year arrested, and Varrish really really wants to see Andarna....he's obsessed y'all. Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – http…
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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Pozbyłem się Mojego Oprawcy. Dziś Płaczę na Jego Pogrzebie... - Creepypasta od Widza [Lektor PL]
Nie wiedziałem gdzie jestem. Co się ze mną stało? Dlaczego... dlaczego nie mogę się ruszyć?
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Star Trek Nemesis is the final film of the TNG crew and is often panned by many in the community, however our special guest and Joe Dove share their thoughts on the film in a new light. Rob is the guitarist and lead singer of The Beverly Crushers a fantastic TNG focused Rock Band, please give them a listen and follow below! https://open.spotify.com…
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Na Quadra #237 - Com Lakers e Warriors voando, o Thunder ainda é favorito? Embiid lesionado!
Ari Aguiar e Guilherme Giovannoni falam sobre a fase espetacular de Los Angeles Lakers e Golden State Warriors; será que a dupla ameaça o favoritismo do Oklahoma City Thunder no Oeste? Joel Embiid fora da temporrada, o surpreendente Detroit Pistons e tudo da NBA! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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Unsere Meinung zu ALLEN Alien-Filmen und der Serie Alien: Earth Mit "Alien: Earth" spielt das Alien-Universum zum ersten Mal auf der Erde. Doch ist das wirklich eine gute Idee? Oder hätte das Alien-Franchise schon längst begraben werden sollen? Darüber diskutieren die Quadrataugen Lisa, Marco und Fabian in dieser Folge! Danach siehst du die Alien-F…
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It's the third annual QQ Qualifier Awards – aka the Quallies! In advance of the Oscars, Jordan and Brooke award the coveted "Rainbow Prism" to their favorite performances of the 2024 cinematic year, along with a healthy dose of subjective criticism, Brooke slacking on viewing stats, and Jordan's "chaos picks" for new awards. Follow us on Twitter, B…
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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Quarta Pit Stop - 26/02/2025 Pr. Bruno
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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After the traumatic events of chapter 9, Violet takes her life into her own hands and challenges the crazed first year. Also, the return of Xaden! Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – https://discord.gg/xuDZAjWHPhTiktok - @readers.quadrantBlueSky - @readersquadpodSamantha's BlueSky - @violetarcheronTip Jar - …
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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Jestem psychologiem. Moja Klientka Może Mieć Problem z Czymś Więcej niż ze Zwykłą Chorobą - Reddit NoSleep Creepypasta [Lektor PL]
Odkryłem, że moja klientka widzi coś więcej niż tylko siebie w lustrze. Co takiego sprawia, że ma zaburzenia odżywiania? To był zdecydowanie najdziwniejszy przypadek w mojej karierze psychologa!
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Culto de Domingo
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Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni e Dr. Marcus Montenegro falam de lesões no basquete e trombose que afastou Wembanyama da temporada da NBA. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices由ESPN Brasil, Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!由quadcitieslive
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Quarta Pit Stop 19/02/2024 Pr. Guilherme
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!由quadcitieslive
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!由quadcitieslive
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Join Kellsie as she chats about one of our favourite characters Ridoc Gamlyn! Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – https://discord.gg/xuDZAjWHPhTiktok - @readers.quadrantBlueSky - @readersquadpodSamantha's BlueSky - @violetarcheronTip Jar - https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/readers-quadrant The Pyre by Kevin MacL…
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Pracuję w Sklepie Na Nocną Zmianę. Coś Zaczęło Mnie Tu Odwiedzać... - Reddit NoSleep Creepypasta [Lektor PL]
Pewnej nocy w sklepie, w którym pracuję, pojawił się dziwny człowiek. Chociaż człowiek... Nie, to nie do końca dobre określenie na to, co mnie odwiedziło...
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The Enterprise transports an elderly Starfleet Admiral to negotiate a hostage crisis. When the Admiral takes a de-aging drug, he endangers both his life and the mission.#startrek#startrekthenextgeneration#flu#cats#tooshort#picard#captain #Karnas
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Ari Aguiar e Guilherme Giovannoni discutem tudo que de melhor acontece na NBA! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices由ESPN Brasil, Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!由quadcitieslive
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Unsere Meinung zu Captain America 4 mit Anthony Mackie Cap is back! Nach seiner eigenen Serie kehrt der neue Captain America in "Brave New World" auf die Leinwand zurück. Gelingt dem MCU ein neuer Höhenflug? Oder stürzt Captain America ab? Darüber diskutieren die Quadrataugen Laura, Marco und Fabian in dieser Folge! Timecodes: 00:00:00 Intro00:00:2…
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Jordan and Brooke are rejoined by screenwriter Nat Torres for a very special Valentine's Day episode! We talk Edgar Wright's 2011 cult classic, including swordfights, the power of love AND the power of self respect, manic pixie dream girls, bi-furiosity, Brie Larson in peak "gay awakening" mode, and some of our all-time favorite camerawork. Plus, a…
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Auf diesen Prozess warten die Menschen Mannheim seit Monaten, auf eines der größten Verfahren in der Mannheimer Geschichte: Am 13. Februar hat vor dem Oberlandesgericht in Stuttgart der Prozess gegen Sulaiman A. begonnen – den Mann, der am 31. Mai 2024 das Messerattentat auf dem Mannheimer Marktplatz begangen haben soll. Der Polizist Rouven Laur wu…
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Compartilhe este episódio com mais alguém, e nos siga nas redes sociais: @quadrangularvidanova
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Compartilhe este episódio com mais alguém, e nos siga nas redes sociais: @quadrangularvidanova
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!由quadcitieslive
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Foi guarda-redes do Porto, Braga, da seleção, ganhou a Liga Europa pelo Sevilha. Mas mais do que a carreira vem falar de um estigma no futebol, a saúde mental nos jogadores. Beto Pimparel. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.由Observador
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Quad Cities Live features the best people, places and things about our hometown. More QCL Content here!由quadcitieslive
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Sam rides solo as we get into Chapter 9! Listen in for the details! Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – https://discord.gg/xuDZAjWHPhTiktok - @readers.quadrantBlueSky - @readersquadpodSamantha's BlueSky - @violetarcheronTip Jar - https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/readers-quadrant The Pyre by Kevin MacLeod (incom…
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