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StarTalk Radio

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Science, pop culture, and comedy collide on StarTalk Radio! Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and Director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, and his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities, and scientific experts explore astronomy, physics, and everything else there is to know about life in the universe. New episodes premiere Tuesdays. Keep Looking Up! Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of StarTalk Radio ad-free and a whole week early. Start a free trial now on Apple Podca ...
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Toda quinta-feira, histórias que você nem sabia que precisava ouvir. Rádio Novelo Apresenta é um podcast original da Rádio Novelo, apresentado por Branca Vianna. Acesse conteúdos adicionais no nosso site: https://bit.ly/rn_apresenta Siga o nosso perfil no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radionovelo/ Assine nossa newsletter: https://bit.ly/newsletterna
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Radio Ambulante

My Cultura, Radio Ambulante and iHeartPodcasts

Radio Ambulante es un podcast pionero en español que cuenta crónicas latinoamericanas en audio, celebrando la diversidad y complejidad de la región. / Radio Ambulante is an award-winning Spanish language podcast that uses long-form audio journalism to tell neglected and under-reported Latin American and Latino stories.
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Radio Naukowe

Radio Naukowe - Karolina Głowacka

RN to mądre rozmowy o naszym świecie i nas samych. O próbach zrozumienia rzeczywistości na najgłębszym poziomie. Rozmawiam z naukowcami i naukowczyniami, którzy - fenomenalnie! - opowiadają o swoich badaniach i dziedzinach wiedzy. Dyskutujemy nie tylko o tym CO wiemy, ale też SKĄD to wiemy. Zobacz nasze Wydawnictwo RN: https://radionaukowe.pl/wydawnictwo/ 👉 Zostań Patronem: https://patronite.pl/radionaukowe 👉 Wesprzyj jednorazowo: https://suppi.pl/radionaukowe 👉 Więcej: https://radionaukowe. ...
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Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Host Manoush Zomorodi inspires us to learn more about the world, our communities, and most importantly, ourselves. Get more brainy miscellany with TED Radio Hour+. Your subscription supports the show and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/ted
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歴史を愛し、歴史を知りすぎてしまった歴史GEEK2人と圧倒的歴史弱者がお届けする歴史インターネットラジオです。 歴史というレンズを通して「人間とは何か」「私たち現代人の抱える悩み」「世の中の流れ」を痛快に読み解いていく!? 笑いあり、涙ありの新感覚・歴史キュレーションプログラム! ☆Apple & Spotify Podcast 部門別ランキング1位獲得! ☆ジャパンポッドキャストアワード2019 大賞&Spotify賞 ダブル受賞! ※正式名称は「古典ラジオ」ではなく「コテンラジオ」です ーーー COTEN RADIO is an entertainment radio talk program for history , published by the crazy history geeks group "COTEN" in Japan. ☆Apple & Spotify Podcast in Japan category ranking No.1 ! ☆Japan Podcast Awards 2019 Grand prize and Spotify prize !
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Freakonomics Radio

Freakonomics Radio + Stitcher

Freakonomics co-author Stephen J. Dubner uncovers the hidden side of everything. Why is it safer to fly in an airplane than drive a car? How do we decide whom to marry? Why is the media so full of bad news? Also: things you never knew you wanted to know about wolves, bananas, pollution, search engines, and the quirks of human behavior. To get every show in the Freakonomics Radio Network without ads and a monthly bonus episode of Freakonomics Radio, start a free trial for SiriusXM Podcasts+ o ...
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Radio Atlantic

The Atlantic

The Atlantic has long been known as an ideas-driven magazine. Now we’re bringing that same ethos to audio. Like the magazine, the show will “road test” the big ideas that both drive the news and shape our culture. Through conversations—and sometimes sharp debates—with the most insightful thinkers and writers on topics of the day, Radio Atlantic will complicate overly simplistic views. It will cut through the noise with clarifying, personal narratives. It will, hopefully, help listeners make ...
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Bayerischer Rundfunk

Wenn Reporter an die Basis gehen, den Alltag hinter den Schlagzeilen ausleuchten und aktuellen Entwicklungen im wirklichen Leben nachspüren: Atmosphärische Geschichten von Menschen aus Bayern und der Welt.
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Radio Headspace

Headspace Studios

Join us every weekday morning to take a few moments to step out of the internal chatter and external noise. We'll pause and reflect to consider what brings us together in this shared human condition and how we can live a life that best reflects our limitless potential. https://www.headspace.com/articles/la-wildfires
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Rádio Escafandro

Tomás Chiaverini

Em cada episódio, uma investigação jornalística. Com uma hora de duração, os episódios são um mosaico de entrevistas inéditas, gravações em campo e áudios de arquivo, costurados pela narração do jornalista Tomás Chiaverini. Os temas são os mais variados e a abordagem é sempre profunda, irreverente e inusitada.
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Relic Radio Science Fiction brings you old time radio stories from sci-fi's greatest writers, as well as original stories for shows like Dimension X, X Minus 1, 2000 Plus, Beyond Tomorrow, and much more! Travel through space and time as they saw it all those years ago.
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News, politics, history and more from Jacobin. Featuring The Dig, Long Reads, Confronting Capitalism, Behind the News, Jacobin Radio with Suzi Weissman, and occasional specials.
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show series
Timmerie explores what actually brings women joy, and it’s NOT what modern feminism is selling. The Big Lie: “Empowerment” Through Motherhood Rejection 🚫👶 International Women’s Day rolls around, and social media is flooded with the same old messaging: women are “empowered” by abortion, contraception, surrogacy, and even daycare. Timmerie argues tha…
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How has the cease-fire changed water access in Gaza? And what does it mean when the people in charge of keeping the water flowing are displaced? Host Hanna Rosin talks with Claudine Ebeid, The Atlantic’s executive producer of audio, who reports on her visit with water worker Marwan Bardawil, who is now a Gazan refugee living in Egypt. Read more abo…
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Featuring Eric Blanc on We Are the Union: How Worker-to-Worker Organizing Is Revitalizing Labor and Winning Big. Interview conducted by guest host Gabriel Winant. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Defend federal workers and federal services: actionnetwork.org/forms/let-us-work/ Contact the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC) for hel…
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We remember the late Anthony DeMello with the help of University of London Theologian Michael Barnes as well as recordings of the colorful DeMello during one of his many popular retreats. To see additional resources and our other programs, please visit humanmedia.org . Humankind specials are heard on NPR and PRX member-stations, in association with…
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– To było nie tylko mycie pokładu, jak to się najczęściej pokazuje, ale ciężka praca z żaglami. Przy zmiennych wiatrach trzeba było bez przerwy je nastawiać, poluźniać, napinać… – opowiada o prof. Radosław Gaziński z Instytutu Historycznego Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. W Szczecinie, niegdyś kluczowym porcie Królestwa Prus, rozmawiamy o życiu bałtyc…
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The Whistler was a long-running radio show that aired from 1942 to 1955. It was a popular suspense thriller that featured tales of mystery, intrigue, and the supernatural. The show's signature character was The Whistler, a mysterious figure who introduced each episode and provided commentary throughout. The Whistler was created by J. Donald Wilson,…
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Foul Play At Westminster There are allegations that a dog was poisoned at the world's most famous dog show. PETA is even being questioned, as they have pronounced their hatred for breed shows like Westminster. We'll find out what's going on behind the scenes. Listen Now Animalwise Just how smart is your dog or cat? It turns out that scientific rese…
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Onde estamos na roda-gigante das epidemias? No primeiro ato: novos vírus, velhas perguntas. Por Sarah Azoubel e Bia Guimarães. No segundo ato: a irmã, a filha, e a amiga. Por Vinicius Reis. No terceiro ato: o registro de um abalo sísmico. Por Carolina Moraes. Este episódio foi produzido com o apoio da Umane, organização da sociedade civil, isenta e…
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Zeskullz Presents mixtape by: Vintage Culture01. Agustin Girl – Transient Enigma 02. Cioz feat. Bludropp - These Accordi 03. Marc Romboy, Oliver Huntemann - Schwarze Witwe 04. Vintage Culture, Izzy Bizu - If I Live Forever (Arodes Remix)05. Gorgon City - 5am at Bagleys06. Bedouin - Khazna 07. Vintage Culture, Volkoder - Give It To Me 08. Vintage Cu…
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Guest Mix Chasing Abbey01. Chasing Abbey - Oh My Johnny (Banks Of The Roses)02. Tech It Deep - Maria Maria03. Jazzy - Giving Me04. Chasing Abbey - Take Me To The Water05. Tiesto - All Nighter06. Paul Woolford - Looking For Me07. Shouse - Love Tonight08. Chasing Abbey - Feel Alive09. Chasing Abbey - Lately10. Diplo - Don’t Forget My Love11. Chasing …
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We begin with Crime Classics on this week’s Case Closed. We’ll hear Mr. Clarke’s Skeleton In Mr. Aram’s Closet; The Noise It Made, from May 12, 1954. (28:45) Our second story is The Case Of Death By Adoption, the February 8, 1953, story from Mr. District Attorney. https://traffic.libsyn.com/forcedn/e55e1c7a-e213-4a20-8701-21862bdf1f8a/CaseClosed939…
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This episode of Family Rosary Across America with Fr. Rocky and Maggie had all the good stuff: prayers, community, and even a surprise roadside encounter! 🚴‍♂️ Fr. Rocky’s Florida Adventure So, picture this: Fr. Rocky was casually biking through sunny Florida, sporting his Relevant Radio jersey like a Catholic Tour de France contender. Suddenly, a …
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01. Cheat Codes, Ownboss - Carnival02. Matroda, Dances - Britney03. Dubdogz, Volkoder - Drink04. Efim Kerbut - Factory Sounds05. Caroline Roxy, Amero, Hallasen - Another Life06. Thomas Newson, Raumakustik - Gucci Belter07. Low Steppa - Holte08. Danros - Rumba Call09. Lackmus - No Escape10. Twin Scream, Ken Bapho - Push Your Body11. Moguai - Deaf by…
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【COTEN CREWに参加しませんか?】 株式会社COTENが、コテンラジオや世界史データベースなど、人文知を社会に活かすための活動をできているのは、COTEN CREWの皆さんのおかげです。ぜひ下記リンクから、月額サポートへのご参加をお願いします。 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://coten.co.jp/cotencrew/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 【クレジット】 出演/深井龍之介・楊睿之・樋口聖典 台本制作/深井龍之介・楊睿之・西谷剛史・橋本雅也 書籍提供/株式会社バリューブックス 収録スタジオ/ACRO.POLIS 録音エンジニア/山口裕大 音声編集/株式会社FUBI タイ…
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More of Dr. Johnson’s academic work as well as methods by which you can support his work can be found at https://theorthodoxnationalist.wordpress.com/ The Redpill is a very useful school of thought that has exposed the evil of the Sexual Revolution and its effect on today's young man. Its terminology is discussed here and its important contribution…
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01. Треть Россиян Не Едят На Работе02. Мозг Стареет С 44 Лет03. В России Могут Запретить Рекламу Эзотерики04. Отпуск Для Аллергиков В России05. Милфхантинг Стал Трендом В Японии06. Volkswagen Продаёт Сосиски Вместо Машин由Radio Record
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Doug Hinderer and his daughter Monica (both therapists) just shared some solid wisdom on anxiety in marriage and parenting. Be sure to check out the full podcast hour! Key Points from the Episode: 🧠 Anxiety is Contagious: If you’re an anxious parent, your kids are likely picking up on it. So, model healthy anxiety management: […]…
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Jello again. Jack and the gang are broadcasting from Washington DC and Jack gets invited to a high-class dinner with some of the most important people in the capital. Episode 211 of The Jack Benny Show. The program originally aired on on March 15, 1936. Please email questions and comments to [email protected]. Like us on Facebook at faceboo…
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Breht goes on the Pokepreet Podcast as a guest to have a fun and fiery conversation about his ideological development, why the United States is so hostile to socialism even relative to other hyper-capitalist countries, the current grotesque state of global capitalism-imperialism, and much more! "In this thought-provoking conversation, we sit down w…
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After father receives all the bills from their Christmas spending, he launches a family-wide campaign to save money and stop wasting time. Until he realizes that its poker night. Originally aired on January 12, 1950. This is episode 21 of Father Knows Best. Please email questions and comments to [email protected]. Like us on Facebook at fac…
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Donald Trump has made restoring American industry a priority across his administrations. But rather than continue Biden’s efforts to bolster domestic manufacturing through subsidies, Trump has instituted a series of tariffs intended to reshore former pillar industries and improve US trade balance. In this episode of Confronting Capitalism, Catalyst…
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The Shadow is a collection of serialized dramas originating in 1930s pulp novels and later expanding to various media. The titular character has been featured in radio dramas, pulp magazines, comic books, television, serials, video games, and films. Initially created as a radio show narrator, The Shadow was developed into a literary character by Wa…
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