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Become a Paid Subscriber: 我们尝试着与你们一起通过了解哲学、心理学、艺术、和文化来解答我们现在生活里面对的诸多困难。 -- 如果您喜欢我们的频道,欢迎给我们留下评论,这对我们真的很有帮助! If you’re enjoying the Chinese Talk Lab, please leave us a review. It really helps! -- 如果你想要支持一下节目可以点击: If you would like to support our podcast:
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一對姊妹,兩個世界!個性不一樣到懷疑真的是姐妹嗎?來聽聽兩個那麼不一樣的人怎麼看世界!我們有時聊天,有時討論,有時辯論,有時吵架,但無論如何都能討論出新的見解。 從女性主義到左右撇子,我們什麼都能吵啦! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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三十好禍 年過三十,究竟是福是禍 古人常說三十而立 兩個三十了卻什麼都還沒立的胖 二十幾的我們總是幻想著三十的自己是什麼模樣 而如今,年過三十,卻是另一番考驗的開始? Society really loves to tell you there is a certain way you are supposed to be. A certain life you are supposed to live. A path you are supposed to take. And if you aren’t ready for that stuff at the age society decides, then it’s a huge amount of pressure. Facing the swerve in your 30s is a tough window of time for sure. Instagram | wang_and_yu 合作私訊 | Powered by Firstory Hosting
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇 30個關於台灣的熱門觀光景點與特色美食的單元,貼近生活情境的英語用語,有效提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇 彙整最常與外國友人聊天的30個話題,訓練並提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第3、4季 詞彙英語通 以主題分類呈現進階和實用篇,精選英語單字和詞組,讓你在英語的用字遣辭更精準。附有實用例句及相關詞彙片語,立即體會用法並有效提高學習的效率及興趣。 第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇 精選15個和外國友人深入聊天的主題,讓齊斌老師帶你一題一題來破解! 第6季 辦公英語通 從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。 第7季 新聞英語通 English All Pass: News 從實用新聞英語中,訓練並提升對新聞英語聽力與理解能力,進而達到雙語的能力。以新聞主題分類的方式,介紹報導情境的英語用語,強化新聞英語聽力的理解,同時讓聽者能體會其新 ...
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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🤞 台灣時間 每週三 上午十點 更新發佈 《樂活人生教室》是由吳寶芬所主持的節目,內容主要是在探討生活中哪些生活法寶可以讓我們吃的快樂、喝得瀟灑,並且幫助我們認識我們的身體,擺脫掉惱人的肥胖問題。本節目適合所有想要健康樂活的朋友們收看,一起與500芬老師活出滿分一百的健康人生。 吃,是人類生存下去的必要手段,因此懂吃的台灣人,發展出一道道令人垂涎三此的美味佳餚,但這些佳餚內所使用的食材、香料、佐料、辛香料等,是否對於身體來說是健康的,要如何健康樂活又能吃得快樂,就是一門學問了,也許從我們500芬老師那邊可以解答這個問題。 【LOHAS樂活雲】提供全球華人最SKR的節目內容與資訊,有健康、親子、理財、旅遊、英文等領域,結合專業人士的經驗談與分享,給您豐富且具知識性的影片與Podcast,讓您掌握最新節目進度。 【LOHAS樂活雲】官方網站 【LOHAS樂活雲】FB粉絲團 【LOHAS樂活雲】Youtube頻道 ...
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👉🏻 CONVERSATION M: Kate! Are you upstairs? W: Yes, I’m up here! Do you need me for something? M: Yes, I’m trying to find my pink sweater but it’s nowhere to be found. Did you happen to see it somewhere? W: I think I remember seeing it just recently. But I can’t recall where I saw it. M: Wait a second, did you pack my luggage? W: That’s right! I did…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 ■ He stood me up. 是什麼意思? (A) 他踩到我了。 (B) 他站我這邊。 (C) 他放我鴿子。 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 千萬不要照字面上翻譯「他讓我站起來」, “He stood me up.” 的意思是「他放我鴿子」,也可以 說成 “He didn’t show up.” 。如果要說「我被放鴿子了/我被爽約了」就是 “I got stood up.” 。「被 放鴿子」就是 get stood up.(被動語態,stood 是 stand 的過去分詞)。 >>教材請點: ----- #第八季生…
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-- 您可以在Apple Podcasts、Google Podcast、小宇宙,以及其他平台,搜索 TCTL陈述 收聽和訂閱。-- 如果您喜歡我们的频道,歡迎給我們留下評論,這對我們真的很有幫助!If you’re enjoying TCTL, please leave us a review. It really helps!-- 如果你想要支持一下節目可以在小宇宙上打赏⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support my podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠-- Email: thechinesetalklab@gmail.comInstagram: thechinesetalklab…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: It’s getting really late. Shouldn’t we go back to our hotel? M: This is our last stop. Trust me, you will want to see this. W: Wow, the view is spectacular! M: This is the best place for a riverside night view. W: All those lights sparkling along the river. They’re stars! M: So should we go back to our hotel now? W: Um…I think I w…
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第15講 英文檢定測驗 👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 ■ Let’s hit the road. 是什麼意思? (A) 我們走吧。 (B) 走這條路。 (C) 來壓馬路。 👉🏻 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 hit the road 不是是字面上「撞馬路」或「打馬路」的意思, Hit the road 其實是指「上路;出發; 啟程」,就是「我們走吧!」,也可以說 Let’s get going.。 >>教材出自Podcast英語通第15講: ----- #第八季生活英語通 #每周一更新 #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道 #喜歡齊斌老師…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Let’s take a break. We have a long day tomorrow. M: Hold on, there is someone at the door. I will check it out. W: Who is it? M: It’s nothing, just the housekeeping. She is returning something we dropped at the lobby. Is this bag yours? W: Yes! I’ve been looking everywhere for it! M: It’s a good thing that the maid remembers the b…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 ■ Please step on it. 是什麼意思? (A) 請踏上來。 (B) 請開快一點。 (C) 請讓一下。 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 step on it 很多人都會翻譯成「踩在上面」,這其實是錯誤的。這個慣用語的意思是「請開快點」, 用來催促司機開車快點。這裡的 it 可以看成是「油門」,就是要趕緊踩油門。也可以說 Please step on the gas. 或 Please go faster.。 >>教材出自Podcast英語通第14講: ----- #第八季生活英語通 #每周一更新 #想要無廣…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: I heard you came from the countryside? M: Yes, this is the first time I’m in a city. W: How do you like it? M: I enjoy the city and all its hustle and bustle, although I miss the quiet nights back (at) home. W: I guess that is right. The city can be noisy. M: Maybe someday I can take you to the countryside, I’m sure you will love …
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 ■ 「大庭廣眾下不要挖鼻孔。」英文怎麼說? (A) Don’t clear your nose in public. (B) Don’t dig your nose in public. (C) Don’t pick your nose in public. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 「挖」鼻孔屎,其實英語裡只要用簡單的 “pick” 就能表達!類似表達的,挖耳屎也能說 “pick one’s ear” 喔!順便補充一下,鼻屎的英文是 booger [ˈbʊɡɚ] 。 >>教材出自Podcast英語通第13講: -…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Let me tell you, this place has the best food in town. M: I can’t be sure until I see the food. W: Oh, the spaghetti is here! So, how is it? M: It looks really good. But I can’t be sure until I taste the food. W: Eat it then. M: It tastes really good. But I can’t be sure until I swallow it. W: Just enjoy your meal. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRAS…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 ■ I will see myself out. 是什麼意思呢? (A) 不用送了。 (B) 我會照顧自己。 (C) 我會注意的。 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 see somebody out 的意思是「送某人出門」,就是一幕目送他人離開的畫面,可不是「看見某人 出去」。這個片語是固定用法。當朋友想送你出門時,你想表達不讓他們送你時,就可以這樣說: I will see myself out. Thank you. >>教材出自第11講: ----- #第八季生活英語通 #每周一更新 #想要無…
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👉🏻 CONVERSATION W: I’m sorry to interrupt but… M: What is it? W: How can I put this…it is kind of disturbing when you and your friends talk so loud. We’re in a restaurant, so everyone would appreciate it if you could keep it down. M: Oh, I’m sorry. We did not notice we were making so much noise. We will be careful not to be too loud from now on. W:…
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👉🏻第10講 學習英文的經驗 Learning experience Part.1 ● What was your most interesting experience in learning English? (談談你學習英文時,最有趣的經驗) ● What was your worst experience in learning English? (談談你學習英文時,最糟糕的經驗) ----- #第八季生活英語通 #每周一更新 #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道 #喜歡齊斌老師請給我們五星好評! #想學英語韓語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Where is it…I wrote it down on a piece of paper somewhere… W: Yes sir? Did you ask for housekeeping? M: I put a piece of paper on my bedside table last night, but now it’s gone. W: I’m sorry. Was it important? M: Of course! It was the telephone number of an important contact! W: Let me check that with the room maid. Please hold on…
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👉🏻第09講 英文單字 English vocabulary Part.4 ● Have you tried English vocabulary learning methods which you felt were effective or ineffective? (有沒有嘗試過哪些,讓你覺得非常有效或無效的學英語詞彙方法?) ● Talk about the techniques for learning English vocabulary. (請談談你學習英語詞彙的方法) ----- #第八季生活英語通 #每周一更新 #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道 #喜歡齊斌老師請給我們五星好評! #想學英語韓語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! ----- …
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-- 您可以在Apple Podcasts、Google Podcast、小宇宙,以及其他平台,搜索 TCTL陈述 收聽和訂閱。 -- 如果您喜歡我们的频道,歡迎給我們留下評論,這對我們真的很有幫助!If you’re enjoying TCTL, please leave us a review. It really helps! -- 如果你想要支持一下節目可以在小宇宙上打赏 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠If you would like to support my podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ -- Email: Instagram: thechinesetalklab…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Watson! M: Do I know you? I’m not sure I recognize you… W: It’s me, Katie! We met last year in the hospital! M: Oh right! Katie. I remember you. W: How are you? It’s so funny to bump into you like this. M: Hey, if you have time, let’s have a cup of coffee and catch up. W: That sounds great. 👉🏻 WORDS & PHRASES 1. recognize (v.) 認得 …
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: This is a nice shop. Do you come here often? M: Yes I do. This is my favorite place to look for antiques. W: Check out this vase. It is so pretty! Let me take a closer look… M: Please be careful! This vase is very expensive. W: It’s ok. I will be very careful. M: It makes me nervous just (by) watching you touch it. W: Fine, I’ll l…
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● Which aspects of English vocabulary do you think is the most difficult to learn? Spelling, pronunciation, usage, or other? (你覺得英語詞彙很難學的部分是什麼呢?是拼字、發音還是用法呢?) ● People have been arguing about learning phonics and IPA symbols. Which is a better way? (自然發音法還是學習音標,以個人經驗來說,你覺得到底哪一個比較好?) ----- #第八季生活英語通 #每周一更新 #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道 #喜歡齊斌老師請給我們五星好評! #…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Excuse me… M: May I help you? W: This is my first time here in this area…and I think I am having a hard time with directions. M: Where did you come from? W: From my hotel, which should be six blocks from here. M: The Four Seasons Hotel? I can show you the way. W: Really? That would be most helpful, Thank you. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. …
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English vocabulary Part.2 ● Some people think it’s a stupid thing to learn vocabulary from a vocabulary book. Do you agree or not? Why? (「學英文背單字本 ,那是給蠢人做的事」你同意這種說法嗎?為什麼?) ● Do you think vocabulary is easy or hard to learn? Why? (你覺得英語詞彙是好學的還是難學的?為什麼?) ----- #第八季生活英語通 #每周一更新 #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道 #喜歡齊斌老師請給我們五星好評! #想學英語韓語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! …
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Room service! W: Oh yes, you’re finally here. I’m starving. M: Here are your orders. There are lobster and steak, and two bottles of our best white wine. W: You are a life-saver, thanks. M: No problem. Is there anything else you need? W: That would be all. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. room service (phr.) 客房服務 2. starving [tkfFqjaV] (adj.)…
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English vocabulary Part.1 ● What do you think about Vocabulary 7000? How did you learn those words? (你覺得英語7000詞彙有什麼看法?你的學習經驗又是什麼?) ● Many people think that learning vocabulary is learning English. What makes you think that? (很多人覺得背單字就是學英文,你的看法是什麼呢?) ----- #第八季生活英語通 #每周一更新 #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道 #喜歡齊斌老師請給我們五星好評! #想學英語韓語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! --…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: What’s there to see around here? M: There is a lot to see, I suggest you go downtown first. W: What can I find there? M: Well…you can find a couple of decent restaurants, a great shopping mall and a lot of tourists just like you. W: That sounds like fun! M: So what are you waiting for? 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. suggest [kQtgYUkf] (v.) …
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● In your own experience, what are some of the good, effective ways to improve English grammar? (以你的經驗,有沒有嘗試過哪些好的、有效的方法來加強英語文法?) ● What was your experience when you majored in English at university? (大學四年就讀英文系,給自己的體悟與心得是什麼呢?) 👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 「情色電影」,英文怎麼說? (A) Blue movies. (B) Pink movies. (C) Yellow movies. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 blue movie 說的是一種電影呢…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Welcome to the Four Seasons Hotel, How may I help you? M: Yes, I am supposed to check in three hours ago, but because my plane was delayed, so I’m late. Is it possible to check in now? W: Your name? M: Wayne Gunn. W: Please hold on. Hmm…okay. it is still available. M: That’s a relief. W: Okay, here’s your key and your room is on t…
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