Um podcast.
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Confira debates e mesas-redondas exclusivas promovidas pela Academia Brasileira de Letras.
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Mesa Redonda con Juan luis la leyenda, Sebastian malas desiciones y Francisco el profeta en el equipo titular.
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A Terra é Redonda é um espaço para a intervenção pública de intelectuais, acadêmicos e ativistas de movimentos sociais. Os podcasts se inserem na linhagem da reflexão crítica sobre as múltiplas dimensões da sociedade capitalista e da defesa da civilização contra os avanços da barbárie.
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A podcast discussing backlist gems and the Spanish writer Javier Marías, late the King of Redonda. In Season 2 we read the novels of Muriel Spark. From Lori Feathers and Tom Flynn.
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Podcast de ciência e meio ambiente da revista piauí apresentado por Bernardo Esteves. Novos episódios às terças-feiras. Segunda temporada realizada com Instituto Talanoa e iniciativa Clima & Desenvolvimento. Produção da Trovão Mídia.
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O podcast dos apaixonados pelo futebol inglês. Curta, compartilhe com os amigos e say hello to nossos canais \o/ YouTube - Instagram -
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Hablo de todo lo que quiero y cuando quiero insta @cristinaaqmartiin
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A Távola Redonda é o melhor lugar para aprender como ganhar dinheiro com serviços de segurança de redes em pequenas empresas no Brasil, sendo você um profissional de TI ou prestador de serviços.
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continue reading es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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We’re joined today by Josh Cook. Josh is a bookseller and co-owner at Porter Square Books in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he has worked since 2004. He is the author of the critically acclaimed postmodern detective novel An Exaggerated Murder and most recently of The Art of Libromancy: Selling Books and Reading Books in the Twenty-First Century, …
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We’re joined today by Lara Ehrlich, a writer, editor, and longtime friend (she and Tom go back 20 years, which seems impossible). Her first story collection, Animal Wife, was published by Red Hen Press back in 2020, and her first novel, Bind Me Tighter Still, will publish in 2025, also from Red Hen. She also hosts a conversation series, Writer Moth…
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Episode 25: "Austerlitz" by W.G. Sebald, translated by Anthea Bell, w/ special guest Mark Haber
We’re joined today by Mark Haber of Coffee House Press (formerly of Brazos Bookstore in Houston). Mark is the author of two novels, Reinhardt’s Garden and Saint Sebastian’s Abyss, and the forthcoming novel Lesser Ruins, as well as a forthcoming novella, Ada. We chat about his work as well as Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald, translated by Anthea Bell. A q…
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Episode 24: "The Tanners" by Robert Walser, translated by Susan Bernofsky, w/ special guest Spencer Ruchti
Today Spencer Ruchti of Third Place Books joins to chat about The Tanners by Robert Walser, translated by Susan Bernofsky. We actually recorded this back in November and are glad to get it out into the world. Early on Spencer dips out momentarily due to an alarm in the store, but all ended up being right with the world. At least in that instant. Th…
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Episode 23: "Being Here is Everything" by Marie Darrieussecq, translated by Penny Hueston, w/ special guest Tara Cheesman
Kicking off 2024 we welcome Tara Cheesman to the podcast with her recommendation, Being Here Is Everything: The Life and Times of Paula Modersohn-Becker by Marie Darriussecq, translated by Penny Hueston. Tara is a freelance critic, former judge of the Best Translated Book Award, and she brings us our first work of nonfiction. We have an absolutely …
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The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is upon us and it does not disappoint. Too much to say about this one and, as always, we could have gone an hour longer and still not covered it all. An absolutely fantastic novel and one that certainly lives up to the hype and praise that surrounds it. Titles/authors mentioned: The Secret History by Donna Tartt O Cale…
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We stand on the precipice, one episode away from THE PRIME! Before that, though, we discuss The Bachelors, a fantastic novel chock full of some of the strangest characters Spark has written, which is really saying something. Mediums, epileptics, blackmail, criminality, and much, much more abound in this one. And one of the funniest scenes yet invol…
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We’re edging closer to THE PRIME, but today we chat about The Ballad of Peckham Rye. Spark’s novels are incredibly fun, but this might be the wildest, featuring an incredible character name (Dougal Douglas), a lot of absenteeism, a textile factory, a Nun Tunnel, and dancing. Lots of dancing. Click here to subscribe to our Substack and find us on th…
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Episode 19: "Tell Them of Battles, Kings, and Elephants" by Mathias Énard, translated by Charlotte Mandell
This week we discuss Tell Them of Battles, Kings, and Elephants, an absolutely wonderful gem of a novel from French author Mathias Énard, translated by Charlotte Mandell. In 150ish pages Énard recreates the Constantinople of the early 16th Century and the brief time Michelangelo resided there to build a grand bridge. If you’ve not read Énard before…
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This week we discuss Memento Mori, Spark’s third novel and, as we’ve come to expect, it’s a really fun ride. This go-round she brings us into the lives of septuagenarians and octogenarians as they fume, backbite, explore their sexual proclivities, and all come to terms (or not) with their impending deaths. And, of course, it’s very, very funny. Cli…
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Episode 5 of Season 2: we get to chat with Robin McLean about Ceremony by Leslie Marion Silko. And, yeah, this is probably our best episode so far, which isn’t shocking because we’re talking about talking with Robin McLean. So, all that aside, it’s a great conversation and one that could have gone on for hours and hours yet. We could have gone deep…
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In Episode 4 of Season 2 we dig into Muriel Spark’s sophomore effort, Robinson. Gotta say: it’s incredible and we couldn’t be more excited to keep on keeping on with her work. This time around we trade London (mostly) for a lonely island in the Atlantic and a story that is funny, tense, clever, whimsical, and just an all-around masterclass in write…
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Episode 15: "The Conqueror" by Jan Kjærstad, translated by Barbara Haveland w/ special guest Chad Post
Having sorted some annoying technical issues, herewith Episode 3 of Season 2 (our way of apologizing for the delay in uploading this episode) in which we discuss The Conqueror by Jan Kjærstad, translated by Barbara Haveland and published by Open Letter Books. And to kick off our series of guest hosts, Chad Post of Open Letter Books (and Dalkey Arch…
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We kick off our season-long read of Muriel Spark's novels this week and what a start! The Comforters is Spark's debut, published in 1956, and is, quite simply, magnificent. Lori and Tom wax heavily on how impressive this novel is and how incredibly fun it is, too! It's going to be quite a great season judging by this title alone. Click here to subs…
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Episode 13: "Chronicle of the Murdered House" by Lucio Cardoso, translated by Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson
And we’re back! Welcome to Season Two of Lost in Redonda. We kick things off with a backlist conversation on Chronicle of the Murdered House by Lucio Cardoso, translated by Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson, published by Open Letter Books. It’s probably one of the fastest moving 600 page sagas of a Brazilian family you’re likely to encounter.…
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Here it is, folks, our final episode on Your Face Tomorrow and the last part of our Marías project. It's a longer one, but very worth it if we do say so ourselves. Our next season and new project will kick off in a couple weeks' time, but before that a thank you for listening along. It's a fun project and one we hope folks are getting as much out o…
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It's very strange to be this close to the end of our Marías focus, but that's rather how time moves, ever forward (unless you're Marías and can make time a rather fungible thing in your novels...). This is a fun episode, touching on East End gangsters, Spandau Ballet, the Spanish Civil War, swordplay, and more. And a couple of characters from the p…
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And now we enter the homestretch. Over the next few episodes we'll tackle Marías' masterpiece, Your Face Tomorrow. Starting, of course, with the first volume, Fever and Spear. Once we wrap up the Marías project we're going to take a week or so off and then we'll be back with more backlist dives and a new author whose work we'll spend some time digg…
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This week we dive into Christian Kracht's Imperium, and boy do we ever go deep (sorry/not sorry). It's an incredible piece of historical fiction (one of Tom's favorites and, now, one of Lori's) that follows one man's attempts to manifest his destiny to live in the tropics and subsist only on the noble coconut. And walk around nude. In the German So…
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A fun discussion this week of two novels published almost 30 years apart in The Infatuations and The Man of Feeling. We walk down some interesting paths and may get ourselves into a moral quandary or two (wouldn't be a discussion of Marías without some moral murkiness, now would it?). These are the last two Marías novels we discuss before wrapping …
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We're going weekly! As the episodes have grown longer we've decided to split them up so instead of discussing two titles per episode (and delivering a 2+ hour podcast) every other week we're switching to one title every week. A guide to the next few episodes will be up on the Substack shortly. This week we dig into Marie NDiaye's My Heart Hemmed In…
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In our sixth episode we discuss Gob’s Grief by Chris Adrian for our backlist deep dive. In the Marías portion we dig into Thus Bad Begins (spoiler alert: it’s phenomenal). This is a doozy of an episode, so stay hydrated and do be a hero: listen to the whole 2+ hours in one go! Books mentioned in this episode: Names on the Land: A Historical Account…
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Lori and Tom discuss Marías' final novel, Tomás Nevinson, just published in the US on May 23rd. A warning that spoilers do occur, especially after the 37 minute mark, so listener beware. Next episode we will return to discussing backlist in addition to our Marías deep-dives. Click here to subscribe to our Substack and do follow us on the socials, @…
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To mark the publication of Marías final novel, Tomás Nevinson, we're spending this episode and our next episode diving into the twinned works of Berta Isla and Tomás Nevinson. On this episode we dive deep into Berta (warning: we do rather go into the plot in a more significant manner than we have with other titles discussed thus far). And in two we…
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Episode 3: backlist spotlight: "House of Splendid Isolation" by Edna O'Brien; "Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me" and "A Heart So White"
Welcome back! In our third episode we discuss House of Splendid Isolation by Edna O’Brien for the backlist deep dive. In the Marías portion we dig into Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me and A Heart So White. We really hit it out of the park in both sections, if we do say so ourselves. Books mentioned in this episode: The works of Edna O’Brien, spe…
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Episode 2: some literary news; backlist spotlight: "Kornwolf" by Tristan Egolf; "All Souls", "Dark Back of Time", and Redonda
Welcome back! In this second episode we discuss some literary news, specifically the passing of Nobel laureate Kenzaburo Oe and the US/Canada edition of the Republic of Consciousness Prize (chaired by our Lori Feathers) before moving onto a conversation on Tristan Egolf’s Kornwolf. In the Marías portion we chat some more about Redonda and dive into…
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Por MANCHETÔMETRO Avaliação dos cem primeiros dias do governo Lula PODCAST: João Feres Jr. eEduardo Barbarela, coordenadores do Manchetômetro, conversam sobre arepercussão na grande mídia das ações iniciais do governo Lula.
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Episode 1: a welcome; backlist spotlist: "John Crow's Devil" by Marlon James; an introduction to Spanish author Javier Marias
Welcome to Lost in Redonda from Lori Feathers and Tom Flynn. Over the course of this podcast we will explore backlist gems and discuss the career of the late Spanish novelist Javier Marías, King of Redonda. In this introductory episode we say hello, spend a good while chatting about Marlon James' debut novel, John Crow's Devil, and begin our discus…
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Ciência tem tudo a ver com políticas públicas e é indispensável para navegar no mundo da crise climática, mas precisa de investimento contínuo do governo. Bem aqui, no Brasil, fica um acelerador de elétrons que vai ajudar a desvendar a física da atmosfera por trás do aquecimento global. Sejam bem-vindos ao Sirius! Convidados: - Luciana Noronha, ass…
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Parece que o único jeito de sair da crise climática é fornecendo estímulos econômicos para empresas e governos. Por isso, moedas de carbono são criadas para pagar as instituições que reduzem suas emissões de carbono. Parece coisa de livro, e é mesmo, está em O Ministério pro Futuro, de Kim Stanley Robinson. Mas essa medida também é bem parecida com…
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As decisões sobre transição para um futuro livre dos combustíveis fósseis já estão sendo tomadas. A questão é encontrar alternativas que gerem energia para todo mundo, levando em consideração a emergência climática. Convidados: - Alyne Costa, doutora em filosofia e professora de filosofia ambiental da PUC-Rio, pós-doutoranda no Museu Nacional/UFRJ;…
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O Brasil teve papel de protagonista desde o início da história das negociações climáticas. Com as medidas tomadas durante o governo Bolsonaro, o país foi se isolando e recebeu um novo título: pária. Afinal, qual a vocação do Brasil na diplomacia do clima? Convidados: - Rubens Ricupero, diplomata, ex-embaixador do Brasil na Itália e nos Estados Unid…
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Plantar e comer tem tudo a ver com a crise climática. Os cientistas estão avisando faz tempo que um mundo mais quente seria um desastre para o agronegócio. A conta de tanto boi, fertilizante e desmatamento já começou a chegar. Convidados: - Eduardo Assad, engenheiro agrônomo aposentado pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, estudioso dos…
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A crise climática está mais ligada às injustiças sociais do que a gente pensa. Por isso, é importante falar de racismo ambiental e de justiça climática, incluindo as populações historicamente vulneráveis nas decisões que afetam diretamente suas vidas. Convidados: - Patrícia Pinho, bióloga especializada em ecologia humana e pesquisadora do Instituto…
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De um lado, povos indígenas, ambientalistas e defensores da floresta de pé; do outro, grileiros, madeireiros, garimpeiros e pescadores ilegais, cada vez mais envolvidos com facções criminosas armadas e organizadas. Quem ganhar as eleições em 2022 vai ter como desafio imediato desarmar essa bomba da escalada da violência na Amazônia. Convidados: - A…
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O Ministério do Meio Ambiente está de pé, mas todo comido por dentro. Está na hora de começar a descupinização e discutir as medidas que temos que tomar já para reconstruir a política ambiental brasileira. Convidados: - Natalie Unterstell, especialista em políticas públicas ambientais e presidente do Instituto Talanoa; - José Olímpio Augusto Morell…
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O podcast de ciência e meio ambiente da revista piauí está de volta, e o retorno é um reforço: A Terra é redonda (mesmo). Em outubro tem eleições e a gente quer ajudar você a escolher seu voto baseado em evidências.Segunda temporada estreia em 16/8, terça-feira.由revista piauí
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PODCAST: Eugênio Bucci, João Carlos Brum Torres e Ricardo Musse conversam sobre estatuto institucional do país. Edição por Daniel Pavan.
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Fugindo da mesmice: como se destacar no mercado de cibersegurança? | Távola Redonda - 2ª Temporada #01
Távola Redonda - O podcast da Starti --- Send in a voice message:
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PODCAST: André Singer e Armando Boito conversam sobre a relação entre bolsonarismo e fascismo, com a mediação de Paula Marcelino. Mesa-redonda do seminário, organizado pelo CEDEC, “Fascismo:ontem e hoje”. Podcast editado por Daniel Pavan.
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A Academia Brasileira de Letras apresenta, através de seu canal de podcasts, uma mesa-redonda especial sobre os mistérios e peculiaridades do fazer poético. A mesa conta com a participação de Luís Carlos Patraquim.
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A Academia Brasileira de Letras apresenta, através de seu canal de podcasts, uma mesa-redonda especial sobre o romance “Madame Pommery”, de Hilário Tácito. A mesa conta com a participação de Beth Brait.
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A Academia Brasileira de Letras apresenta, através de seu canal de podcasts, uma mesa-redonda especial sobre a obra do autor russo Dostoiévski. A mesa conta com a participação de Jimmy Sudário Cabral.
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A Academia Brasileira de Letras apresenta, através de seu canal de podcasts, uma mesa-redonda especial que aborda a relação entre as demandas da pandemia da COVID-19 e a espiritualidade humana. A mesa conta com a participação de Monja Coen.
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A Academia Brasileira de Letras apresenta, através de seu canal de podcasts, a partir das 16h do dia 22 de setembro, uma mesa-redonda especial sobre a produção de conhecimento na contemporaneidade. A mesa conta com a participação do Professor e Pesquisador Luiz Bevilacqua.
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A Academia Brasileira de Letras apresenta, através de seu canal de podcasts, a partir das 16h do dia 21 de setembro, uma mesa-redonda especial em homenagem ao centenário de Paulo Freire. A mesa conta com a participação da Acadêmica Rosiska Darcy de Oliveira.
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A Academia Brasileira de Letras apresenta uma mesa-redonda especial sobre o processo de tradução de poesia. A mesa conta com a participação do Acadêmico e escritor Marco Lucchesi.
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A Academia Brasileira de Letras apresenta uma mesa-redonda especial sobre a criação e o tratamento de resíduos durante a pandemia. A mesa conta com a participação do pesquisador Emílio Eigenheer.
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Veja esse episódio no youtube: INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL --------- A Távola Redonda é o melhor lugar para aprender como ganhar dinheiro com serviços de segurança de redes em pequenas empresas no Brasil, sendo você um profissional de TI ou prestador de serviços. #TávolaRedonda #Podcast ------…
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PODCAST: Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa e Alexis Dantas comentam o livro “China contemporânea”, com mediação de Ricardo Musse. Edição por Daniel Pavan
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