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第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇 30個關於台灣的熱門觀光景點與特色美食的單元,貼近生活情境的英語用語,有效提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇 彙整最常與外國友人聊天的30個話題,訓練並提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第3、4季 詞彙英語通 以主題分類呈現進階和實用篇,精選英語單字和詞組,讓你在英語的用字遣辭更精準。附有實用例句及相關詞彙片語,立即體會用法並有效提高學習的效率及興趣。 第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇 精選15個和外國友人深入聊天的主題,讓齊斌老師帶你一題一題來破解! 第6季 辦公英語通 從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。 第7季 新聞英語通 English All Pass: News 從實用新聞英語中,訓練並提升對新聞英語聽力與理解能力,進而達到雙語的能力。以新聞主題分類的方式,介紹報導情境的英語用語,強化新聞英語聽力的理解,同時讓聽者能體會其新 ...
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本人曾居住中東與中亞地區服務多年,對中東與中亞相關事務非常熟悉。針對這些一般亞洲人比較少關注的,但又是國際政治的聚焦重點地區,特別開設此一頻道,以講解相關國家背景、歷史、目前國情狀況與國際新聞上牽涉這些地區的新聞說明解釋。 所有各集說法僅代表本人意見,歡迎大家針對有興趣的主題收聽。 歐亞大陸遊牧民族的歷史研究,純粹個人喜好,中國正統朝代的歷史我沒興趣,但這些隱藏在歷史帷幕後的遊牧民族縱橫歐亞大陸東西,少數民族建國圖生存,歷史上沒有提到的東西方交流才是我最有興趣的重點。 此外中國敵情研究、中國太空事業、世界各國太空事業發展等亦為近日研究方向。有興趣者請搜尋臉書公開社團「蘇老師的太空世界與太空知識」,裡面有各種各樣的太空知識。 歡迎介紹給更多想增加知識的朋友一起來聽我講故事。如果有專門想聽的主題,或我哪邊講錯想訂正的,歡迎來信 也可以在臉書上搜尋【外交官講中東與中亞】的粉絲頁與我交流喔。 截至2024年本人出版書籍包括 1. 聖地出任務-台灣國際志工故事集 2. 勇抗強權-阿富汗 3. 台以關係百年史:外交官眼中的以色列 4. 從奴隸到霸主 ...
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Yellowstone National Park is showcasing its diverse weather patterns today, with conditions varying depending on your location within the park. In the park's lower elevations, particularly around Mammoth Hot Springs and the northern region, visitors can expect partly cloudy skies with daytime temperatures reaching around 65°F (18°C)…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Taipei City is in for a day of mixed weather conditions as a combination of clouds and showers move across the area. The morning has started off overcast with temperatures around 72°F (22°C). As the day progresses, anticipate scattered showers and occasional thunderstorms, especially during the afternoon and evening hours. Rainfall …
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 St. Louis is set to enjoy a pleasant day of weather with warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. As the morning fog disappears, the skies will gradually clear, making way for abundant sunshine. Daytime highs are expected to reach around 75°F (24°C), creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for outdoor activities. Light and v…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Cleveland's weather today brings a mix of conditions, reflecting the variability of the Great Lakes region. The morning started off cool and crisp, with temperatures around 52°F (11°C). As the day unfolds, expect a gradual warming trend, with highs reaching approximately 65°F (18°C) in the afternoon. Skies will be partly cloudy, all…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Vancouver is experiencing typical weather today, with a mix of sunshine and showers forecasted for the region. The morning started off with overcast skies and some light drizzle, but as the day continues, expect the clouds to part, allowing periods of sunshine to break through. However, Vancouver's unpredictable weather patterns may…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is experiencing a range of weather conditions today, offering a diverse meteorological palette for residents to navigate. In the northern part of the region, a high-pressure system is dominating, resulting in mostly clear skies and calm winds. Temperatures are relatively mild, with daytime highs reaching around 70°F (21°C…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Snowfall Report: Winter's Embrace Blankets the Region Winter has made a dramatic entrance as snowfall blankets our region, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland. Over the past 24 hours, a steady snowfall has deposited an average of 12 inches (30 centimeters) of snow, with higher accumulations reported in some areas. Tr…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 In the midst of summer, an unprecedented heat wave has descended upon our region, shattering records and raising concerns for public health and safety. Over the past week, temperatures have soared to historic highs, with daily highs consistently surpassing 100°F (37.8°C). This prolonged period of scorching heat has prompted health o…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Recent rainfall patterns in the area have significantly impacted the local environment and daily life. Over the past month, the area has experienced intermittent showers. The rainfall has brought both benefits and challenges. On the positive side, it has provided much-needed relief from dry conditions, replenishing water sources and…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 A volcanic eruption has struck, sending ash and smoke into the sky and triggering widespread panic and concern among residents and authorities. The eruption, which occurred on Tuesday, has raised alarms for the safety of those living in the vicinity. The eruption has resulted in the evacuation of thousands of people from their homes…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 A severe blizzard has descended upon our region, bringing snowfall and strong winds. As of this morning, this hazardous weather event continues to impact the area, posing numerous challenges. The blizzard has brought heavy snowfall, reducing visibility to near-zero levels in some areas. Wind gusts are reaching 80 mph, causing drifti…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 In a devastating turn of events, a powerful typhoon wreaked havoc across Southeast Asia, leaving a trail of destruction and loss in its path. Typhoon Talas, which had been intensifying in the Western Pacific, made landfall over the weekend, affecting multiple countries in the region. The typhoon brought heavy rainfall, strong winds,…
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👉🏻 EXERCISE 實戰演練 A raging wildfire has ignited in the South West, and as of Saturday, it continues to pose a significant threat to the area. The fire, fueled by dry plants and strong winds, has rapidly spread and is currently covering 43 acres. Local authorities, along with dedicated firefighting teams, are working diligently to stop the fire. Evac…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 In a devastating turn of events, our region has been struck by a severe weather disaster that has left a trail of destruction in its wake. On Friday, a powerful torrential rain struck, causing widespread havoc. We urge all residents to stay tuned to local authorities and weather updates for the latest information on this ongoing dis…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Across the region, we're experiencing a mix of weather conditions. In the northern part, expect partly cloudy skies with temperatures ranging from 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 18 degrees Celsius). There may be a light breeze coming in from the northwest. Moving southward, the central region is seeing more stable conditions, wi…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently experiencing a weather phenomenon known as sleet, which is creating potentially hazardous conditions on roads and walkways. The sleet may lead to icy patches on roadways, sidewalks, and driveways, which can increase the risk of accidents and falls. Motorists and pedestrians are urged to exercise caution and t…
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中美對抗從地表延伸到太陽系 2024年6月6日是一個無比繁忙的一天,美國太空探索公司(SPACEX)籌劃已久的「星艦太空船搭配超重級推進火箭(Starship + Superheavy Rocket)」第四次試射順利發射升空,火箭推進段實現重返,星艦太空船也測試重回大氣層之艦體與防熱隔離層是否安全,測試結果成功,為未來星艦火星計畫大規模發射取得綠燈。 圖-星艦四發射前(SpaceX網站) 另外美國波音公司在經歷十年延誤與今年幾次發射前緊急叫停後,終於也在6日以聯合發射聯盟(ULA)的擎天神5號火箭,將波音開發生產的「星際航線(Starliner)」太空船順利安全送上宇宙,並前往國際太空站對接,將兩名太空人送上國際太空站輪班,受到太空站上太空人熱烈歡迎。 這款星際航線太空船因技術問題延宕多年,…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently under the threat of severe weather conditions, which have created the potential for tornado formation. Residents are urged to take immediate precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones. The atmospheric conditions, including the presence of a strong cold front, wind shear, and instability, have set …
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城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 伊朗軍方調查總統萊希(Ebrahim Raisi)搭乘直升機墜毀身亡的事件後,初步報告顯示,截至目前為止沒有發現謀殺或攻擊的證據。 路透社報導,萊希曾被視為伊朗最高領袖哈米尼(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)的可能接班人,他搭乘的直升機5月19日遭遇惡劣天氣而墜毀在國內西北部山區,萊希因此遇難身亡,享壽63歲。 伊朗武裝部隊參謀總部發布報告指出:「直升機…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently facing a potential tsunami threat, and residents along the coastal areas are urged to take immediate action to ensure their safety. The tsunami warning has been issued in response to the underwater earthquake. These events have the potential to generate powerful oceanic waves that can pose serious dangers to …
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently under the influence of a severe weather system, which is causing torrential rain with the potential to cause flash flooding and safety concerns. Heavy rainfall has been persistent, with rainfall rates exceeding 46mm per hour in some areas. This intense downpour has saturated the ground, overwhelmed drainage s…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently facing a weather-related power shortage due to the extreme weather conditions that have descended upon us. These adverse weather conditions have placed a huge burden on the power grid, resulting in disruptions to electricity supply. Many areas are experiencing rolling blackouts, while others have been without…
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6/21更新 [問]:請問EXERCISE 實戰演練為何the conditions 後面直接接形容詞,沒有be動詞在兩者之間~? [答]: 因為這是形容詞片語 “conducive to hail formation”,修飾前方名詞。 原句: … specific weather patterns has created the conditions conducive to hail formation. 此句已經有動詞 has created … 不可以再有第二個動詞喔。 這裡的文法觀念「形容詞片語」類似於關係代名詞省略的分詞∕形容詞片語,也歡迎參閱超級英語通系列的「句型英語通」的 Pattern 85(…
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蘇育平觀點:印度移交超高音速布拉莫斯反艦飛彈給菲律賓之意涵 蘇育平 + 追蹤 2024-04-25 07:10 6110 人氣 贊助本文 筆者提醒,台灣也無須因為菲律賓與中國對抗,就以為菲律賓是我們的盟友了。(示意圖,張曜麟攝) 根據印度媒體2024年4月19日報導,印度空軍C-17全球霸主運輸機運送印度交貨給菲律賓訂購之第一批布拉莫斯(BrahMos)超音速巡弋飛彈到菲國,這筆交易價值3億7500萬美元,2022年1月印度宣布這筆交易時,可以說是印度第一筆大額軍火出口交易。 [啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知 菲律賓訂購3個營的布拉莫斯飛彈,合約也包括訓練操作的菲律賓海軍人員,及必要的零件供應。 布拉莫斯飛彈最高速度2.8馬赫,射程290公里,發射平台為潛艦、水面艦艇、飛機或陸基發射平…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently grappling with heightened landslide risk due to ongoing unstable weather conditions, prompting concerns for public safety. Recent heavy rainfall, combined with factors such as steep terrain and wet soil, has significantly increased the potential for landslides in vulnerable areas. The combination of these fac…
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2024.04.26 中國神舟18號太空飛船發射前往天宮太空站輪班 2024年04月26日 13:02 蘇育平/神舟18號發射成功 台灣別錯失參與太空產業機會 我們想讓你知道… 未來SpaceX要啟動大規模移民火星行動時,台灣大可以爭取供應商角色,許多商機大有可為,台灣一定不能錯失這個機會了。 ▲ 搭載神舟18號載人太空船的長征二號F遙18運載火箭25日在酒泉衛星發射中心點火發射。(圖/視覺中國CFP) ●** 蘇育平/國際政治觀察者** 中國航天局於2024年4月25日從酒泉發射中心發射中國第七次天宮太空站長期載人飛行任務——神舟18 號載人飛船。乘組人員由葉光富指揮官、任務操作員李廣蘇與工程師李聰組成。 本次發…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is facing an unprecedented and devastating wildfire event, characterized by record-setting fire activity that is posing a severe threat to communities and natural landscapes. A combination of extreme weather conditions, including drought, exceptionally high temperatures, and gusty winds, has created an environment for rap…
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