An anglo-phone leftist’s guide to contemporary French politics, society and culture. Presented by Nicolas Jara-Joly and Harrison Stetler. Hear more at
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French Bashing Ep. 16 | Nathalie Quintane and radical french literature in the 2010s 12012022
Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas and Harrison offer up more incisive analysis in the second of three election specials. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas and Harrison offer up more incisive analysis in the second of three election specials. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas and Harrison offer up more incisive analysis in the second of three election specials. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas and Harrison offer up more incisive analysis in the second of three election specials. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas and Harrison offer up more incisive analysis in the second of three election specials. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas and Harrison offer up more incisive analysis in the second of three election specials. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas and Harrison offer up more incisive analysis in the second of three election specials. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas and Harrison embark on the first of three election specials. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Ahead of the elections Nicolas and Harrison take the bull by the horns and directly address the central concern. Is France becoming Fascist? Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. This episode continues bashing gallic oligarchs, turning its crosshairs on the Dassault family Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. French Bashing explores the legacy of France's most notable Leftist Jean-Luc Mélenchon Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Episode 5 continues its exploration of different currents in French politics with a discussion of the far right politics of Eric Zemmour Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Episode 4 continues its exploration of different currents in French politics with a focus on Didier Eribon. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas Jara-Joly and Harrison Stetler continue their expose of French neoliberalism with a focus on the new oligarchs and their political project. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. Nicolas Jara-Joly and Harrison Stetler take on the warrior of ideas for the new French right, Eugenie Bastie. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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Podcast from Repeater Books. How has France really faired under Macron? Nicolas Jara-Joly and Harrison Stetler explore the country's turn toward a form of Centrist authoritarianism. Hear more episodes at repeater-radio.com由Repeater Radio
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