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Paul Peng Wang

這個節目,要帶你掌握生活中,關於酒的大小事。 你會在這裡聽到實用的酒類常識, 包括怎麼選、怎麼買、怎麼品、怎麼做餐酒搭配。 我會跟你分享,業界觀察、有趣經歷,餐廳體驗、 還有從事酒類文化教育工作的所見所聞、所思所感。 節目也會安排知識含量比較高的內容: 像是圖書導覽、讀書心得、學習方法分享。 我會帶你踏上品味養成之路。 跟著我們的腳步,你也可以過有酒相伴的愜意生活。 如果你是廠商,歡迎贊助我們,或者與我們合作!
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全球技术并购更新播客提供推动软件以及相关技术公司并购的交易、趋势和估值方面的月度报告。这些报告内容来自由 Corum Group 赞助的技术并购月度网络广播。欲了解更多信息,请访问
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歡迎收聽〈王鵬談酒〉!這集節目,要一起暢聊我們前往馬祖參訪的經歷。我們搭過飛機、也一度搭乘新臺馬輪,從基隆港出發,前往國之北疆——平均溫度比台灣本島低至少5度的地方。馬祖的天候,如何造就馬祖酒的風味?從南竿到東引,都有相似之處,但魅力卻也各自不同。 從高粱酒、到馬祖的老酒,馬祖迷人之處跟天候有關,也跟在地的風土民情,以及飲食有關。最後我們也會談到飲食文化裡的酒類,若是要登錄成為非物質文化遺產,馬祖的老酒,有怎樣的潛力。
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①China to boost senior-friendly tourism with more specialized train services ②China's homegrown AG600M amphibious aircraft complete first test flights in Year of Snake ③Chinese research brings hope for painless, non-invasive test for blood glucose ④Warm extremes undermine ecosystem carbon sequestration: study ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese believe "…
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①Over 20 mln Chinese consumers apply for electronic products trade-in subsidies ②"Paw-sengers" aboard thanks to more pet-friendly airlines ③Beijing introduces measures to support sci-tech service industry ④Chinese researchers use Earth science satellite to monitor offshore oil, gas platforms ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people adore winter jasm…
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歡迎收聽〈王鵬談酒〉!這集節目要告訴你,為什麼關於葡萄酒的年份概念,不妨觀摩波爾多每年的年份報告。決定年份品質特性的關鍵要素與時間點包括哪些呢? 每個葡萄酒年份的上市時間,通常會與葡萄採收時間相隔最多三年的時間,而波爾多2021年份,是當前能夠在市場上購得的最新年份。2021這個年份的波爾多葡萄酒,紅酒與白酒的品質如何呢?
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①Beijing English Map launched for trial operation ②Training facility for humanoid robots launched in Shanghai ③China's Hainan commercial launch site to build two new launch pads ④Chinese scientists advance development of High-energy Underwater Neutrino Telescope ⑤China expands mangrove forest coverage amid conservation efforts ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why…
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①China's Chang'e-7 mission to land on lunar south pole for water ice search: report ②Chinese scientists develop new AI model for cyclone forecast ③China unveils first guidelines on NEV insurance ④This Spring Festival, travelers are swiping right — on each other's homes ⑤A Thousand Whys: The charm and magic behind Chinese calligraphy…
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歡迎收聽〈王鵬談酒〉!從開始喝調酒,到研究、認識調酒背後的道理,其實沒有那麼難!這一集節目要告訴你,看似複雜的調酒組成裡,每個配方扮演的角色,其實都是預先設想好的。而在風味平衡的基礎上,要創造怎樣的風味互動,要帶入哪些創意風味元素,則是調酒背後的科學與創意! 這一集也會聊到知名的長島冰茶,以及近年流行起來的高粱酒調酒喔!
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①Beijing boasts over 2.1 million professionals in high-end industries: report ②Chinese firm launches expressway unmanned truck platoon self-driving testing ③Scientists develop most refined chimpanzee brain atlas ④Australian-Chinese research makes breakthrough in solving mystery of how Mars evolved ⑤Critically-endangered ducks spotted in N China nat…
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①China promotes data labeling to spur AI development ②China's sci-tech museums draw over 100 mln visits in 2024 ③Chinese dark tea steeps its way to popularity along Maritime Silk Road ④Oldest ornithischian dinosaur from Asia identified in southwest China ⑤Scientists conduct new Antarctic voyage to venture further south ⑥A Thousand Whys: How do Chin…
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歡迎收聽〈王鵬談酒〉!這一集節目要告訴你,如何才能光明正大地偷看別人的考卷!( #王鵬好幽默) 其實是我晉升為BJCP的國家級評審,有資格從事閱卷與協助考試事務相關等服務。 美國啤酒評審認證組織(BJCP, Beer Judge Certification Program)提供的啤酒品飲考試,是許多啤酒專業人士樂於參加的認證考試,尤其是品飲考試,是無法繞過的門檻。在品飲考試裡,把啤酒樣本喝對評對、把筆記寫好寫滿,得到高分的秘訣是什麼? 這次,我在別人的考卷裡,看到了不少問題,值得作為警惕。我希望藉此激勵想要把啤酒品評做得更好的你!而如果你是其他酒種的飲家,也必定能夠從啤酒評審身上得到啟發!
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①China to promote use of humanoid robots for elderly care ②China delivers first batch of homegrown, mass-produced large civil UAVs ③Chinese researchers complete world's largest snow leopard population survey spanning 360,000 square km ④Paddy-field remains dating back 8,000 years discovered in China ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is strategy game Go so charm…
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①More zebrafish to swim in China's space station ②Chinese astronomical observatory discovers new comet ③Humanoid robots to participate in half-marathon, sports events in Beijing ④China's national mangrove germplasm resource bank starts construction ⑤Winter sports industry injects vitality into SW Chinese city ⑥A Thousand Whys: Feeling bored? Try th…
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①China rolls out measures to boost cultural, tourism consumption ②First Chinese-made large cruise ship to set sail from Qingdao ③China in need of over 31 million of smart manufacturing workers by 2035: report ④Chinese scientists work on first flag capable of waving on Moon ⑤Major lake in China's industrial hub records best water in decades ⑥A Thous…
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①Beijing opens airport service counters for foreign travelers ②China's Chengdu plans to build laboratory for police bionic robots ③Chinese researchers develop green, effective pesticide formulation ④Great Wall's most dangerous section to launch 1st tourist route ⑤In Shaanxi, a long-buried Han Dynasty tomb is a study in power ⑥A Thousand Whys: How d…
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①China sets up first medical large model application testing center in Shanghai ②New cross-regional computing service hub officially in operation in west China ③NW China dinosaur tracks reveal Cretaceous behaviors ④Study reveals tiny plastic particles' impact on terrestrial food webs ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the holiday system worked in ancient China?…
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①China announces month-long online shopping event for Spring Festival ②Surging number of foreign tourists enter Hainan visa-free in 2024 ③China to have national data infrastructure in place by 2029 ④Chinese scientists pioneer climate-smart crop breeding to combat global warming ⑤Beijing Central Axis to open more heritage spaces to public ⑥A Thousan…
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歡迎收聽〈王鵬談酒〉!這一集節目的主題是我們獨創的課程當中,最受歡迎的葡萄酒幼幼班!葡萄酒「幼幼班」?聽起來超級弱的,但卻提煉了葡萄酒知識與技能的精華,讓中高階程度的葡萄酒愛好者或專業人士,也都嘖嘖稱奇!幼幼班課程讓你能夠輕鬆吸收葡萄酒的知識核心。 很多講師都知道,著重課堂互動的新式教學法,是最有威力的教學模式。但卻不見得每一個學員都有機會體驗到。如果你厭膩了填鴨式的學習,不妨試試我們的葡萄酒幼幼班,重新讓葡萄酒成為你的一部分!
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①Chinese scientists make breakthrough in dynamic wireless charging efficiency ②China's first homegrown large cruise ship receives 600,000 inbound and outbound visits ③China unveils facial recovery of ancient human skulls ④Longest city road discovered at 3,000-year-old ancient China capital site ⑤A Thousand Whys: Is human nature good or evil?…
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①19 foreigners among China's first officially certified hotpot chefs ②China's online literature rakes in over 605-million-USD in overseas revenue in 2023 ③Longest cross-sea bridge in China's Guangxi opens to traffic ④Historical archery tower in Beijing opens to public ⑤Long-awaited discovery of ancient walls offers insights into China's earliest dy…
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歡迎收聽〈王鵬談酒〉!這一集節目不只是聊我如何開始我的烈酒旅程,還要告訴你我對於WSET國際烈酒認證課程的觀察。 我很早就接觸烈酒,已經超過20年。但是我的烈酒專業生涯開始得晚,嚴格說來,是從2014年開始的。在過去十年來,我設計自己的烈酒課程,包括中式白酒、琴酒、威士忌、干邑與白蘭地。 近年來,我也有機會接觸WSET國際認證烈酒體系,WSET著重的,跟我的知識體系不一樣,但卻讓我在教學方面受到很大的啟發。我在這一集節目裡,要以親身經驗告訴你,怎樣的人適合這樣的烈酒課程。
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①China to accelerate construction of open, unified transportation market ②WeChat QR payment access expanded for visitors to Chinese mainland ③Chang'e-6 samples reveal rebound in moon's magnetic field ④Scientists uncover mysteries of life evolution on early Earth ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why facing the south matters?…
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①China to implement 3-year action plan to optimize consumer environment ②China's ancient capital Xi'an launches two direct int'l air routes ③Asteroid named after ancient Chinese mathematician ④Bamboo slips reveal governance ideology of ancient China ⑤Smart robotic arm inspired by elephant nose, octopus tentacle ⑥Ancient climate crisis offers warnin…
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在疫情期間,活動線上化,我們做了好多線上的大師講堂、線上品酒會、拍了好多宣傳片,也錄製、推出啤酒與葡萄酒線上課程。同時,也有機會往國內發展,走訪各地採訪台灣製酒人。而這些能力與經驗堆疊起來,就促成了我們在公共電視TaiwanPlus頻道製作的台灣酒專題節目——Taiwan on the Rocks。節目共有八集,第一集是啤酒。 這一集〈王鵬談酒〉,就來談談節目拍攝的幕後花絮,以及不曾公開的台灣啤酒業界觀察吧!
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①China's trade-in program boosts consumer goods sales by over 1 trillion yuan ②Largest "ro-ro" auto terminal in Yangtze River basin goes operational ③Spherical robot joins police patrols in east China city ④Over 97,000 massive open online courses available in China: Ministry of Education ⑤Beijing opens 2 more mausoleums of Ming emperors to public ⑥…
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睽違一年又半載,我們回來了!〈王鵬談酒〉將在台灣時間每週三上午更新。想搶先,就聽八點上架的Podcast;想看現場影音,就看十點上架的Youtube。 在這一集節目裡,我們透過麥克風,跟大家交代一下,過去一年半以來,我們都做了些什麼事——我們搬家了,所以有了新的錄音室;我晉級成為國家級啤酒評審,一個遲來的好消息;我成為WSET烈酒講師,而且取得了第三級(最高級)的國際烈酒認證,在Mimi追問下,我分析了課程設計與教學理念;我們準備出版一本台灣酒的專書,而且還拍攝了台灣酒的紀錄片(而且是以國際宣傳為目的的英語節目)。未來,我們還有組團前往法國參訪酒莊的計劃,以及不一樣的酒類課程。
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①Mega cross-sea passage in Greater Bay Area opens to traffic ②China unveils commemorative coins to celebrate upcoming Chinese New Year ③'It's the moon's fault': "da nian san shi" to be skipped for next 5 years ④Rescued wild elephant calf in SW China makes good recovery ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people "count in nines" in winter?…
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①China sets up first quantum computing-empowered medicine research institute ②China's modified AG50 light-sport aircraft makes maiden flight ③Chinese tourist arrivals to Cambodia up 52.5 pct in first 10 months of 2024 ④Shanghai to hold F1 Chinese Grand Prix until 2030 ⑤16 crested ibises returned from Japan settle at Beijing Zoo ⑥Research discovers …
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①Generative AI product user base in China reaches 230 mln ②China to see 100,000 eVTOLs for taxi and personal use by 2030: industry report ③10 Chinese online literature works added to British Library collection ④Remnants of ancient city gate found in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: What's so special about doornails in China?…
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①Beijing, its neighbors launch ice and snow season ②Largest drone-testing airspace in N China approved to bolster emerging economy ③Chinese scientists find a way to effectively remove plastic contaminants in water ④China's first overseas atmospheric background station starts operation in Antarctica ⑤Over 300 endangered storks spotted in north China…
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①New exhibition in Beijing offers glimpse into ancient Greece ②China Railway launches rail transport trial for electric vehicle batteries ③Beijing Daxing airport handles 4 million international passenger trips this year ④Chinese scientists discover impact crater on mountain ridge for first time ⑤World's captive panda population hits 757 ⑥A Thousand…
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①Quirky science award celebrates the power of curiosity ②New site of Natural History Museum of China to open in 2029 ③Olive seeds from China's space station germinate on Earth ④East China province poised to build bulk commodity hub ⑤South China metropolis plans more gender-neutral toilets to ease long waits for women ⑥A Thousand Whys: Did ancient C…
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①Blossoming pet cafes across China serve joy, warmth ②China's leading science institution launches international program on synthetic cells ③Chinese researchers advance understanding of mechanisms behind allergic diseases ④Chinese archaeologists reconstruct 5,000-year-old ancestor's face via 3D technology ⑤A Thousand Whys: Things you should know to…
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①"Chinese hamburger" toys captivate youth with creative design, consumption scenarios ②Hong Kong Int'l airport to open third runway on Nov. 28 ③Chinese scientists design membranes to recover oil, water for waste treatment ④How a Chinese city brings ancient trees back to life ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why did Sichuan food stand out among all other cuisines …
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①Heilongjiang eyes ice-and-snow boost ahead of 9th Asian Winter Games ②Working group for low-altitude economy established in Shenzhen ③Bonded aircraft repair takes off in China's Xinjiang ④Scientists' new finding challenges current ice sheet modelling ⑤Snow leopards spotted in China's Yunnan for first time ⑥A Thousand Whys: How did ancient Chinese …
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①China, Canada to increase direct flights to satisfy travel, trade demands ②Robotic grippers designed to handle delicate living things ③China turns out its self-developed tunnel boring machine with biggest diameter ④Rare flying squirrel species found in China's Xizang ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why could hot pot solve everything for Chinese?…
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①China, New Zealand launch fast patent grant program ②Hong Kong optimizes admissions schemes for global talent ③Harbin extravaganza to expand ahead of ninth Asian Winter Games ④Package sales stimulate hotel market as off-season looms ⑤New study uncovers evolution of China's largest desert ⑥A Thousand Whys: Fun Chinese facts you should know about sn…
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①Record-high delegations, athletes expected to participate in 9th Asian Winter Games ②China kicks off month-long consumption campaign in five big cities ③China's Shenzhen to prioritize AI, NEV, biomedical industries ④Dinosaur fossils found in Hong Kong for 1st time ⑤A Thousand Whys: How do Chinese people celebrate the Start of Winter?…
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①Flying car factory breaks ground in south China's Guangdong ②China's scenic mountains' new workforce for transportation: robot dog porters ③Expedition extends known length of Asia's longest cave to 437 km ④Sanya set to welcome China's National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities ⑤Giant panda pair gifted to Hong Kong come out of quarantine ⑥A Th…
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①Beijing's payment facilitation services benefit international visitors ②Beijing plans to vastly expand autonomous driving test area ③China's first provincial germplasm resource bank in full operation ④Neolithic human settlement site discovered in north China ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is it like to live in a Beijing quadrangle?…
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①Chinese researchers develop "lunar bricks" for future lunar base construction ②World's smallest dinosaur egg fossils discovered in China ③Winter tourism promotion adds to allure of China's Xizang ④Hong Kong improves listing rules to attract more IPOs ⑤China expands elderly care services with focus on community-based solutions ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why…
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①Mount Fanjing in southwest China inscribed in IUCN Green List ②Hong Kong-born giant panda cubs leave incubators, develop distinctive markings ③Beijing plans to expand low-altitude flights for rescue, delivery ④5,000-year-old royal tomb discovered in central China ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why guardian lions, not tigers?…
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①Sports tourism fuels consumption engine ②China's self-developed airship harvests wind power at record height ③Beijing launches supporting services for elderly aged 80 and above ④Chinese provinces launch joint campaign to protect migratory bird routes ⑤Guangzhou establishes international Ficus research center ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people…
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①Exhibition on Confucian culture shines at Beijing's Palace Museum ②Science meets education -- China turns to schools to help build sci-tech powerhouse ③AI-driven panda keeper joins Madrid Zoo to enhance visitor experience ④River erosion enhances recent uplift of Mount Qomolangma: study ⑤A Thousand Whys: Was The Analects really written by Confucius…
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①2024 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit to focus on AI ②Chinese researchers achieve breakthrough in DNA-based storage of brain MRI data ③Art season launched to showcase Beijing's ancient architecture ④Chinese hikers are hiring personal cheerleaders to scale peaks ⑤Only 10 pct of fish on coral reefs covered by environmental protections: resear…
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①Chang'e-6 lunar samples to be displayed at 15th Airshow China ②Extreme fires amplify post-fire land surface warming: study ③Chinese museums receive nearly 1 billion visits during Jan-Aug period ④Technologies bring faces of Neolithic men back to life ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people relish sweet osmanthus?…
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①Scientists decode "genetic trove" of marine microorganisms ②Scientists reveal patterns in Earth's rotational deceleration over millions of years ③Ancient rock painting site found in northwest China ④Nature reserve in China reports record number of raptors sighted ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is the most auspicious day in a year?…
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