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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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兩個斜槓酒學講師講酒聊吃玩餐搭 分享日常中的美酒知識及美食體驗 葡萄酒×日本酒×啤酒 知識輕鬆講|台灣×日本 美食餐廳推薦|餐酒搭配 Firstory ∗ KKBOX ∗ Spotify ∗ Apple Podcast ∗ SoundOn ★ Facebook | 餐桌小宇宙 Cosmos. Instagram | de3cosmos Email | ★ 喝酒邊喝緩衝水,明天起床不宿醉。 未滿18歲請勿飲酒 ∗ 理性飲酒 ∗ 形象至上 ∗ 喝酒不開車 ∗ 開車不喝酒 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【關於台灣的音樂故事】 台灣這座美麗島嶼,乘載著多元族群的音樂DNA,豐富了我們的日常。每集節目就像一本本獨特的音樂課本,暢聊流淌在這片土地上的生命樂章。 這個節目的誕生,要感謝台大創新設計學院的支持,讓我們在疫情嚴峻的狀態下,仍能無遠弗屆地上起音樂課。 如果您也在找尋久違的音樂課本,歡迎一同加入這堂不一樣的音樂課吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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翼成 Peter

大時代的已經不同, 並不是只有公車上背單字、 捷運上看資料,才是學習成長。 讓我們翼起聊聊, 從輕鬆白爛的聊天過程, 聽我們分享三大主題「投資」、「旅行」、「人生故事」 一定讓你們開心,不會太嚴肅 能夠「笑中學!」 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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show series
① Lin Restaurant 取名過程有多糾結 ② 法式料理小知識(北法 vs. 南法 / 傳統 vs. 現代)與其精髓 ③ 選酒堅持純法國酒不自然?與清酒迸發有趣火花 ④ 最新春季菜單發想:從生活汲取靈感的雙主軸意象,當主廚 Lin 打開了牢籠⋯ 別具意義、為不能吃黃豆的客人製作海膽豆腐 ⑤ Lin 過往經歷分享:會計系出身從洗碗開始,還有一個電影夢!不靠天份靠比別人投入更多努力,人生沒有白走的路 ⑥ 私心推薦點點名:【Lin】半島牛肉麵 / 台中山河魯肉飯 / 碼頭老火鍋 / 鮨崤 / Burger & Co;【Andrew】老楊在二樓 / 元味料理 / 天橋下豆江之家 / 柳家涼麵 ⑦ 欣賞的的主廚&夢想中的餐廳:【Lin】鮨崤 Jed 蔡承恩師傅 / Louis XV - Ala…
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Meet SkullyOSkully, an up-and-coming Caribbean musician making his mark in Taiwan! Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you bu…
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The incredible journey of a Polish man who transitioned from being a UFC fighter to serving in law enforcement and then coming to Taiwan. Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ This video is NOT sponsored. Some …
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How one man successfully reversed his health issues by adopting a carnivore diet. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means i…
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① 大福利排骨大王 公館店:又油又厚又大,碳水的快樂!學生族群最愛的高CP值排骨飯 ② 台北東一排骨總店:排骨飯的歌廳秀♫ 配菜和排骨一樣美味!留住台灣早年繁華的老店 ③ 清香排骨王:特色一排兩吃!飽含美美年輕時回憶的眼淚 ④ 一級排骨:號稱台北最強排骨飯!搭配酸菜的平衡鹹香 ⑤ 蔡家排骨飯:傳統市場裡的古早味,先炸後滷、無需用牙的軟糯糯 ⑥ 珍蜜咖啡坊、金園排骨、錢櫃排骨飯、君悅排骨⋯ 更多店家等大家推薦 【大福利排骨大王 公館店】 ☑︎ 台灣台北市中正區羅斯福路三段286巷12號 ☑︎ 11am~8:30pm 【台北東一排骨總店】 ☑︎ 台灣台北市中正區延平南路61號 百樂大廈2樓 ☑︎ 10am~8pm / Closed on Mon 【清香排骨王】 ☑︎ 台灣台北市信義區光復南路47…
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① Toriiki とり粋 簡介(環境氛圍 / 訂位方式) ② 菜色分享:單純風味麻香山椒鍋 / 京野菜 / 燒鳥 ③ 一起來了解日本從古至今應用得淋漓盡致的重要辛香料 ─ 山椒(木之芽 / 綠色or褐色 / 幫助食物保存 / 從果實到樹皮) 【Toriiki とり粋 梅小路本店】 ☑︎ 日本京都府京都市下京区花屋町通櫛笥西入薬園町165 島原会館1F ☑︎ 4pm~11pm / Closed on Tue 更多餐搭宇宙,來聽餐桌小宇宙! #M屬性必吃 #京都鍋 #過度開胃注意 宇宙接線生:蘭斯&美美&咪編 ★ Facebook | 餐桌小宇宙 Cosmos. Instagram | de3cosmos Email | 支持餐桌小宇宙~小額贊助!賞杯酒…
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① Lin Restaurant 簡介(主廚背景 / 店名由來 / 座位&環境 / 訂位方式 / 消費模式&價位) ② 開季菜單分享:麻雀雖小五臟俱全的小點 / 只能在特定地區用特定方式生產的康提起司 / 細膩美麗番茄澄清湯 / 美美最愛緊實如小鮮肉般的⋯蝦 / 乳鴿與鹿肉、馬肉等野味經驗 / 營養豐富歐防風 / 甜點、起司與麵包的多樣選擇[✎ 現行菜單依店家為準,可能與本節目分享不同] ③ 餐桌小宇宙在東京唱K的荒唐事兒 【Lin Restaurant】 ☑︎ 台灣台北市大安區仁愛路四段300巷25弄6號 ☑︎ Tue - Sat 6am~10:30pm / Closed on Sun, Mon 更多餐搭宇宙,來聽餐桌小宇宙! #在摘星的路上 #我要點屏東乳鴿 #熱騰騰分享 宇宙接線生:美…
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In this video, we dive into the current state of the music industry in Taiwan. From the rise of indie artists to the impact of streaming platforms, we explore how Taiwanese musicians are navigating the ever-changing landscape. Join us as we uncover the unique trends and challenges faced by musicians in Taiwan and shed light on the vibrant music sce…
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Don't miss the action-packed highlights and exclusive interviews from the Tapout Island: No Gi Sub-Only Tournament that recently took Taipei by storm! Watch as the best grapplers in the region compete for glory in this adrenaline-fueled event. From jaw-dropping submissions to heart-stopping moments, this tournament had it all. Join us as we take yo…
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🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ In this video, we delve into the world of podcasting in Taiwan and explore the possibility of 2024 being the year that podcasts finally go mainstream in the country. With the popularity of podcasts on the rise globally, Taiwan's podcasting scene is also experienci…
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The Taiwanica Podcast is where a Taiwanese and American couple come together to share their insights of Taiwan from the USA. IG; Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ Thi…
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🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ We review the shocking events that unfolded during a Muay Thai event where a Brazilian fighter was robbed of victory. Join us as we provide a live fight review of the controversial match and hear from the fighter himself in an exclusive interview. Tune in to hear …
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In this inspiring video, follow along with an American fighter as he embarks on a transformative journey through the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Taiwan. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ Discover how the practice of BJJ not only improved his physical skills but also transformed his perspective…
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① 美美最愛的古老山城、托斯塔尼的皇冠 ─ 聖吉米尼亞諾San Gimignano,美味的普切塔Bruschetta餐廳 ② 前景看好的在地白葡萄品種 ─ 維那夏Vernaccia ③ 永恆之城羅馬 ─ 隨時散步到梵蒂岡,優質但會溢水的飯店分享 ④ 四種義大利麵推薦 ─ 黑胡椒起司義大利麵cacio e pepe、卡波納拉義大利麵carbonara、醃豬頰肉起司義大利麵gricia、醃豬頰肉番茄義大利麵amatriciana ⑤ 世界最古老葡萄酒家族之一,參觀傳統結合創新的安蒂諾里家族Antinori酒莊 ⑥ 超級托斯卡尼 ─ 叛逆釀酒師引領的風格,著名的Sassicaia&Tignanello 更多餐搭宇宙,來聽餐桌小宇宙! #美美最愛的小山城 #超級托斯卡尼 #出去玩開心最重要 宇宙接線…
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Join us for an exclusive interview with Adam McMillan, the Director of The Center, Tianmu's premier community hub for English-speaking expats in Taiwan. Delve into the fascinating journey of leading this vital organization, providing support and resources to newcomers in Tianmu. From organizing events to fostering cultural exchange, discover how Th…
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Join us as we sit down with Serg. The Dreamer, a talented pop/rock artist and English teacher originally from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, now residing in Taiwan. In this captivating interview, Serg shares his remarkable journey of recording a music album in Taiwan, his experiences busking in the vibrant streets of Taiwan, and the profound impact of l…
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Join Eddy as he dives into an extraordinary journey with our special guest, who left Russia to follow his heart to Taiwan. In this exclusive interview, we explore the captivating love story that began in the USA and blossomed in Taiwan, the cultural shocks and exchanges between Russian, American, and Taiwanese ways of life, and the unique challenge…
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Meet Sonia and Kiana King, sisters embracing their Taiwanese-American roots. Kiana, an aspiring singer, will serenade us, while Sonia shares insights from her studies in TW, HK, and the USA. Join us for a heartfelt chat about their bicultural upbringing. Subscribe now at for this musical and enlightening journey!" Follow Kiana on Spot…
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Tune into the Eddy Live Podcast for an enlightening conversation with John Eastwood, an American lawyer making waves in Taiwan's legal scene. Uncover the peculiarities of high-profile cases like Body Worlds, and get insider tips on navigating Taiwan's business and legal landscape. From cultural quirks to essential legal advice, this episode is pack…
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踏入拳擊擂台,與艾迪一同訪問台灣崛起的拳擊之星鍾「鐵肺」佳堯。從他多元化的背景到最近引人注目的比賽,揭示一位年輕運動員走向職業拳擊的故事。訂閱以獲取更多有關台灣領軍人物的內容,全部都來自艾迪的墨西哥餐廳! Step into the ring with Eddy as we interview Chung 'Iron Breath' Jia Yao, Taiwan's rising boxing star. From his multi-faceted background to his recent standout fight, uncover the story of a young athlete's journey to professional boxing. Subscribe…
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Join us in an exclusive interview with an extraordinary MMA fighter and BJJ black belt who's making waves in Taiwan's combat sports scene. Originally from Brazil, our guest shares his inspiring journey of transitioning from the vibrant Brazilian MMA culture to the rapidly growing Taiwanese arena. In this deep dive, we explore his unique experiences…
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Dive into the ever-evolving realm of web development with a Dragon's Chamber finalist in this special episode of Eddy LIVE Podcast feat. Julien Ferard Join us as we uncover the evolution of web development, exploring the unique experiences and insights of our esteemed guest. From participation in the Dragons Chamber to the latest industry trends, t…
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Dive deep into the world of cryptocurrency with the insightful Full Value Dan! Join us as we explore the latest trends, NFTs, and the regulatory landscape that defines the crypto space. Full Value Dan shares his top picks in the crypto projects realm provides expert advice on risk management, and discusses the impact of decentralization on traditio…
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Join us in celebrating two years of incredible content creation with Lukas in Taiwan! In this exclusive interview, we dive deep into Lukas' journey from a challenging job loss to becoming a full-time YouTube sensation. Discover the evolution of his content, the secrets behind captivating thumbnails, and the crucial elements that make a video truly …
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Step into the world of punches, passion, and pure excitement as we sit down with First Drop CEO, Peter Hung, in an exclusive interview that unveils the inspiration behind Taiwan's premier boxing association. Discover what sets First Drop apart from the rest in Taiwan and Asia, and get an insider's perspective on the upcoming event – from fighter se…
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Welcome to another episode of "Eddy Live Podcast!" In this session, we're delving into the captivating world of health, fitness, and success with the extraordinary Alex Hoffmann. Join us as we unravel the secrets to Alex's impressive physique and thriving career, exploring everything from his morning rituals that set the tone for success to the uni…
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Join us for a flavor-packed journey at Eddy's Cantina! In this exclusive YouTube interview, Eddy, the co-founder, and his wife spill the beans on the challenges and triumphs of bringing authentic Mexican cuisine to Taiwan. From the spicy beginnings of their restaurant venture to the art of balancing marriage and business, discover the secret ingred…
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Join us in this episode as Tim, our guest, shares the inspiring journey of leaving the old-school corporate world to launch his podcast, 白大象的盒子 (The White Elephant's Box). Key Moments: Breaking Chains: Tim's bold move from corporate norms. Unveiling Perspectives: Discover the essence of his no-limits podcast. Triumphs & Challenges: Navigating the u…
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Embark on the heartwarming journey of Esjae and Tivamile, an inspiring intercultural couple navigating marriage, parenthood, and their new podcast! Discover their secrets to balancing love and laughter, blending cultures into their content, and finding inspiration for your journey. Join us for laughter-filled moments, behind-the-scenes stories, and…
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Join us for an engaging interview with Chris Foste, the visionary behind Pizza Bear Cafe in Xindian, Taiwan! Discover the remarkable journey of how Chris, formerly from the USA, ventured to China and finally landed in Taiwan to bring the unique taste of Detroit-style square pizza to the heart of Xindian. Dive into the intriguing stories of entrepre…
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Join us in this heartfelt conversation with a Catholic priest as he shares his incredible journey from his upbringing to embracing the calling of priesthood. Discover how his path led him to Taiwan and the cultural experiences he encountered. Unveil the role of the Catholic Church in Taiwan, his connection with the community, and the challenges and…
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Join us as Joseph Huang, General Partner at Headline Asia, takes us on a journey through the dynamic world of venture capital in Asia. Discover how startups and investments are shaping the future, and gain valuable insights from an industry expert. Don't miss this opportunity to uncover the secrets of success in the Asian startup ecosystem. Subscri…
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In this engaging episode of "Eddy Live," we dive into the captivating world of science education for children with Dr. Sparks and Doc Z, two passionate science educators who run science classes that remind us of the legendary Bill Nye the Science Guy! From interactive experiments to igniting curiosity, Dr. Sparks and Doc Z share their innovative an…
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Meet Gregory Rosebrook, an American acupuncturist who left behind the comforts of home to pursue a new life in Taiwan. Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are a…
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Join us on Eddy Live as we explore the incredible journey of Lamin Jarjusey, a talented YouTuber from Gambia now thriving in Taiwan. Discover Lamin's language learning secrets, content creation journey, and insights into the vibrant Gambian YouTube community. We discuss unforgettable moments, online feedback, and future aspirations. Subscribe, like…
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In this captivating interview, we dive deep into the inspiring journey of a Belizean student who made the remarkable decision to return to Taiwan after spending a transformative year in Belize. Join us as we explore the compelling reasons behind this life-changing choice, hear the personal stories, and gain insights into the unique experiences that…
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Chef Michel Bru came to Taiwan and noticed a lack of quality French food options here. So not wanting to open a traditional restaurant, he had some thinking to do. How could he share his food and his culture without having to open a French restaurant? You are gonna love what he did! Order from Michel Bru: ----------------------…
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In this episode, join me as I sit down with the incredible Mama Lucy, a British expat who ventured across continents to Taiwan and transformed her teaching experience into an international phenomenon! Get ready for a captivating conversation as we delve into: ️ Mama Lucy's courageous decision to leave the UK and make Taiwan her home, all while embr…
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Meet Steven Hsu, a BJJ Brown belt, national team member, and owner of the AZ Fight Club in Taipei. Steven is a staple in the Taipei BJJ scene and if you are involved in BJJ or MMA in any way then you probably have come across him. Fasting, BJJ Gym, and Epic Tournament. Join us as we explore the fusion of fasting, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and an upcomin…
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① 輪到你了!餐桌小宇宙繞口令挑戰 ② 台灣難波萬的小吃 ─ 滷肉飯的各種流派,大家心目中的那一味 ③ 那些散發萬丈光芒的配菜(皮蛋豆腐 / 滷豆腐 / 湯品 / 滷蛋 / 荷包蛋 / 醃漬蘿蔔) ④ 「美美的難波萬」今大滷肉飯 ─ 各方面都平衡的清透質感,咕狗1萬5千評的實力派 ⑤ 五燈獎豬腳飯 ─ 又黏又爽的醬香膠質,豬腳有夠讚 ⑥ 「蘭斯的難波萬」阿英滷肉飯 ─ 貼心的荷包蛋配置,好吃到快中瘋 ⑦ 香滿園、My灶⋯更多店家等大家留言推薦 【今大滷肉飯】 ☑︎ 台灣新北市三重區大仁街40號 ☑︎ 6:30am~9pm / Closed on Thu 【五燈獎豬腳飯】 ☑︎ 台灣新北市三重區正義北路38號 ☑︎ 9:30am~9pm 【阿英滷肉飯】 ☑︎ 台灣台北市大安區溫州街74巷5弄1…
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Discover the incredible journey of Kyle Gonzalez, my remarkable younger brother, as he embarks on extraordinary endeavors within the charming town of Kitimat, BC. From his adventurous travels to his pursuit of education and diverse experiences, Kyle's life has been a tapestry of captivating moments. Presently, he shines as a lieutenant within the e…
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🌟 Unveiling a Heartwarming Tale: From Mexico to Canada Adventure! 🌎 Join us in this captivating interview where we dive deep into the incredible journey of Mama Rosa. 🛫 Embark on a touching narrative as she shares her experiences of building a young family in Mexico and stepping onto a foreign land for the very first time. Don't miss out on the hea…
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Irlanda Price, currently the Vice President of Student Affairs at Vancouver Island University immigrated to Canada as an infant and faced many challenges. Through her hard work and dedication to the grind, she successfully took her shot and scored big time. She traveled, learned, and continues to learn while helping others follow the path that she …
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Josef is a passionate Ph.D. holder, originally from Austria but now residing in the USA. His love for exploration and adventure has led him on an exciting journey across different countries. Having completed his Ph.D. in the United States, Josef's desire to explore Asia has always been on his mind. After traveling to several countries in the region…
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Subscribe for Incredible Taiwan Stories: @eddylive Embark on an inspiring journey with Nazeem in this captivating interview as he shares his extraordinary story of how Taiwan transformed from a mere travel destination to his cherished home. Discover the captivating allure that Taiwan held for him, from its breathtaking landscapes to the warmth of i…
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Subscribe for great Taiwan Stories: @eddylive Join us tonight at 7 pm for a captivating live session at Eddy's Cantina as we dive into the remarkable journey of Bimal and his family. Over my 16-plus years in business, few have shown as much unwavering support as Bimal and his loved ones, especially during the most tumultuous times. From his inspiri…
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Subscribe for great live interviews from Taiwan: @eddylive Embark on an incredible tale of love, passion, and dedication as we explore the remarkable life of Seán McCormack in Taiwan. Not only did he co-found one of the largest BJJ gyms on the island, but he also devoted himself to protecting animals, creating a lasting impact. But there's more to …
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Subscribe for great live interviews from Taiwan: @eddylive In this captivating episode of the Eddy Live Show, we bring you the incredible story of Mario Schembri, a true globetrotting warrior who has conquered the world inside and outside the ring. Join us as we delve into the inspiring journey of this talented martial artist, who made his way from…
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Subscribe for great live interviews from Taiwan: @eddylive In this riveting interview, we dive deep into the hidden secrets and underbelly of Taiwanese society with AndrewNef, an investigative journalist dedicated to exposing the truth. Join us as we uncover the shocking truths and shed light on the darker aspects of Taiwan that are often kept hidd…
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