Darrers podcast - Radio Ribarroja
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What you need to hear: Engaging conversations on today’s most compelling ideas, trends & news chrisriback.substack.com
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Vamos inserir o cenário de podcast na nossa região , um podcast diferenciado e com muitas novidades 🎙🧢
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Conversations with leading architects on work, life and how they did it.
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TSF - Café Duplo, com Ribau Esteves e Inês de Medeiros - Podcast
Ribau Esteves, Inês de Medeiros, TSF
De segunda a sexta-feira, a Manhã TSF serve um Café Duplo depois das 8h00. Duas visões do mundo frente a frente num debate sobre os principais temas da atualidade. Opinião, análise e comentário com 10 personalidades da vida política que nos ajudam a compreender o que se passa à nossa volta.
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Die Riba:BusinessTalk GmbH zählt im High-Tech-Umfeld zu den führenden deutschen Kommunikationsagenturen und bedient die gesamte Klaviatur moderner Marktadressierung – von Pressemeldungen und Fachtexten über Online Marketing und Social Media bis hin zu Bewegtbild und komplexen Crossmedia-Kampagnen. Kunden sind international aufgestellte Mittelständler und Großkonzerne aus IT und Telekommunikation sowie Investitionsgüter- und Prozessindustrie.
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In brevi pillole Simone Sapienza fa chiarezza sui problemi di cui i Romani si lamentano senza conoscere cause e possibili soluzioni. È necessario ribaltare Roma per trovare la parola amore. Così come per trovare il senso a tanti problemi di questa Città, occorre ribaltarli per come li abbiamo conosciuti ed affrontati in questi decenni.
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Programa presentado y dirigido por Julián Henares, en el que se da cabida a la mejor música de jazz del recuerdo, jazz clásico, contemporáneo y de actualidad, junto con entrevistas y últimos conciertos. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Intervienen: Aida Irurzun, Leticia Gracia y Álvaro Molina. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Tertúlia sobre el VCF amb la participació de Gemma Casabán, Enrique Roig, Adrián Ruiz, Javi Company i Salva Tos. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Magazine matí de Radio Riba-Roja. Els dilluns l'Agenda, Els Bans, La tertúlia Esportiva, Poliesportiu Comarcal i com Sona podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Programa de radio dedicat a promocionar, disfondre i gaudir de la música celta. Presentat per Federico Salvador, Juan Armando Salvador, Lola Sánchez i Javier González. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Programa de radio dedicat a promocionar, disfondre i gaudir de la música celta. Presentat per Federico Salvador, Juan Armando Salvador, Lola Sánchez i Javier González. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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El punt faller - Falla La Pau (31-01-25) - Thalia Gallach Albiach i Asís Hernández Lleonart.
podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Magazine matí de Radio Riba-Roja. Els divendres Hola, Cuore: Que me dices... i el millor de la Setmana en Divinas Mañanas podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Magazine matí de Radio Riba-Roja. Els dijous l'Agenda, La saviesa dels anys, Butaca de patio i taller de Cuina. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Here is a recording from my live video with Dan Perry of “Ask Questions Later”. About Dan Perry: As regular CRN readers and listeners know, among other roles, Dan led the Associated Press coverage of Israel and the Middle East — from Pakistan through north Africa — for much of the 2010s, and before that he led AP in Europe and Africa. Today Dan liv…
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Regenerative with Angharad Palmer of Hawkins\Brown, featuring Michael Pawlyn of Exploration and Professor Ben Bridgens of Newcastle University Regenerative with Angharad Palmer of Hawkins\Brown, featuring Michael Pawlyn of Exploration and Professor Ben Bridgens of Newcastle University How do you go about changing cultures and projects? How do you i…
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How do architects set about consulting the public, particularly young people? Can they go beyond and engage with them? Shawn Adams of the POoR Collective, and RIBA J Rising Star, talks about how to start consultation, some of its various forms and the output you should be looking for, alongside a little of his own journey. Also featuring Neil Onion…
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Where does storytelling fit into architecture? What themes and images are the right basis for references and how should architects find and design from them? Mat Barnes of CAN architecture and ideas studio and RIBA J Rising Star explains his catholic, creative and colourful take on drawing out ideas and telling stories in design. With guest appeara…
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Edição de 13 Dezembro 2024
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Edição de 06 de Dezembro 2023
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Edição de 29 Novembro 2023
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Críticas da UE ao caráter expansionista do orçamento de estado para 2024 e o acordo do Hamas com Israel
Edição de 22 Novembro 2023
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Edição de 15 Novembro 2023
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Edição de 08 Novembro 2023
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Edição de 25 Outubro 2023
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Edição de 18 Outubro 2023
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Edição de 11 Outubro 2023
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I first met Dan Perry in Romania 1990. He was the AP Bureau Chief, and I was freelancing for the summer. There’s no one I’ve met who better understands collectively Israel, the Middle East, and the U.S. So after the Hamas attack and Israel’s declaration of war, I knew whom to call. Dan was awoken on Oct. 7 “by rocket fire over central Tel Aviv, wit…
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Edição de 04 Outubro 2023
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Edição de 27 de setembro 2023
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Edição 13 Setembro 2023
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Edição de 19 Julho 2023
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Edição de 12 Julho 2023
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edição de 5 julho 2023
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Edição de 28 Junho 2023
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edição de 21 junho 2023
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Edição de 14 Junho 2023
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edição de 7 junho 2023
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Edição de 31 Maio 2023
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edição de 24 maio 2023
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Edição de 17 Maio 2023
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edição de 10 maio 2023
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Edição de 03 Maio 2023
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edição de 26 Abril 2023
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