🎉梅山口至埡口於11/22開放🎉 🎉埡口至向陽於11/29開放🎉 The Route between Meishankou and Xiangyang will be opened on Nov.29 under the Regular Road Entrance Restrictions. 🎥南橫的美麗與哀愁最終版🎥 重磅上映: https://reurl.cc/ZrVKr3 欄杆男專欄,透過聲音播送東漂生活、南橫與花東風情,以及亂入的海外經驗談。歡迎不定時20:00收聽,沉澱身心靈! 來信: talumon20@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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la vie est en route
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私家遊/K社長,創始人,長期關注“全世界新型態旅遊方式與人文地理的新旅遊自媒體”,分享旅遊互聯網資訊內容和創業內容成長,期望下個10年,讓旅遊更美好。 enjoying the deep travel adventures of individuals in the global etc, t provide arecommended classic route with you,please join us Let's Adventure. 頻道連結 :channel: https://linktr.ee/Adventuretravel.center 合作邀約:https://line.me/ti/p/%40cyl9363y 電郵:kushuren@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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出國潮後的南橫西段 有著和煦的陽光 清澈的荖濃溪水迎接旅人 2025 寧靜冬日,一同品嚐高品質的南橫西段之旅! In the Midst of the Booming of Traveling Abroad The Bright and Warm Sunshine The Crystal-clear River Invite High-Quality Travelers to Appreciate The High-Quality Traveling in Highway 20 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Stage Shifted from the Mountain to the East Coast While the Challenges Laid Ahed Tune in to Enjoy this Reminiscing Featuring the Story of a Man in the Mid 20s Rediscovering Purpose, Embracing Uncertainty, and Finding Meaning in the Gaps of Life Powered by Firstory Hosting
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走過北橫,曠怡心神 走過中橫,無所不能 走過南橫,璀璨前程 在高山中,找回年輕的心 Capture Your Young Spirit by Leaving Your Footprints in the Highway-Trekking Team 12/31前報名,享有候鳥專案 救國團南橫健行隊:https://youth.cyc.org.tw/camp_team/contents/2891 強烈推薦一邊服用歌曲: 越過那一座山:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls9FvsVCf9k Powered by Firstory Hosting
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20歲後半的歲月 時常不自覺將自己與他人比較 青春的餘暉,你會如何揮灑呢? 繼續聆賞寧靜花東憶五載—— 一個涵蓋東漂生活理想與現實的在地回憶錄 A Person in the mid 20s Usually Compares Oneself with Another. How Will People at This Age Color Their Ending Adolescence? Stay Tuned to "Reminiscing in the Serene East", A Special Edition Featuring the Fantasy and Reality of the Life in the East. Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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Future Has Its Way of Unraveling When You Least Expect It A Sudden Even Forces Talum to Shake Things up How He Took Advantage of It to Wander under a Seemingly Carefree Life Alongside Many Accomplishments? Then, What's the Transition to Return to the Social Norm? Powered by Firstory Hosting
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曾經的富里 也有一個享受金色稻浪的音樂節 旅人在這裡隨著音樂舞動 時不時遠眺主持人所介紹的美人山 2021年有來的你們,是否有預料到 只剩兩年的時間享受穀稻秋聲了呢 It used to be a music festival that celebrates the golden harvesting in Fuli Travelers were dancing with the music, beholding the beauty mountain in front of them We may wonder if those participants in 2021 could foresee it was only 2 years left before the ending of …
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頭目山 座落在東海岸第一大鎮——成功鎮 2022年後半離開了熟悉的縱谷與南橫 來到有山與海的東海岸 長期在山線遊蹤 面對海風、鹹味、重新開始的人際圈 如何一步步愛上東海岸呢? 同時身邊的人逐漸步入人生下一階段, 形單影隻的你會如何構築與山海的依戀呢? 兩年前,慶祝南橫五十週年 兩年後,回憶當時錄音的地方——成功鎮 In the Late 2022, Talum announced his departure from the Mountain Line heading to the Coastal Line for a new life How to fall in love with the East Coast in the midst of salty air and a new so…
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2022.4.30 南橫通車典禮 初見埡口雲海、檜谷巨木 同時看見大師低調樸實的性情 適逢翻完「南橫的美麗與哀愁最終版」七小時字幕 今日,一同回味這場與大師在南橫的通車高峰會 The Memoir of the Meeting in the Road-opening Ceremony with a Master Who Dedicates to the Highway 20 Portrays the Sea of Clouds in Yakou Giant Cypress in Tianchi and His Fly-under-the-radar Spirit Today, Celebrate the Summit and the Completion of Translation a 7…
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慶豐收的10月望著金黃稻穗 參加花東一系列在地活動 Join Various Events in the East to Celebrate the Golden Harvesting in October 活動圖片:萬安社區發展協會 Courtesy:Wan'an Community Development Association Powered by Firstory Hosting
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金針花與六十石山 在許多人心目中密不可分 倘若今日非花期 如何怡然自得? Orange Daylily and Lioushidan Mountain Are Usually Associated with Each Other If Daylily don't blossom, How to Enjoy the Serenity in the Mountain? 排笛演奏:松浦國小學生 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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2024大暑 天龍吊橋漫步 六口溫泉濯足 2021大寒正值斜槓人生 六口溫泉舉辦了一場生涯辯論會 旁人務實的價值觀如何影響了我呢? 當年的欄杆男又做了什麼決定呢? Traveling Leisurely in Tianlong and Lioukou Without the financial Concern just Feels Perfect. Especially in 2024, a Year with a Serene Vibe However, traveling in these places as a polyworker Inevitably Drew Discussions between Freedom and Reality How Did the Career Fo…
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2019 and 2020 Filled with Pitfalls and a Life Rebound Similar to an Old-fashioned Train Cruising on the Track Reminisce the Journey within these Five Years in a Steady Fashion Powered by Firstory Hosting
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(00:43)走在海岸山脈的脊梁 Traversing through the Costal Mountain Range (16:24) 夏日太平洋 The Summer Vibe in the Pacific Ocean (25:05)暴風雨前的寧靜 The Calm before the Storm 安通越嶺古道、太平洋海划 途中充滿各種起伏,也分別感受太平洋不同風情 2020徒步海線時突如其來的變動 又如何改變欄杆男的人生了呢? Traversing through a Historic Trail in Antong and playing the SUP Both Face Bumps and the Beauty of the PacifIc Ocean During a Co…
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(0:20)細數夏夜 (11:37) 2019 許下星願 在夏夜伯朗細數繁星點點 已是在地人享受池上的例行公事 在璀璨星空下 許一個美好的未來 Watching the Starry Sky at Night Has been a Routine for Locals Let's Wish a Bright Future under This Starry Sky Powered by Firstory Hosting
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(0:20)中文 (12:22)English 地震、颱風、出國潮 帶走前幾年花東爆滿的旅遊潮 終於在東漂五週年迎來寧靜的氛圍 也有幸到各地穿梭及體驗 跟著「寧靜花東憶五載」專題 一同聆賞寧靜勾勒出的東漂生活 回顧五週年的蹤跡 以及五週年的甘苦談 The 3-year Erupting Tourism in the East Suddenly Taken way by Natural Disasters and The Frenzy Vibe of Traveling abroad We Celebrate the Host's 5th Anniversary of Wandering in the East with a Special Edition: "Reminiscing in t…
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專欄第一集 記流水帳聊新南橫 The First Episode after Rename Starts with Reminiscing Highway 24 in a Dull Description 更多資訊 Takeways: 深旅行2015 https://onetrip.pixnet.net/blog/post/356036763 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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(01:17)懷念的曾經 Things We Took for Granted (17:46)三年的輪迴 Deja Vu in Every Three Years (21:07)寧靜,同時也在過濾 Serenity Filters Tourists Powered by Firstory Hosting
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(02:13)懷念的曾經 Things We took for granted (13:59)三年的輪迴 Deja Vu in Every Three Years (16:13)寧靜,同時也在過濾 Serenity Filters Tourists Powered by Firstory Hosting
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2021.12 一堂社會課專訪四甲 以小孩子的角度聊聊初來 今晚,一同慶祝他們鵬程萬里 A late-uploading Interview with local kids Who Introduces their homeland Let's celebrate their graduation and Wish them a bright future Powered by Firstory Hosting
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跟著在地校外教學 一同領略袖珍原民後山路 Follow a Local Tour Wandering in a Precious Indigenous Trail Powered by Firstory Hosting
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天冷,笑看梅花越冷越開花 享受平凡、人煙罕至的台東 Enjoy Plum Blossoms Blooming and serenity in Taitung In The Season of Chill and White Powered by Firstory Hosting
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海葵颱風侵襲雜感 Some thoughts after Typhoon Haikui assault Powered by Firstory Hosting
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感謝光復數位中心贊助播出 Sponsored by Guangfu Digital Opportunity Center 一同聽見馬太鞍 花蓮最大的豐年祭 Enjoy the iconic 2023 Amis Festival in Fata'an (00:01:56) 尋根 A Quest for Identity (00:12:31) 文化傳承 Passing the Torch (00:23:17) 當部落觀光變成賣點 The Misleading Tourism Economy (00:29:18) 可愛的ina們 Cuties Amis People Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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重點從新車、二手車、後市場三個方面發力,在後市場方面,通過發展汽車賽事、房車露營,釋放近萬億規模的汽車後市場潛力。 關於這次內容上海人民廣播電台《長三角汽車生活》欄目邀請到房車行創始人丁先生,一起探討汽車賽事+房車露營如何釋放萬億產值市場? 下面是詳細專訪內容。 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckgq1w3qoc1u50803wkli12b1 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckgq1w3qoc1u50803wkli12b1/comments 私家遊/K社長,創始人,長期關注“全世界新型態旅遊方式與人文地理的新旅遊自媒體”,分享旅遊互聯網資訊內容和創業內容成長,期望下個10年,讓旅遊…
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圍着華南第一峰轉一圈,領略醉美山水風光丨南嶺系列路書 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckgq1w3qoc1u50803wkli12b1 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckgq1w3qoc1u50803wkli12b1/comments 私家遊/K社長,創始人,長期關注“全世界新型態旅遊方式與人文地理的新旅遊自媒體”,分享旅遊互聯網資訊內容和創業內容成長,期望下個10年,讓旅遊更美好。 頻道連結 : https://linktr.ee/Adventuretravel.center 合作邀約:https://line.me/ti/p/%40cyl9363y 電郵:kushuren@g…
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1972.10.31 南橫全線通車 半世紀後,我們回味點點滴滴 The Highway 20 was opened on Oct. 31, 1972 Today, sit back and celebrate its 50th anniversary 內容勘誤 拉馬達星星因為被逮捕而身亡;非節目中所說之自殺 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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如果沒有祁連山,那么柴旦木盆地與內蒙古高原的沙漠將連成一片,河西走廊與絲綢之路不會出現。 正因為有祁連山,和田的玉石得以進入中原,張騫、漢武帝、霍去病得以活躍於河西走廊,玄奘得以由此向西取經,旅行者得以活躍青、甘二省,經典的青甘大環線由此而生,今天我們的路線則在原線基礎上做了一點調整。 接下來,就讓我們走上這條河西走廊+柴達木自駕線,追隨張騫與玄奘的足跡,從西安開始,走過明星煌煌的黃河,見到馬踏飛燕的故鄉——武威,欣賞張掖美麗的七彩丹霞,一路“闖過”天下第一雄關——嘉峪關。 於名譽中外的敦煌向南而行,進入柴達木盆地,搜尋大柴旦美麗的翡翠湖,G315上的U型公路、水上雅丹,格爾木的察爾汗鹽湖、萬丈鹽橋,最終一路吹着青海湖的風,進入西寧。 走上河西走廊、柴達木盆地,搜尋圍繞祁連山的寶藏風景。” …
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期待已久的夏天雖然到了,但今年似乎格外的熾熱與危險。飽受颱風、暴雨、酷暑、干旱折磨的你,是否渴望一個清爽的遠方?比如,內蒙古? 綿延起復的草原與風吹草低見牛羊,是每一位自駕旅行者最熟悉的內蒙,從河套平原開始一路往北直到呼倫貝爾,草初始終都是內蒙的主角,其中又以呼倫貝爾最為熱鬧。 今天就跟着這條呼倫貝爾大草原自駕線,一同走上草原天路,在烏拉蓋草原與阿爾山之間迎風而行,體驗中蒙風情,后進入呼倫貝爾草原,奔走在廣袤的綠色里,見到鄂溫克族、俄羅斯族的民族風情,再去北極村找北,在哈爾濱的中央大街聽一曲“喀秋莎”。😎 呼倫貝爾大草原自駕線路圖 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckgq1w3qoc1u50803wkli12b1 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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天佑花東 Pray for Hualien and Taitung Powered by Firstory Hosting
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckgq1w3qoc1u50803wkli12b1 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckgq1w3qoc1u50803wkli12b1/comments 私家遊/K社長,創始人,長期關注“全世界新型態旅遊方式與人文地理的新旅遊自媒體”,分享旅遊互聯網資訊內容和創業內容成長,期望下個10年,讓旅遊更美好。 頻道連結 : https://linktr.ee/Adventuretravel.center 合作邀約:https://line.me/ti/p/%40cyl9363y 電郵:kushuren@gmail.com Powered by Firstory …
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Photo Credit: Daguanshan Tunnel from Mr. Smbigsun 感謝洪春景老師提供大關山隧道圖片 The mysterious Highway 20 will be opened Listen to things to know and enjoy The eve of road open Powered by Firstory Hosting
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(00:00:25) 嘮叨提醒 Preaching (00:11:00) 感性時間 Emotional Moment 在明霸克露橋5週年 倒數2天通車的4/29 提醒通車注意事項 訴說千頭萬緒 Celebrating the 5th anniversary of Minbaklu Bridge and the road open 好物推薦 Takeaways: 公路邦南橫指引:https://reurl.cc/VD5LoY Powered by Firstory Hosting
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聊聊南橫近期管制工程 A deep look at recent constructions 參考資料 References: 甲仙段長說明南橫梅山口到向陽未來面對:https://reurl.cc/rDg15y 自遊池上行程合作:https://reurl.cc/YvOja0 居民憂明霸克露橋短期鋼便橋汛期恐再斷 甲仙段長的回應: https://reurl.cc/NArZvx Powered by Firstory Hosting
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久等了,霧鹿部落 閒聊部落景觀、歷史,以及日常生活 Finally we get the chance to know Bulbul Explore scenes, history and lifestyle 參考資料 References: 霧鹿古砲台:https://reurl.cc/KbjZ3M 台灣原住民族資訊網:https://reurl.cc/Dy6aoj Powered by Firstory Hosting
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感謝洪春景老師提供檜谷照片 Photo Credit: Kuiagu from Mr.Smbigsun (00:00:25) 檜谷 Kuaigu (00:09:58) 南橫三山 Nanheng Sanshan 兩大禁區景點:檜谷與南橫三山 搶先在開通前用耳朵揭開神秘面紗 Two most mysterious places Kuaigu and Nanheng Sanshan Will be revealed here before 5/1 參考資料 References: 南橫三山及關山線: https://reurl.cc/1Z4WGD 南橫公路沿線地質簡介:https://reurl.cc/GxrYjG 維基百科:https://reurl.cc/8onVvg MIT 台灣誌 604:…
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感謝洪春景老師提供檜谷封面 Photo Creadit: Gorgeous Cypress in Kuaigu from Mr.Smbigsun (00:01:39) 只出不進 No Entry 梅山至向陽 5/1正式通車 The service between Meishan to Xiangyang commences on 5/1 更正:1:39為只出不進 南橫公路梅山口~向陽路段,自111年5月1日起有條件開放一般民眾通行: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LoK5NmbQiI Powered by Firstory Hosting
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有道是南橫有八景 每每令人流連忘返 通車前,先用耳朵 再次掀開神秘面紗 Eight Wonders in Nanheng disguise here as a siren Let's reveal them with ears before the road open 更多南橫八景參考影音: 洪春景公民新聞:https://reurl.cc/VDaqLY 南橫八景:https://reurl.cc/p1DV6Q 五十年來的埡口大關山隧道口景觀影像:https://reurl.cc/q5dm1N 南橫最新路況:https://reurl.cc/NAjXXk 南橫健行隊之大關山隧道鬼話連篇:https://reurl.cc/monqq9 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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聊聊最近的旅行趨勢 台東不遠,走就到了 你去過嘉明湖、住過青旅嗎? 沒有做、不隨波逐流就是lol嗎? Which one will you choose? Bandwagon or Ego? Powered by Firstory Hosting
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天有不測風雲 原來,我們離疫情如此近 保重 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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感謝洪春景老師提供大關山隧道西洞口雲海封面 洪春景老師的草根、堅持、歷久彌新 描繪在7小時的南橫的美麗與哀愁 在看似他最後一舞的紀錄生涯 一同致敬如同藝術的絕美佳作 EP.43-草根影南橫映出跨時代: https://reurl.cc/qOYWv0 EP.51- A Tribute- The Beauty and Sorrow of Nanheng: https://reurl.cc/GoRDmW 更多洪春景老師好片: 南橫的美麗與哀愁最終版 https://reurl.cc/ZrVKr3 南橫的美麗與哀愁2016 https://reurl.cc/X4Q8VM 2019永續報導獎作品 https://reurl.cc/8W9aqb 南橫美麗艱難路 一步一腳印 https://reurl.c…
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Photo Credit: Seas of Cloud from West End of Daguanshan from Mr. Smbigsun A 7-hour documentary masterpiece manifests consistency, persistency, and resiliency Today, we pay a tribute and receive the torch from Mr. Smbigsun 's golden documentary career Recommended: Final Edition https://reurl.cc/ZrVKr3 2016 https://reurl.cc/X4Q8VM 2019 Award Winner h…
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一位來自新竹黑手技工90年闖蕩中國大陸數十載,現在如何成為中國房車界爭相合作的專業房車設計改裝業者(#靠譜哥) 與您線上有約談談他的房車世界,請關注我們一起房車自駕游。😁 ♥小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/adventuretravel 😋留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckgq1w3qoc1u50803wkli12b1/comments 私家遊/K社長,創始人,長期關注“全世界新型態旅遊方式與人文地理的新旅遊自媒體”,分享旅遊互聯網資訊內容和創業內容成長,期望下個10年,讓旅遊更美好。 ★頻道連結 : https://linktr.ee/Adventuretravel.cente ★合…
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臺東,是醞釀如「繭」生存遊戲的舞台 猶如倫敦般神秘又危險 踏上此地的玩家我,試圖在美景、障礙 與猶如諾亞方舟的頑固意志中 帶著祝福撐下去 Taitung resembles the London stage in Conan movie So mysterious and dangerous A player with similar program to that of Noah's Ark Possessing strong will to fight against all odds in front of the audience who can only watch and pray Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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(00:01:14) 匆忙上陣 Rising to Occasion (00:06:00) 波折 Obstacles (00:09:00) 堅韌生命力 Reseliency (00:17:30) 決戰 Showdown (00:28:30) 延續 The Next 感性滿點,節奏極慢慎入 Caution! too emotional to catch up the pace 110年教育部感動地圖計畫 南橫願景工程隊獲得銀獎 今天,來回顧計畫的點點滴滴 Nanheng Expedition Team Awarded a silver in 2021 M.O.E Grand Tour Program Tonight, sit back and reminisce all the bitter …
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呼倫貝爾號應該快來了,不出意外的話我是會去好好體驗的。 真正開啟第六種旅行方式時代的到來。讓火車不再是單一的交通運輸工具,而是融合了舒適便利的旅游住宿,溫馨專屬的社交娛樂,抵達避眾私享的目的地,為一體的全場景旅行新方式。 文字稿連結:https://adventuretravelcenter.blogspot.com/2021/12/blog-post.html 小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/adventuretravel 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckycob4x40ig0098202ii9k7l?m=comment Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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這是一場感知自然的心靈之旅,我們需要放慢腳步,細細品味,才能從雲南這片神奇的土地中,讀懂每個民族與大自然共處的生存智慧,以及他們在曆史程式中創造的燦爛文化。 文章連結:https://adventuretravelcenter.blogspot.com/2022/01/blog-post.html 小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/adventuretravel 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckybpsgb10wwq0807m0uxfi11?m=comment Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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如何保有自己的樣子 與外國人進行文化交流? 留英碩士的下一步又是如何? 對南橫的瞭解又有多少? 2021最終章,獻給嚮往國際的鄉下孩子 How to communicate with foreigners Without discarding our original cultural belief ? What's the next for the British master? Who will be tested to see if she binge listens to my podcast This dedicates to countryside kids yearning for oversea opportunities in the New Year's Eve 2021…
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遠端錄音初體驗 Remote Recording on the way ! 2020,出國留學遇上疫情 沒有社交生活 人際連結中斷 龐大學術壓力 她,如何在大英帝國完成學位? In 2020, a foreign student bumped into pandemic Resulting in the lack of socializing, networking Only to deal with the ice, tempered screen with heavy load of the academic Let's find out her breakthrough in this uncharted territory Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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感謝萬榮數位中心贊助播出 Sponsored by Wanrong Digital Opportunity Center (00:00:18) 射箭場認識塔魯固 (00:10:37) 虎頭山尬聊運動 (00:26:18) amis移居之路 一個部落中 看見多變族群 今日詞彙:社區發展協會 Witness diverse identities and groups in a melting pot in Wanrong, Hualien Take Community Development Association away Music from Bensound Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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農夫忙完後究竟吃什麼? 一道道家鄉菜背後又有什麼故事? 10/8 一同到稻米原鄉館探索地方媽媽的巧手慧心 What do farmers eat after exhausting work? What leave behind after local dishes served? Find out local mothers' crafty cooking in Wanan Rice Recreation Center, 10.8.21 活動資訊 Information: https://reurl.cc/V58gzZ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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