Discussions about designing and developing iOS and Mac apps.
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Podcast by Илья Царев, Роман Бусыгин и Алексей Милеев
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Collin speaks with founder of Bare Bones Software and creator of BBEdit Rich Siegel on the last thirty years of developing software.由Collin Donnell
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Collin discusses the release of Acorn 7, undo, testing, and more with Gus Mueller of Flying Meat Software. Special Guest: Gus Mueller. Links: Acorn 7 — The newly-updated image editor from Flying Meat Software. Real Basic/Xojo — Wikipedia link for Real Basic/Xojo. VoodooPad — The desktop wiki Gus first made in the early 2000s. Cocoa Script — JavaScr…
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В этом выпуске мы немного поговорили о Wikipedia. Как она появилась? Откуда там деньги? Как дела у русскоязычной Википедии?Ссылки:Вики-премии 2019: https://youtu.be/t-4C_xpei0UСколько там статей: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias#Detailed_listНикаких премий: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A3%D1%8D%D0%B9%D0%BB%D1%81,_%D0%94%D0%B6%D…
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В этом выпуске Рома рассказал о своих впечатлениях от SwiftUI на практике. Что это вообще такое? Какие у него плюсы и минусы? Каким в итоге получается код? Что станет с автолэйаутом, как улучшатся ваши анимации и причём тут реактивный Combine?Open Source приложение на SwiftUI: https://github.com/Dimillian/MovieSwiftUIРепозиторий с известными багами…
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Вы знаете, что мы искренне желаем вам успеха. Поэтому в свежем выпуске Run Loop мы собрались обсудить, как проводят свой день разные успешные предприниматели.Про разных известных людей: https://vc.ru/life/75640-zhit-v-momente-i-otkazatsya-ot-rutiny-sovety-izvestnyh-predprinimateleyПро распорядок дня знаменитых учёных и писателей: https://newtonew.c…
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15-й выпуск мы записали прямо на AppsConf’19. К нам пришёл Антон Сергеев и рассказал, как сломать электростанцию при помощи вспышки, чем ему нравится работа с UI, и как iOS-команда VK подходит к работе с платформой.由Илья Царев, Роман Бусыгин и Алексей Милеев
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Saul Mora talks working in China, kitchen sink apps, and Magical Record. Special Guest: Saul Mora. Links: GitHub - magicalpanda/MagicalRecord: Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data 1!!!11!!!!1! WeChat - Free messaging and calling app LINE : Free Calls & Messages由Collin Donnell
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Brian Papa comes on to talk Nintendo, subscriptions as a business model, and more.由Collin Donnell
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Casey joins Collin to discuss QBasic, ATP, live podcasts, RxSwift, software methodoligies, and much more. Special Guest: Casey Liss. Links: QBasic - Wikipedia ReactiveX/RxSwift: Reactive Programming in Swift Expert to Expert: Brian Beckman and Erik Meijer - Inside the .NET Reactive Framework (Rx) Liss is More RxSwift Primer: Part 1 — Liss is More…
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Michele Titolo talks about contributing to open source, learning new things, and more. Special Guest: Michele Titolo. Links: Michele's Blog Michele on Twitter Your Apps and Evolving Network Security Standards - WWDC 2017 - Videos - Apple Developer Privacy and Your Apps - WWDC 2017 Support the Show on Patreon…
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Noah Read joins Collin to talk about design trends, the line between development and design, iPad productivity, and more. Special Guest: Noah Read. Links: Noah Read’s Work, Writing, and Snippets | noahread.net Their Story is Our Story IDEO The Elements of Typographic Style Ellen Lupton由Collin Donnell
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Soroush Khanlou joins Collin to talk about developing the Beacon app, server side Swift, blogging, and languages. Special Guest: Soroush Khanlou. Links: Seaside Web Framework Release Notes Podcast Darius Kazemi, Tiny Subversions - XOXO Festival (2014) - YouTube Business Insider Article on Genius Sourcery: Meta-programming for Swift Swift Evolution:…
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iOS instructor and developer TJ Usiyan joins Collin to discuss music, math, teaching, and more. Special Guest: TJ Usiyan. Links: Chordal Text Coding Bootcamp. Learn to Code. | Flatiron School Support the Show on Patreon由Collin Donnell
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Laura Savino joins Collin to talk about speaking at conferences, natural and computer languages, getting started in programming, freelancing versus full time employment, and more. Special Guest: Laura Savino. Links: Laura's Website Laura Savino (@savinola) on Twitter Khan Academy Support the Show on Patreon…
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Greg Pierce of Agile Tortoise (Drafts, Terminology, Interact, x-callback-url) joins Collin to talk about how the iOS has changed over the years, the future of the App Store, iCloud, and more. Special Guest: Greg Pierce. Links: Agile Tortoise Greg Pierce (@agiletortoise) | Twitter Support the Show on Patreon x-callback-url…
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Collin is joined by Marco Arment and Gus Mueller during WWDC to talk about conferences past and present, the move to San Jose, and how the conference has changed over the years. Special Guests: Gus Mueller and Marco Arment. Links: Paper Plane Good Karma Artisan Ales & Café Social Policy Beacon Support the Show on Patreon…
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Jean MacDonald joins Collin to talk App Camp For Girls, Micro.blog, karaoke in Portland and bridging the geek divide. Special Guest: Jean MacDonald. Links: App Camp For Girls Jean on Twitter Jean's Micro Blog Support the Show on Patreon由Collin Donnell
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Chris Parrish of Aged and Distilled and Rogue Sheep and more comes on the show to talk about his history, Seattle in the 90s, the future of computer programming, and more. Special Guest: Chris Parrish. Links: Napkin for OS X Chris Parrish (@twenty3) | Twitter Support the Show on Patreon Rabbit由Collin Donnell
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Brent Simmons joins the show to talk about past projects, like NetNewsWire and Glassboard, rewriting an app from the 90s, his current job at The Omni Group, and his latest project: JSON Feed. Special Guest: Brent Simmons. Links: NewsBlur Vesper Sync Diary Azure App Service – app hosting | Microsoft Azure JSON Feed brentsimmons/RSXML: Utility code f…
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Bob Cantoni joins Collin to talk about transitioning from indie to working for a company, getting involved in political activism, and moving from engineering into product. Special Guest: Bob Cantoni. Links: Nice Mohawk Bob on Twitter Collin on Twitter The Run Loop on Twitter Support the show on Patreon…
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Collin is joined by Manton Reece to talk about working independently, running a successful Kickstarter campaign, building community, designing a social network to combat harassment, and tabs versus spaces. Special Guest: Manton Reece. Links: Micro.blog Manton's Blog Manton's Indie Microblogging Kickstarter Riverfold Software Core Intuition Timetabl…
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Collin talks to iOS developer Samuel Goodwin about peer mentorship, starting a business, moving to a new country, writing apps, and Japan. Special Guest: Samuel Goodwin. Links: Roundwall Software — Samuel's company and blog. Formatter for Mac Peer Lab: Developers Helping Developers Collin on Twitter Samuel on Twitter Support the Show on Patreon…
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