Heroes never die — they just change platforms. Dan Hanzus and Marc Sessler are back with Heed The Call, a new NFL podcast that takes you around the league with depth, clarity… and just a touch of mirth. Dan, Marc and a collection of familiar friends cover every game and storyline, providing fans with an elite listening experience the Football Cognoscenti doesn’t want you to hear.
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ポジティブな提案につなげる「ポジ出し」の精神をモットーに、自由で寛容な社会をつくるため、適切な情報と良質な議論を共有し、一歩先の未来、アップデートされた新しい価値観をリスナーの皆さんと共に作り出します。 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 https://www.tbs.co.jp/radio/podcast/en.html 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcastサイト:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/
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Podcast by Por Paula Quintão
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Des rythmes et du style !
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Sestra-tainment is a podcast of 2 real-life sisters covering a wide variety of entertainment topics. From TV to Movies and TikTok to Instagram, on Sestra-tainment we enjoy discussing it all on a weekly basis. Join us for our favorite (or most intriguing) entertainment downloads.
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Underground House Music Podcast
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ANÁLISE! INFORMAÇÃO! CRÍTICA! NADA DISSO! Essa turminha do barulho escolhe um filme e faz um bate-papo irreverente sobre ele. Tudo se torna desculpa para debater os temas explosivos e prêmios aleatórios que aparecem em cada episódio.
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Episódios quinzenais comentando filmes, séries e as novidades do mundo audiovisual! Nos acompanhe no Instagram (@sessaoas6) e no TIKTOK (@podsessaoas6)
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Get your dose of Bitcoin with weekly news roundups and "Why Are We Bullish" panel shows featuring Bitcoiners from around the world!
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Cada sábado noche, Jose AM te espera con todos los HITs de la Electrónica en Spinnin Sessions.
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Prisluhnite odgovorom sestre Nikoline na vaša kuharska vprašanja. Z njo sodelujemo že od leta 2006. Sedem let je pripravljala oddaje in rubrike z recepti, nato pa sodelovala v naših kontaktnih oddajah, od leta 2017 sodeluje v oddaji Svetovalnica. Sestra Nikolina Rop je Šolska sestra svetega Frančiška Kristusa Kralja, ki je pri založbi Družina izdala več kuharskih knjig, vodila je kuharske tečaje v Repnjah pri Vodicah in na Brezjah. Arhiv minulih oddaj in rubrik: http://oddaje.ognjisce.si/kuh ...
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The original jazz interview podcast since 2007. Hosted by Jason Crane.
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B.P.M. – La Rencontre (ex SessionLab), c’est une conversation en toute intimité au cœur des musiques et de leurs créateurs. Hortense Volle s’invite chez un artiste ou sur les itinéraires familiers qui sont ceux de son inspiration, le temps d’une rencontre qui mêle sa vie à son œuvre. Podcast original en audio 3D. Réalisation : B. Sarralié. Mixage en Dolby Atmos pour une écoute immersive au casque : J. Besset. Responsable d'unité de production RFI Labo : X. Gibert. Diffusion le dimanche à 14h ...
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Need some EDM in your life? Get your fix with Sonance Sessions Podcast. Guest mix on Sonance Sessions visit sonancesessions.com
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A podcast on medicine, oncology, & health policy. Host: Vinay Prasad, MD MPH from University of California San Francisco. Tweet your feedback to @Plenary_Session or e-mail plenarysessionpodcast@gmail.com
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The marketing podcast for event marketers. Short lightning sessions to help you promote your event better and unlock new attendees. Powered by Gleanin.
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The Sessions Podcast features the biggest worldwide club anthems mixed by DJ Storm
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Practical conversations about software development.
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Bienvenidos a SESSPONCE
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The Desire Sessions Podcast is a lightning path for spiritual women to quit people-pleasing, reclaim power, and create a pleasure-led legacy of sensual freedom and embodied wealth.
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Organic conversations Hosted by Nick Usher and Joey Allen
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Learn from the best. Become the best. On Courtside Sessions, we're interviewing top coaches, players, and pros on how they "Elevate their Game."
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where the real philosophy happens
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In this podcast you will be hearing a two hours travel of the best melodic techno and progressive music of the moment. You will discover all the latest tracks and can enjoy some guest that will be coming to the show every five episodes. Please share the podcast, leave a review, comments, that will help to keep climbing :)
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Welcome to Customer Growth Sessions, presented by Intergrowth. Join host Pat Ahern, Managing Partner at Intergrowth, as we discuss techniques to build and scale systems that boost profitability for up-and-coming ecommerce businesses.
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Spreading love, finding your place, and interviewing the world.
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La frizzante trasmissione di Luciano Macchia e Raffaele Kohler. Tutti i sabati su Radio Popolare dalla mezzanotte all'una. In onda le scorribande musicali dei due suonatori d’ottone in giro per la città, assecondate da artisti formidabili e straordinari.
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James Magnussen and Justin Horo have you covered with sports news and interviews every Saturday morning! Catch The Saturday Session LIVE every Saturday morning at 9:00am on SEN 1170 AM Sydney and SEN 693 AM Brisbane
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Andi Jarvis (Eximo Marketing) talks to some of the world’s best marketers and shares hints, tips and insight to help you become a better marketer.
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If you ever wondered, “what’s the story behind that story” then Backstory Sessions is for you. We showcase fascinating people, from all walks of life. Each episode takes a behind the scenes look at their work and spotlights guests who have their own stories to tell.
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Podcasting the Strange to the World
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www.ossomrecords.com The podcast of upfront promos & house music classics mixed with latest soulful & deep news of today by Ossom Sessions crew and ocassional guest dj's.
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Welcome to the Vonyc Sessions Podcast.. 60mins of the very best new electronic music from around the world, hand-picked and hosted by Grammy award-winning producer and DJ Paul Van Dyk. For more info about the globally syndicated show visit www.paulvandyk.com
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Golden'era - sessions is a podcast started and hosted by Vusumuzi (The Black Pioneer) from Soweto Dobsonville. The podcast will release 1-3 mix tapes per month, the focus is not only on Deep House but other genres too such as: Neo - soul , Lounge, Trip hop, Breaks & Nu Jazz.
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Since launching The Sisterhood Networking Group in 2022, it's founder Sarah Ridge has been introduced to some incredible women, all with amazing stories to tell. Now she wants to share those stories with you! So grab yourself a cuppa, sit back and relax and prepare to be inspired……..
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The original live show that brings professional brewer and homebrewer interviews, and the best in beer-tainment, right to you as we talk about homebrewing beer and craft brewing. Each episode covers specific brewing topics to inform and entertain, and world class professional brewers as guests. All the fun of real radio, without the boredom. Live listeners can participate and ask questions by joining our chatroom. Watch the live show at YouTube.com/brewingnetwork. Have a brewing question or ...
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Podcast by Sydenham Current
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raidersbroadcast.com "The Jazz Session" re-play shows for anyone who missed it! ... and plenty of other stuff, if by chance you like to 'explore', including the monthly folk/country programme "The Crossing".
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There are sessions that are put when meetings happen and alcohols flow. On puttings of said sessions, much randomness is generated : sometimes, these are about intelligent things, sometimes not. In either case, these recordings are completely unintelligible; any attempt to find meaning would be futile, so kindly don't try. This podcast simply captures that sessionable spirit (pun may/may not be intended).
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Just your local bike shop in Northern Ontario. Discussing riding, our way!
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Conversations at the intersection of Faith, Culture, and Politics
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Struggle Session is the world's finest politics and pop culture podcast. Leslie Lee III and Jack Allison talk video games, movies, TV, wrestling, comic books, music, anime, and all of your problematic faves. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/struggle-session--5842028/support.
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News, opinion, analysis, lifestyle and entertainment – we’ve got your Sunday morning listening covered with The Sunday Session with Francesca Rudkin on Newstalk ZB.
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Welcome to eCom Sessions. A podcast created for marketing leaders working in eCommerce.
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This is Seismic Sessions: Enabling the Financial Services Industry - a podcast show dedicated to two things, revenue enablement and the Financial Services sector. Join us as we feature experts and leaders across the Financial Services industry, who discuss innovative and impactful ways to sell, market, and deliver, memorable client experiences through enablement.
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The 4 Critical Flaws in Cloud Computing: Digital Sovereignty with Matt Hill – Mentor Sessions Ep.001
Are you trusting Big Tech with your data? In this premiere episode of Mentor Sessions, we sit down with Matt Hill, CEO of Start9, to uncover the hidden dangers of cloud computing. Matt breaks down The Four Critical Flaws and explains why the cloud is a ticking time bomb for your digital life. Discover how sovereign computing offers a way out, empow…
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Poslušalka bi rada naredila juho iz lisičk, ki jih kupi v trgovini. Sestro Nikolino prosi za nasvet, kako naj jih skuha, saj so bile do sedaj vedno trde. Sestra ji je svetovala, naj lisičk ne praži na čebuli (kot je eden od načinov priprave), ampak da kuhati h krompirju v vrelo vodo ali nežno kostno juho. Tako naj bi se zmehčale. Nato doda še praže…
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In this episode of Customer Growth Sessions, Pat Ahern interviews Caroline Priebe, the CEO and founder of Driftless Goods, an online marketplace focused on plastic-free, regenerative wool products. Caroline shares the inspiration behind the brand, stemming from her extensive background in sustainable fashion and her desire to create eco-friendly pe…
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TBSラジオ 荻上チキ・Session 2025年3月12日(水)ニュース 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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解説:崔真淑(エコノミスト) (2025年3月12日(水)ニュースコーナーDaily News Sessionより。) 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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TBSラジオ国会担当の澤田大樹記者が解説 (2025年3月12日(水)ニュースコーナーDaily News Sessionより。) 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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ゲスト:TBS放送局編集主幹・荻原豊さん TBSラジオ『荻上チキ・Session』2025年3月12日(水)「FrontLine Session」より。 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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SYGMA's weekly Trance Show由Sonance Sessions
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2025年3月12日(水) ゲスト:田辺智加さん(ぼる塾) テーマ:「仕事を休むことへの重要性」 Yahoo!ニュースとのコラボレーション企画。 Yahoo!ニュースのサイトで動画も公開されるので、ぜひ、そちらもチェックしてください。 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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A Dance mix from NSG for March由Sonance Sessions
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ゲスト:毎日新聞専門記者の栗原俊雄さん / 東京大空襲の被害に遭った吉田由美子さん (2025年3月12日(水)OA) 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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Hauser’s Pharmacy in Wallaceburg is expanding their line of vitamins with premium Canadian-made brands.Among the many products they are introducing, berberine has captured significant attention.Berberine is currently being studied for its potential benefits on blood sugar levels and cholesterol, and it has recently gained popularity as a potential …
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Dan Hanzus, Marc Sessler and Conor Orr are back LIVE for Day 2 of the NFL's Free Agency Legal Tampering window. We're here to react to all the breaking news and catch up on moves that have already happened! 0:00 NFL Free Agency: Day 2 7:55 Best Remaining FAs + QB Deals 14:40 Colts Sign QB Daniel Jones 18:04 Latest on Giants QB search, Rodgers & Wil…
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2025年3月11日(火)ニュース 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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出演:崎山敏也記者(TBSラジオ) 2025年3月11日(火)ニュースコーナー「Daily News Session」より。 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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出演:三上洋さん(ITジャーナリスト) 2025年3月11日(火)ニュースコーナー「Daily News Session」より。 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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2025年3月11日(火)ニュースコーナー「Daily News Session」より。 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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ゲスト:佐藤慧さん (フォトジャーナリスト / 認定NPO法人 Dialogue for People 代表) 2025年3月11日(火)「FrontLine Session」より。 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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【特集】不正受給への対応 2025年3月11日(火)放送分/「中小企業庁 presents ソーシャル・セッション」より。 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグ: #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由TBS RADIO
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【案内】熊谷操(高校生語り部ボランティア)、熊谷心(気仙沼市東日本大震災遺構・伝承館の副館長) 【特集】東日本大震災から14年、荻上チキの取材報告~2日目:高校生の語り部と歩く震災遺構 2025年3月11日(火)放送分 発信型ニュース・プロジェクト「荻上チキ・Session」 ★月~金曜日 18:00~21:00 TBSラジオで生放送 パーソナリティ:荻上チキ、南部広美 番組HP:荻上チキ・Session 番組メールアドレス:ss954@tbs.co.jp 番組Xアカウント:@Session_1530 ハッシュタグは #ss954 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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Sonance Sessions welcomes DJ CLOUD11 to the decks for an electrifying guest mix! Get ready for a journey through Deep House—where fresh beats and dynamic vibes bring the party to life. CLOUD11 crafts seamless mixes designed to elevate every dancefloor.由Sonance Sessions
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Úna is the co-founder of The Indie List, Ireland’s leading platform for connecting businesses with top-tier freelance talent across marketing, creative, and digital disciplines. In this episode we discuss: Why it’s OK not have everything figured out Building a community of marketers The Indie List Why pitching as an independent is tough The benefit…
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Afro House from resident José Lucas由Sonance Sessions
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Dan Hanzus, Marc Sessler and Conor Orr are back to recap a whirlwind of NFL Free Agency moves as the legal tampering period is officially here! We start with the biggest news of the day: QB Sam Darnold signing with the Seahawks (2:52), and then move to the other blockbuster deals. QB Justin Fields signs with the Jets (9:59), and the Commanders trad…
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