Stay Wild Keep Reading®, LE podcast qui donne envie de lire ! Animé par Sylvia Minne et produit par READING WILD®. Dans chaque nouvel épisode un artiste - musicien, écrivain, dessinateur, comédien - se confie au micro de Sylvia Minne sur son rapport à la lecture et les livres qui ont marqué sa vie. Amoureux des livres, prenez garde : votre Pile A Lire #pal va encore augmenter! Ne râtez plus aucun épisodes en vous abonnant à notre podcast via votre plateforme de diffusion de podcasts préférée ...
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A podcast about how to keep your quirks in the wondrous world!
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Staffel 1: Jedi bringt Frage mit ufs Biigeli idä Mitti Staffel 2: Befreiigsgschichte, während em Sugaring verzellt Staffel 3: Mänsche, wo ihres eigne Ding rocked, fasziniered mich Staffel 4: .now.scent. BonusTracks dezwüsche Aus einer verspielten Freude heraus startete der Podcast im Januar 2020. Jenseits von Perfektionsansprüchen. Echtheit zeigen und Freude am Umsetzen und “eifach mal machä, statt nur drüber naazdänke wäsmer so alles chönt und wett”. A Podcast by Marianne Weiss www.staywild ...
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SIGN UP FOR THE GRACE + GROWTH MONTHLY JOURNAL HERE: Hi and welcome to the shit show! After an unimaginable series of truly life altering events from 2019-2020, we decided to start: “Stay Wild Trauma Child”, the podcast. A platform where we discussed everything from everyday struggles to truly traumatic events. Most, if not all of our episodes will be highly sensitive and very controversial. Our mission is to create a platform where people have a place ...
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OLIVIA DE LAMBERTERIE, QUELLE LECTRICE ÊTES-VOUS ?Stay Wild Keep Reading #31, le podcast qui donne envie de lireUne conversation animée par Sylvia Minne Durée épisode : 01h03mn21sc© READING WILD - 2025Stay Wild Keep Reading est le podcast de Reading Wild qui explore la relation des artistes à la lecture. Quels livres ont marqué leur parcours person…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Support the show Show us some love and leave us a review! If there are certain topics you want to hear us talk about send us an email or a DM! Connect with us! Grace + Growth Monthly Journal (its free!) Instagram: @staywildtraumachild @originalvalkyrie @stephanietur…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Welcome back to part 2 with Emma! We are continuing the conversation, getting a little more background information on Emma and how she navigated the world of loss at a very young age! Support the show Show us some love and leave us a review! If there are certain topics you want to hear us talk about send …
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! We are so freaking excited to finally get to introduce you all to Emma, Steph's therapist! They have been working together for the past year and we are so excited for her to bring her knowledge and experience with her to Stay Wild Trauma Child! This is just the first of many episodes that she will be join…
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MAYLIS DE KERANGAL, QUELLE LECTRICE ÊTES-VOUS ?Stay Wild Keep Reading #30, le podcast qui donne envie de lireUne conversation animée par Sylvia Minne Durée épisode : 01h14mn19sc© READING WILD - 2024Stay Wild Keep Reading est le podcast de Reading Wild qui explore la relation des artistes à la lecture. Quels livres ont marqué leur parcours personnel…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! This is the 3 part of this chapter of Will's Story. Which as you probably have figured out by now will not be the last one we share of his. Will has so much experience, wisdom and just great energy to bring to the show so we can wait to have him on for years to come! Stay tuned for the info on Will's futu…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Will continues to share parts of his story with us. A little more about the events leading up to his divorce the impact that had on his Dad's decision around his own medical choices. Events that happened after the passing of both parents and how this has changed his views on Family you are related to and …
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! We are so excited to have one of our favorite guest back on the show, no it is not Logan (even though we love her and will have her back soon!) but, its Will, one of Steph's bestfriends who has been in two of our previous episodes when we did our friendship series. If you haven't listen to those go check …
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Support the show Show us some love and leave us a review! If there are certain topics you want to hear us talk about send us an email or a DM! Connect with us! Grace + Growth Monthly Journal (its free!) Instagram: @staywildtraumachild @originalvalkyrie @stephanietur…
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Dä Willy Weiss schafft sit über 60 Jahr mit Tier und Land.
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you are the story - du bisch d gschicht @theOneNightScents
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! We are continuing the conversation about defense mechanisms! In this episode we are talking about displacement, denial, and repression. Steph also shares an except from a book she had started reading "Many Lives Many Masters" by Brian L. Weiss M.D. Support the show Show us some love and leave us a review!…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Well.. this should be fun.. I wouldn't say that any of us ENJOY being called out but, maybe some of us handle it better than others do? In this episode we are talking about defensive mechanisms and what they look like! When Jamie was doing research I believe she found over 27 different defense mechanism a…
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about the soon to be launched perfume from a friend - part 2
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summer in dä city
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was schmöcksch? wie beschriibsch das perfume? wie fühlschdi mit däm duft?
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CLARA YSÉ, QUELLE LECTRICE ÊTES-VOUS ?Stay Wild Keep Reading #29, le podcast qui donne envie de lireUne conversation animée par Sylvia Minne Durée épisode : 00:54:36© READING WILD - 2024«La poésie et la musique sont des langages d’amour » - Clara YséQuel bonheur pour ce 29ème épisode de Stay Wild Keep Reading de partir à la rencontre de la merveill…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Hey yall! In this episode we are starting the discussion about Self Awareness and Unhealthy defense mechanisms. We also have a little trip down memory lane sharing different stories and experiences we have had. This is just to give a little information leading up to our next series we are going to cover! …
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was schmöcksch wennd komplett frei bisch? by @staywildgosweet
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! And we are back for part 2! Jamie and I both share some stories about our found families we created while growing up and how they were our life lines and how that looks very different for kids growing up in todays world. What happened to flashlight tag and manhunt? Maybe we can help bring some of our chil…
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you are the story! was du wirklich riechst ohne vorher die Duftnoten zu wissen oder die Marketing Story der Komposition zu kennen! @staywildgosweet
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Hellooo Wild Family! This is going to be a two part episode that was born out of thoughts on a tiktok video that Jamie had sent to me (Steph) And honestly I think there is so much we could talk about in this video but, see for yourself and let us know what you think! Do…
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ha grad s intro zur letschtä pöde episode ufgno ✌️ und ich laas jetzt da eifach au separat use. mach doch rasch e pause 😊❤️
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you are the story! was schmöcksch? ••••••däNoScent••••••
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Welcome to our very first Grace + Growth Episode! In this episode we are discussing looking for opportunities and not in the financial sense but, as in during difficult or trying times. Finding the opportunity to solve an issue or learn a new skill. Looking for the silver lining in situations! We would lo…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! We're BACKKKK! A phrase that implies: "we've returned." when in reality, we didn't return to... anything really. This almost feels as if you have caught us in entirely new seasons of our lives. Our podcast, in its entirety, is about change. And just like us, our podcast is going to be ever evolving, growi…
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Befreiigsgschichtä vode Tina 🌟 RIP 💕 dankä für dis intensivä Läbe & bis immer ❤️LOVEYOU❤️ recorded april 2021 * thank you for being wild & free *** es paar gschribni wort dezue:
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! But seriously did you? After an unintentional few months of silence, we wanted to let you guys know we are still here and the show is not going to be radio silent for long! Actually quite the opposite we have a lot brewing behind the scenes and we can't wait for it to be ready to share with you all. We've…
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di letscht folg z früe usegflutscht. ohni schlechts gwüsse, ohni cumulus charte, mit scharf. gwidmet all däne, wo lieber nüt mached, will es muss dänn scho professionell sii.
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woher chunts & wohi gahts, dis schlächte gwüsse? erforscht mitem simon am 30 januar 24,
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STAY WILD KEEP READING – TANIA DE MONTAIGNELe podcast qui donne envie de lireAnimé par Sylvia Minne Durée épisode : 00:55:08© READING WILD - 2024« Lire c’est un mouvement dans l'espace, le temps, et en soi-même » - Tania de MontaigneDans ce vingt-huitième épisode de Stay Wild Keep Reading Tania de Montaigne se confie au micro de Sylvia Minne sur s…
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Moana, wänn simmer s erst Mal z Marrakesch gsi? Travel with us to Marrakesch:
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! We apologize for the audio quality on this episode - still some growing pains while Jamie gets settled into her new home! The holidays are quickly approaching just about 2 weeks till Thanksgiving so we wanted to share some of our experiences with navigating the Holidays and family as we know the two don't…
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STAY WILD KEEP READING – FRÉDÉRIC BEIGBEDERLe podcast qui donne envie de lireAnimé par Sylvia Minne Durée épisode : 00:51:17© READING WILD - 2023 « Si je ne lis pas 2 heures par jour, je suis invivable » - Frédéric BeigbederDans ce vingt-septième épisode de Stay Wild Keep Reading Frédéric Beigbeder se confie au micro de Sylvia Minne sur son rapport…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Welcome to the first solo episode, this is something Jamie and I have talked about doing where one of us just hops on a records some random thoughts! Enjoy listening to me babbleee!! Support the show Show us some love and leave us a review! If there are certain topics you want to hear us talk about send u…
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Dä authentisch Visionär Oliver Scotoni uf minere Terrasse über e besseri Welt und sis neuä Herzensprojekt.@oliverscotoniHere We Grow: www.rundfunk.fmMore:
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! And you guys thought we only knew 1 F word.. This is the final episode in our Trauma Response Series and we appreciate you stick through this with us! Flop, Flood, and Fein are 3 lesser known Trauma Responses but, we still wanted to make it a point to bring them to attention because we believe they are go…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! We promise this is the very last part of Fawn... We just really wanted to show case a lot in this episode so thanks for hanging in there with us! This is actually one of the very last episodes in our trauma response series and then we are going to completely shift gears for a little while. Support the sho…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! I promise we are actually going to get to what the second half of the episode is supposed to be about.. finally.. BUT you know we can't ever shut up so yes we are diving into all the ways you can help heal and support your Fawn Trauma response. A little updated about what life has felt like recently and t…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Stay with us for part 2! Support the show Show us some love and leave us a review! If there are certain topics you want to hear us talk about send us an email or a DM! Connect with us! Grace + Growth Monthly Journal (its free!) Instagram: @staywildtraumachild @origi…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Its been a while since we have recorded and episode like this one, shall we say in real time and probably going to be a 3 part episode! Support the show Show us some love and leave us a review! If there are certain topics you want to hear us talk about send us an email or a DM! Connect with us! Grace + Gr…
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! In honor of the 3 year anniversary of Matt's Passing we decided it would be appropriate to share the story of how we ended up where we are today. But, it is really the condensed version because Jamie forgot to mention to Steph before they started recording with Ben that he had NO IDEA how Stay Wild Trauma…
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was isches? da d uflösig:
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! Support the show Show us some love and leave us a review! If there are certain topics you want to hear us talk about send us an email or a DM! Connect with us! Grace + Growth Monthly Journal (its free!) Instagram: @staywildtraumachild @originalvalkyrie @stephanietur…
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STAY WILD KEEP READING – JACQUES WEBERLe podcast qui donne envie de lireAnimé par Sylvia Minne Durée épisode : 00:47:20© READING WILD - 2023«Je crois aux âmes qui nous accompagnent » - Jacques WeberDans ce vingt-sixième épisode de Stay Wild Keep Reading le comédien et metteur en scène Jacques Weber se confie au micro de Sylvia Minne sur son rapport…
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HÜT! abem 1. Juli 23 gits en neuä Sullana Drehtabak!* smoke local, ask for sullana * @sullanacigaretten Da finsch di wachsendi Liste vo Verkaufsstellä und dä Webshop wo dini Stangä hei bstelle chasch: www.sullana-cigaretten.chDa erfahrsch, wie e Päcklizigi mild oder stark wird und no meh zur Gschicht vo Sullana:Känsch Sullana Cigaretten?…
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smoke fagging local
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We'd love to hear from you, send us a text! They says when you start making plans the man in the moons laughs at you.. or some shit like that.. Welcome to our latest version of a life update where we tell you all the things we thought we would be doing in the year 2023 and what we are actually doing, have been doing and maybe quit all together.. Al…
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Olfaktorisches Spiel. in dä moment… #donotwearaslip
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was bim elei dur di nachtig stadt laufe magisches cha entstah, ich ha denn alli mit ufd terrasse gnah :-) Traversa losä: @staywilgosweet
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