First Saintfield is a friendly, evangelical Presbyterian Church at the heart of Saintfield, a small village in Co.Down, Northern Ireland. The site contains podcasts of our morning and evening sermons. If you are looking for a new Church, or are unsure about God and would like to learn more we hope these sermons will encourage you to come along to services at 11am and 6:30pm on Sundays.
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Rev Sam Bostock explores more of the Book of Daniel in tonight's sermon which focuses on the power God reveals through the dream. Daniel 2 vs 29 - 49; Luke 20 vs 9 - 18由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock speaks on three highlights from the sermon in Acts 13 vs 13 - 43, 44 - 52由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock begins a new study in the Book of Daniel. Daniel 1; Revelation 2 vs 8 - 11由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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In his sermon from the Book of Daniel, Rev Sam Bostock thinks about heavenly knowledge. Daniel 2 vs 1 - 28由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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In this All Together Service, Rev Sam Bostock outlines the reasons for prioritising sharing the Gospel. Acts 12 vs 25 - 13 v 3; 13 vs 4 - 12.由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock thinks about the promise to Zerubbabel. Haggai 2 vs 20 - 23由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Lucas Da Costa wraps up this two part study by thinking about how even as weak, failing believers, we are 'A Gift To Christ' from the Father. Jeremiah 30 vs 18 - 22; John 17 vs 6 - 19由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock continues to examine the Book of Haggai, and today he considers how the Christian life consists of 'long obedience in the same direction'. Haggai 2 vs 22 - 2 v 6由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock draws encouragement from today's scripture readings as we begin a new year of the Lord's work. Haggai 2 vs 1 - 9; Luke 2 vs 21ff由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Hiram Higgins thinks about judgement day and the marvel of Christ's grace. Isaiah 2 vs 1 - 5; 12 - 22, 2 Thessalonians 1由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Lucas Da Costa introduces the new study in Haggai. Today he considers satisfaction in life and giving the Lord His rightful place. Haggai 1; Matthew vs 25 - 34由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Lucas Da Costa examines Jesus' final prayer before His crucifixion. Exodus 28 vs 15 - 29; John 17由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Tonight, Rev Sam Bostock thinks about angels and heaven coming to earth. Genesis 3 vs 8 - 19; Isaiah 9 vs 2, 6 - 7; Luke 2 vs 1, 3 - 16; Matthew 2 vs 1 - 12; John 1 vs 1 - 14.由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock wraps up the series in Exodus as he considers how 'God Came Down' in the Old, and New Testament. Exodus 40 vs 17 - 38由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Tonight, Rev Sam Bostock thinks about Jesus as 'The Spiritual Man'. Psalm 45; John 1 vs 14 - 17; John 3 vs 26 - 36由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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In the continued study of Exodus, Rev Sam Bostock considers costly grace. Exodus 33 - 34 v 10由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Lucas da Costa begins the new mini study series, and explores the question 'was Jesus capable or incapable of sin?' and what this means to our faith. Psalm 24; Matthew 4 vs 1 - 11由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev John Torrens from Second Presbyterian thinks about taking confidence in the Lord when we don't feel any. Matthew 1 vs 18 - 25; Isaiah 49 vs 1 - 7由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock continues to teach on the Bible Overview and tonight the focus is on Daniel 7 v 15 - 28 and Revelation 12由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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This morning, Rev Sam Bostock thinks about the Tabernacle. Exodus 25 vs 1 - 22; Exodus 31由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock speaks about the idolatry of the Israelites in Exodus 32 v 1 - 29由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock thinks about 'The Blood of the Covenant'. Exodus 24; Hebrews 9 vs 18 - 28由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Lucas da Costa speaks on 'The Exodus of the Christian'. Jeremiah 31 vs 31 - 34; Romans 6 vs 1 - 14由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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To begin the reflective weekend of Communion services, Rev Sam Bostock seeks to answer the question, 'How can sinful men and women eat and drink with God?' Exodus 24; 1 Corinthians 11 vs 27 - 29由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Tonight, Rev Sam Bostock moves into the New Testament in his Bible Overview series, and thinks about Jesus, from birth through to ascension. Daniel 7 vs 9 - 14; Luke 9 vs 18 - 45由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock conducts our Remembrance Sunday Service, and speaks on three words to associate with the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20 vs 1 - 21; Romans 13由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Tonight, Lucas da Costa considers the office of a prophet. Isaiah 6; Hebrews 1由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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On this Reformation Sunday, Rev Sam Bostock thinks about three dimensions of freedom. Exodus 19 vs 1 - 20; Hebrews 12 vs 18 - 25由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Visiting speaker, Rev Norman Patterson brings the message tonight from Habakkuk 1 - 3 and Matthew 24 while Linda updates us on the continuing work at Project Romania.由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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Rev Sam Bostock conducts the annual Girls' and Boys' Brigade Enrolment Service. Exodus 17, 18由First Saintfield Presbyterian Church
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