《三言两语》播客系列由新加坡华族文化中心呈献,早报播客制作。随《联合早报》副刊编辑陈素君和副刊记者陈宇昕一起了解新加坡华人的文化和故事。 What makes a "Chinese Singaporean"? Guests share their experiences and opinions with Lianhe Zaobao Fukan sub-editor Tan Sor Koon and correspondent Tan Yu Xin in Same Same But Different. The podcast series is presented by Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre and produced by Zaobao Podcasts.
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一本面向未来的地下音乐声音杂志 内容聚焦与声音艺术有关的录音、现场及相关话题;希望能为各位新老乐迷提供一些打破听觉风格界限、面向未来未知的聆听视角 主页:zhuchangsile.xyz 电邮通讯:zhuchangsile.xyz/news 微信公众号/视频号,Instagram,微博,Patreon,爱发电:「主唱死了」 主创: B:非主流乐迷 佳杰:An Corporation 乐队吉他手,Telegram Channel:「蛙音通讯」
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只想说说话,其实源自曾经的不好意思说话。但当我慢慢挖掘心底的喜爱,打开束缚自己的盒子,这个名字突然就出现在脑海。有时候,我们用“我不行”拒绝了好多可能性,退缩也许是本能,但喜爱或许真的可以指引我们。 Let it be a journey for me to find the courage to express myself. Hope it can inspire whoever feels the same.
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有歡樂有淚水、散播歡樂散播愛 可以很正經的訪談 也可以很無厘頭地講屁話 一起加入我們吧! ---- 既然都要聊天了,那何不跟大家一起聊呢? ---- 將私底下的談話搬到檯面上來,來聊聊那些生活上的大小事吧。 IG: instagram.com/same_myteam/ Email: samemyteam0@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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一档探讨女性创业与育儿话题的访谈节目,分享兼具这两种身份于一身的女性不断向内与向外探索的心路历程。通过与成功事业转型的创业者、投资人、自由职业者、心理学家、导师教练等对话,她们都有着同一种身份—妈妈。我们将一起探讨创业和育儿如何兼得,什么样的思维模式、管理工具、学习方法,能够帮助女性在创业者和妈妈不同身份的切换中将梦想照进现实,为不甘放弃梦想的女性们点亮一盏灯。 节目访谈的对象来自于中国、美国、加拿大、澳洲、欧洲等全球各地的妈妈们,为大家带来不同维度不同文化背景下的经验分享。 网站:dorisc.me 微信:dorisc5221 邮箱:dorisc5221@gmail.com Startup Mommy talks about women's entrepreneurship and parenting. Sharing the spiritual journey of women with these two identities who are constantly exploring inwardly and outwardly. Through interviews, ...
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慎入!你即將接觸機密檔案 SCP基金會是個跨國的秘密組織,負責尋找並收容各種具有異常屬性的個體、地點或物體。在該虛構宇宙中存在各式奇特的SCP案例,我們將在節目裡為你揭開神秘面紗! IG: bit.ly/3tb9Kcu 或直接搜尋:scparchiveofficial 請我們喝一杯拿鐵,讓我們繼續說故事給你聽 :) https://pay.firstory.me/user/scparchives125 有什麼想對我們說的嗎?請說請說: https://forms.gle/i4wcqp6xjdyTqqF99 / *All related concepts are derived from scp wiki and its Author community. This podcast is a derivative work based on the content, and is hereby released under the Creative Commons—Share the same 3.0 license. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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・《登山客上登山課》是一系列關於登山這個學分的資訊分享,透過多元化的主題,以自身的經驗來和大家聊聊天。主題舉凡家政、健康、體育、生活、地理、心理學、歷史、公民等,希望大家聽完也能多多分享自己的想法,互相交流。 EP.1《登山客上登山課》公民課:當個獨立的好山友 EP.2《登山客上登山課》健康課:保健室帶著走 EP.3《登山客上登山課》體育課:上山前的體能訓練 EP.4《登山客上登山課》家政課:山上到底吃什麼 EP.5《登山客上登山課》地理課:海外長程健行 EP.6《登山客上登山課》綜合活動(Q&A):打包、初百、獨攀、生火、LNT ・《人山人海》這個系列裡,我會以一段旅程、一條步道或形塑一位山友的過程出發,針對這個人事物做紀實和對話討論,藉此擴及世界或臺灣各地不同樣貌的山人以及不同文化風情的路線。這次的系列每一集都會有不同的與談人,有些可能跟你想像中的山友不太一樣,有些可能是你意想不到的山友,有些甚至是因為接觸登山健行而改變了自己的工作或是生活方式。每個人、每個故事、每段旅程,都有我們可以去理解包容、學習和尊重的地方。 NO.01《人山人海》我有一半的身體失去了知覺 — 盧崇璞 ...
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一家三口 Actually I have a family of three 去长短途旅行 go on long journeys or go on short trips 如果有年假 If I have annual leave 买单 pay the bill
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两个方面非常明显 Two changes can be very apparent 扮演重要角色 play a more important role in our everyday life 我们的首选 the first choice for us 价格公道 the price can be very reasonable
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挨饿是秘密武器 stay hungry is the secret weapon 痴人说梦 that would be a dream 基本 that is the basic 效果更好 then the results would be more perfect
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最刺激的事儿 the most exciting thing 和家人郊游野餐 go for a picnic with my family members 比坐公交车舒服 it could be more comfortable than taking a bus 太贵了 we couldn't afford it
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一天坐满八小时 I usually sit down more than 8 hours each day 每天在车里很久 I would sit in the car for a long time too 回家途中 on the road back to my home 在户外 in the open area
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现在没有以前看书多 at the moment I don't read more than past 看起来不同 it seems quite different 看点书 I would read something one or two 我接受 I am fine with
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亮色是我最喜欢的 the candy color would be my favorite 过时的 it is too old fashioned 黑色或者金属灰更合理 metallic grey or black would be reasonable 心情好 then I would be in a good mood
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崭新旅程 a brand new journey 比如跳伞 like sky diving for example 去海边 going to beach 晒太阳和放松思绪 enjoying the sunshine and resting my mind
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有一天 The other day 没意识到重要性 I didn't realise the importance 将来想要nb的事业版图 if I could have a great career in the future 找到了满意的工作 I got a decent job
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打电话 I would make phone calls 弄点咖啡喝喝 grab a cup of coffee somewhere 健身很重要 body building is an important part of my everyday life 让自己开心 just spoil myself
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📌 本期内容 「最近,更多大型科技公司也开始利用封闭的专有平台复制播客的成功。他们将在封闭平台上发布的节目称为“播客”,以利用播客的受欢迎程度,但代价是“播客”一词失去了基于标准的保证。这些封闭平台剥夺了选择权——它们将听众锁定在一个播放器上,将创作者锁定在一个供应商的服务上,并掌控创作者与观众之间的关系。事实是,没有人能够扼杀开放播客。任何拥有麦克风和互联网连接的人都能够制作推送消息并向全世界广播。但就像封闭的社交推送取代开放博客一样,播客如今也面临着类似的攻击。我们呼吁播客界所有叛逆、野性的孩子给予支持。」——Podcast Standards Project 📖 参考引用 苹果播客大陆区 苹果播客大陆区也开始阉割节目了 二零一九年春夏之交国内播客的异动 播客与播客客户端 RSS: 是什…
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参加聚会的时候 when taking part in some parties 生活不易 my life is filled with regular work and I am suffering too 维持关系 maintain the relationship 这就是我的一天 all of these would make my day
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作为生日礼物送我的 my best friend gave it to me as a birthday gift 国际大牌 from the international brand 价格不重要 心意重要 the price was not important, but it showed me how she loved me 生日前两天 2 days before my birthday
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超帅的 it looks rather cool 买不起 probably i can't afford it right now 不实用 the spot car might be not right for everyday life 停在车库 just leave it in the garage
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两个事情很重要 Two things are really important 许多 different kinds of or lots of 现在 at the moment 回家 go back home
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当然选择 I would certainly go with 兜风 go for a drive 很放松 it could be very relaxing 开车没啥意思 driving is not that fun to me
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并没有 Not really nope, I don't think so 许多事儿等着我 things are waiting for me 每天八小时以上 more than 8 hours each day 更忙碌了 could be much busier
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很多老建筑在市中心 most of the old buildings are right located in the central area of the city 陪伴我们八十多年 probably they have been with us more than eighty years long 就在市中心 just in the city center 我见过的最老的 the oldest one that I have ever seen
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可多好处啦 So many good points can be identified 学的很好 you can learn it well 工作机会多 you would certainly have more working opportunities 讲流利的外语 then you speak fluent second language
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因为需要居住 mainly because they need a house to live in 很多人买不起 A lot of people cannot afford it 在我们的文化当中 In my culture 房子是刚需 A house is required
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比其他地方更有意思 it could be more fun than any other kinds of places 工作压力 heavy workload 负能量消散 their bad emotions and fatigues would be gone eventually 效果很好 it really works well
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📌 本期内容 除了多乐器的加入以及电子化,三大件的传统器乐摇滚中还有什么样的突破方向呢? 来自绍兴的小巫师乐队给出了不一样的答案:他们在传统的后摇及数学摇滚的融合框架下加入了后朋克的元素和各种吉他噪音;上来就是干!从不拖泥带水,现场更是酣畅淋漓。 本期就让“大明星”小巫师的吉他手徐赛老师给大家来讲讲为啥「做人还是你」🫵🏻 ⏳ 时间轴 00:07:03 演出回顾 00:15:05 主题讨论 00:58:42 专辑推荐 01:02:48 演出推荐 01:07:47 尾声(反复攻击小明 - 后摇都是寄生虫) 🎸 演出回顾 工工工 x Mong Tong《龍虎巡迴》 💬 主题讨论 后摇是什么样的歌,为什么听后摇的人越来越多了? 分解和弦 啥是后朋克?车库摇滚·性手枪·新浪潮·无浪潮|音乐极简史 乐队…
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两件事是我喜欢的 Two things are my favorites 去健身房 go to the gym 忙碌之余 after a tough day of work study 搞点喝的 grab something to drink
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不聪明的决定 I don't think it's a very smart decision 嘲笑我 laughing at me 内向不敢 I am too shy to do so 有效果 work well
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对我来说 for my part 我喜欢 I am really into 周末去健身房 go to the gym on weekends 身材管理很重要 the body building is very important to me
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至少一周一两次 at least once a week or twice a week 已经戒掉阅读的习惯了 I have already given up the habit of reading 压力很大的时候 when I'm under high pressure 差异明显 the differences can be very very apparent
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两个方式推荐 Two ways are highly recommended 社交软件 it's related social apps 参加 take part in 两种交朋友的方式 two ways that people like to make friends
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不了解 I don't know much about my hometown history 有人告诉我历史悠久 I was told that history was quite long 博物馆 美术馆 museums and art galleries 热爱家乡 I love my home city
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不擅长游泳 I'm not good at swimming at all 小的时候 when I was at my young age 家长认为不够安全 they thought it was too dangerous for me 跟我的朋友去学 I would learn it from some of my friends
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我一定会讲环卫工人 I must say, it is the street cleaner 工作强度大 the workload is really heavy 见过 I've seen it before 很多老年人从事这份工作 a lot of old people might be doing this kind of job
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📌 本期内容 小号这个在管弦乐团里的重要乐器:常年占据了铜管家族的 C 位角色;近年来在器乐摇滚领域也越来越多见了:无论是后摇、前卫和数学摇滚,那这背后有什么样的原因呢? 我们有幸请到了上海数摇天花板:大七乐团贝斯手,半理性音乐主编,新发了单人计划作品的进击小号手严永力来给大家聊一聊他与小号不得不说的故事。 本期是奇琴异瑟专题的第 6 期。在这个专题中,我们关注那些三大件外的奇特乐器:无论是来自远古的低吟亦或是来自未来的异响。在此我们品鉴、珍惜并感谢艺术家通过它们带给我们的奇腔异调。 ⏳ 时间轴 00:07:25 演出回顾 00:20:12 主题讨论 01:24:23 专辑推荐 01:28:19 演出推荐 01:32:12 尾声(方大同 - 才二十三) 🎸 演出回顾 shuhari与An C…
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比如羽毛球为例 like badminton for example 跑步 go for a run 觉得放松 feel very relaxed 工作学习 干啥啥不行 but in my work and in my study, I'm not good at anything
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很方便 it's very user-friendly. 不花时间做早饭 I don't have to spend a lot of time on my breakfast 对我来讲完美 the bread and milk will be perfect to me 选择牛奶面包 I have to go with bread and milk
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忙碌之余 when I finish a tough day of work or study 处理工作 deal with my regular work 业余时间当中 during my free time 科技改变生活 the life has been totally changed by modern technology
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周一到周五 from Monday to Friday 下课之后 after the class 周末就不同啦 But on weekends it is totally different 像上面说到的一样 As I've mentioned above
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不需要担心太多…I don't have to worry too much about 家里做的饭就准备好了 the homemade dinner would be in front of me 偶尔有不愉快 I might be having some disagreement with them 三口之家 I have a family of three
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去农村生活 go to the countryside for a living 众所周知 As is known to all 慢节奏生活 the slow pace of life 完全不同的世界 a totally different world
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📌 Introduction As the first band on the first night of 2nd Offside Music Festival, Kwoon's stunning sound and unparalleled live performance are beyond words: Over the years, their creations are always challenging the limits: from the majestic volcano, the peaceful ocean, to the top of a 3,900-meter snow mountain, and even sending guitars into space…
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现在 at the moment 坐办公室 sit in the office 处理 deal with 从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday
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📌 本期内容 「古琴就是中国乐器里的 Shoegazing」—— 海亮 从第一张加入古琴的专辑《沧浪星》至今,古琴已几乎成为沼泽的标志;作为国内最早将古琴与摇滚乐有机融合的乐队,海亮老师对古琴的理解独到且深刻;本期我们就随着他的视角来给我们剖析一下古琴这一门“曲高”神器。 本期是奇琴异瑟专题的第 5 期。在这个专题中,我们关注那些三大件外的奇特乐器:无论是来自远古的低吟亦或是来自未来的异响。在此我们品鉴、珍惜并感谢艺术家通过它们带给我们的奇腔异调。 ⏳ 时间轴 00:13:09 演出回顾 00:31:14 主题讨论 01:10:02 专辑推荐 01:11:47 演出推荐 01:13:24 尾声(沼泽 - 众鸟非真) 🎸 演出回顾 轨道入口开启 :神秘狂徒 SHXCXCHCXSH + 迷幻游牧…
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