Seasonal podcasts on the super-exciting world of advanced stainless steels and alloys.
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Höga lån och för lite inkomst tvingar Fredrik och företaget till konkurs under 1866 men efter några år var företaget på fötter igen. Redan 1871 var företaget den största tillverkaren av gjutjärn i Sverige.由Sandvik Materials pod
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Intensivt experimenterande med Bessemer-processen äger rum i Edsken under den första halvan av 1858. I juli har han lyckats och bestämmer sig för att bygga en ny fabrik samt bostäder åt arbetarna vid Storsjön i Sandviken.由Sandvik Materials pod
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Göran Fredrik Göransson, född i Gävle 1819, ansluter sig till Elfstrand & Co, företaget hans far driver och blir till slut chef där själv. När Elfstrands är nära konkurs köper Göransson ett patent från den engelska uppfinnaren Sir Henry Bessemer.由Sandvik Materials pod
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Huge loans and too little income forced both Fredrik personally and his company into bankruptcy in 1866. But after a few lean years, the company was bought back and steadily grew. By the 1870s the company was the largest producer of pig-iron in Sweden.由Sandvik Materials pod
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Intensive experimentation in Edsken with the Bessemer method for steel production takes place during the first half of 1858. By July that year he has succeeded and decides to build a new factory and accommodation for workers in Sandviken by lake Storsjön.由Sandvik Materials pod
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Göran Fredrik Göransson, born in Gävle in 1819, joins Elfstrand’s, the trading firm his father manages and eventually becomes manager himself. As Elfstrand’s is about to go broke, Göransson buys a decisive patent from the English inventor Sir Henry Bessemer.由Sandvik Materials pod
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An interview with Keith Hottle, Director of Quality & Metallurgy at SMT in Scranton, who has been awarded The ASTM Award of Merit for his long-term contributions to the overall enhancement of excellence in the standardization process within ASTM.由Sandvik Materials pod
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Renewable energy. Guest: Mark Newman由Sandvik Materials pod
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S03E04. Medical applications of stainless alloys by Sandvik Materials pod由Sandvik Materials pod
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S03E03. Nickel-rich austenitic stainless steels by Sandvik Materials pod由Sandvik Materials pod
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S03E02. Precipitation hardened stainless steels by Sandvik Materials pod由Sandvik Materials pod
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S03E01. Metastable austenitic stainless steels by Sandvik Materials pod由Sandvik Materials pod
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S02E04. Martensitic Stainless Steels by Sandvik Materials pod由Sandvik Materials pod
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S02E03. Duplex stainless steels- an interplay between ferrite and austenite by Sandvik Materials pod由Sandvik Materials pod
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S02E02. Ferritic stainless steels-almost immune to stress corrosion by Sandvik Materials pod由Sandvik Materials pod
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S02E01. Austenitic stainless steels - from kitchen sinks to fuel cell cars by Sandvik Materials pod由Sandvik Materials pod
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How moly and tungsten prevent pitting in duplexes.由Sandvik Materials pod
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The birth of stainless: from impossibility in 1911 to reality in 1912.由Sandvik Materials pod
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The advantages of nitrogen as an alloying element in duplexes using modern metallurgical processes.由Sandvik Materials pod
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The discovery and use of nickel and manganese as austenite stabilizers in duplex stainless steels.由Sandvik Materials pod
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