Welcome to the Seabreeze Church podcast, where you have access to messages each week from Sunday's service. We're a church in Huntington Beach, CA. Join us on a Sunday at 9:00am or 10:30am. You can find us at www.seabreezechurch.com.
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God is on a worldwide rescue mission and has entrusted us to share the Good News. With such a big task, where do we start? What has the power to move a human heart closer to God? Prayer. Growing a heart for the world begins as we, as a church, pray...由Andrew Mace
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Join us this week as we discover what God has to say about our words and how we can be people whose words build up instead of destroy.Message Notes由Elliot Edwards
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In the Christmas Story, God sends angels to three people with the instruction, “Fear not!” Join us this week as we explore the story of the Shepherds, and discover the truth that God wants to use in our lives to help us deal with fear.Message Notes由Bevan Unrau
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In the Christmas Story, God sends angels to three people with the instruction, “Fear not!” Join us this week as we explore the story of Joseph, and discover the truth that God wants to use in our lives to help us deal with fear.Message Notes由Elliot Edwards
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In the Christmas Story, God sends angels to three people with the instruction, “Fear not!” Join us this week as we explore the story of Mary, and discover the truth that God wants to use in our lives to help us deal with fear.Message Notes由Ethan Johnstone
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One of the most repeated commands in the Bible is “Fear not!” This sounds nice but we don’t have to think hard to identify a list of things that cause anxiety, fear, and even dread – the safety of our children, our physical health, the loss of a loved...由Elliot Edwards
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The Psalms are a unique collection of poems, songs, and prayers that offer us insight into how to have a relationship with God. Join us this week as we explore the power of restoration.Message Notes由Lance Unrau
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The Psalms are a unique collection of poems, songs, and prayers that offer us insight into how to have a relationship with God. Join us this week as we explore the power of home.Message Notes由Bryce Burditt
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The Psalms are a unique collection of poems, songs, and prayers that offer us insight into how to have a relationship with God. Join us this week as we explore the journey of faith.Connection CardMessage Notes由Elliot Edwards
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The Psalms are a unique collection of poems, songs, and prayers that offer us insight into how to have a relationship with God. Join us this week as we explore the power of worship.Connection CardMessage Notes由Andrew Mace
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The Psalms are a unique collection of poems, songs, and prayers that offer us insight into how to have a relationship with God. They give us perspective on navigating life's challenges and a vocabulary for expressing our emotions, struggles, and...由Bevan Unrau
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The Bible claims to be the only solid foundation on which we can build our lives. Join us this week as we learn how to take practical steps to build a life on God's Word.Connection CardMessage Notes由Matt Sturdevant
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The Bible claims to be the only solid foundation on which we can build our lives. Join us this week as we talk about what to do when we think we find “errors” in the Bible.Connection CardMessage Notes由Bevan Unrau
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The Bible claims to be the only solid foundation on which we can build our lives. Join us this week as we take a closer look at miracles found in the Bible.Connection CardMessage Notes由Elliot Edwards
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The Bible claims to be the only solid foundation on which we can build our lives. This is a major claim. Join this week as we explore how we can be confident that the Bible is God’s word.Connection CardMessage Notes由Ethan Johnstone
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Join us this week as we take a closer look at some of the common questions people have about the Bible and why we can trust what it says. Join us in this series as we explore how we can have confidence that building a life on God’s Word is building on...由Elliot Edwards
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We are always searching for a mission that is bigger than ourselves. Join us this week as we take a closer look at politics and how it competes with God's greater mission. Connection CardMessage Notes由Bevan Unrau
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We are always searching for a mission that is bigger than ourselves. Join us this week as we take a closer look at mental health and how it competes with God's greater mission. Connection CardMessage Notes由Bevan Unrau
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We are always searching for a mission that is bigger than ourselves. Join us this week as we take a closer look at environmentalism and how it competes with God's greater mission. Connection CardMessage Notes由Bevan Unrau
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We are always searching for a mission that is bigger than ourselves. Join us this week as we take a closer look at consumerism and how it competes with God's greater mission. Connection CardMessage Notes由Bevan Unrau
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Join us on Sunday, August 18 at 9:00am as we kick off a new message series! We are always searching for a mission that is bigger than ourselves. That is because God created us to join Him in His great mission here on earth. In this series, we will...由Bevan Unrau
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This week we focus on the parable of the Shrewd Manager. Join us as we explore what Jesus has to say about the opportunities and challenges of money.Connection CardMessage Notes由Ethan Johnstone
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This week we focus on the parable of the Hidden Treasure. Join us as we explore what Jesus has to say about the value and cost of following Him.Connection CardMessage Notes由Elliot Edwards
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This week we dive into the parable of the Widow and the Judge. Join us as we explore what God wants us to do as we face the many different circumstances of life.Connection CardMessage Notes由Lance Unrau
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This week we continue with the parable of the Sower. Jesus used parables to reveal truth about who God is and how he operates. Join us as we put ourselves in the shoes of the sower in Jesus’ parable and consider how we can apply it to our...由Ethan Johnstone
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This week we dive into the parable of the Sower. Join us as we discover what this parable means for us and how we can apply it to our lives.Connection CardMessage Notes由Ethan Johnstone
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When Jesus first shared this parable, he challenged and surprised the listeners of the time. His words still challenge us today as we relate to and love others. Join us as we discover what the parables of Jesus mean for us and how we can apply...由Bevan Unrau
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Trouble can be an opportunity to learn the most important lessons in life. God wants parents to show their children how to navigate trouble in a way that brings protection and progress in life. Join us on Sunday as we learn about how to not...由Bevan Unrau
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Our current message series is called “Our Imperfect Family.” In this series, we’re looking at how God intends the family to function. Last week, we talked about marriage as the foundation of the family. Check out this week’s message as we delve into...由Lance Unrau
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We all know our families are far from perfect. When we are faced with the challenges of family life, that reality is exposed. However, God provides another way for us to live and relate as a family. Join us as we get clarity on the foundational...由Andrew Mace
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We can settle for something less than the good plans God has for us. When we take time to examine and test ourselves, God reveals to us where we really are in our devotion and growth. Join us this Sunday as we wrap up the series and examine how our...由Bevan Unrau
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It is natural for us to judge by appearances to decide who has power, but God assigns power rankings differently. Join us this Sunday as we learn more about how we can line up our power ranking with God’s.Connection CardMessage Notes由Bevan Unrau
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The war of ideas takes place in our minds. As we follow God, we learn to treat our thoughts differently. Join us this Sunday as we learn more about how to get a grip on the battle in our minds.Connection CardMessage Notes由Adam Hoover
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How we view our money and what we do with it matters to God and affects our lives. Join us as we discover what the Bible has to say about the domino effect of generosity.Connection CardMessage Notes由Bevan Unrau
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Who you go through life with and how you respond to correction matters. Join us as we discover what the Bible has to say about the path to honor.Connection CardMessage Notes由Adam Hoover
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God gives us a role, even in our weakness God uses us to reach others and to have an impact. Join us as we learn about our role as Christ’s ambassadors.Connection CardMessage Notes由Ethan Johnstone
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Through his mercy and the hope he offers, God brings great power and treasure into our lives. Join us as we learn how to obtain this treasure and put it to use in a way that honors God. Connection CardMessage Notes由Bevan Unrau
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Come and join us as we learn about the incredible power of God to transform us. When we place our confidence in Him, He empowers us to overcome our weaknesses and change them into strengths.Connection CardMessage NotesSubscribe to Newsletter由Elliot Edwards
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In the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians, God gives us His perspective on human weaknesses. Rather than condemn weakness, God invites us to see our weakness as an opportunity for Him to display His power and transform our lives. As we relate rightly...由Bevan Unrau
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In the New Testament book of 2 Corinthians, God gives us His perspective on human weaknesses. Rather than condemn weakness, God invites us to see our weakness as an opportunity for Him to display His power and transform our lives. Pain, pressure, and...由Bevan Unrau
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Easter is a special time of the year when we gather to hear the good news of what God has done for us. Join us this Easter as we learn more about how to hear from God in our daily lives.Connection CardMessage NotesSubscribe to Newsletter由Bevan Unrau
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The week beginning with Palm Sunday and leading up to Easter is called “Holy Week”. This title points to the significance of the events that took place during that week. One-third of everything that is written in the Bible about the facts of the life...由Bevan Unrau
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As we follow Jesus's example we learn to practice spiritual disciplines, some are abstaining and others are engaging disciplines. These disciplines help us to grow in our reliance on God. Join us as we take a closer look at how Jesus revives...由Ethan Johnstone
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As we follow Jesus's example we learn to practice spiritual disciplines. These disciplines help us to grow in our reliance on God. Join us as we take a closer look at how Jesus revives us.Connection CardMessage NotesSubscribe to Newsletter由Elliot Edwards
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The demands of life wear us down and the problems of life weigh us down. Our minds and bodies can become weary and burdened. But Jesus offers to give us rest and to restore us as we put ourselves and our lives under his management. Join us as we take...由Bevan Unrau
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The demands of life wear us down and the problems of life weigh us down. But Jesus offers to give us rest. The offer is not just for a temporary break from the demands and problems but a process of daily revival that increases our ability to handle...由Bevan Unrau
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There is reward in serving. God has given us different gifts and serving assignments. How we serve and why we serve matters to God. Join us as we take a closer look at what the Bible says about serving and the reward associated with it.Connection...由Adam Hoover
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There is power in serving. God has given us different gifts and serving assignments. How we serve and why we serve matters to God. Join us as we take a closer look at what the Bible says about serving.Connection CardMessage NotesSubscribe to...由Bevan Unrau
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What does it take to become great at serving? We need to look at Jesus' example. By being grateful and available like Jesus, we can be great servants. Join us as we take a closer look at what the Bible says about serving.Connection...由Elliot Edwards
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We all aspire to be great at something. We dream of standing out from the crowd and knowing that we have accomplished something rare and good. In the scramble for greatness and trying to get ahead, we can lose sight of what is most important. Jesus...由Bevan Unrau
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