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「电码隧道 | Electronic Digital Tunnel」是一档呈现多元化电音内容的栏目,这里没有条条框框的限制,凡是充满想象力的音乐时空都将是我们传送的坐标。电子音乐浩宇藏有无数惊奇,愿你在每一趟旅程中都有新的收获! 【如果你也想来搭建隧道入口,欢迎来稿】 ① 核心原则:围绕某个立意进行构思、编排和混音,形成跌宕起伏的音乐旅程。编排最好带有一定概念性,尽量从选曲和混接方式去实现丰富化、立体化。切忌单一堆砌,频道的2.0阶段不再承担科普某种特定曲风的职责; ② 定位明确:若以"静赏"为重,需从氛围向的宏观视角出发去铺垫和递进,即情感导向; 若以"舞池"为重,需增强 RAVE 律动性,整体听感不应过于平整,错落有致很重要! (来自: )
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大家說我的聲音很溫柔,似乎是一個很好入睡的節目,還可以學日文喔:) 「耳邊日本」是一個介紹日本文化的平台。 ◼︎Podcast ・瘋日本 ・聽日文歌學日文 我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「跟著故事去旅行」 您可以在以下平台接收我們的消息。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Xin Chào! Tôi là Cindy! (越南語🇻🇳:你好!我是辛蒂!) 歡迎來到:【肖一下,一起SEA YA! 】節目 =從台灣看見東南亞,從東南亞看見自己= 我是一位台越新二代(新住民的第二代)Cindy(辛蒂)🇹🇼🇻🇳,希望用輕鬆、活潑又有趣的口吻,分東南亞的各種樣貌!歡迎你一起加入成為理感性兼具的肖一粉! 每個月設定一個大主題,用兩種形式呈現,一起來肖一下! ♦︎肖來開槓:邀請和東南亞有連結關係的人們來聊聊! ♦︎肖來獨享:分享辛蒂與東南亞人事物接觸的獨樂樂! 歡迎來訂閱本節目,還有發摟更多肖一下♥︎ ✦IG: @lets_sea_0721(肖一下,一起Southeast Asia!) ✦YT&FB: 肖一下,一起Southeast Asia! 💌 合作邀約 歡迎寫信或投稿給辛蒂ㄛ! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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歡迎一起參加貝媽豆妹"童"樂會!🎊 🎉 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,適合海內外的小朋友一起來參加,在歡樂中學習,每個月的第一個童樂會我們也會幫當月的壽星朋友們一起來慶生! 歡迎大家一起來和很silly的貝媽和無厘頭的豆妹,一起來開童樂會喔!我們童樂會上見囉!🥳🥳 Welcome to Little Mandarin Party with Bei Ma and Do Mei. During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs (with English translation), chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. Kids can sharpen their Mandarin skills during the party. Once a month we also celebrate our listeners' birthdays. Please c ...
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①China's trade-in program boosts consumer goods sales by over 1 trillion yuan ②Largest "ro-ro" auto terminal in Yangtze River basin goes operational ③Spherical robot joins police patrols in east China city ④Over 97,000 massive open online courses available in China: Ministry of Education ⑤Beijing opens 2 more mausoleums of Ming emperors to public ⑥…
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①Mega cross-sea passage in Greater Bay Area opens to traffic ②China unveils commemorative coins to celebrate upcoming Chinese New Year ③'It's the moon's fault': "da nian san shi" to be skipped for next 5 years ④Rescued wild elephant calf in SW China makes good recovery ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people "count in nines" in winter?…
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①China sets up first quantum computing-empowered medicine research institute ②China's modified AG50 light-sport aircraft makes maiden flight ③Chinese tourist arrivals to Cambodia up 52.5 pct in first 10 months of 2024 ④Shanghai to hold F1 Chinese Grand Prix until 2030 ⑤16 crested ibises returned from Japan settle at Beijing Zoo ⑥Research discovers …
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“养成辩证的思考方式,一分为二地看待事物”,我们从小就得到老师和长辈如是教导,但世事总会往赛博朋克的方向发展——当我们如今在互联网和社媒的评论区闲逛时,似乎最常看到的就是一边倒的言论或极度偏激的立场 流量焦点的比赛选手,输了被狂喷到退网,赢了又被吹捧上天,结果发现输出这两种强烈情绪的是同一波人;同样,某种音乐风格突然火了,宣称成为其“死忠粉”和后来一句自欺欺人的“退圈了”,又是同一波人。以至于我最近看到欧洲对非二元性别实行支持的新规,而被国人网友批判个狗血淋头,更是堪称典中典。事件不仅与自己所处的地区无关,这种人人判官的群像亦不符合世界多元发展的规律,实在抽象 难道说成年人都退化了吗?曾自诩追求的兼收并蓄、辩证三观,都在给自己画饼么?女权不一定都是女拳,亚比也不见得都是没品还爱装杯,“避免一…
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我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「跟著故事去旅行」: 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: --- いいんですか?(可以嗎?) RADWIMPS 詞曲:野田洋次郎 編曲:RADWIMPS いいんですか いいんですか こんなに人(ひと)を好き(す)になっていいんですか? 可以嗎?可以嗎?這麼喜歡一個人真的可以嗎? いいんですか いい…
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當金曲歌后徐佳瑩發現在 Uber Eats 上(應該)都點得到,居然狂點一波! 雖然點不到白馬和失落沙洲,但香水、辣椒或其他吃的用的都點得到~ 快上 Uber Eats 想要的都點點看 —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「跟著故事去旅行」: 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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第一個結合「真實犯罪」與「推理小說」的podcast節目。 喜歡聽真實犯罪故事以及喜歡閱讀推理小說的你,千萬別錯過。 即刻開始進入「惡之根」的世界,讓我們一起研究犯罪,遠離犯罪吧! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「跟著故事去旅行」: 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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①Generative AI product user base in China reaches 230 mln ②China to see 100,000 eVTOLs for taxi and personal use by 2030: industry report ③10 Chinese online literature works added to British Library collection ④Remnants of ancient city gate found in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: What's so special about doornails in China?…
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偶爾聽一點沒營養的吧! 工作感情、幹話綜藝、名人專訪...我們全都有... 搜尋《激罵揪某聊》 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「跟著故事去旅行」: 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: --- the pillow…
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①Beijing, its neighbors launch ice and snow season ②Largest drone-testing airspace in N China approved to bolster emerging economy ③Chinese scientists find a way to effectively remove plastic contaminants in water ④China's first overseas atmospheric background station starts operation in Antarctica ⑤Over 300 endangered storks spotted in north China…
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①New exhibition in Beijing offers glimpse into ancient Greece ②China Railway launches rail transport trial for electric vehicle batteries ③Beijing Daxing airport handles 4 million international passenger trips this year ④Chinese scientists discover impact crater on mountain ridge for first time ⑤World's captive panda population hits 757 ⑥A Thousand…
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①Quirky science award celebrates the power of curiosity ②New site of Natural History Museum of China to open in 2029 ③Olive seeds from China's space station germinate on Earth ④East China province poised to build bulk commodity hub ⑤South China metropolis plans more gender-neutral toilets to ease long waits for women ⑥A Thousand Whys: Did ancient C…
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Rare Special呈现来自现场的Live Recording声音集,本期节目由Rare Podcast的发起人FORSHAW带来10月他受邀于Mixmag China协同Evephy, QwentyZ, Temple Rat等艺术家在上海PUSH艺术中心举办的IMX国际音乐季所呈现的厂牌展演表演部分。 Rare Special presents a live recording sound collection from the scene, this episode features Rare Podcast founder FORSHAW bringing you the live performances from the brand showcase part of the I…
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①Blossoming pet cafes across China serve joy, warmth ②China's leading science institution launches international program on synthetic cells ③Chinese researchers advance understanding of mechanisms behind allergic diseases ④Chinese archaeologists reconstruct 5,000-year-old ancestor's face via 3D technology ⑤A Thousand Whys: Things you should know to…
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《參捌滴網路教室》 這是一個分享升學資訊 教育時事以及生涯規劃的PODCAST 升學工作年復一年 對我是日常工作 對每一位家長或考生 卻是一生一次的大事 分享升學資訊 陪你面對升學大小事 臉書粉專:相信耿昇步步高升 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「跟著故事去旅行」 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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①"Chinese hamburger" toys captivate youth with creative design, consumption scenarios ②Hong Kong Int'l airport to open third runway on Nov. 28 ③Chinese scientists design membranes to recover oil, water for waste treatment ④How a Chinese city brings ancient trees back to life ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why did Sichuan food stand out among all other cuisines …
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①Heilongjiang eyes ice-and-snow boost ahead of 9th Asian Winter Games ②Working group for low-altitude economy established in Shenzhen ③Bonded aircraft repair takes off in China's Xinjiang ④Scientists' new finding challenges current ice sheet modelling ⑤Snow leopards spotted in China's Yunnan for first time ⑥A Thousand Whys: How did ancient Chinese …
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我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「跟著故事去旅行」 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: --- 大塚愛_恋愛写真 詞/曲:大塚愛 蒼々とした 夜空の下で 在深藍的夜空下 あなたが見てた 後ろ戀姿 你所看見的 愛情的背影 時折見せる 無邪気な寢顔 不時流露的 天真無邪的睡容 あたしが見てた 戀しい姿 我所看見的 心愛的模樣 どんなひとときもすべて 讓每一個時刻 忘れないよう…
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①China, Canada to increase direct flights to satisfy travel, trade demands ②Robotic grippers designed to handle delicate living things ③China turns out its self-developed tunnel boring machine with biggest diameter ④Rare flying squirrel species found in China's Xizang ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why could hot pot solve everything for Chinese?…
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我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「跟著故事去旅行」 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: --- アイドル 作詞・作曲:Ayase 無敵の笑顔で荒らすメディア 以無敵的笑容席捲媒體 知りたいその秘密ミステリアス 想知道你的秘密,那充滿神秘感 抜けてるとこさえ彼女のエリア 連小小的疏忽都是她的領域 完璧で嘘つきな君は 完美又愛說謊的你 天才的なアイドル様 就是天才偶像大人 (…
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①China, New Zealand launch fast patent grant program ②Hong Kong optimizes admissions schemes for global talent ③Harbin extravaganza to expand ahead of ninth Asian Winter Games ④Package sales stimulate hotel market as off-season looms ⑤New study uncovers evolution of China's largest desert ⑥A Thousand Whys: Fun Chinese facts you should know about sn…
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①Record-high delegations, athletes expected to participate in 9th Asian Winter Games ②China kicks off month-long consumption campaign in five big cities ③China's Shenzhen to prioritize AI, NEV, biomedical industries ④Dinosaur fossils found in Hong Kong for 1st time ⑤A Thousand Whys: How do Chinese people celebrate the Start of Winter?…
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①Flying car factory breaks ground in south China's Guangdong ②China's scenic mountains' new workforce for transportation: robot dog porters ③Expedition extends known length of Asia's longest cave to 437 km ④Sanya set to welcome China's National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities ⑤Giant panda pair gifted to Hong Kong come out of quarantine ⑥A Th…
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看到「管弦盛典」这个名字第三次出现,也许你会感到熟悉,这证明先前20多万播放量也有你的贡献。 在我入门DJ并偶有演出的两三年后(2021),也是在所谓那个后EDM时代,我突然感到电子舞曲大多都十分乏味,不论地下还是主流,在听觉体验上总显得千篇一律。这不是我说的,而且资深乐迷和资深DJ肯定也不会这么说,但不懂电子音乐的普罗大众的确会这么认为,在他们眼里不管你说什么天花乱坠的genre名词,传到他们耳边都统称为“动次打次”而已 因耳之倦怠,正是2021这个时间节点,我digging到一些管弦电舞使我得到新的启发,认为把管弦和交响的原声乐器有机写入不同电子舞曲的路线值得推敲,便尝试从这个角度发起混音带「管弦盛典」 另一层面,随着我崇尚的“去流派主义”不断深化,[管弦+电子]的混音玩法似乎就成为传达…
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①Beijing's payment facilitation services benefit international visitors ②Beijing plans to vastly expand autonomous driving test area ③China's first provincial germplasm resource bank in full operation ④Neolithic human settlement site discovered in north China ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is it like to live in a Beijing quadrangle?…
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①Chinese researchers develop "lunar bricks" for future lunar base construction ②World's smallest dinosaur egg fossils discovered in China ③Winter tourism promotion adds to allure of China's Xizang ④Hong Kong improves listing rules to attract more IPOs ⑤China expands elderly care services with focus on community-based solutions ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why…
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①Mount Fanjing in southwest China inscribed in IUCN Green List ②Hong Kong-born giant panda cubs leave incubators, develop distinctive markings ③Beijing plans to expand low-altitude flights for rescue, delivery ④5,000-year-old royal tomb discovered in central China ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why guardian lions, not tigers?…
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①Sports tourism fuels consumption engine ②China's self-developed airship harvests wind power at record height ③Beijing launches supporting services for elderly aged 80 and above ④Chinese provinces launch joint campaign to protect migratory bird routes ⑤Guangzhou establishes international Ficus research center ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people…
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爆炸爆炸! 于星际时2000年,考古船队竟然在宇宙角落发现破损的碳基文明遗迹,各个文明正在尝试恢复其中一个圆盘状物体,其中已经破译出该文明的重要信息。不仅如此,更有一种绿色碳基生物确认存活,各方语言学家正在尝试交涉,据说这种生物在其文明中的代码叫作..... 叫作仙人掌! 【混音带基本信息】 主题:21世纪不蹦迪指南 (Mixed By 3A) 元素:ʟᴏᴜɴɢᴇ / ɴᴇᴏ-sᴏᴜʟ / ɴᴜ ᴊᴀᴢᴢ / ᴄʜᴀᴍʙᴇʀ / ғᴏʟᴋ / ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴍᴜsɪᴄ / ᴇʟᴇᴄᴛʀᴏ-ᴀᴄᴏᴜsᴛɪᴄ / sᴏɴᴏʀɪsᴍ / ʙᴏssᴀ ɴᴏᴠᴀ / ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴇssɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇᴛᴀʟ / ᴀʟᴛᴇʀɴᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ʀ&ʙ / ᴍɪɴɪᴍᴀʟ / ɪɴᴅɪᴇ ʀᴏᴄᴋ 曲目: 01 Pet…
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①Exhibition on Confucian culture shines at Beijing's Palace Museum ②Science meets education -- China turns to schools to help build sci-tech powerhouse ③AI-driven panda keeper joins Madrid Zoo to enhance visitor experience ④River erosion enhances recent uplift of Mount Qomolangma: study ⑤A Thousand Whys: Was The Analects really written by Confucius…
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①2024 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit to focus on AI ②Chinese researchers achieve breakthrough in DNA-based storage of brain MRI data ③Art season launched to showcase Beijing's ancient architecture ④Chinese hikers are hiring personal cheerleaders to scale peaks ⑤Only 10 pct of fish on coral reefs covered by environmental protections: resear…
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①Chang'e-6 lunar samples to be displayed at 15th Airshow China ②Extreme fires amplify post-fire land surface warming: study ③Chinese museums receive nearly 1 billion visits during Jan-Aug period ④Technologies bring faces of Neolithic men back to life ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people relish sweet osmanthus?…
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①Scientists decode "genetic trove" of marine microorganisms ②Scientists reveal patterns in Earth's rotational deceleration over millions of years ③Ancient rock painting site found in northwest China ④Nature reserve in China reports record number of raptors sighted ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is the most auspicious day in a year?…
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BLACK 0 最近又变回ENTP了,他在八月北京的留声音乐活动,带来了这个很符合ENTP刻板印象的set: E: 刁钻且孔雀开屏式地,把花活从头整到尾 N: 你永远猜不到下一首是什么风格...... T: 每一处的衔接却好像又顺畅且符合逻辑? P: 虽然只有四十分钟,他把BPM从90干到了180,还没碰sync! 无需多言,随便拖动进度条,你不会相信它们会出现在一个set里,就像你永远不知道ENTP要给你的是惊喜还是惊吓(坏笑 ---- 播主说: 20年代犒劳耳朵,是否还需要分秒不落地消化一整块儿食物? 想听就听,不想听就甭听,做自己的主人,找到自己的游乐场 不为小说主人翁式地步入情节,只为时刻坠入都没有陈词滥调 我们的世界里,不需要藏着掖着,更没有循规蹈矩这一条选项 【混音带基本信息】 …
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①Chinese scientists unveil world's first multi-modal Large Language Model in geographic sciences ②China starts sustainable aviation fuel pilot ③Hong Kong climbs to 9th place in world talent ranking ④Mango industry bears fruit in southwest China county ⑤A Thousand Whys: The symbol of autumn – chrysanthemum…
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偶爾聽一點沒營養的吧! 工作感情、幹話綜藝、名人專訪...我們全都有... 搜尋《激罵揪某聊》 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 我教小朋友日文的地方「繪本日文教室」 我的另一個給小朋友聽的節目「大地之芽聽故事學日文」 --- 森の小さなレストラン(森林中的小餐廳) うた:手嶌葵 作詞:御徒町凧 作曲:森山直太朗 編曲:兼松衆 映像アニメ:ミスミヨシコ ドングリを辿っても着きません 即使順著橡果追尋,也無法到達 森の小さなレストラン 森林中的小餐廳 空っぽのポケットを弄って 撫摸著空空的口袋 忘れた人から辿り着く 從被遺…
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①Ancient Chinese clothing exhibition in Berlin reveals Confucian elegance ②Chang'e-6 lunar samples have "distinct characteristics": study ③China proposes new regulation on labeling AI-generated content ④Restoration of 500-year-old palace at Beijing's central axis completed ⑤A Thousand Whys: Who is "Lu Ban" and why does he matter?…
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①Beijing metro enables "tap-and-go" fare payment for foreign MasterCard and Visa card holders ②A fresh brew in academia as China's coffee science undergrads program kicks off ③China builds world's highest BeiDou high-altitude meteorological observation station ④Discovery of major city ruins aids research into China's earliest dynasty ⑤A Thousand Wh…
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关于8.30在OIL“砂原良德”前面放歌的那货,终于打算把他的SET上传了,短的一批~ 对于这个SET我只提三点: ① 坚决不沾一丁点“大保健44”,本SET每一首都代表着我的态度 ② 没人规定 House music 必须怎么放怎么混音接歌,我是顽劣派 ③「机灵的浩室音乐」是我第二个更新到Vol.5的混音系列,爽的一批 【混音带基本信息】 主题:机灵的浩室音乐Ⅴ- 一 批 (Mixed By EVEPHY) 元素:ᴏᴜᴛsɪᴅᴇʀ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ᴅᴇᴇᴘ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ᴜᴋ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ғᴜɴᴋʏ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ᴛʀɪʙᴀʟ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ʟᴇғᴛғɪᴇʟᴅ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ʙᴀssʟɪɴᴇ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ᴊᴜɴɢʟᴇ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ʀᴀᴡ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ / ʙʟᴏɢ ʜᴏᴜ…
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①World's first atlas of remote-sensing thermal infrared images released in Beijing ②Fresh Malaysian durians debut in China, set to spike in popularity ③Exhibition in China's Xi'an marks 50th anniversary of Terracotta Warriors discovery ④Turtle, bird, dinosaur tracks reveal NW China's Cretaceous past ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is Autumn Equinox an import…
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①China's Beidou navigation service platform begins trial operations ②Chinese scientists release AI model for lunar exploration ③Online research database on Dunhuang studies launched ④China launches bullet train service to UNESCO heritage site Jiuzhai Valley ⑤Endangered Gobi bear spotted in China for first time ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do some Chinese …
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这是一个具有特殊纪念意义的SET,它是我搬至成都后第一个的表演(在成都俱乐部AXIS),是“厄本礼赞”这个都市写照系列时隔多日的第四篇,也是我自2019九月作为DJ五年以来的第58个正式演出SET。 话说“厄本礼赞”原先是我尚对上海怀有情结时专为urban/funky/groovy/synthetic的路人友好音乐创建的一个体系,但谁叫我润川了呢hh 正巧借助为日本新锐音乐人ZOMBIE-CHANG助阵的机会,表达我在这个夏夜之下的情绪,也是我想献给成都的一份迟到的见面礼 ⰶ 前三篇厄本播放累积已有135万,如果你是这个系列的老听众,此时再听肯定会发觉曲路编排和音乐元素发生了不小变化,我把这个结果归为世界音乐趋势的更迭(外因)以及个人对现场混音的全新理解(内因)。因此尽管全程没有像我在锐舞场…
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①First batch of Malaysian fresh durians enters Chinese market ②China provides subsidies to boost home appliance trade-ins ③Researchers develop novel deep learning model to predict battery lifetime ④AI-powered system assists Hebei nature reserve in protecting birds ⑤Beijing to stage grand lantern show to mark Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day ⑥A Tho…
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①WTT Champions Macao 2024 scheduled for September 9-15 ②Researchers propose massive water production method on Moon ③Chinese, foreign physicists make new discovery in antimatter ④Endangered sturgeon spotted in upper Yangtze River ⑤Palace Museum to increase availability of tickets for individual visitors ⑥A Thousand Whys: The Bell and Drum Towers - …
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