Bill Shireman, founder of In This Together, explores the issues of the day and seeks sense in the chaos.
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Has totalitarianism come to America? Is it a new form where a duopoly reinforces totalitarianism?由Bill Shireman
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The crime bill signed under Trump was a bi-partisan achievement. Desantis calls it a "jailbreak" bill.由Bill Shireman
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We are all part part of many overlapping and interweaving systems.由Bill Shireman
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The old guard on both sides want the "old guy" rematch. Does anyone in the entire USA think these are the best 2 candidates?由Bill Shireman
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In the interest of truly identifying racism and sexism, does it make sense for those most concerned with identifying racism and sexism in society to look at themselves also? Would that better inform the effort?由Bill Shireman
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Have the 2 major parties switched sides on war? What to do in the current war?由Bill Shireman
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A MOMENT OF BS: The shortest distance between two (political) points is not usually a straight line
Solving problems usually takes time and the path shifts with the societal landscape.由Bill Shireman
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A MOMENT OF BS: Don't believe the hype (from right and left), We CAN have a sustainable economy
Permitting reform is key to a more sustainable energy grid and economy. And join us at EarthX in Texas, the largest green gathering on the planet held around Earth Day in April to celebrate progress, impact, and innovation. Learn more and register HERE.由Bill Shireman
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Should we call out bad behavior? Would it make for a better society?由Bill Shireman
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A MOMENT OF BS: Information technology has the capacity to radically reduce the amount of energy we use
IT is an energy force multiplier, and maybe also a "life multiplier". Visit In Between Times for more.由Bill Shireman
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There appear to be 4 ways to internalize externalities. Regulation Prices The Marketplace and Market Power Culture由Bill Shireman
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A MOMENT OF BS: Why both right and left fear Davos(man) and why this fear gets in the way of actual progress
A cabal of greedy capitalists meeting up in a posh ski resort to rule the world "Bond villain” style? A cabal of “woke” crony capitalist big government types plotting to undermine everyman for a globalized system of governance? Both? Neither? A mix?由Bill Shireman
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A MOMENT OF BS: Could a radical change in taxation improve our economy, increase freedom, and help the environment?
An opportunity for a big bi-partisan win?由Bill Shireman
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It may be time for some creative solutions to the current chaos in The House.由Bill Shireman
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The ESG battle royale? Don't take the bait.由Bill Shireman
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Tapping into the essence of nature is the key driver in our increasingly post-industrial world. ”Humans are not just metaphors for life. We ARE life.”由Bill Shireman
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Is the SCOTUS interested in originalism or are they really interested in something else? Should state legislatures alone determine the time, place, and manner of the election of senators and members of Congress? That is a question with which the Supreme Court is wrestling right now.由Bill Shireman
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How's your health? How is your healthcare? Why don't we really know the cost of anything in our system? Why is our system so wasteful? How can we do better? Maybe we should look to Singapore.由Bill Shireman
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“Corporate statism increasingly manages the details of our lives. And it does so on autopilot…” “…A machine has taken control of our economy and our democracy, programmed according to an algorithm that directs how our meats are to be carved, and our potatoes mashed without our conscious awareness.”由Bill Shireman
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The old political business model that celebrated the political middle has been replaced by a political business model that encourages those on the political extremes. "Profits are maximized in politics and media when the left and right are caricatured."由Bill Shireman
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It wasn't Trump and it wasn't the "woke".由Bill Shireman
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Bans and "green austerity" can sometimes actually lock in destructive technologies and policies. Often, when radical environmental solutions are embraced by policymakers, even bigger problems, environmental and societal can result.由Bill Shireman
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Who is waging this "war"? What is the political industrial complex?由Bill Shireman
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