The semi-daily podcast in which hosts Jeff and Chris analyze the Jay and Silent Bob movies one minute at a time.
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Every saga has a middle age, and this is what happens when Jay & Silent Bob Get Old.
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Shouts outs from Kevin and shout outs from us. See you next season.由Dueling Genre Productions
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actor credits again and who made less than Dogma由Dueling Genre Productions
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Having your own personal team, best Viee Askew characters and the final appearance of Drunk Chris由Dueling Genre Productions
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Getting beat up by the Iron Sheik, terrible wrestling gimmicks and Chris looks for the bottom of a liquor bottle.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Time for liquor folks, Reddit rumors and muppets由Dueling Genre Productions
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Talking credits and all the garbage movies that made more than Dogma. Plus the return of Jeff’s ancient enemy.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Where’s Linda Fiorentino sitting? Also credits.由Dueling Genre Productions
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The intervention, complaining about food prices and Chris does nothing.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Two hours in… Time for an intermission. Special Guest: Gerry Porter from Indiana Jones Minute由Dueling Genre Productions
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covenants, Jesus the fan favorite and it was the 90s. Special Guest: Gerry Porter from Indiana Jones Minute由Dueling Genre Productions
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Gerry has risen, what hath God forsaken us and talk of the cosmic. Special Guest: Gerry Porter from Indiana Jones Minute由Dueling Genre Productions
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Special Guest: Luke Allen from Two Minutes About Time由Dueling Genre Productions
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Karate Kid and Cobra Kai, Independent film and Dogma Conspiracy Theories Special Guest: Luke Allen from Two Minutes About Time由Dueling Genre Productions
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Jeff kicks out Chris to go deep on religion with Luke Allen. Cheers. Special Guest: Luke Allen from Two Minutes About Time由Dueling Genre Productions
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The Garage Alien, Jay doesn’t listen and The Masked Singer由Dueling Genre Productions
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screaming, dreaming and Irony.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Bartleby”s arc, old comedians and wedding shenanigans由Dueling Genre Productions
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Pulling the plug, Bartleby as Thanos and GOD arrives由Dueling Genre Productions
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Plot holes, gun recoils and some disgusting feathers.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Poor Jeff, Big Bird and the collapse of society由Dueling Genre Productions
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Is it assault? Talking sports with Chris and how to use a condom由Dueling Genre Productions
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God: Fair and Balanced, a holy top 10 list and keeping the faith.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Keeping the Faith, Ric Flair style and Loki’s turn由Dueling Genre Productions
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Touched by Angels, more power set issues and your friend whose barely hanging on由Dueling Genre Productions
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robocop, Loki is excited to see the Muse and a top 10 list.由Dueling Genre Productions
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No self pleasure, Noah’s Ark and the worst last stand.由Dueling Genre Productions
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the brother with the uzi, cardinals falling from the sky and mortal sins.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Being 10 percent Jesus, Silent Bob as instrument of God and the coolest man who has ever lived由Dueling Genre Productions
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Blessing sinks, driving demons and drowning Stygians.由Dueling Genre Productions
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top 10ish golf movies, Jason Lee’s chest and Hulk Hogan由Dueling Genre Productions
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Claymation, Hulk and acting. special guest: Guy Hutchinson, author, podcaster, haberdasher.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Megatron genuine draft, bond movies and Azrael lays out the master plan由Dueling Genre Productions
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Grab a drill… and a smock.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Elvis, dead celebrities making bank and Azrael continues whining.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Ben’s abs, Ratface and we’re all feeling a little exposed由Dueling Genre Productions
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Moss, Scientology and Carlin由Dueling Genre Productions
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Loki starring as…. Loki. And we return to the land of Smith.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Chris and Chris discuss Church and Carlin由Dueling Genre Productions
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Finally, someone tries a smart move.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Apparently it’s not Lucifer, activating the clergy and smelling something on your shoe由Dueling Genre Productions
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SpongeBob revelation, is this Lucifer and how would you incapacitate God由Dueling Genre Productions
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More Voice information than you’d expect, hosts and hanging out with Lizzo由Dueling Genre Productions
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Being disappointed in podcasters, our favorite angels and how do these people travel?由Dueling Genre Productions
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Paul Lynde appears, dropping atomic bombs and some people deserved to be punched in the face. Special Guest: Travis Bow from Watchmen Minute由Dueling Genre Productions
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Could you have understood?由Dueling Genre Productions
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Kevin peaking, Rufus with the side eye, and Alan Rickman continues to be great. special guest: Travis Bow from Warchmen Minute由Dueling Genre Productions
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Jesus’ relations hang out with Chris’ relations.由Dueling Genre Productions
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Fireside chat, Bethany asked the question and bible history.由Dueling Genre Productions
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