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I am Chief Imran a Powerful Online Native Healer and love spells caster ..Am a Native Healer that work with Strong Spells Casting /African Native Healing And Herbs Call Or Whats app +27 763069612 Email - 100% Guaranteed & Affordable. Private & Confidential with Immediate Results. Welcome to Chief Imran in South Africa the only one who heals and solves all failed /unfinished problems from other Native healers & Spells caster online. Call Or Whats app +27 763069612 Em ...
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28.2. marks the International Day of Rare Diseases. On this occasion, we talked with Andrea Madunova, social counsellor and chairwoman of the organization Belasý motýľ and Jozef Blažek, coordinator of the Agency of Personal Assistance and Public Collection Belasý motýľ. Who was that? This time, let's travel to the streets of Košice to see the sculp…
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28.2. marks the International Day of Rare Diseases. On this occasion, we talked with Andrea Madunova, social counsellor and chairwoman of the organization Belasý motýľ and Jozef Blažek, coordinator of the Agency of Personal Assistance and Public Collection Belasý motýľ. Who was that? This time, let's travel to the streets of Košice to see the sculp…
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1. Новости. 2. Тема дня. 3. С геологической точки зрения Словакия — очень интересная страна. Какие минералы, в том числе редкие, встречаются в словацких породах? 4. Деменовская пещера Свободы. Уникальная природная достопримечательность Низких Татр.
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On the 20th of February 2025, NATO Secretary General, Mark Rutte travelled to Slovakia on Thursday for meetings with President Peter Pellegrini as well as other Slovak ministers. Next up is an interview with Matúš Nemec, a student at the University of Prešov in eastern Slovakia and a radio amateur, who made history by successfully establishing a ra…
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On the 20th of February 2025, NATO Secretary General, Mark Rutte travelled to Slovakia on Thursday for meetings with President Peter Pellegrini as well as other Slovak ministers. Next up is an interview with Matúš Nemec, a student at the University of Prešov in eastern Slovakia and a radio amateur, who made history by successfully establishing a ra…
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Ben Pascoe talks with Martin Poliačik and Mirek Toda about their experiences visiting Ukraine and what life is like there. They also discuss the challenges that will be faced in achieving peace and afterwards and how Slovakia and Slovaks have shown and continue to show solidarity with their neighbors .…
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Ben Pascoe talks with Martin Poliačik and Mirek Toda about their experiences visiting Ukraine and what life is like there. They also discuss the challenges that will be faced in achieving peace and afterwards and how Slovakia and Slovaks have shown and continue to show solidarity with their neighbors .…
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January is generally the coldest month of the year, which makes for the best conditions for "otužilci", or in English, people who like to practice cold-water immersion. We asked wellbeing coach Michal Páleník and professional in cold-water immersion Vladimír Pauco from Zdravé otužovanie organization about how to practice this activity safely and wh…
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January is generally the coldest month of the year, which makes for the best conditions for "otužilci", or in English, people who like to practice cold-water immersion. We asked wellbeing coach Michal Páleník and professional in cold-water immersion Vladimír Pauco from Zdravé otužovanie organization about how to practice this activity safely and wh…
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Question of the week: Who is a top journalist in your country and why is he/she known professionally? Beata Balogova, editor-in-chief of the daily SME, talks about the situation of investigative journalists 7 years after the murder of Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova. The choice of music reflects the reaction of artists to the murder co…
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: Годовщина аварии на АЭС Ясловске Богунице, Кароль Дивин – мастер обязательных фигур, Номинации на звание Госчиновник года 2024, Cкульптор Роберт Кюхмайер. 2. Выставка фотографий и картин Я. БАРАЦКИ и Д.КАЧМАРОВОЙ в Трнаве. 3. Словацкая популярная музыка
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21 February marks seven years since the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée, archaeologist Martina Kusnirova. We recall what happened and list some of the most important consequences, i.e. adoption of European Media Freedom Act. In the next part of the show, once again the first round of the RSI competition series for the …
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21 February marks seven years since the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée, archaeologist Martina Kusnirova. We recall what happened and list some of the most important consequences, i.e. adoption of European Media Freedom Act. In the next part of the show, once again the first round of the RSI competition series for the …
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3. Рубрика "Экология". О проблемах борьбы с изменениями климата говорит депуатат Европарлмента- ученый -эколог Михал Виезик.4.Спорт. Репортаж о выступлении словацкой сборной на чемпионате мира по биатлону в швейцарском Ленцерхайде. авт. комментарий
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How is mathematics taught in Slovakia? And how to teach it in a way that entertains and inspires children? Mathematician Zbynek Kubáček reveals. Dušan Polačik, a representative of WAMA, talks about new trends in waste processing. Finally, a new episode of the Who was that series reveals who Janko Alexy was.…
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How is mathematics taught in Slovakia? And how to teach it in a way that entertains and inspires children? Mathematician Zbynek Kubáček reveals. Dušan Polačik, a representative of WAMA, talks about new trends in waste processing. Finally, a new episode of the Who was that series reveals who Janko Alexy was.…
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Integration is one of the most important yet complex aspects of migration worldwide. Many migrants find themselves on the fringes of the majority culture, struggling to establish their place in society. However, a rare few not only adapt but thrive—actively shaping their new communities and promoting their adopted homes. Our guest in this episode i…
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Integration is one of the most important yet complex aspects of migration worldwide. Many migrants find themselves on the fringes of the majority culture, struggling to establish their place in society. However, a rare few not only adapt but thrive—actively shaping their new communities and promoting their adopted homes. Our guest in this episode i…
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Ben Pascoe visits the gala presentation of this year's Tatra Bank Foundation Art Awards. For the 29th year the Tatra Bank foundation awards achievments in audiovisual creation, literature, design, music, theatre and fine arts. Ben Pascoe talks with jury members, organizers and artists about the state of the arts in Slovakia today.…
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Ben Pascoe visits the gala presentation of this year's Tatra Bank Foundation Art Awards. For the 29th year the Tatra Bank foundation awards achievments in audiovisual creation, literature, design, music, theatre and fine arts. Ben Pascoe talks with jury members, organizers and artists about the state of the arts in Slovakia today.…
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2. "Валентинская капля крови" - безвозмездная сдача крови среди студентов. "Подаришь кровь - подаришь жизнь" 3. Вышеградская Четверка - успешное международное объединение.
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Slovakia is once again allowed to import radioactive waste from abroad. The Parliament has lifted the ban on the import of this waste, which was introduced in 2021. We are going to talk about what are the the potential threats and what does it mean for Slovakia’s environment and public health with nuclear physicist and director of the organization …
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Slovakia is once again allowed to import radioactive waste from abroad. The Parliament has lifted the ban on the import of this waste, which was introduced in 2021. We are going to talk about what are the the potential threats and what does it mean for Slovakia’s environment and public health with nuclear physicist and director of the organization …
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: Скульптор Вавринец Дунайский, 135-я годовщина основания словацкой ассоциации в США, Выставка «Верификация» в городе Левице, Литературный конкурс «Междустрочие», Роботизированная хирургия в действии. 2. Викторина "Таинственная Словакия", 1-й тур, 3. Словацкая музыка
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Spare Parts Theatre - a civic association formed in 2023 to bring artistic projects that primarily address contemporary social and cultural issues. They operate predominantly in English, which creates a space for attracting not only domestic but also foreign audiences living in Slovakia. Interview with the founder of HIV/AIDS Slovensko Ján Koller a…
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Spare Parts Theatre - a civic association formed in 2023 to bring artistic projects that primarily address contemporary social and cultural issues. They operate predominantly in English, which creates a space for attracting not only domestic but also foreign audiences living in Slovakia. Interview with the founder of HIV/AIDS Slovensko Ján Koller a…
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3. Рубрика "Экология".Эксперт по охране водных ресурсов Миро Очадлик рассказывает о программе сохранения популяции пресноводных рыб в Придунайском регионе Словакии 4. Спорт.Рассказываекм о словацком фигуристе Йозефе Сабовчике, которому недавно было присвоено звание "Легенда словацкого спорта".…
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February 13th is World Radio Day, a date set by UNESCO since 2011. Each year has a different theme. 2025 explores the role of radio in climate change. Why this theme? Martina Grenova Simkovicova asked Mirta Lourenco, head of UNESCO's Section for Media Development and Media in Emergencies. Speaking about the effects of climate change in Slovakia is …
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February 13th is World Radio Day, a date set by UNESCO since 2011. Each year has a different theme. 2025 explores the role of radio in climate change. Why this theme? Martina Grenova Simkovicova asked Mirta Lourenco, head of UNESCO's Section for Media Development and Media in Emergencies. Speaking about the effects of climate change in Slovakia is …
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1. Новости. 2. Тема дня. 3. WORLD RADIO DAY 2025. Радио и изменение климата. 4. Туризм нового поколения: чистый и устойчивый. 5. Зеленый на Белой. Островок зелени и покоя в историческом центре Братиславы по адресу Белая 6.
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Ben Pascoe talks with a Slovak, Russian and Ukrainian who use art and community builiding as a way of working with and helping teenagers. Sarah Valovičová, Mikhail Popov and Karina Muliar talk about what got them started working with teens, how art can help and also offer some advice.
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Ben Pascoe talks with a Slovak, Russian and Ukrainian who use art and community builiding as a way of working with and helping teenagers. Sarah Valovičová, Mikhail Popov and Karina Muliar talk about what got them started working with teens, how art can help and also offer some advice.由STVR
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2. Изучение славянских языков в университете Коменского в Братиславе. История кафедры славянской филологии. 3.Благотворительная акция "Глиняный дукат"
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