Strange, weird, wacky, messed up, gross news stories from around the world past and present. Follow on Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast
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This episode features a story about a haunted doll found in a house with a message. A place where you don't want to find a pig nipple, A place where you don't want to find Poop because of a crazy Pooper. Don't like Granny? Put out a hit out on her! Well don't really do that, but it happened! Check these news stories out now! Follow on Instagram @sn…
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Episode 41: Glues His Privates, Lady Has Chimp Affair, Awkward Sweet Shop Visit, Peeing In Public
A man yes a man glues his privates for safety, A Lady loves a chimp more than she should, Sweet Shop has naughty items, A angry man pees at a fast food restaurant and he wasn't in the Washroom... Find out how it all went down! Follow on IG: @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message:…
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Ep 40: Willy Wonka Hotel Room, Licking in Public, Fish back to life in pan, Crazy fast food customer
On this Episode I mess around with the soundboard and check my Lottery ticket, was I a winner? Also featured, You can rent out a Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory Hotel themed room! A women licks thing in public at the grocery store! A fish comes back to life while being cooked in the pan, looks like some exorcist Stuff! A Crazy fast food custo…
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Ep 39: Watch 4 Waspes, Insult Wedding Invitations, Best Man Kicked Out, Weird Couple, Penis Cut Off
In this episode, You need to watch for Waspes, A soon to be married couple sends out insulting wedding invitations, The Best Man is kicked out of the wedding, find out why! A weird/naughty couple with a big age gap will sing for us, A penis gets cut off, find out Why! Follow on Instagram @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message: https://podc…
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Ep 38: Sound Effects, Instant Accent Change, Spaghetti Death, Suicide Capsule, Man Falls in Soup
On this episode a women's Speaking Accent changes instantly, A man eats Old Spaghetti and the outcome is not good, A Capsule for people that want to commit Suicide, A man who is cooking a big Vat of soup falls in it with a terrible outcome Follow this podcast on Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.…
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Ep 37: Bike accident, Bungee Accident, Bear Attack, Teeth pulled, Time Traveler with a Message
On this episode I talk about a accident that I witnessed, A Bungee Thrill gone Horribly wrong, A man is Harassed by a Grizzly Bear night after night, A burglar pulls teeth, Time Travelers with a message for everybody. Follow me on Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast Do you have a messed up story you would like to share or a idea for the podcast? please…
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Ep 36: Delivery Anger, Magic Mushrooms Injected, Bitcoin Password Forgot, Porn Lawsuit at Parents
This episode is a little about me! A angry food delivery driver who expresses her anger (audio clip), A man that thinks injecting magic mushrooms is a good idea, find out what happens next! A bit coin multi-millonaire? If he remembers his password. A porn lawsuit filed against his parents, find out how much his massive porn collection is worth! Fol…
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Ep 35: Diaz Cop Clip, Used Condoms For Resale, Scary Rat Sinkhole, Brain Eats Itself, Beetle Armour
This episode features a great clip about police and the Black Lives matter Movement by Joey Diaz, A factory is selling used condoms as new, Man falls in a scary rat sinkhole, Brain will eat itself, The strongest armour beetles. This podcast is sponsored by @musicbattlepolls on Instagram, vote for you favorite musical artists! Follow this podcast on…
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On this episode we feature 20 Dumb Criminals and the stupid idiotic things they did! Follow on Instagram @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message:
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Ep 33: Mask Anger, Car Rage, Stomach Brewery,Chocolate Rain, Diamond mask,Penis on arm,Bear Advice
This episode features audio clips of A angry man who refused to wear a mask in public, A Parking lot lady gets very mad at her own parking job, A man grows a penis on his arm! Yes it's true, a penis! It rained Chocolate in one town, 1.5 million Dollar Corona Virus face mask, Advice to keep you safe from a bear attack! Follow on: Instagram: @snewsyo…
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Ep 32: Married Sex, Angry Rant, Dolphins get high, Real UFO, Penis cutting board, Man washes money
This episode features a Married Sex audio clip, A public meltdown rant at a Kebab store, Dolphins know how to get stoned, The USA government admits they know about UFO's, Woman orders a cutting board but is surprised to find a penis image, A man washes his money because of Covid and destroys it! Follow the show on Twitter: @snewsyoulose1 Instagram:…
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Ep 31: Karen gets slapped, Cum Vape, Anus Tapeworm, The word Moist, Penis charger, Plants at Opera
This episode features a "Karen" getting bitched slapped (clip) Some Idiot that vapes his own cum juice, A big tapeworm pulled from anus, Why you hate the word Moist, Someone put a phone charger up their penis and houseplants are the audience at the Opera! Follow us on Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast Twitter: @snewsyoulose1--- Send in a voice messag…
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Ep 30: Racist Karen, 5 y/o buys a Lambo, Lysol feminine hygiene, Social distance robot, THC Semen
This episode features Racist "Karen" Audio clip, A 5 year old gets pulled over driving to buy a Lamborghini, Lysol original use was for women's Hygiene?? THC Infused Semen! Follow on Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message:…
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Wash your hands and don't touch your face!! On this episode we talk about all things Corona virus, Covid-19. Clips on the show include Stupid Spring Breakers, Pastors, crazy church goers and Donald Trump. Follow on Twitter: @snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message:…
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I have a very special guest returning for the second time! I have a quick chat with my 7 year old daughter Marissa! We talk about Aliens and other fun stuff! Follow on Twitter @snewsyoulose1 Instagram @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message:…
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On this episode we talk about Aliens, yes the little green or grey men! We talk about abductions and what to do if you are abducted and we have some great stories and audio clips of sounds from space! You can follow the show on Facebook: Snews you Lose Podcast Twitter: @snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message: https…
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Ep 26: Fed Smoker clips, Tortoise Sex God, Girl Throws Feces, Mr. Peanut Dies, Girl Drinks Dog Urine
This episode features audio clips of Fed Smoker up to his confrontational instigating ways! A Tortoise sex god, find out how many kids he has! Did Mr. Peanut really die? A woman claims that drinking dogs urine is great for her skin and health, find out what she has to say and drink. Follow on Facebook: Snews you lose podcast Twitter: @Snewsyoulose1…
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This episode is all about love and it's messed up. Just how you like it!! Features: Preacher sext rant lecture (audio clip) Valentine's text arrive months late, A Zoo will name your ex after a rat and feed it to a snake, Weird Valentine's presents for the weirdo in your life, Engagement ring found after many years thanks to a carrot! Follow on Face…
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Ep 24: Things people insert into body, Patient falls out of ambulance, Degloved Penis, Weed up nose
Check it out! A pretty funny, gross and weird episode! The way you like it!! Follow me on Facebook: Snews you lose podcast Twitter: @snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast Please Subscribe, Leave a rating and a comment! Do you have a story? Please submit it and maybe have it featured on a future episode and get a shout out! --- Send in a voi…
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This episode is about your Host Karl! How he had a hospital stay which required Surgery. Have a listen and find out why!! Follow me on Facebook: Snews you lose podcast Twitter: @snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast Please Subscribe, leave a rating and a comment!--- Send in a voice message:…
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Ep 22: Road Rage, Glory Hole from Hell, Teach Kids To Swear, Hotel Anus,Cop writes Pig for Attention
A funny road rage clip!! The Glory hole from hell, at least the sister felt that way!! It's ok for kids to swear!! A cop wants attention by way of pig! Please subscribe and leave a rating! Follow me on Facebook: Snews you lose podcast Twitter: @snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message:…
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Ep 21: Road Rage, McDonald's Weed, Man dies eating eggs, Bee sting penis enlargement, Jaguar attacks
Check it out! We have a funny road rage clip and other messed up stories on this episode! Funny and stupid things! The usual! Intro Music: Silent Partner - Open Wide Outro Music: Silent Partner - Mob Battle Remember to subscribe, leave a review and you can follow and reach me at Facebook: Snews you lose podcast Twitter: @snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @s…
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Ep 20:Angry clip, Big Dildo removed from man, Trapeze artist shit, Chernobyl Vodka,Dr. Siphons Urine
Drunk man gets told off by lady for Shagging his dog (audio clip) Tool had to be invented to remove a dildo from a man, find out how big it was!! Trapeze artist shits on crowd, Chernobyl Vodka, find out if it's radioactive! Dr. Siphons Urine from patient on a plane! Follow Snews you lose on Facebook: Snews you lose podcast Twitter: @snewsyoulose1 I…
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Ep 19: Blood flood in basement, Tweezers in Urethra, Sex doll brothel, Van pet rats, Sell your face
A blood flood in a family's basement. Find out where it came from! Tweezers stuck up a peehole. Find out how long they were! Sex Doll Brothel: Self explanatory! They will be waiting...... Woman living in a van with a large amount of rats. Find out how many she has! A company will pay for your face. Find out how much money you will receive and where…
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Ep 18: Joey rants, Billboard porn, Extreme yoga fall, Guinea pig ice cream, Dangerous driving music
On this episode! Joey Diaz Anthem Rant! Porn playing on a billboard, Extreme yoga pose fail causes bad injury, Guinea Pig flavoured ice cream, and the most dangerous music to listen too while you are driving. Intro Music: Silent Partner - Sugar Zone. Outro Music: Anmar Amr - Extreme Energy. You can find me and follow on. Facebook: Snews you lose po…
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Ep 17: Sex rant clip, Semen filled crepes, special pork chop, phone sex assault, eating human flesh
This episode features a preachers sex rant clip very funny, a pork chop that has a image of Freddie Mercury on it! Man cracks a woman's phone screen and gets sexually assaulted as punishment, scientist says people may have to eat human flesh at climate change is a real thing we have to face! Well do we really have to eat each other? Find out have a…
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Ep 16: Joey Diaz (audio clip), Venomous spider in ear, Vegan sues neighbour for BBQ, Killing Cats
Episode 16 is lots of fun! Check out the funny Joey Diaz rant! Keep your ears covered! A spider might live inside!! Vegan fights and sues with neighbours that BBQ, Poison Sausages drop from Airplane in Australia! Intro Music: Silent Partner: Tidal Wave Outro Music: Silent Partner: DC love Go Go Facebook: Snews you lose podcast Twitter: Snewsyoulose…
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This episode is about things that should be laws, because humans can be selfish and mean or act like a idiot about things in life and we talk about those things on this episode!! Intro/Outro music: Silent Partner - Tidalwave Follow us on Facebook: Snews you lose Twitter: @Snewsyoulose1 Instagram: Snews you lose podcast--- Send in a voice message: h…
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Ep 14: Snapping turtle bites back, Cannabis Cake Mix up, Man eaten by own dogs, Nurse injects bleach
This episode has various messed up stories check em out! Please follow us and leave a comment Facebook: Snews you lose podcast Twitter:@Snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @Snewsyoulosepodcast. Intro/Outro Music by: Silent Partner - Tidal Wave A special thank you to Podcoin!--- Send in a voice message:…
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Ep 13: Special Guest Marissa, Kids in pool on top of car, Lion swats at kid, Cat Coffee Poop
Please listen to this great episode with a special guest my 7 year daughter Marissa as she makes her debut! She brings lots of energy to the show!! Follow us: Facebook: Snews you lose Podcast Twitter@Snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @Snewsyoulosepodcast Outro Music: Black Eyed Peas: Pump it special thank you to Podcoin! --- Send in a voice message: https:/…
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Ep 12: Short Man Short Temper, Beer seat booster, grocery shaming, gay people come from anal sex
- Short Man freaks out in bagel Shop (audio) - 2 year old riding on Beer seat booster - Grocery Store Shame Bags - Man says gays exsist because women have anal sex Intro Music: Silent Partner- Tidal Wave Outro Music: 20 Fingers - Short Dick Man Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast--- Send in a voice message:…
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Ep 11: English parrot returns speaking Spanish, Man eats 246 bags of Cocaine, spray paint penis,
Also featured: Obscene Car sticker Snews you lose podcast Intro Music: Silent Partner-Tidal Wave Outro music by: Omar Jackson Batata --- Send in a voice message:
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On this episode, we hear the video of a Glow stick explosion. Don't crack your neck the wrong way!! 4 Bees in eye likes to drink tears!! A man wakes up at his own funeral they thought he was dead, 😱 A spider scares a lady and she wrecks her car!! Music: Stone Temple Pilots: Big Bang Baby. Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast --- Send in a voice message:…
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Ep 9: Caught on own Camera Arson, Gross Gas theives, Diner sues Hardee's, Meth fuelled squirrel
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Ep 8: Food attacks Woman, Semen reduces wrinkles, metal balls in penis, speed up your period
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Ep 7: Skydiver lived hitting ground from 14,000 ft, Rough Sex, Pig steals beer and picks fights
Listen to the skydiver who survived at he tells his story! Man's penis breaks during sex! Drunken pig on a rampage picking fights with a cow!--- Send in a voice message:
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Ep 6: Parents destroy porn stash, man busted jerking at home, viagra energy drink,spider venom sauce
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Ep 5: Man chokes cashier, Florida man thinks he is a dog, fight over crab Legs, spider in ear
A man freaks out on his cashier, weird Florida again, fight at a buffet, and a spider lives in a woman's ear.. yikes! Instagram: @snewsyoulosepodcast --- Send in a voice message:
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Follow us on Facebook: Snews You Lose Twitter: snewsyoulose1 --- Send in a voice message:
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Welcome to our Debut Episode we hope you enjoy and subscribe and you can follow us on Facebook: Snewsyoulosepodcast Twitter: @Snewsyoulose1 Instagram: @Snewsyoulosepodcast --- Send in a voice message:
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