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DongXiNanPei, since 2010, is a discussion radio and podcasting in Mandarin chinese and English. The host taiwanese Yilin Lee-Setälä invites the people living in Nordic countries to discuss about Eastern and Western cross-cultural issues. All interviews can listen from facebook page:
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High Light Tiawan 彰顯台灣智庫群 台灣民主化進程研究政治觀察 經濟,國防,教育,心理,社會政策討論參與 公民責任,公民義務,公民素質提升運動召集 FB請搜尋--彰顯台灣 拒絕參與政治的懲罰之一, 就是被糟糕的人統治… 許多事今天我們若不為社會的公平正義發聲, 改天我們就必須為自己的軟弱而戰… 世界敗壞不是由於惡人囂張,而是由於好人沉默 喜歡絕大部份的中國朋友… 喜歡中華文化,紅樓夢,繁體字, 喜歡中國的大山大水, 深愛川湘菜跟各地的中華料理… 不是很喜歡國民黨民進黨… 但我更討厭專制主義,討厭共產黨… 不希望身邊的人因為政治意志的不同被封號, 被消失,被入罪,被自殺… 別對政治冷感, 別成為黨爭互鬥的工具人… 我們應該還可以作些什麼… 我們都應該擁有個人的自由意識… 我們誰都不該是誰的棋子… 期待有生之年能見證一個… 屬於華人世界裡的思想啟蒙運動, 屬於華人世界的文藝復興時期… 人類學家 Margaret Mead說過: 永遠不要去懷疑那一小群, 有理想有抱負的公民可以改變世界, 事實上世界的改變向來全靠這群人。 別輕視小看了自己… 我們正在創造屬於自己與下一 ...
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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移居國外,很容易感到孤單,落單,沒有歸屬感,既使是移居到地球上最幸褔快樂的國度。目前旅居瑞典的 鄭晴文在她和她波蘭伴侶的獨立樂團 『Yellowbrenda』最新發行的單曲 「Light Of Your Being」裡面,要用古老詩歌的智慧和用他們的音樂,撫慰有這種失重情緒的每個人。晴文 相信「一個人,也能在孤單中在黑暗中,找到光亮,從自己內心,找到發光的力量」。五年前搬回到瑞典的 晴文,在國外漂流了 16年,兩年 Göthenburg 念碩士,畢業後甄選進入瑞典家具設計大廠 IKEA 工作,之後瑞典德國外派的人生,晴文已經學會了吉普賽概念的生活哲學,哪裡都可以是家的感覺,但是這次回來,瑞典就真的像是她和伴侶的第二個家。專業供應鏈管理的晴文,很清楚搬來搬去當下孤單的感覺,沒有人可以分享的感覺…
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遠渡重洋移居國外,要重新打造舒適圈,最實際穩定生活的第一步,就是要有固定的收入。兩年前決定搬到芬蘭的 楊喻婷 Viviana Yang 去年十一月在赫爾辛基拿到潛水教練執照,成為芬蘭唯一可以用中文教潛水的教練。在台灣唸教育的她,從來沒有想到有一天她會靠教潛水吃飯,在台灣潛到海底世界是她正職外週末舒壓的方式,她享受大海裡的寧靜,她可以不用講話,沈浸欣賞台灣東北角五彩繽紛的海底世界,完全專注在自己和海,這樣的習慣養成她對環境敏銳的觀察和要求,甚至是她和芬蘭老公兩個人互換芬蘭台灣當交換生後,考慮討論最後定奪移居芬蘭的最重要因素。喜歡交朋友又非常需要有自己空間的 喻婷在搬來之前,就經驗過芬蘭冬天長,夜很黑,很無聊,但,她相信只要她有事在忙,這些都沒有關係。於是,過去培養的潛水興趣變成了她的另外一條出…
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心安之處,就是家。對剛移居挪威三年的 蔡亦晽而言,「這裡是我的家,因為我跟我愛的人生活,所以我感覺這裡有家的感覺,我可以在這邊自在的做每件事,回台灣也是回家的感覺,但挪威也是回家的感覺」。喜歡創作,喜歡探索,生活裡永遠充滿豐富精彩的 亦晽,在台北七年的劇場片場,她覺得她只是個過客,當疫情開啟了她世界旅行工作的機會,跟著遊艇航行世界的一家人,做他們孩子們的家教褓姆,她當然也只是這個主人家的過客,每一片山水的過客。一次錯失飛機機位的巧合,讓她賺到了十天在奧斯陸的休假。直覺感官敏銳的 亦晽,愛上了挪威,也愛上了一位挪威人。戲劇化的人生轉變,她從過客變成了移民,現在的 亦晽,有充分的動力練好挪威語,認識挪威這個地方,白天在亞洲超市當店員兼管店家網路內容行銷,還口傳推廣台灣亞洲飲食料理,業餘在挪威劇團…
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回國還是留下?選擇冰島,對十年前即將畢業的 劉月丹而言,單純就是個順水推舟的緣分,但現在,冰島已經是 阿丹的第二個家,她已經學會了用冰島人的方式享受自己的選擇。她也曾經害怕自己沒辦法融入,擔心工作問題,害怕沒辦法應付各種生活的細節,種種的一切給自己非常大的壓力,甚至套上亞洲的想法要做得比同事更努力才能顯示出自己的價值。從剛開始認識一個也是移民過來的男友,從一個賞識自己的主管,從點到面,慢慢的進入冰島封閉的熟人社會,她先把原生香港的文化和快節奏的習慣放一邊,不讓自己弄的很忙,把多出來的時間真實體驗新的生活方式,調整心態,習慣新的想法,還把她經歷看到的寫在社媒平台,用她在傳媒所學的專業,平時經常更新冰島最新的旅遊和地理氣候狀況,「冰島島民」的名聲傳到了出版社,甚至出了一本旅遊工具書『冰島深度之旅…
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各位收聽的朋友們,大家好,我是MIT, 對, 就是Made in Taiwan的臺灣人, 在這個節目裡我就叫MIT吧… 錄Pod cast第一集要說些什麼呢? 就是說說我對臺灣和中國的想法吧… 這世界上有哪一個正常的國家, 裏面的老百姓,不管是有錢的,沒有錢的, 有權力的,沒有權力的, 只要呼吸過那麼一點點自由空氣的人, 只要讓他一逮個機會,就會想要離開那個地方? 北韓就是…中國就是… 戰爭其實老早就已經開始了,從來沒有間斷過, 從國民黨戰敗來台至今, 共產黨從來沒有放棄過,要拿下國民黨,要拿下臺灣的企圖, 這個是陽謀、不是陰謀。 這個時代的戰爭不用槍,也不用炮, 諜戰電影、電視劇裡面的分化跟破壞,從來沒有間斷過, 深深的影響,這幾十年的臺灣… 台灣會亂、不是沒有原因的… 敵人用金錢用權力來…
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his episode is about the reasons for creating this podcast. I hope this podcast can help me find partners, cooperators and friends who have same interest in education. As saying does, many roads lead to Rome, I may be one of them, and because of my limited experience, my thoughts can be immature, but I sincerely hope you can share your points of vi…
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This episode is about the relations of 9 topics I have recorded. In this episode, I will give and explain the relations of 9 topics one by one. In general, the first 4 topics are the basis of my stance on education reform/revolution, the next 2 topics express education from an individual aspect, and the last 3 topics are about the significance of e…
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Thanks for listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: In ecosystem, diversity depends on variation of life and places species occupy. Education needs diversity, but so many people treat diversity by our appearances, identities and ethnic groups, which are learned from stati…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” I sincerely thank and respect the ancestors’ work and efforts, and I think we should follow their steps to improve education …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: This society never lacks wealth and talents, just as this world never lacks gold and diamonds. However, they both need a way to find them. The first one who found gold and diamonds is only a spreader of the news, bu…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Lifelong learning, as Wikipedia explains, is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons… It not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: The ability to choose helps us cope with future’s uncertainty, and the ability to learn deals with the past and the present. One who has ability to choose must own the ability to learn, but not everyone who is able …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Should we use our definition of excellence to decide others’ future, or should our views are being changed by others’ excellence of all kinds? SAT, for example, brings convenience to the evaluation process, but it i…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: When education is for everyone, it is only a privilege to keep giving to fill a bottomless hole. When it is for all people, it helps people realize what they need and then helps them to satisfy the needs. As Chinese…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: What is the biggest risk when improving education system? Financial barrier or our avarice for talents and our indifference to unequal opportunities? The main difference between people and things is that things are …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: For an admission officer or an interviewer, does he read applications as part of his job or a sense of mission to seek the talents? It’s different that one works for salary, one works for responsibility and one work…
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