Sermons from St. Clement's, an Anglican church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Visit our website: Mission Learning to follow Jesus Christ. We’re all learners and everybody’s welcome, across age and stage, questions and doubts, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender expression, nationality and religious background, economics and ability. Vision Transforming lives. In an age of distractions and self-promotion, we seek a different rhythm. We are choosing aut ...
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A sermon on Luke 4:1-13 by Pamela Rayment. "As followers of Jesus, our expert on trust is the one who knows us fully, invites us to know him, invites us into communion with him, invites us into his trust; a trust and truth that can’t be swayed by the pretense of power or scandal of evil." Read the preaching passage here:…
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21. “It is in the secret place where God takes the detritus and deadfall of our lives and transforms them into a soil that can again grow something new.” Read to the preaching passage here:…
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A sermon on Luke 9:28-36 by Liska Stefko. Quote: "Jesus is an illuminator. Over and over, he turned the light of his attention toward the person in front of him: healing, encouraging, inviting." Read the scripture passage here:…
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on Romans 8:31-39. “Hope is another name for Jesus and comes to us in the same way: not generated from within but given to us from beyond as a gift of the Holy Spirit.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon on Luke 6:17-26 by Michael Buttrey. Quote: "What do we think the future looks like? Who do we identify with, now or in that future? And how does that influence us now?"由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on Luke 5:1-11. Quote: When Jesus calls us to push out into the deep, he goes with us.由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on Luke 2:22-40. Quote: “Now, going to church means joining the resistance: it means following this kid and learning from him how to resist fear, resist idolatry, resist isolation, resist despair.” Read the scripture here:…
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A sermon on Luke 4:14-21 by Liska Stefko. Quote: "Amidst this week's tumultuous news cycle, people around the world are talking about a sermon--because someone said something so simple, so kind, so true to the example of Christ."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon on John 2:1-11b by Andrew Federle. Quote: “Do you believe that Jesus can take the very thing that has run out and make more of it and better than you have every experienced?”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon on Luke 3:15-22 by Pamela Rayment. Quote: “I don’t know if anyone there that day expected a love song from God, but that’s what they got, whether they recognized it or not. A song that named Jesus as the Beloved…”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon on Matthew 2:1-12 by Liska Stefko. Quote: "If we're looking for a New Year's resolution, what if we resolved to make more room for awe and wonder in our lives?"由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon on Luke 2:41-52 by Michael Buttrey. Quote: “Mary and Joseph had some rough moments too.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon for Christmas Day on John 1:1-14 by Pamela Rayment. Quote: 'For God, what we might consider ‘less-than’ is permeating with abundant wonder.'由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon on Luke 2:1-14 by Andrew Federle. Quote: “This Christmas, I invite you to go dark. Turn down the voices that demand you to be happy and bright all the time; that’s not Christianity, that’s marketing and they want to sell you something.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle for the departure of Daniel Webb, our music director. Quote: “Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength.” – John Wesley由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on Luke 1:39-45. Quote: "Be an Elizabeth. Go on, supersize your greetings."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on Luke 3:1-6. Quote: “John announces that the game is up. Stop pretending that you’re playing on slate and things are going exactly the direction you wanted to go.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on Luke 21:25-36. Quote: "Advent calls us to dwell in that hard space between the already and the not-yet: a muddled space where things fall apart, and new things begin to take shape."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on John 15:1-5. Quote: “Sometimes the forest is above you, but sometimes it’s beneath you too, holding and supporting you through your grief, or celebration, and all the ordinary days in between.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on Mark 13:1-8. Quote: "God, in Jesus, shows up amid the complexity and distress of life and sifts through the rubble, making sure no one is forgotten or overlooked."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on John 20:19-22. Quote: “Jesus waits for us – and even for our enemies – with a wounded peace.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on John 11:32-44. Quote: "Sainthood isn’t about accomplishments and accolades. It’s caught up in turning to Jesus.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on Mark 10:46-52. Quote: "If Bartimaeus was the first fundraiser in the gospels, then the trajectory of his story has something to teach us: It's not about the money. It's about casting off whatever is holding you back from Jesus and drawing near to him." Download your Giving for Growth Package here.…
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on Mark 10:35-45. Quote: "As people learning to follow Jesus, we are called—each of us, and all of us—to bear witness to the Incarnation in our lives."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Michael Buttrey on Matthew 6:25-34. Quote: “I don’t worry very much about how my squirrels and trees compare to my neighbours' squirrels and trees. I’m just glad they exist, and I get to join in appreciating them.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12. Quote: "In the person of Jesus, we encounter God pressed into humanity, in a way so real and so deep that it can’t be forgotten or erased."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on James 5:13-20. Quote: "It should be very clear to us that the residential school system era was a broken way."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on James 3:13-4:3, 7-8. Quote: "As we learn to follow Jesus, we need to look to people who inspire us to new ways of seeing and teach us to marvel at the vast diversity of creation."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Roberto Chiotti on Proverbs 1:20-33. Quote: The threat of ecocide poses an ethical challenge which calls us to rethink our relationship to nature, perceive the divine wisdom manifest in creation, and act cooperatively and co-creatively with other living beings and the ecosystems that support them to ensure a viable future for all life. …
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on Isaiah 35:4-7a. Quote: “The theme for this year’s Season of Creation is ‘To hope and act with Creation’. The first step in this is noticing. Noticing that creation is welcoming us every single day to open ourselves up to perceive its beauty and know that in this welcome we have a responsibility toward right relationshi…
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A sermon by Michael Buttrey on Matthew 22:23-33. Quote: "God has no sons-in-law or daughters-in-law. Regardless of relationship status, everyone can be a full child of God."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on John 6:56-69. Quote: "The fifth loaf is the one that keeps on giving. It's the one we share each time we gather for Eucharist."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Kate Andison on Ephesians 5:15-21. Quote: "Gratitude through obedience is a powerful type of gratitude, one that not only brings gladness to God but also brings gladness to us, as we live into God’s good vision for our lives."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on John 6:35, 41-51. Quote: "We are called to be living bread for others through simple everyday gestures of kindness, humility, and generosity."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Kate Andison on John 6:24-35. Quote: “If you choose to make Jesus a priority in your life and choose to be shaped by the gift that he offers, you will no longer hunger for purpose, identity, meaning, or joy."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on John 6:1-21. Quote: "…what we truly need is to allow ourselves to be transformed by God’s love. A love that comes so close in the person of Jesus, who sees and feeds all who show up, regardless of our status, our vices, our successes, our failures."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Kate Andison on Mark 6:30-34, 53-56. Quote: "The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is not brokenness, the difference is who we go to for healing."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on Mark 6:14-29. Quote: “God’s love is more patient, more far reaching, more forgiving, than we can ever comprehend.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Michael Buttrey on 2 Corinthians 12:2-10. Quote: "We can show our weakness to Jesus, who had not just one thorn in his flesh but a whole crown of thorns."由Michael Buttrey
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on Mark 5:21-43. Quote: "Somehow, under the constant pressure of those crowds, Jesus manages to pause, to notice, and to create space for a deep encounter."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 for the National Indigenous Day of Prayer. Quote: “Every Sunday we sang hymns in Ojibway, and ended our time together holding hands in circle. At Easter, an elder would light a sacred fire, smudge the church, and drummers would lead us in song.” Read the preaching passage here: https://files.consta…
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A sermon by Michael Buttrey on Acts 8:26-40. Quote: "God loves you, specifically, including your body."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Quote: “In the midst of his struggles, Paul roots his identity – his status – not in his sufferings but in his union with Jesus Christ.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Quote: "We may not be used to thinking of our bodies as vessels for God’s light, but this passage invites us to do just that."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Michael Buttrey on John 3:1-17 Quote: "To join God’s people, you must be born of water and spirit – not blood. Who your ancestors are doesn’t matter."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Pamela Rayment on John 15:26-27, 16:4-15. Quote: "Thankfully, as people learning to follow Jesus, we aren’t left on our own in our listening.”由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on Luke 24:44-53. Quote: “Ever since that first Ascension day, Jesus has never blessed anyone except with wounded hands."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Liska Stefko on John 15:9-17 Quote: "The more firmly we are grounded in God’s unfailing friendship with us, the more fully we can befriend one another."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on John 15:1-8 Quote: “When Jesus says, ‘I am the vine; you are the branches’ he’s not simply reaching for metaphors. He’s teaching us how reality works."由St. Clement's Church
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A sermon by Andrew Federle on John 10:11-18 Quote: “I am so grateful to be a sheep - and to know that the Good Shepherd job is already taken."由St. Clement's Church
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