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一個集結女力、支持女力夢想的訪談頻道。節目將邀請無論來自什麼地方、什麼背景、什麼行業的女力代表,分享那些在光鮮亮麗成就背後,不為人知的努力付出、勇敢堅持的故事。讓我們一起分享女力精神! Together empowering women! 搜尋節目Instagram認識更多女力 @grlpwrtalks 或前往節目官網 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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中級中文 Chinese Level Up


Hi!我們是三位有多年華語教學經驗的老師,從這個節目中,你可以學到如何使用中級中文語法。覺得自己的中文沒什麼進步嗎? 覺得中文語法很難懂嗎? 別擔心,在我們節目會說明和介紹怎麼使用這些中級中文(A2-B1)的語法。一起快樂學會中文吧! This podcast is for Intermediate Chinese learners. Our goal is to level up your Chinese grammar by giving you examples of intermediate-Chinese grammar patterns, as well as introducing useful modern Chinese vocabulary. 👩‍🏫 We are three Chinese teachers who specialize in teaching modern Chinese with the latest methods. Collectively we have taught thousands of students from all ...
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葛如鈞(寶博士) & SoundOn 製作團隊

【SoundOn 原創】 由科技狂人葛如鈞 aka 寶博士坐鎮主持,把朋友間談論的各種新奇、有趣搬上檯面! 科技來自人性也反映人性,未來世界將怎麼發展?寶博士通通聊給你聽! 🐦 | 📺 節目接洽 ✉️ 廣告合作請洽 ✉️ 免費下載📱【SoundOn 聲浪】APP 贊助這個節目: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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讀者先生 Mr Reader

Mr Reader is an experienced English teacher who has taught international students in many British universities including Imperial College London. This programme is designed for people who are keen to learn proper British English and love to explore more about British culture. 讀者先生Mr Reader是一位對教學充满熱忱的英語老師,他曾在包括世界名校倫敦帝國學院等英國大學任教,擁有豐富的教學經驗。這個節目専爲想學道地英國腔、對英國文化有興趣的人設計,如果你也是英國迷,歡迎加入「讀家粉絲」的行列! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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華人權益促進會全新每月錄音節目將會聚焦三藩市灣區,關注華人移民社區議題。通過與各方社會人士及專家對談,以社區視角出發,談論話題包括華促會核心項目及相關議題的最新資訊,例如移民權益,經濟正義,語言正義及社區正義及其他議題。 節目主要以廣東話及國語為主。 Each month, Chinese for Affirmative Action’s audio workshop series covers issues that impact Chinese-speaking immigrant communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through community conversations and interviews with area experts, we explore different community perspectives and connect people with key resources on CAA’s core issue areas such as immigrant rights, economi ...
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哈囉,我是盒子, 我們的節目正式由「通勤短講」 轉型為更多元、更軟性的新聞週報 題材主要針對 📌喜愛遊山玩水、親近大自然的大朋友族群 A community of nature enthusiasts who enjoy hiking and exploring the outdoors. 📌需要優質時事內容的國小至高中青少年族群 Elementary to high school students who seek high-quality current affairs content. 🔊每集將會提供2則中英文雙語時事 Each episode will feature 2 bilingual news stories in both Chinese and English. 每週五晚上8點準時上架💪🏼 Scheduled for release every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. 🌈記得一定要訂閱、加入「知性盒粉」的小天地 也要贊助盒子報報基金 來鼓勵與支持盒子的創作喔🙏🏼 Remember to subscribe to and su ...
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兩位流著台灣DNA的阿北闖蕩歐美30年,回台後暢談世界各地的生活體驗、趣聞軼事、矽谷、華爾街工作經歷等 。 在相同與不同間讓你更了解想知道(與不想知道)的 阿北心聲。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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中国80后90后在美国追随梦想,通过创业,转业实现人生价值的故事平台。 让正在异国他乡事业中迷茫的朋友,心中有抱负还未一展的朋友,在这些真实经历和经验中得到启发和灵感。 New Career New You 新的事业,新的你。 追随梦想,在事业中展现本真自己。
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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想获得每期课程的字幕文稿transcript?请关注我们的Youtube频道,在每个视频下方就可以找到字幕文稿下载链接🔗 Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Listen to Hong Kong Cantonese News slowly and nightly. Slow Cantonese News for intermediate and advanced Cantonese learners. 廣東話新聞,慢慢聽,晚晚聽。慢速廣東話新聞,適合中級或者高級廣東話程度嘅你。|| Learn Cantonese | Learn Hong Kong Cantonese | Learn HK Cantonese | Hong Kong News | 香港 | 學廣東話 | 學港式廣東話 | 學粵語 | 學港式粵語 | 香港新聞 || Transcripts: | Vocabulary videos:
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①Chinese and French researchers complete lunar radon-gas detection mission ②Chinese researchers develop novel method to produce crystals ③Shanghai international cruise ports report brisk traffic amid visa facilitation ④China's first "giant panda college" starts enrolling students ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is the jasmine flower a symbol of timeless eleg…
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各位千萬粉絲在區塊鏈打滾這麼久,應該對今天的主題不陌生,但你真的有搞懂嗎?這集要來跟大家聊聊的就是比特幣銘文和符文!當然要聊這個專業的主題,就要邀請到資深的業界人士,在加密貨幣和區塊鏈行業已經擁有超過 7 年的創業經驗! 馬上就來歡迎今天的大來賓 歐曜瑋! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ Instagram▶️ Discord▶️>) Facebook…
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生命是一場遊樂園 如何有意識的覺察到自己其實才是手拿遙控器的主事者? 跳脫限制和命定的框架 用愛和柔軟作為基底 成為自己最有力量的光 白光咖啡: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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①Chinese national park transacts tropical rainforest carbon-sink trading ②Terracotta Warriors celebrate 50 years of discovery ③Gate ruins of ancient capital unearthed in central China ④Chinese embrace dog days of summer with sanfu moxibustion ⑤A Thousand Whys: Acupuncture, the Qi stimulator and balancer…
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①Milky Way galaxy can be larger than expected: study ②Beijing launches "rocket street" project to advance commercial space development ③Centuries-old science classic comes alive on stage ④Items related to ancient Great Wall guards unearthed in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people drink herbal tea during Major Heat?…
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第六十七集我們要來介紹「這麼說」這個語法。最近是暑假,大家有沒有趁這個機會出去玩,好好地放鬆一下呢?今天這一集娜娜老師跟安妮老師會從旅行、工作和生活上的對話,帶著大家了解「這麼說」怎麼使用。另外,我們也會比較「這麽說」和「這樣一來」這兩個語法。想馬上知道這兩個語法哪裡不同嗎?趕快來聽聽第六十七集吧!留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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這陣子大家應該都有被這個消息轟炸過了,沒錯,亞洲區塊鏈高峰會要重磅回歸台北了! 今年的演講嘉賓更是超級重磅,包括好萊塢電影明星Joseph Gordon-Levitt、以太坊創辦人Vitalik Buterin、印度神童Abhigya Anand、前數位發展部部長唐鳳等等。今天我們就要來聊聊這次的活動到底有多盛大?又有什麼重點值得注意? 馬上就來歡迎今天的大來賓 ABS 亞洲區塊鏈高峰會 創辦人暨執行長 Andrew Fai ! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ I…
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妳曾被焦慮纏身而停不下來嗎? 生活和工作間的平衡永遠是每個人生命中的一大課題 如何在吸取焦慮帶來的益處的同時, 不過猶不及的演變成身心疾病 是我們可以開始有意識覺察和練習的方向 這一集跟大家分享迪士尼皮克斯動畫不久前剛上映的新電影 -腦筋急轉彎2 希望可以陪伴大家在探索情緒的歷程中 找到跟每一種和情緒和平共處的方式 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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如果你有興趣成為代課老師或喜歡照顧小朋友,今集節目非常適合你!本集節目將介紹啟明的幼兒教育在職培訓計劃 (英文簡稱為STEP),專門培訓0-5歲小童的代課老師。啟明的人力資源主任Sabrina將講解計劃的一大優點:申請時不需要早期幼兒教育(ECE)學分,大大降低了入行門檻。在帶薪及享有福利的情況下,你可以學習幼兒教育知識並增加經驗,為成為代課老師做好準備。 此外,另一位訪談嘉賓是一位曾經參與STEP計劃的代課老師Anny將分享從報名、接受培訓到最終配對雇主的心路歷程,鼓勵新移民勇於嘗試這個在職培訓計劃。值得一提的是,三藩市在2018年通過了提案C,使低收入和中等收入家庭更容易獲得受資助的托兒服務,並加強對托兒服務者的保障和福利。市政府計劃在2025年將托兒服務者的最低時薪提高到28美元,吸引…
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①Chief scientist of China's FAST telescope awarded Marcel Grossmann Award ②Researchers develop brain-on-a-chip system, advancing brain-computer interfaces ③Museum trips see peak season during summer vacation ④University in Yunnan province launches China's first coffee major, delving into science of coffee-making ⑤A Thousand Whys: Fantastic mushroom…
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Did you know that 黃華揚 Huang Hua Yang is the top Freediver in Asia and #5 worldwide! Let's meet the man who went from Farmer to Freediving champ! Follow Hua Yang: Best CPA in Taiwan: (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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Discover the inspiring story of one man’s journey around the entire island of Taiwan on foot, facing breathtaking landscapes and incredible challenges in his ultra marathon equally well. Best accountant in Taiwan (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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久違的寶博朋友做時間來啦!今天要來質詢寶博的朋友年紀輕輕,前陣子剛去了一趟新加坡,參加了「長風新加坡參訪團」。這到底是什麼樣的活動?這趟行程讓他看見了什麼?馬上就來歡迎今天的大來賓 須予謙! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ Instagram▶️ Discord▶️>) Facebook▶️ …
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①China to formulate over 50 standards for AI sector by 2026 ②Chinese robotics firm, FAW-Volkswagen join hands to build humanoid robot-run car factory ③Chinese museums to offer more convenient access for summer visitors ④As summer begins, Chinese travel market picks up momentum ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the Chinese pavilion got its allure…
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①China unveils bold space exploration roadmap involving asteroids, Martian samples and Jupiter ②Energy-efficient carbon fiber metro train unveiled in China ③Newly-developed neural probe achieves brain-wide neuronal activity recording in macaque brain in China ④Hong Kong Book Fair to feature film and TV literature ⑤Population of rare golden monkeys …
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今天的寶博自己說要回歸來分享新聞啦! 本日焦點新聞: 平價款Vision Pro計劃推出 黃仁勳的人形機器人預言 OpenAI與醫療公司Color Health合作 遊戲公司為何願意花5億歐元收購BeReal 馬上就一起來關注這陣子世界發生的變化吧! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ Instagram▶️ Discord▶️>) Facebook▶️h…
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①China's inbound tourism market posts positive momentum in 2024: report ②Chinese, British scientists retrieve lost wheat genetic diversity, empowering modern breeding ③Lotus grown from millennium-old seed blossoms in south China ④Museum-themed cafés, galleries embraced by Chinese youth ⑤A Thousand Whys: How did ancient Chinese people beat the heat …
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①Italian Renaissance art gaining popularity in China with enhanced cultural exchanges ②China's Village Super League vows to go global in 2028 ③China-made icebreaker research vessel delivered in Guangzhou ④China to boost protection of bird migration routes ⑤A Thousand Whys: How did ancient China protect the environment?…
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今天邀請到的這位真的是老朋友了,如果你是超級資深又忠實地千萬粉絲,一定還記得我們在節目開播的第三、四集來賓就是他!從2019到現在將近五年的時間,這之間世界發生了什麼事?我們各自又經歷了什麼?今天就要來和他敘敘舊,聊聊數位媒體、聊聊蘋果AI、聊聊我們的生活! 馬上就來歡迎今天的大來賓 關鍵評論網共同創辦人 馬力歐! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ Instagram▶️ Discord▶️ http…
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①"Light as smoke" ancient Chinese gown on display alongside Italian masterpieces ②Shipwreck findings unveil ancient Maritime Silk Road legend ③Chinese scientists design bio-inspired 3D e-skin ④China-Hungary international air cargo route launched ⑤China now has 85 national-level tourist resorts ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people love mountains …
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第六十六集我們要來介紹「這樣一來」這個語法,今天這一集娜娜老師跟安妮老師會從旅行和生活上的對話,帶著大家了解「這樣一來」怎麼使用。另外,我們也會比較「這樣一來」和「這樣下去」這兩個語法。想馬上知道這兩個語法哪裡不同嗎?趕快來聽聽第六十六集吧!留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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從AI熱潮開始之後,大家不斷擔心自己會不會失去工作。但也許面對AI我們不用這麼擔心,而是可以想想如何利用AI來提升工作效率與生活環境。今天我們就要來聊聊關於「AI 時代的語言教育與學習」! 馬上就來歡迎今天的大來賓 會走路的翻譯機 浩爾! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ Instagram▶️ Discord▶️>) Facebook▶️https:/…
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①Chinese table tennis legend Ding Ning elected Chair of OCA Athletes' Committee ②Asia's largest wildlife seed bank preserves over 11,000 plant species ③Beijing to hold World Lighting Designer Forum in July ④China's digital technology empowers durian cultivation in Thailand ⑤Chinese scientists prove early insulin therapy effective for type 2 diabete…
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How one couple successfully Homeschooled 4 successful and amazing kids in Taiwan! 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ 🔥 Edit your short and long-form content the EASY way here:! ➡️ https://store.cont…
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Join us as we follow a German student immersing himself in the rich and vibrant culture of Taiwan. Lisa Erschow is a multilingual student that is closing in on 1 year in Taiwan. She has been a Radio guest, podcast guest, Intercultural speaker, model and more in Taiwan! Join me as we dive into what brought her to Taiwan and how she has achieved such…
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訪問了這麼多區塊鏈web3的產業、組織,今天我們想要從不同的切面,再來聊聊校園裡的區塊鏈!究竟新世代的學生們對區塊鏈的想法為何?盛行狀況又是如何?還有聽說有個Student-only的Hackathon到底是什麼? 馬上就來歡迎今天的大來賓 XueDao的許芮甄 Jennifer和林柏呈 Kevin! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ Instagram▶️ Discord▶️ https://dis…
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①Self-driving test made on Beijing-Xiong'an expressway ②Air sports fever in Hainan highlights mutual promotion of sports, tourism ③Chinese university develops six-legged guide robot for blind people ④China to start construction of marine archaeology museum this year ⑤3,000-year-old rock painting cluster discovered in Qinghai ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why i…
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Growing up in the famous lineage of Chiang Kai - Shek in Taiwan must have been a very cool and unique experience. Andrew is the great grandson of CKS and he is a long time customer of Eddy's Cantina and we have always had great chats. So tonight we are lucky to interview him about his life and upbringing in Taiwan.…
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Pro B-ball in Taiwan is on the rise and Taiwan is showing love to not only the local talent but the import players as well. Meet Michael Efevberha aka #XinchuKobe while he shares his journey from the begining to ending up in Taiwan with his family playing hoops all along th由Eddy LIVE
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你有自己的招財小物嗎?相信我們的千萬粉絲當中有很多的老闆或是上班族,辦公桌上一定會放個開運公仔。 今天邀請到這位來賓,他的熱門作品「招財揪吉」大家應該也不陌生,除了可以招財之外,外觀也非常現代又可愛!今天就一起來跟他聊聊身為一位設計師和文化創意人,對AI時代和現今文化創意的看法。 馬上就來歡迎今天的大來賓 曉創意總監 林馬克! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ Instagram▶️ Discord▶…
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①Chongqing to host second Belt and Road International Skills Competition ②Dragon boat teams ready to make a splash in east China ③A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people give fans as gifts during the Duanwu Festival? ④Brain-computer interface ushers in mind-control era ⑤Shanghai issues prepaid travel cards for inbound travelers' convenience…
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你有看過《雲端情人》(Her)嗎?這是一部2013 年上映的科幻愛情電影,故事講的是在一個不遠的未來,一位孤獨的作家和AI虛擬助手Samantha薩曼莎談戀愛的故事。 沒有想到在10年後,這個預言就要成真了! 今天的寶博自己說就要來聊聊OpenAI在5/13發佈會上推出,能夠感知和理解用戶情緒的新人工智慧技術模型GPT-4o! - - - - - -- - - - - - 【寶博朋友說千萬粉絲專屬社群頻道 Discord 開張啦 👉 歡迎加入喔!】 ⭐葛如鈞(寶博士) Twitter▶️ Instagram▶️ Discord▶…
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