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A Podcast about Lindy Hopper's Lived Experiences and Stories! 「這些聲音,需要被驕傲地聽到!」 《Swing大小事》是 Switch Taipei 下的中/英文人物訪談節目。(從週更到月更,現在即將變成季更)我們會邀請與 Swing / Jazz / Black Culture / Anthropology of Dance 有關的來賓,聽他們聊聊人生中的大大小小事,為你的搖擺人生帶來新的靈感! 會員訂閱制,正式開跑! 「HELLO?」- 完整版搶先聽,週末八卦閒聊不無聊! 「HELLO~ 耳朵打開沒有」- 會員專屬歌單 + 每月音樂專屬集數 - 「有更多搖擺好聲音,搖擺好想法,需要被聽到!」 - #PrideVoice #SwitchTaipei #SwingDance #LindyHop #Jazz #SwingJazzz #Equality #LGBTQAI #rainbow Switch Taipei 官網 >> http://switch-taipei-swing.mystrikingly.com/ 會員訂 ...
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这是由护肤品牌优时颜发起的,一档源于「生活」又不仅限于「生活」的漫谈播客。 品牌创始人杜乐,融合医学从业经验,从健康生活方式出发,由内而外,谈谈生活的AB面。 吃饭睡觉、聚会欢愉、成长衰老——这些琐碎又必要的生活小事构成了我们的生活A面;同时还有生活的B面——那些生活细节的小焦虑背后,有趣的科学知识和那一份清醒的力量。 比如,睡个好觉的背后有哪些医学常识?我们的大脑如何识别酒精?盐糖脂是如何在我们的身体中运作的?以及,如何在焦虑增生的时代排除干扰? 我们与医生、学者、有趣的年轻人对话,立足于科学与日常,找寻一套松弛、自由又多元的当代健康生活提案,与你一起找到悠哉生活的勇气。 本节目每周三更新,由UNISKIN优时颜出品,JustPod制作发行。
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友職 友量 友多聞

上班族的米其林計畫 Miss米

看標題大概可以想像是走分享各行各業的一個路線,沒有錯,每一集將會邀請一位像Miss米一樣的上班族,分享自身的 #職 業。 但這個節目特別的是,我們將不會著重在那些光鮮亮麗的外表(好棒棒已經聽很膩了),而是會請來賓分享,自己在工作中曾經歷過哪些挑戰與挫折甚至是失敗,那些過去帶給肩膀不可忘卻的重 #量 。 最後的多聞將請來賓分享如何平衡工作與生活,調適所有的壓力。分享在工作以外喜愛的嗜好,那些經年累月的見 #聞 給大家,可能是美食、美酒、書籍、珍藏的各式小店。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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Switch Life

Lisa 夢到所以 Jason 來了

做夢夢到我們在錄 Podcast,這就是一切的開始: 1. 錄製原則「三不一沒有」:不說謊不中斷不後製,沒有極限 2. 每集 30 分鐘天馬行空,當你生活的防空洞 3. Lisa 自我成長+Jason 爵士搖擺=荒謬的真理 「我還夢到聽我們 Podcast 的人在開車,聽一聽噗哧笑出來喔⋯⋯」 只要你相信,你就可以創造你的生活! Switch Life...... ON! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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show series
《Swing大小事》要回歸啦!感謝大家持續的支持,尤其是新加入的舞者從第一年的第一集狂聽猛聽一波! 真是給了傑森一劑強心針(?)所以新的一集又來啦!!! 過了四歲生日後,就瞬間停更了快半年哈哈哈哈哈!這次再次邀請到旅居在英國倫敦的中國舞者 - Claudia 來跟大家聊聊 Women in Swing Jazz Festival 以及性別與標籤的議題! - #本集內含: Introduction 故事搖起來:什麼是 Women in Swing Jazz Festival? 故事搖起來:What if ... 你是 WIS Jazz Festvial 的組織者,Claudia 會想帶給參加者什麼? 故事搖起來:女性(Women)與陰柔性(Femininity) 的討論 故事搖起來:我們需要這…
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《Swing大小事》默默的就四歲了,跟我的農曆閏年生日一樣(誰 Care?)!從 2020 年的台灣驕傲月(10月)生出第一集之後,就持續一路更新到 2024 年的台灣驕傲月(10月),四年來共產出 92 集中文、英文舞者訪談以及搖擺人物誌與歐洲跳舞的經驗分享!在四週年特輯中,傑森本人破天荒地按照準備好的訪綱聊了一整集欸,大家聽聽看有沒有覺得比較有架構呢(可能沒有?) - #本集內含: Introduction 搖擺大揭密:回顧四年來的點點滴滴 搖擺大揭密:後台數據大公開 - Top 5 最多人收聽的集數 搖擺大揭密:後台數據大公開 - 更多聽眾數據分享 故事搖起來:Swing 大小事的誕生與初衷 故事搖起來:那些年不復存在的系列:「下個月很多事」「還有那件事」「搖擺人物誌」 故事搖起來:S…
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《Swing大小事》教師節特輯在十月(終於)上線啦~~~~ 距離上次的教師節特輯,已經過了整整三年,終於在今年又重出江湖啦!教師節特輯有四位來賓:Lisa、YC、Lynn、Sylvia,但這集是教師節特輯中的人物故事訪談,趕緊讓我們一起深入 Lynn 與 Slyvia 的搖擺大小事,為你的搖擺人生帶來新的靈感! - #本集內含: Introduction 搖擺大哉問:What is SWING to you? 故事搖起來:搖擺人生如何展開 - Lynn 故事搖起來:搖擺人生如何展開 - Sylvia 故事搖起來:Lynn 的分手之舞 爵士大推薦:「兔嘲男孩」電影分享 故事搖起來:怎麼踏上教學這條不歸路? 故事搖起來:Vincent & 啞啞 的師培課程分享 搖擺大哉問:Follower 一定…
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《Swing大小事》教師節特輯在十月(終於)上線啦~~~~ 距離上次的教師節特輯,已經過了整整三年,終於在今年又重出江湖啦!教師節特輯有四位來賓:Lisa、YC、Lynn、Sylvia,但這集是教師節特輯中的人物故事訪談,趕緊讓我們一起深入搖擺情侶黨 Lisa & YC 的搖擺大小事,為你的搖擺人生帶來新的靈感! - #本集內含: Introduction 搖擺大哉問:What is SWING to you? 故事搖起來:比賽經驗分享 故事搖起來:怎麼開始跳舞的? 故事搖起來:持續跳舞到現在的動力是什麼? 故事搖起來:怎麼踏上教學這條不歸路? 故事搖起來:開業後,想帶給學生什麼? Music: 開頭結尾 - The Pebble Shakers - Echoes of Sophiatown…
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《Swing大小事》教師節特輯在十月(終於)上線啦~~~~ 距離上次的教師節特輯,已經過了整整三年,終於在今年又重出江湖啦!本集的來賓有四位:Lisa、YC、Lynn、Sylvia。有別於一般的「今天什麼事」是跟大家聊來賓的搖擺哲理與搖擺人生,這集經過(不是很縝密的)剪輯,我們直接切入正題深入本次的教師節專題討論「新手老師的 Q&A」啊啊啊啊! - #本集內含: 新手搖擺老師提問(1):如何把表達自己感受以及尊重他人感受落實在課堂中? 新手搖擺老師提問(2):課程安排如何兼具好玩、成就感與技巧的練習? / 如何在教學中不著痕跡的抹去性別標籤 新手搖擺老師提問(3):所謂的「友善的圈子」是什麼?友善是否被濫用惹呢? J's Hot Take:睽違兩年回國,有沒有看到搖擺圈的什麼變化? Musi…
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》回歸第四彈來啦~~~~ 這集的來賓是將學術與搖擺舞結合的郁庭!下集我們從人類學的科普開始,接著郁庭跟大家分享印象深刻的課程「想像人類學」以及其理論如何用在搖擺舞文化中對於「復古的想像」;除此之外,她也跟大家分享對於碩士論文的研究計畫方向!還在等什麼?趕緊聽起來! - #本集內含: 故事搖起來:什麼是人類學 - 人類學的歷史演變 #反省的 #理解的 故事搖起來:什麼是人類學 - 郁庭最近修習的課程分享 #Turner 故事搖起來:想像人類學 - 想像力的視野與邊界 #之間 #希望 故事搖起來:想像人類學 - 服裝與對於復古的想像 故事搖…
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》回歸第四彈來啦~~~~ 這集的來賓是將學術與搖擺舞結合的郁庭!身為人類學研究者的郁庭,使用非常視覺化的譬喻來跟大家分享對於 Swing 的想像,分別是「透鏡」以及「望遠鏡」帶給郁庭更深入對於自己的認識以及更廣的世界觀!除此之外,我們也從他跳舞的歷程裡面,大聊特聊台北以及新竹的社群觀察! - #本集內含: 搖擺大哉問:What is Swing to you? [1] 透鏡 搖擺大哉問:What is Swing to you? [2] 望遠鏡 故事搖起來:為什麼開始跳 Swing - 學校的耶誕舞會 故事搖起來:為什麼開始跳 Swin…
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》回歸第三彈來啦~~~~ 這集的來賓是在旅居西雅圖(現在搬到紐約)的北京搖擺舞者 Molly!在本集中,Molly 跟我們分享他的「筋膜跳舞法」,是一個很去殖民的思維模式;我們也聊了很多關於北京與西雅圖的社群觀察,什麼樣子是「很身體」的跳舞方式?以及不同社群中成長出來的 Leader 跟 Follower 又有什麼樣子不同的 mindset 呢? - #本集內含: 搖擺大哉問:What is Swing to you? 「Swing 有一個重力感,是世界是最美的東西!」 故事搖起來:藝術與數理的碰撞 故事搖起來:怎麼描述自己跳舞的樣子 …
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》終於回歸第二彈來啦~~~~ 這集的來賓是在倫敦唸性別碩士同時也是來自北京的搖擺舞者 - Claudia!下集延續了充滿性別的理論與觀察,Claudia 分享了對於倫敦搖擺社群的深度觀察,還有亞裔舞者身份是如何被聽見、被看見的,進階延伸討論到與性別的交織性;同步他也跟我們分享了 María Lugones 去殖民化視角的性別理論,以及在搖擺舞社群中看見這位學者理論的體現。最後,我們則是用 Queer, My Dear! 的活動討論作為本集結尾,趕緊手刀聽起來唷! - #本集內含: 故事搖起來:對於倫敦搖擺社群的第一印象:Inclusiv…
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》終於回歸第二彈來啦~~~~ 這集的來賓是在倫敦唸性別碩士同時也是來自北京的搖擺舞者 - Claudia!本集的前半個小時宇宙大爆聊性別,Claudia 從他的生命經驗以及中國的脈絡出發加上各種性別理論,跟大家分享他對於性別建構的想法,還有他身為 Gender Non-conforming 和無性戀者的故事,以及更多有趣的從性別角度出發的社群觀察。 - #本集內含: 性別大小事:性別的建構 性別大小事:無性戀的大小事與酷兒時間 故事搖起來:What is SWING to you? 故事搖起來:第一次跳舞的場景與個人經歷的結合(北京) …
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》終於回歸啦~~~~ 寫完論文回歸的第一集(系列中的第三十四集),當然就是要跟大家分享在圖書館寫、在捷運上寫、在飛機上也一直寫,終於寫完的論文;而在這集節目中,最常出現的來賓 Yang 再次登場,邊聽傑森的分享邊替大家進行實時提問。 論文標題 "From Margins to Centre: How Queer Lindy Hoppers Are Redefining Safe Space at Mobtown Ballroom" 不負責任翻譯:「從邊緣到中央:Mobtown Ballroom 的酷兒舞者生命經驗如何重新定義安全空間」 …
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》終於回歸啦~~~~(下集週一上線) 寫完論文回歸的第一集(系列中的第三十四集),當然就是要跟大家分享在圖書館寫、在捷運上寫、在飛機上也一直寫,終於寫完的論文;而在這集節目中,最常出現的來賓 Yang 再次登場,邊聽傑森的分享邊替大家進行實時提問。 論文標題 "From Margins to Centre: How Queer Lindy Hoppers Are Redefining Safe Space at Mobtown Ballroom" 不負責任翻譯:「從邊緣到中央:Mobtown Ballroom 的酷兒舞者生命經驗如何重新…
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Did you know that 黃華揚 Huang Hua Yang is the top Freediver in Asia and #5 worldwide! Let's meet the man who went from Farmer to Freediving champ! Follow Hua Yang: https://www.instagram.com/huayangfreedive/ Best CPA in Taiwan: https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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Discover the inspiring story of one man’s journey around the entire island of Taiwan on foot, facing breathtaking landscapes and incredible challenges in his ultra marathon adventure.one equally well. Best accountant in Taiwan https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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清晨定时的闹铃、堆积成山的快递、筹备许久的婚礼、电影散场的人群……不经意间,我们便会毫无头绪的陷入情绪怪圈。情绪总是来的莫名其妙。时常羡慕小朋友,他们能通过泪水自由地表达不满和悲伤,但在成人的世界里,纵容情绪的释放似乎并不能为我们解答任何问题。 在本期节目中,杜医生邀请到情绪管理大师“什么都行”院长张琪,和大家一起聊聊情绪的本质——人类为什么会有各种各样的情绪?我们如何从“生理反应”中识别情绪?隐藏在情绪背后的究竟是什么? 希望你能在本期节目中找到处理和应对情绪的“悠哉秘籍”,通过科学释放情绪,积极应对负面状态,在日常生活中与“坏脾气”和解。 主播:杜乐,UNISKIN优时颜品牌创始人,临床医学博士 本期嘉宾:张琪,优时颜医学美容中心院长 内容提要: Part 1:情绪游戏 02:00 高度…
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你是不是也会在 DDL 快要结束前才开始努力冲刺?制定了健身计划,却总是有借口一拖再拖?或者总是想着等一等再做那些需要整理的家务?不论是 J 人还是 P 人,我们总是在日常中经历这些让人又爱又恨的拖延时刻。 但我们究竟为什么拖延?又为什么有恃无恐的被拖延支配?也许要认识拖延背后的成因和本质,我们才能更心安理得的去说服自己,拖一拖没什么大不了! 作为一个“身体力行”的拖延症“患者”,「优在悠哉」终于在拖更了半年之后卷土重来,「拖延」也自然而然的成为本期节目主题。优时颜品牌创始人杜医生和优时颜医学美容中心医生随医生将在本期播客中聊一聊自己与拖延和平共处的方法——拖延不是“症”,是一种平衡自己的选择。 主播:杜乐,UNISKIN优时颜品牌创始人,临床医学博士 本期嘉宾:随时,优时颜医学美容中心医生…
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How one couple successfully Homeschooled 4 successful and amazing kids in Taiwan! 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ https://www.eddys.vip/ 🔥 Edit your short and long-form content the EASY way here:! ➡️ https://store.cont…
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Join us as we follow a German student immersing himself in the rich and vibrant culture of Taiwan. Lisa Erschow is a multilingual student that is closing in on 1 year in Taiwan. She has been a Radio guest, podcast guest, Intercultural speaker, model and more in Taiwan! Join me as we dive into what brought her to Taiwan and how she has achieved such…
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Growing up in the famous lineage of Chiang Kai - Shek in Taiwan must have been a very cool and unique experience. Andrew is the great grandson of CKS and he is a long time customer of Eddy's Cantina and we have always had great chats. So tonight we are lucky to interview him about his life and upbringing in Taiwan.…
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Pro B-ball in Taiwan is on the rise and Taiwan is showing love to not only the local talent but the import players as well. Meet Michael Efevberha aka #XinchuKobe while he shares his journey from the begining to ending up in Taiwan with his family playing hoops all along th由Eddy LIVE
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Meet SkullyOSkully, an up-and-coming Caribbean musician making his mark in Taiwan! Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you bu…
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The incredible journey of a Polish man who transitioned from being a UFC fighter to serving in law enforcement and then coming to Taiwan. Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some …
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How one man successfully reversed his health issues by adopting a carnivore diet. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ⭐️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club for to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ➡️ https://www.eddys.vip/ This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means i…
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(片頭錄製時,說成了三十二集,但這是三十三集惹!) This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》來到了第三十三集,這次的來賓是來自上海的 J 人,西蘭花不是花椰菜! 這集是跟西蘭花在法國巴黎的活動 - Lindylicious 碰面之後,決定直接約聊一波的! 在這集節目中,來自上海的西蘭花跟我們分享,Swing 對於他來說是如何成為自我的保留地,如何透過舞蹈更感覺得到自我的存在;除此之外,我們也花了一些時間討論了西蘭花最近的教學的心得,以及關於如何在課程中重新審視藝術中的「對與錯」概念的延伸討論。在下半集,我們回到了二月巴黎的活動 Lindylicious,從西蘭花的視角來跟大…
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In this video, we dive into the current state of the music industry in Taiwan. From the rise of indie artists to the impact of streaming platforms, we explore how Taiwanese musicians are navigating the ever-changing landscape. Join us as we uncover the unique trends and challenges faced by musicians in Taiwan and shed light on the vibrant music sce…
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Don't miss the action-packed highlights and exclusive interviews from the Tapout Island: No Gi Sub-Only Tournament that recently took Taipei by storm! Watch as the best grapplers in the region compete for glory in this adrenaline-fueled event. From jaw-dropping submissions to heart-stopping moments, this tournament had it all. Join us as we take yo…
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🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc In this video, we delve into the world of podcasting in Taiwan and explore the possibility of 2024 being the year that podcasts finally go mainstream in the country. With the popularity of podcasts on the rise globally, Taiwan's podcasting scene is also experienci…
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The Taiwanica Podcast is where a Taiwanese and American couple come together to share their insights of Taiwan from the USA. IG;https://www.instagram.com/taiwanicapo... Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc ️Join the Eddy’s VIP Club to keep up to date on all things Eddy Here: ️ https://www.eddys.vip/ Thi…
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🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc We review the shocking events that unfolded during a Muay Thai event where a Brazilian fighter was robbed of victory. Join us as we provide a live fight review of the controversial match and hear from the fighter himself in an exclusive interview. Tune in to hear …
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In this inspiring video, follow along with an American fighter as he embarks on a transformative journey through the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Taiwan. 🔥 Grab Eddy’s New ebook “The Introverted Entrepreneur” Here ➡️ https://a.co/d/idBrncc Discover how the practice of BJJ not only improved his physical skills but also transformed his perspective…
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》來到了第三十二集,這次的來賓是從路人、搖擺舞師生、英文課師生,一直到現在變成室友的 Louis! 這集是某天在家裡吃完晚餐,我就問 Louis 要不要來錄一集,於是就發生了哈哈! 在這集節目中,我們聊到了 Louis 頗受搖擺舞啟發的人生哲理以及他來到英國工作之後的心境轉變,如何從追求正確解答的個性,轉變為可以看到並接納更多不同可能性的自己;除此之外,我們也各自分享了德國慕尼黑的 Rock That Swing 以及法國巴黎的 Lindylicious 的活動心得以及各種搖擺舞者的參加活動與旅遊小秘訣! - 《Swing大小事》是 S…
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Join us for an exclusive interview with Adam McMillan, the Director of The Center, Tianmu's premier community hub for English-speaking expats in Taiwan. Delve into the fascinating journey of leading this vital organization, providing support and resources to newcomers in Tianmu. From organizing events to fostering cultural exchange, discover how Th…
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Join us as we sit down with Serg. The Dreamer, a talented pop/rock artist and English teacher originally from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, now residing in Taiwan. In this captivating interview, Serg shares his remarkable journey of recording a music album in Taiwan, his experiences busking in the vibrant streets of Taiwan, and the profound impact of l…
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Join Eddy as he dives into an extraordinary journey with our special guest, who left Russia to follow his heart to Taiwan. In this exclusive interview, we explore the captivating love story that began in the USA and blossomed in Taiwan, the cultural shocks and exchanges between Russian, American, and Taiwanese ways of life, and the unique challenge…
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Meet Sonia and Kiana King, sisters embracing their Taiwanese-American roots. Kiana, an aspiring singer, will serenade us, while Sonia shares insights from her studies in TW, HK, and the USA. Join us for a heartfelt chat about their bicultural upbringing. Subscribe now at www.eddy.live for this musical and enlightening journey!" Follow Kiana on Spot…
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Tune into the Eddy Live Podcast for an enlightening conversation with John Eastwood, an American lawyer making waves in Taiwan's legal scene. Uncover the peculiarities of high-profile cases like Body Worlds, and get insider tips on navigating Taiwan's business and legal landscape. From cultural quirks to essential legal advice, this episode is pack…
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踏入拳擊擂台,與艾迪一同訪問台灣崛起的拳擊之星鍾「鐵肺」佳堯。從他多元化的背景到最近引人注目的比賽,揭示一位年輕運動員走向職業拳擊的故事。訂閱以獲取更多有關台灣領軍人物的內容,全部都來自艾迪的墨西哥餐廳! Step into the ring with Eddy as we interview Chung 'Iron Breath' Jia Yao, Taiwan's rising boxing star. From his multi-faceted background to his recent standout fight, uncover the story of a young athlete's journey to professional boxing. Subscribe…
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Join us in an exclusive interview with an extraordinary MMA fighter and BJJ black belt who's making waves in Taiwan's combat sports scene. Originally from Brazil, our guest shares his inspiring journey of transitioning from the vibrant Brazilian MMA culture to the rapidly growing Taiwanese arena. In this deep dive, we explore his unique experiences…
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Dive into the ever-evolving realm of web development with a Dragon's Chamber finalist in this special episode of Eddy LIVE Podcast feat. Julien Ferard Join us as we uncover the evolution of web development, exploring the unique experiences and insights of our esteemed guest. From participation in the Dragons Chamber to the latest industry trends, t…
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Dive deep into the world of cryptocurrency with the insightful Full Value Dan! Join us as we explore the latest trends, NFTs, and the regulatory landscape that defines the crypto space. Full Value Dan shares his top picks in the crypto projects realm provides expert advice on risk management, and discusses the impact of decentralization on traditio…
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Join us in celebrating two years of incredible content creation with Lukas in Taiwan! In this exclusive interview, we dive deep into Lukas' journey from a challenging job loss to becoming a full-time YouTube sensation. Discover the evolution of his content, the secrets behind captivating thumbnails, and the crucial elements that make a video truly …
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Step into the world of punches, passion, and pure excitement as we sit down with First Drop CEO, Peter Hung, in an exclusive interview that unveils the inspiration behind Taiwan's premier boxing association. Discover what sets First Drop apart from the rest in Taiwan and Asia, and get an insider's perspective on the upcoming event – from fighter se…
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Welcome to another episode of "Eddy Live Podcast!" In this session, we're delving into the captivating world of health, fitness, and success with the extraordinary Alex Hoffmann. Join us as we unravel the secrets to Alex's impressive physique and thriving career, exploring everything from his morning rituals that set the tone for success to the uni…
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