科技職涯 Talent Connect 是由 Cake 製作的 Podcast 節目,專門邀請在科技、數位等不同領域的工作者來分享他們的職涯趣事。如果目前想找一份理想機會,不妨試試透過 Cake 做履歷找工作吧!https://www.cake.me
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www.advantage-map.com We place great emphasis on individual strengths and talents. Everyone has unlimited potential, and we encourage people to explore their unique abilities, discovering their mission and purpose." 重視個人的優勢和才能。 每個人都擁有無限的潛力, 我們鼓勵人們探索自己獨特的能力, 發掘自己的使命和目的。
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歡迎你來到菲妮莫屬的播客節目- Proof of talents 區塊鏈人才說。 區塊鏈產業充斥著各種神秘語言,看著社群或是論壇上,各種真真假假的討論,是不是有種霧裡看花的感覺?這個節目將透過採訪不同領域,不同地區的區塊鏈產業人才,將他們工作經驗分享給對區塊鏈產業好奇的你。節目固定在隔週四上線,各大 Podcast 平台皆可收聽。如果你喜歡內容,請幫忙評分、留言、分享給朋友。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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吃麻辣鍋囉,大辣中辣小辣請隨意,無所不包的美食知識,辛辣幽默的美食評論,酸甜苦辣的人生故事,都在麻辣鴛鴦鍋。 #愛飯團 美食作家、評論家、Youtuber,說菜人 歡迎活動邀約、演講、主持、教學請洽 [email protected] Facebook 吳恩文的快樂廚房 https://www.facebook.com/wuhappykitchen Instagram 吳恩文的快樂廚房 https://www.instagram.com/wuhappykitchen/ YouTube 吳恩文的快樂廚房 https://www.youtube.com/c/wuhappykitchen Powered by Firstory Hosting
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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今天的孩子,即將成為2030/2040年的領袖。 爸媽、老師,今天的我們,做對了嗎? 未來實驗室,期待幫助父母與教育工作者, 在快樂安心的教養、以及掌握關鍵能力的培養中尋找精巧平衡。 ------我是分隔線----- 我是三個小孩的媽媽, 老大一歲多開始讀碩士、碩士畢業前兩個月,老二出生。 然後在老三出生前一個月開始讀博士班,他四歲時,博士班畢業。 每一天,從學術論文的格式一直到今天晚餐的菜色,腦子裡總是千頭萬緒。 我研究的是教育,每天生活的場域,也是教育。活生生、血淋淋的教育現場。 每一個和小孩相處的時間,我都要用力地提醒自己溫柔一點、小聲一點、多一點耐心、多一點欣賞、少一點爆炸。 書上的理論很多,有時讀到一些精辟的見解,還會覺得血脈噴張,恨不得立馬跑回家,「實驗」在自己孩子身上。 但是,教養的現場總會有神奇的變化, 在那些困頓與驚奇中,我重新思考那些非關教養方式或技巧的層面, 包括時間、價值觀、父母的自己認識、自我關照、以及對於孩子的期待等等。 沒有公式或萬靈丹, 未來實驗室,嘗試提供一個方針、一組關鍵能力的指標, 讓同為父母與教育工作者的你我,可以安心前進。 Suppor ...
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我们的官网 https://free-to-learn-chinese.com/ Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/freetolearn. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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对我来说 for my part 我想买的表太贵了 the watch that I want to buy is super expensive 至少20万这样 more than 200 thousands at least 国际大牌 International brand
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羡慕老板 admire their bosses 比如一个企业家 like a entrepreneur for example 简单定义 very easy to be identified 物质 about the materialism
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还没开始 I haven't get started yet 在这一点上努力 work hard on this point 健康饮食 eat healthily 参加 participate in
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理由很特别 The reasons behind this topic can be very special 教育资源 educational resources 好工作的机会 good job opportunities 更靠谱的一个方式 a more reliable way
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来自爸妈的建议 I must say it is from my parents 经验丰富 very experienced 老师的话 my teacher's words 解决 work it out
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崭新的书 brand new book 兼职工作 a part time job 选择 go with 一年一次 once a year
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打发时间 kill my time 讨厌交通拥堵 I hate the traffic jams, 傻瓜 stupid or fool 塞车 I get stuck in traffic
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不擅长 I'm not good at doing it 去长途旅行 go on a long journey 与..有关 related to 完美照片 very perfect photos
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生活多姿多彩的人 The old person who has a very fun life 曾经可帅了 used to be very handsome 现在他就住在市中心 At the moment he is living right in the city center 讲流利的外语 he could speak fluent foreign language
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我是一点饭也不做啊 I don't do anything on that point at all 他们啥都给我准备好 they would do everything for me 最近几年 in recent years 被宠坏了 I am too spoiled
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我是…样子的人 I am the kind of person who 崭新的 brand new things 各个种类 ranging from shoes to clothes, from bags to cars 显然的 apparently
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方便的 user-friendly 故事来到耳朵里 stories would come to my ears 集中注意力 stay focused on one thing at a time 浪费时间 waste some time
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每一个夜晚 Probably every single evening 听歌 看电影 listen to some music, watch some short videos and movies 超喜欢 I'm a super fan 忙碌之余 after a busy day or tough day
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我经常这样干 I did it very often in my life 开阔眼界 widen my horizons 和书中的人对话 I could talk to the famous people in the books 纸质书 some paper books
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尤其在生日的时候 especially on the birthday 刚过完19岁生日 he just had his nineteenth birthday 在日常生活当中 in ordinary life 在我身边 around me
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学点东西 learn something one or two 选择音乐 go with the music 适应 融入 fit in 更简单更有意思 much easier and more fun
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没这样做过 I haven't done anything in that way before 充满 is filled with 在工作或者学习状态 at work or in study 我乐于...I am willing to
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记得清晰 remember things clearly 尤其在笔记本上 especially on the notebook 多亏现代科技 Thanks to modern technology 最好的方式 the best way
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童年生活可有意思啦 my childhood life could be very very fun 六岁之前 before I was at the age of six 玩耍 play around 和现在的生活完全不同 it was totally different from today's life
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适合 be right for 被分散精力 be very easily distracted 尤其是学习 especially on my study 在...前面 in front of
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一整天 all day long 开车去任何地方 drive my car to anywhere that I want 爱坐车 I would be a passenger if possible 处理工作 cope with my regular work
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cke9rew0qz8kx0839o5o6q8xg 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cke9rew0qz8kx0839o5o6q8xg/comments 請我一杯咖啡,支持我繼續創作! https://open.firstory.me/join/spicyspicy 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法 https://open.firstory.me/user/spicyspicy/comments Facebook 吳恩文的快樂廚房 https://www.facebook.com/wuhappykitchen Instagram 吳恩文的快樂廚房 https…
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生活无聊 my life is quite boring 海外深造 in another country for further study 八卦之类的 some gossips or such 我可以接受 I am fine with it
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睡着之前 before I am trying to fall asleep 半夜打电话 make phone calls to me just in the mid of the night 持续很久 last very long 接电话 answer any calls
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喜欢吃热量和卡路里的东西 eating different kinds of calories and fat 炸鸡和奶酪汉堡 cheeseburgers and fried chickens 很难实现 it was really hard to get 坚持去做 carry on doing it forever
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年轻 at the young age 参加运动 Just take part in some sports 兴趣 passion and personal interest 厉害的职业生涯 successful career
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害羞 I'm too shy to do so 聪明 I'm a clever person 尴尬 it is a very embarrassing moment 没接触过的 I've never seen before or I've never touched before
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就位于... just right located in 搞一杯咖啡 grab a cup of coffee 坐在我的老位置 sitting in my same old spot 在那见面 meet up there
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天生的 be born with 担心物质条件 worry about the material life 现实那些事 the reality or stuff like that 有野心的 ambitious
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大多数情况下 In most cases 去工作地方上班 travel to the real workplace 处理工作事项 deal with lots of things at work 充分利用免费无线网络 make full use of free wifi
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不经常这样 but we don't do that quite often 我的日常生活 my regular life 三口之家 I have a family of three 我们的好搭档 a good partner to us
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从未 I haven't done anything in that way before 很懒 because I am very lazy 不够明智 I don't think it's a smart decision 愿意 be willingly to
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选择 go with b溃 drive me crazy 比如下载一个播客 then like a podcast for example 戒掉 give up
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我不是一个安静的人 I'm not a quiet person 热闹生活适合我 the noisy life would be right for me 户外活动 the outdoor activities 释放压力 release the bad emotions
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二十岁的年纪 I'm at the age of twenty 机会 opportunities for 轻松做改变 make the change very easily 充满活力 I could be very energetic
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春节假期 it is just in the spring festival 走亲访友 visit my relatives 去长途旅行 go on a long journey 无聊 Quite boring life
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现在 At the moment 妈妈人美心善 she is very gentle and nice 有分歧 have some disagreements 一个温暖的拥抱 give me a warm hug
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应该能应该能 It can be it can be 擅长 I am pretty good at 坏运气走开 bad emotions or fatigues would be certainly gone 愿意和我讲话 be willingly to talk to me
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曾经很痴迷 I used to be really crazy about 下载1000本 download more than 1000 books a time 有点意思 quite fun 必然困啊 I would feel very sleepy for sure
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讨厌自己呆着 I hate spending time alone 喜欢音乐 I am a super fan of music 喜欢刷TIKTOK spending some time on TIKTOK too 不喜欢啥也不干 I hate doing nothing at all
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两个理由 Two reasons can be identified 做改变 make the change about their current life 或许遇到工作机会 probably meet certain opportunities for regular work 旅游火了很多年啦 this phenomenon has been popular for years
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睡得好 I could sleep well 活力满满 that means, I must be full of energy then 吃个早午饭 And I could have a perfect brunch 辛苦的一天儿 my tough day
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或许可以 I would probably say yes 如果他们穿上 if they try them on 讲真 seriously 这货消失了 he is disappearing too
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过十九岁的生日 when I just had my nineteenth birthday 收到的唯一礼物 that was the only gift I received 放空 rest my mind without thinking anything 搞点啤酒 grabbed some beers
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强烈推荐两个方式 Two ways are highly recommended 别孩怕 don't be afraid 知行和一 they should do as what they think 保持联络 keep in touch with
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每个周末都想开车旅行 go on the car trip almost every weekend 好处 good points 火车票 train tickets 太贵 too ridiculous expensive
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很久 for a long time 扔掉 just throw them away 崭新 brand new every day 活力满满 be full of energy
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