The very first podcast entirely in Penang style Hokkien. 播客中的首個檳城福建話節目。無所不談。這个是全世界兮頭一个庇能福建Podcast。有講有俏,有啉有放尿。
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比起有意义,有趣的事才会坚持下去呀。 这里是迪魔王电台,Devmore,让有意义的事情有意思。 【DevmoreWork】more about work,侧重专业的职场话题,邀请行业专业嘉宾,为大家带来更多专业方向的知识和参考。 【DevmoreLife】是技术生活系列,技术源于生活,又归于生活,该系列跟你聊一聊生活中无处不在的技术。 【MeetDevmore】meet with us,围绕某一个话题,邀请嘉宾和听众们边吃边聊,我们相信,每一个观点都值得被听见。 欢迎一起玩!
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Chelsia Ng (Liliuan Thang) shared with us her recent album launch - "Book One: Songs for You and I". She shared many personal stories about the new songs, including two Penang Hokkien songs about Penang food and her mom! Please support our fellow Penangite talent by purchasing her limited edition album box set and stream her music! Buy her limited …
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# 导读 “游戏”几乎贯穿了我们的整个成长过程,它既是陪伴我们的“朋友”,又常常被家长视为“麻烦制造者”。游戏产业的规模之大早已远超我们的想象——从服务型游戏到 3A 大作,再到独立游戏,每种类型背后都有着截然不同的故事和生态。 今天,我们邀请到了一位 00 后的独立游戏开发者。因为受到《黑神话:悟空》的启发,他开始自学游戏开发,甚至成功发布了自己的作品、成立过个人工作室。如今,他已经加入一家知名游戏大厂,但仍在不断探索属于自己的表达方式——独立游戏。在这个过程中,AI 对他的创作又带来了怎样的帮助?如果你也想做一款属于自己的游戏,需要怎么起步,又有哪些关键步骤?让我们一起听听他的故事吧! # 相关节目 [【科技从业】在网易做游戏测试的日子 | DevmoreWork#42](https:/…
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Suahu returned to share his college years and his career path. Also find out what his hobbies are. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's)…
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I reconnected with one of our first listeners of PGHK, Suahu. He shared with us his childhood and how he discovered PGHK. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @Penang…
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# 导读 本期嘉宾是 DevSecOps 布道师小马哥,目前在极狐 GitLab 做 DevOps 内容相关工作。 DevOps,这个耳熟能详的术语在云原生时代再次成为焦点。它究竟是属于运维还是研发领域?从事 DevOps 的都是哪些人?这个岗位的重要性和职业发展前景如何?AI 技术又为 DevOps 带来了哪些革命性的变化? 本期节目,我们荣幸邀请到极狐 GitLab 的专家小马哥,他将与我们分享从传统互联网研发运维到云原生时代,再到 AI 技术浪潮下,DevOps 从业者和服务提供者的深刻观察。不仅如此,节目最后还有实用的“薅羊毛”技巧大揭秘,精彩不容错过! # 主播 - 五花肉:认识好多 DevOps 都没好好聊过的前云原生开源/产品运营。专注开发者生态运营超过十年,涉及前端、中间件、…
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A listeners shared why three stories of this hotel is so haunted. Hikers cut his own middle finger for speaking disrespectfully in the hiking trail. And many more! [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Ho…
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We discussed the imported culture of autumn traditions to Malaysia. Those of us living abroad also shared their autumn experience. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK…
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# 导读 本期嘉宾是网易数帆 CodeWave 智能开发平台技术负责人姜天意。 什么是低代码?它与零代码、高代码如何区分?“低”是“Low”的意思吗?相较于开放平台,低代码平台在解决哪些问题,钉钉为何前两年如此看重这个概念,飞书今年力推的多维表格和这些又有何关系呢? 今天我们邀请到(家里有矿,爱好养蜘蛛)的天意为我们讲解,他曾就职于阿里、腾讯,还是开源框架 Egg.js 的核心开发者之一。天意将和我们分享他的专业见解,并探讨网易的低代码平台 CodeWave 的独特优势与未来趋势。 信息量较大,让我们开始吧! # 主播 - 五花肉:对低代码和自然语言写代码的区别不太明白的前程序员。专注开发者生态运营超过十年,涉及前端、中间件、数据库、操作系统等技术栈,在云原生和开源领域有较深运营经历。目前投…
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We shared our breakup stories from romantic lovers to friendships. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's) @John.Ong Twitter (PGHK) @Penan…
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# 导读 终于迎来了这期超嗨的节目! 邻居小王和小金刚从任天堂博物馆快乐归来,普通游客小王,深度玩家小金,不同的视角下,他们的体验会有哪些差别呢?从进入任天堂博物馆的那一刻开始,我们仿佛也踏入了一个巨大的游戏世界--有什么酷炫的互动装置?对新手和老玩家来说,各种经典场景又是什么体验?语言会是障碍吗?这一切在他们的热情讲述下变得妙趣横生,快跟我们一起,把这份快乐装进行囊,感受任天堂的快乐创意方程式,期待你的快乐 Level Up! # 相关节目 [全世界在催你长大,而任天堂给你一座儿童乐园【DevmoreLife#4】]( # 主播 - 五花肉(超轻度玩家):只擅长体感游戏的体力型玩家。 - 迪西(深度玩家):任天堂的…
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We talked about dressing up for Halloween, drama, and simply playing with your mom's makeup, dress, and shoes. This also inspired a Chinese Opera theme fashion show at our PGHK 20th anniversary weekend. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 P…
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# 导读 在密切的出差生活中腾出时间,终于有机会与团队的 00 后妹妹畅谈,本期迪魔王邀请到了就读于华南理工大学的加一,她也将成为迪魔王的新晋主播,明年将就读于香港中文大学的她笑称一定努力学习粤语,为迪魔王拓展大湾区市场。 “我不喜欢回头看,也不想总是质疑或否定过去的自己所做的选择。”不抱怨环境,不后悔选择,冷静且平淡,是迪魔王对加一的印象,但生活中的她又是会给团队哥哥姐姐唱生日歌送生日蛋糕的臭屁小孩,大学期间实习经历丰富的加一是怎样不断斩获大厂 offer 的,回望大学时光又是如何看待专业选择与实习实践的,走进本期播客,探索 00 后的故事。 00 后或许是迪魔王听众朋友们相对陌生的群体,但是最近接触到的 00 后们都勇敢、自信、坚韧、努力前行,未来迪魔王也希望将更多 00 后的故事展现给…
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We're back for more ghost stories. Haunted experience for a realtor. Momogu shared his ghost encounter at his night school. Besaikong also shared his friend's pontianak ghost hanging on the tree. We also discussed the black and white ghosts from hell. [ratings] ❤️ Supp…
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We are blessed with so many varieties of local fruits in the Southeast Asia region. How many of these fruits have you heard of or even tasted? [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House …
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# 导读 迪魔王调查队出动!走近程序员,史上最多录制人数初尝试! 之前的几期节目我们有聊到 AI 的浪潮下,很多程序员开始使用 AI 编程助手来辅助自己的工作,那么现在 AI 编程助手的普及程度是怎样的?GitHub Copilot,Cursor,Replit,豆包 MarsCode,通义灵码,百度 Comate 等等,怎么挑选适合自己的 AI 编程助手?以及未来的 AI 编程助手又会是什么样的呢? 趁着 1024 程序员节,五花肉和迪西分别出动去采访了多位不同程度/技术方向和编程习惯的程序员,他们有来自硅谷的技术极客,也有坚守国产赛道从事了 30 多年编程工作的程序员,还有刚刚开始接触编程的新手程序员,以及投身 AI 编程助手研发工作的一线从业人员,我们来听听他们是怎么使用和看待 AI 编…
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This week we invited a property agent, Jun/Doraemon to share his job of buying and selling properties in Penang. He also shared his career before getting into the realty industry. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast H…
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# 导读 32 岁是什么感觉呢?好像没有 30 岁那么悲伤,也没有 20 岁那么迷茫。在这一天聊了聊这一年,也聊了关于 35 岁职业危机的观察和看法,如果你能听到最后,也邀请你来见证接下来的三年~ # 封面故事 迪西为五花肉 32 岁生日准备的“惊喜蛋糕”。 # 主播 - 五花肉:32 岁生日的寿星,专注开发者生态运营超过十年,涉及前端、中间件、数据库、操作系统等技术栈,在云原生和开源领域有较深运营经历。目前投身 AI 行业做产品运营,积极探索新工具时代下的增长方法论。 - 迪西:即将 36 岁生日的程序员一枚,五花肉的好朋友。
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This week a new batch of listeners sat down and chatted with me about my move to the USA, college, and my romantic relationships. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK)…
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Once again, we switched roles and have PGHK listeners interviewed me for this episode. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's) @John.Ong T…
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# 导读 本期节目邀请到了两位“中年”程序员朋友,一位是从大厂出来创业 5 年的 CTO 刘洋,另一位是开源爱好者 YiHong。他们分享了自己的职业发展和心路历程,我们聊了聊他们对中年危机的看法、创业经历、对 AI 编程助手的使用体验,以及对未来技术发展的期待。让我们一起来听听这两位"中年"程序员的故事吧。 # 主播 - 五花肉:专注开发者生态运营超过十年,涉及前端、中间件、数据库、操作系统等技术栈,在云原生和开源领域有较深运营经历。目前投身 AI 行业做产品运营,积极探索新工具时代下的增长方法论。 # 嘉宾 - 刘洋:Flomesh CTO/联合创始人,曾就职于 Redhat、阿里云。( - Yihong:头戴 “NPC” 鸭舌帽的跑步爱好者,曾担…
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We switched our seats around, and have the listeners of PGHK interviewed me for the next three weeks! If you have any additional questions you'd like to ask, feel free to leave them in the comments. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penan…
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Walking down memory lane of the past 19 years of this space we created together called Penang Hokkien Podcast as we celebrate our 1000th episode. Let's keep this space going for another 1000 episodes! Thanks for the love and support you have given to the show and to me personally. [ratings]…
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I was so happy and touched to get to meet up with you in person when I was in Penang. If you didn't get to join the gathering, you'll get to see and hear from some of the listeners who were there. Some of them I've know for years, but only meeting in person for the first time. Thank you for your years of support and friendship. Please come join us …
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# 导读 本期嘉宾是来自字节跳动的两位资深产品经理王涛和程凡,他们也是现豆包 MarsCode 的产品经理。 两年多前我们采访了一位云产品经理,了解了他从程序员到资深云产品人的发展过程,而 AI 浪潮下,AI 产品经理也陆续进入视野,他们是从哪里来的,又和云产品经理有何异同,在 AI 应用价值高速市场验证的背景下,他们怎么思考产品? 今天我们邀请了两位豆包 MarsCode 的产品经理来和我们交流,ToB、ToC、ToD 的产品经理有何区别,AI 产品经理和技术的边界如何看待,应用层、模型层、基础设施层,不同层面的产品经理面对的课题有什么异同,AI 让研发转产品更容易了吗? 最后,想投身 AI 行业做产品,需要哪些技能,让我们一起听听吧,一定会有启发。 豆包 MarsCode 体验地址:[h…
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We are back for more ghost stories including at camping trips, KOMTAR shop are, and find out what the color of my aura. And see if you can hear a voice saying "hello, hello" on the left side at 1:09:39? [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 P…
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This week, we discussed about baking, including the types of baked goods we like and different models of ovens we use. How much experience do you have when it comes to baking? Come learn from our guests. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 …
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We invited several members of the State Chinese (Penang) Association members to come share their heritage. We also asked them about the recent hit video "Mama Me-Yah!", a Chinese Peranakan family tale. Mama Me-Yah!: State Chinese (Penang) Association Facebook Page:…
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Namsai returned shared her live after secondary school and her career path into advertisement and music video production industry. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK…
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Namsai opened up to talk about her childhood. Find out more about her duty as a child in a household of a business minded mother. Of course there's ghost stories. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hok…
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# 导读 本期嘉宾是来自蚂蚁集团的蛋总,他是 IDE 框架 OpenSumi/CodeBlitz 的负责人,在 Cloud IDE 领域有着非常丰富的经验。 IDE 作为每个程序员必备的生产力工具,从传统 IDE、云时代 IDE,再到 AI IDE,当程序员打造自己的 IDE,又是什么样的感受?是更了解客户需求,还是被思维限制?本期邀请到了 OpenSumi 项目负责人蛋总与我们详细讨论,AI 时代的开发者产品和开发者。 # 嘉宾 - 蛋总:蚂蚁集团 IDE 框架 OpenSumi/CodeBlitz 负责人,在 Cloud IDE 领域有着非常丰富的经验。 # 时间轴 -【01:42】嘉宾个人工作经历介绍 -【04:26】IDE 发展的历史 -【06:57】传统 IDE、云时代 IDE、A…
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This week's ghost stories we discussed ghosts that can move thing, aka poltergeist. Acknowledging a crying ghost at word by offering her food and drinks. Out of body experience by another guest being attached by a bird ghost. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋…
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Previously we shared our experiences in primary school. This time, we moved on to discussing our secondary school life. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHo…
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We invited Tiffany Choong, one of the authors of to come share with us her book of illustrations of Penang and its culture. All other books from Mike Books at Buy the Art of Joy Everyday Penang by Tiffany Choong:…
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We have Mama Kush's owner, a professional nyonya kuih baker and vendor here to share with us why got into this profession and business. Mama Kuih info: (Website) (Facebook) (Instagram) (WhatsApp) ❤️ Support PGHK 💛:…
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# 导读 本期嘉宾是 的晋涛,他也是 CNCF Ambassador、微软 MVP,在云原生领域有着非常丰富的经验,业内多个知名大会讲师,PyCon China 核心组织者。 API 不是一个新的概念,但在大模型的语境下,用 API 调用模型能力又让这个词儿频繁的出现。云原生、AI 时代下的软件开发中,API 的作用发生变化了吗?在这个时间到 Kong 去做 API 网关的事情,是出于什么考虑?和其他的 API 网关又有何区别,本期邀请到了云原生技术专家,目前就职于 的晋涛与我们讨论,我们从最原始的研发过程中的 API 聊到云时代,再聊到现在的 AI 大模型,希望能给向 AI 转型考虑的程序员或者更好的利用 API 实现功能的开发者一些启发,内容有些干,一…
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This week we discussed how attention-seekers use the internet and social media for fame and profit. What crossed the line of authenticity? Are you into that kind of viral content? PGHK Takes Over New World Park event on August 10, 2024. Register on Facebook. Follow PGHK WhatsApp Channel for announcements. https://PenangHok…
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Sambai Belacan returned to Malaysia after the breakup. And find out who beat him up? And why he decided to return to Paris. If you haven't listened to all four episodes of Sambai Belacan's stories, here are all first 3 episodes: Ep 1 - Ep 2 - Ep 3 -…
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This week we learned about Sambai Belacan's life studying in Paris, France. How he stumbled info photography. And find out how his relationship was with his older boyfriend. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋…
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# 导读 本期嘉宾是人民邮电出版社信息技术出版分社社长陈冀康,策划责编过一系列畅销技术书籍。 “书籍是人类进步的阶梯”,从识字开始书本和我们的关系就开始变得紧密。对于程序员们来说,几乎人手一本的“编程语言动物书”,还有那些“从入门到精通”,影印版是盗版吗,以及到底什么是“好书”,迪魔王一直很好奇出版社的工作,作为开发者生态里的重要角色,他们却非常低调。 很巧的机会认识到了本期的嘉宾 —— 在人民邮电出版社 10 余年工作经历的冀康,他主导出版了很多我们熟悉的技术书籍,本期我们深入聊了聊书本背后的故事、对于想出书的程序员的建议以及探讨了 AI 时代下出版社行业发生的变化,一起来收听吧~ # 主播 - 五花肉:小时候不爱读书,长大硬是逼迫自己读书的学渣。从事开发者生态行业十年,涉及前端、中间件、…
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This is part 2 of a four-part Pride Month series with Sambai Belacan. Let's find out more about his life during puberty and what he did after secondary school. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkie…
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We're kicking off Pride Month with a month-long series of conversations with Sambai Belacan. Find out about his childhood, family, and first crush in school. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien …
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# 导读 DevmoreLife 边走边聊系列新一季第二集更新啦! 上一期我们聊了无处不在的电和磁,今天让我们来聊聊光与电的故事, 你知道吗? 我们在看到彩虹的时候,其实还有伴着它的霓; 黑人好像比白人不那么“显老”一些; 相机一般都是黑色的,为了减少光反射的影响; ... ... 科学来自于自然发现,科技来自于创造发明,技术服务于生活的美好,让我们回到那些物理课本的知识,再重新感受生活中那些“不起眼”的科技,希望我们分享的生活小知识可以帮助到大家~ # 主播 - 五花肉:专注开发者生态运营超过八年,涉及前端、中间件、数据库、操作系统等技术栈,在云原生和开源领域有较深运营经历。 - 迪西:工作了十几年的程序员一枚。 # 延伸阅读 - 【光电效应】:当光子照射到某些材料表面时,光子能量被材料吸…
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The dead came back to ask for a karaoke set. Don't mention any ghost encounters at home, go straight to the temple. A performer shared his experience on paying respects to ghosts at a studio space. Seeing ghost at a cinema and more. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow m…
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What was your Primary School experience like? Come share your stories with us! [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's) @John.Ong Twitter (…
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Let’s talk about knives. How many types of knives do you think you own? What are their uses. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's) @John…
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Food offerings for various deities and our own ancestors. What food offerings do you use that we missed? Let us know in the comments. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (P…
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BMP continued sharing his Japanese heritage. He also shared how he turned his life around by furthering his studies in Australia and the UK and hustling for his career. If you missed the first episodes about BMP's childhood, watch it here. For all the one-on-one interviews with other PGHK guests, please check out this YouTube playlist. [ratings] ht…
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# 导读 本期是【迪魔王Devmore】和【ALC Beijing Podcast】的串台。 技术人做社区运营很常见,在开源领域,很多的 KOL、社群做播客,【ALC Beijing Podcast】就是其中的一个。技术人做播客、技术运营做播客,技术播客的背面琐碎的定话题、录制、剪辑、宣传等等会有什么异同,自我的评价标准又是如何?这期,我们从为何做播客聊到具体的剪辑工具和 AI 辅助,希望无论是想做技术布道还是也想开始做播客的你,一些参考 # 主播 - 五花肉、迪西【迪魔王Devmore】 - 姜宁【ALC Beijing Podcast】:Apache 软件基金会 2022、2023、2024 年年度董事,播客【ALC Beijing Podcast】主理人 ## 关于【ALC Beiji…
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Our one-on-one guest is BMP, or Bô-môo-peeh 無毛伯. He shared with us his childhood and revealed some personal stories about his relationship with his family, including his father. A series of persona one-on-one conversation with PGHK special guests. [ratings] ❤️ Support …
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We have another month of super creepy and scary ghost stories to share with you including a ghost hanging on top of trees and another hanging on top of an office ceiling. And another Grab driver shared how she had an extra ghost passenger in her car. [ratings] Follow m…
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