Expository sermons by Pastor David Shields through books of the Bible presented weekly at Tanglewood Bible Fellowship in Duncan, OK. TBF is an independent church made up of people from a wide variety of denominational backgrounds, united by their faith in Christ and a desire to grow spiritually via study of the Bible.
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1. A little power is more than enough. (v.7-8) 2. A little power is enough to be safe. (v.9-10) 3. A little power is enough to hold fast. (v.11-13)
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1. Don't assume you are awake and alive. (v.1-2) 2. Wake up before death is complete. (v.2-3) 3. Those who wake up will never lose their Salvation. (v.4-6)
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The church cannot tolerate False Teaching in its midst. (v. 18-23) Hold fast to the Gospel, not legalism. (v.24-25) Those who hold onto the Gospel will be vindicated. (v.26-29)
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Don't deny Christ's Name. (v. 12-13) Don't deny Christ's Name in how you live. (v. 14-16) Don't deny Christ's Name in how you live and receive a new name. (v.17)
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1. God Knows your suffering. (v. 8-9) 2. Don't fear suffering or death. (v. 10) 3. Death is not the end. (v.11)
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Remember that Jesus holds you. (v. 1) Return to your first love. (v. 2-6) Respond to the Gospel. (v. 7)
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1. The Suffering need to read Revelation. (v.9-11) 2. The Suffering need to see Jesus. (v.12-16) 3. The Suffering need not Fear. (v.17-20)
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Our Place is Important (v.1-4) Our Actions have Consequences. (v.5-14) Our Hearts Motivate us. (v.15-17)
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1. Revelation is meant to point us to Jesus. (v. 1-2) 2. Revelation is meant to be obeyed. (v.3) 3. Revelation is meant to give us hope. (v. 4-8)
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1. Knowing the overall story of the Bible will help you know the Bible. 2. The Story of the Bible is the story of God's kingdom coming into the world.
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1. The virgin birth was necessary because the scripture teaches it. 2. The virgin birth was necessary for Christ to be a new Adam. 3. The virgin birth Christ to be truly God.
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1. Jesus became man because He loves us. (v. 5-9) 2. Jesus became man to save us from suffering and Death. (v.10-16) 3. Jesus became man to be like us. (v. 17-18)
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1. The Incarnation means Jesus is truly God and truly man. 2. The Incarnation means salvation is possible. 3. The incarnation means we can see God.
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Christ's slowness to return does not mean He is not coming back. (v. 1-7) Christ's slowness to return is Good News. (v. 8-10) Christ's slowness to return doesn't mean we can't be ready. (v. 11-18)
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We Should trust God to deal with them. (v.1-9) We should learn what they are like. (v.10-16) We should avoid their slavery. (v. 17-22)
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Partake in the divine nature (v. 1-4). Partake in sanctification (v. 5-11). Partake in remembrance (v. 12-21).
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1. The final day of the Lord brings Justice. (v.1-8) 2. The final day of the Lord demands a Decision. (v.9-16) 3. The final day of the Lord brings Restoration. (v. 17-21)
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1. The Day of the Lord refers to Pentecost. (v. 28-29) 2. The Day of the Lord refers to Eschatological Judgement. (v. 30-31) 3. The Day of the Lord refers to Coming Redemption. (v.32)
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1. The Lord will take Pity. (v.18-20) 2. The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Joy. (v.21-24) 3. The Lord is Just and Merciful. (v.25-27)
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1. God's Judgement is in the Future. (v. 1-11) 2. God's mercy is in the Present. (v. 12-17)
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1.The right response to God's judgement is Proclamation. (v. 1-4) 2.The right response to God's judgement is Lament. (v. 5-14) 3.The right response to God's judgement is Repentance. (v. 15-20)
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1. Shepherd like the chief Shepherd. (v.1-4) 2. Humble ourselves under God. (v. 5-7) 3. Resist until God restores. (v. 8-14)
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1. Godly Suffering is not suprising. (v.12-13) 2. Godly Suffering is not self-satisfying. (v.14-16) 3. Godly Suffering is temporary becasue of Jesus. (v.17-19)
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1. We should be motivated by Christ's attitude in death. (v. 1-4) 2. We should be motivated by the coming judgement. (v. 5-6) 3. We should be motivated by the consumation of all things. (v. 7-11)
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Bless others even when cursed, because we have been blessed. (v. 8-12) Do good even when suffering, because it is God's will. (v. 13-17) The suffering of Jesus brings us salvation.
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1. Adorn yourself in Holiness. (v.1-6) 2. Honor the weak. (v. 7)
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Submit to the Government as witnesses to Christ. (v.13-17) Submit even to injustice for Christ. (v.18-20) Submit like Christ. (v.21-25)
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1. Be like infants (v. 1-3). 2. Be like stones (v. 4-8). 3. Be like a chosen people (v. 9-10). 4. Be like exiles (v. 11-12).
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1. We need disciplined hope. (v.13) 2. Hope leads to Childlike Holiness. (v. 14-16) 3. Hope leads to Reverent fear. (v. 17-21) 4. Hope leads to sincere Love. (v.22-25)
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1. Expect to be exiles. (v.1-2)2. Expect to be saved. (v.3-5)3. Expect to be suffer. (v.6-7)4. Expect Jesus. (v. 8-12)
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1.Bad Friends always affirm us. 2. Good friends sometimes challenge us.
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Our Plans often fail. You cannot mess up God's purpose. Make plans with faith in God's purpose.
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1. Don't harm others with reckless speech. 2. Heal others with wise speech. 3. Jesus heals us with a word.
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Because we forget, we need tangible and continual reminders of God's miraculous work.
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1. God reverses the enemy's plans (8:1-14) 2. God causes His enemies to fear. (8:15-9:4) 3. God brings justice, not retribution to His enemies. (9:5-19)
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1. Identifying with God's people brings deliverance (v.1-4). 2. Being identified as God's enemy brings judgment (v. 5-10). 3. Jesus identifies with His enemies.
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1. Trusting God keeps our feet secure (v. 1-2). 2. Even when evil tries to shake us (v. 3). 3. Because we can trust God's justice (v. 4-5).
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Worldly Pride leads to judgement. (6:1-14) Christlike humility leads to blessings (Philippians 2:4-11)
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1. Prayer requires wisdom. (v.1-8) 2. God Begins to answer our prayers before we notice. (v.9-14) 3. God Answers our prayers through Jesus, not cunning tactics.
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The empire hates God's People (v.1-6) The empire seeks to destroy God's people. (v. 7-15) Jesus loves and seeks to save God's people.
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1. The Empire requires assimilation. (v.1-8) 2. We are tempted to compromise. (v.9-18) 3. Our Sin doesn't nullify God's grace. (v.19-23)
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1. The resurrection was physical. (v. 36-43) 2. The resurrection commissions us. (v. 44-49) 3. The resurrection culminates in the ascension. (v. 50-53)
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1. Jesus reveals Himself to nobodies. (v.13-24) 2. Jesus reveals Himself in scripture. (v.25-27) 3. Jesus reveals Himself in Communion. (v. 28-35)
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1.Seek the Kingdom. (23:50-56) 2.Seek the Living King. (24:1-8) 3.Seek the True Story. (24:9-12)
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Follow in Christ's Footsteps. (v.26-31) Accept the Salvation Christ Offers. (v. 32-43) Acknowledge Christ's Divinity. (v. 39-49)
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Is Jesus the Son of God? (22:66-71) Is Jesus the King of the Jews? (23:1-12) Is Jesus the Lamb of God? (23:13-25)
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1.We can escape temptation through prayer.
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1. Christlike greatness comes through service. (v.21-27) 2. Christlike greatness comes through enduring trials. (v. 28-34) 3. Christlike greatness comes through God's Provision. (v.35-38)
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Communion Reinterprets Passover. (v.1-13) Communion Remembers Christ's Death. (v.19) Communion Recognizes Christ's Presence. (v.19-20) In Communion, we Receive sanctifying grace. (v.14-20) Communion Reenacts the new covenant. (v.20)
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