Scotland’s voice in conversation with the world of American Football.
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Tartu linna, linna inimesi ja tegemisi tutvustav saatesari.
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Geek-Kram, Film-Reviews, Kurzgeschichten. Schwerpunkt Horror, Weird, Mystery & Science-Fiction.
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Réalisation de podcasts pour vous raconter des histoires
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O podcast do Tartuce
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Bisognerebbe essere: Saggi come la tartaruga che si porta con se tutto il necessario, pacata e riflessiva. Ma al tempo stesso bisognerebbe essere: fuori di testa come un gabbiano che già alle 6 di mattina grida e ride sopra i tetti delle case. Nel tentativo di essere gabbiano e tartaruga registro alcune mie riflessioni non quotidiane nella vita quotidiana
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اینجا با یه نگاه تحلیل گر از چیزایی که ذهنم رو مشغول میکنن حرف میزنم.
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Periodismo digital para los buscadores de noticias
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In a secret facility deep beneath Antarctica, an anxious astrobiologist, a terse station manager, and an A.I. keep humanity safe from the monsters they imprison.
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Talking about Scottish running
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A U2ish podcast for U2 fans, casual and die-hard. We are two best friends discussing what we love the most: U2, whiskey, politics, travel and the ridiculous adventures we've had together over three decades of friendship. In a fan world full of collectibles, statistics and academia, Jenny and Hillary bring irreverence to the otherwise serious fandom. Come hang out with the cheeky but astute Garden Tarts. Every Wednesday, a new episode will bring you U2 news, fun facts, album reviews, tour hig ...
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Science Cover art photo provided by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash:
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Welcome to TURTLES FROM TARTARUS, the podcast for every word nerd!
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Art served raw. A collection of uncensored interviews. Hosted by Traci Barrett
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pop tarts Cover art photo provided by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash:
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The quest to become a tartar legend has to start somewhere. Join me on this journey. Cover art photo provided by Vikas Anand Dev on Unsplash:
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The Tartan Daily | A Euro 2020 pod by @Hodgeythehack A Scotland-focused Euro 2020 podcast, featuring episodes every day. How many times in our lives as Scots will we get to do this? Might as well go for it and enjoy this one!
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Tarte Tatin... french elizabeth and bela
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TartanTalk is a podcast of Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart, an all-girls K–12 school in Princeton, New Jersey.
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Before Paganini and legendary Blues musicians like Robert Johnson the OG music pact with the Devil was Tartini’s.
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I'm mostly gonna be talking about art, design, film making, photography and art direction.
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Le podcast Tartine Mécanique c’est une tranche généreuse de causettes autour du game design posée sur un morceau croustillant de bonne humeur. On improvise des concepts de jeux en direct et on s’étale sur des analyses en détail des systèmes de jeu qui nous inspirent et nous énervent. Bienvenu au brunch !
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There's no shortcut to building a brand - whether it's a company, a movement or for you personally. Every Thursday, The Tartare Project sits down with founders, artists, restaurateurs, personalities, investors and anyone else building interesting brands, both large and small, exploring candid (... or, dare we say, raw - get it?) conversations highlighting all of the failures, successes and everything in between along the way. The Tartare Project is hosted by NYC-based brand focused investor, ...
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Los estantes de las bibliotecas se iluminan cuando el bibliotecario tartamudea para intercalar sus libros y seleccionar su nueva crónica de lectura. Un recorrido por novedades literarias y las historias que cuentan sus páginas. Conducido Por Juancito Nicolás.
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Train Tarte Tales is a storytelling project from two travellers seeking to uncover interesting tales during our travels around the globe and sharing them with you here. From cultural phenomena to social issues to local customs; there’s no topic too big or small. We tell real life tales about real life people and places.
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TARTS stands for, There's Always Reason To Smile! This channel is inspired by all the things God is teaching me in life about joy, peace, and perspective during hard times. I've had the privilege to go through, and make it out of, many hard times; and I fully believe that at the end of the day there is always a reason to smile. I hope that my sharing of God's Word and personal experiences can inspire you to reshape how you think about trials, and make you smile. So let's cry together, think ...
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Atelier de podcasts musicaux. On élabore des tartines, en cours ou en long, en narratif ou en discussions, pour vous raconter la musique et tout ce qui tourne autour. Au menu : Le Millésime, l'émission qui cherche la chanson qui définit l'année. Notre format court hebdomadaire, la Boisson Chaude. Lights Out, une série de portraits sur les artistes qui ont fui la lumière Blues from the News, un format narratif sur les morceaux inspirés de faits réels Et plein d'anciens formats comme Le Goûter ...
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Kui suur tuleb Uus-Tähtvere, kuidas elavdada Tartu kesklinna ja mida on andnud linnaraamatukogu lugude kirjutamise talgud?
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Le début d’une grande aventure...Musique : Georges FourcadeIllustration : Boutik lontanSi vous aimez, un petit « j’aime » fait chaud au cœur由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Un gouverneur réglemente l’utilisation des embarcations.Musique : Firmin ViryIllustration : Portail de l’esclavage由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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It's Hillary's turn to get known!. Tune in as Jenny asks Hillary 20 questions. Still need to hear Jenny's 20 answers to 20 questions? Check out last week's ep. SUPPORT: AND twitter: @the_gardentarts instagram: @the_gardentarts watch this ep on YouTube: @thegar…
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"Vampire: The Masquerade" Pen&Paper-Session #28 | Erica, Eleanore, Yasu, Scott & Amber | Auf zu neuen Ufern VI
Los Angeles (bzw. diesmal New Orleans) after dark. Düstere Gestalten schleichen durch die Nacht. Und wir sind mittendrin :) --- IMPRESSUM Sascha Dinse (Schriftsteller) c/o Grosch Postflex #2664 Emsdettener Str. 10 48268 Greven Keine Pakete oder Päckchen – Annahme wird verweigert! USt-IdNr.: DE288267475 mobil: 0175 860 2…
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IN CONVERSATION WITH NICK KEYSE In this episode Gavin and Sarah chat to Nick Keyse, the new head coach of the GB Men's Flag Football Team. They explore Nick's journey into American football and his transition from contact and flag player to coach. The conversation delves into the challenges of coaching in college football, the importance of recruit…
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Oma tööst ning tähelepanekutest räägivad Tartu Tähe aunimetuse pälvinud folklorist Mare Kõiva, rahvariiete uurija Reet Piiri ja näitleja Aivar Tommingas. Saatejuht on Madis Ligi.
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Ce jour-là, Pierre Emile Aubert prend ses fonctions de gouverneur. Face à l’invasion nazie de la France, il va faire le choix de l’obéissance à tout prix.Musique : Maxime Laope由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Parmi les 28 février marquants à La Réunion, celui qui est encore dans tous les esprits, avec un cyclone à qui, pour la première fois, on donne un nom.Musique : Pat’Jaune + Granmoun LéléPhoto : reunionnaisdumonde.com由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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C’est la plus vieille assemblée de l’île...Musique : inconnu由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Dans le sud de l’île, il y a un lieu un peu hors du temps.Musique : Lisette Jambel由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Ses lithographies font encore le bonheur des amateurs d’HistoireMusique : Luc Donat由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Gouverneur à la place du gouverneur, il termina au bout d’une corde.Musique : Vieille canaille etc.由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Get to know Jenny with 20 questions from Hillary. She had no idea what was coming for her. We had a blast putting this together. SUPPORT: AND twitter:@the_gardentarts instagram:@the_gardentarts watch this ep on YouTube:@thegardentarts…
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Le lycée de Saint-Denis est la proie des flammes. Mais, il ne va pas tarder à être reconstruit...Musique : Progression « Avant allé l’école »由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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"Synopsis" #43 | Filmbesprechung: "The Substance", "Blink Twice", "The Order" & "Mad God" | mit Taya und @philativ
In dieser Episode reden wir über "The Substance", "Blink Twice", "The Order" & "Mad God". --- IMPRESSUM Sascha Dinse (Schriftsteller) c/o Grosch Postflex #2664 Emsdettener Str. 10 48268 Greven Keine Pakete oder Päckchen – Annahme wird verweigert! USt-IdNr.: DE288267475 mobil: 0175 860 255 7…
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"Vampire: The Masquerade" Pen&Paper-Session #27 | Erica, Eleanore, Yasu, Scott & Amber | Auf zu neuen Ufern V
Los Angeles (bzw. diesmal New Orleans) after dark. Düstere Gestalten schleichen durch die Nacht. Und wir sind mittendrin :) --- IMPRESSUM Sascha Dinse (Schriftsteller) c/o Grosch Postflex #2664 Emsdettener Str. 10 48268 Greven Keine Pakete oder Päckchen – Annahme wird verweigert! USt-IdNr.: DE288267475 mobil: 0175 860 2…
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Etienne Regnault accueille une flotte, un prêtre et cinq femmesMusique : Melanz Nasyon由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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1863, une année marquante pour La RéunionMusique : Ousanousava由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Après quasiment deux siècles d’esclavage, l’abolition, mais pas sans obligations.Musique : Michel Admette由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Le quartier rattaché administrativement à Saint-Benoît devient une commune. Selon la légende, la ravine fut appelée "Le Bras à Panon" parce que Joseph Panon Desbassayns s’y serait cassé le bras... Musique : Jean-Pierre Boyer由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Piccolo spunto tra la differenza nell'esserci o nel portare soluzioni quando abbiamo a che fare con persone a cui tenniamo由Jacopo Pellarin
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Mida arvavad Tartus tehtust värsked aukodanikud Krista Aru, Ene Margit Tiit ja Andrus Ansip?
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The 50th anniverary special of Saturday Night Live was airing as we recording this episode. We take the opportunity to go over the times U2 has been on SNL as well as the many times Bono has been portrayed by the cast. Jenny got her U2:UV book so we do a little show-and-tell, too. The one thing this episode does not have is politics! So follow alon…
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La Révolution française est passée par là.Musique : Mélanz Nasyon由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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IN CONVERSATION WITH KATE ALLMAN In this episode of Tartan Touchdown, Dan & Sarah speak with Kate Allman, a multifaceted sports commentator and journalist from Australia. They discuss Kate's journey into American Football and the growth of the sport in Australia. Kate shares her experiences as a female commentator in a male-dominated field and a ne…
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Des femmes et des enfants libres et terriblement punisMusique : Christine Salem由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Une fois de plus, le peuple réunionnais subit les lois de la nature. Une fois de plus, il va se relever...Musique : Pat’Jaune由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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L’État reconnaît sa responsabilité morale dans le drame des enfants dits de la CreuseMusique : ZiskakanPour aller plus loin :由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Des esclaves malais arrivent à Bourbon à partir du XVIIIe siècle.Musique : Danse des cerfs-volantsPhoto : portail-esclavage-reunion.fr由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Mida hakati Tartus tegema Eesti raamatu juubeli puhul, mille valmimisele saavad aasta jooksul kaasa aidata inimesed üle vabariigi ning milline saab olema kolmeköiteline Tartu ajalugu? Saatejuht on Madis Ligi.
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In this episode of 'Kissing Lips and Breaking Hearts,' hosts Jenny and Hillary engage in a lively conversation covering a range of topics from personal updates and pop culture to political discussions and social issues. They share their thoughts on the Super Bowl, the impact of U2's music, and delve into important conversations about trans rights a…
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Un air de révolte ? Non ! De révolution !Musique : Edith PiafPhoto : Claude Wanquet由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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WELCOME TO TARTAN TOUCHDOWN EPISODES. Episode 6: The Super Bowl Review Show. Dan, Sarah and Gav have a look back at Super Bowl 59, the key moments, assess their key players and discuss the future for both teams. Also they review and give their thoughts on the Half Time Show. Episode 6 is available on all major podcast platforms and the video editio…
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On choisit une église pour condamner des esclaves révoltés à la peine capitaleMusique : Troup ZordiPhoto : portail-esclavage-reunion.fr由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Le phénomène qui s’abat sur l’île surprend tout le monde, et retourne le Barachois...Musique : Charles Padeau & Claire FontainePhoto : Cresoi - histoireindianoceanie.fr由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Un frêle esquif aborde les côtes malgaches après avoir quitté La Réunion quelques jours plus tôtMusique : Reda HamdouchPhoto :由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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La France interdit le recrutement de travailleurs malgachesMusique : Paul LabonnePhoto : portail de l'esclavage由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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WELCOME TO TARTAN TOUCHDOWN EPISODES. Episode 5: The Super Bowl Preview Show. Dan, Sarah and Gav discuss Super Bowl 59, have a look at key players from both teams, compare Super Bowl Half Time shows and give their predictions for the big game. Episode 5 is available on all major podcast platforms and the video edition also available on YouTube. Kee…
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Préfiguration de la jonction entre le chef-lieu et l’ouestMusique : Maxime Laope由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Tartu abi Ukraina rindesõduritele ja sõpruslinnale Lviv, sealsed elanikkonnakaitse õppetunnid ning uus õppeaasta Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli õenduserialal ja õenduse uurimisrühm.
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"Vampire: The Masquerade" Pen&Paper-Session #26 | Erica, Eleanore, Yasu, Scott & Amber | Auf zu neuen Ufern IV
Los Angeles (bzw. diesmal New Orleans) after dark. Düstere Gestalten schleichen durch die Nacht. Und wir sind mittendrin :) --- IMPRESSUM Sascha Dinse (Schriftsteller) c/o Grosch Postflex #2664 Emsdettener Str. 10 48268 Greven Keine Pakete oder Päckchen – Annahme wird verweigert! USt-IdNr.: DE288267475 mobil: 0175 860 2…
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Viens, ô ma Bouteille chérie,Viens enivrer tous mes chagrins.Douce compagne, heureuse amie,Verse dans ma coupe élargieL'oubli des dieux et des humains.Buvons, mais buvons à plein verre ;Et lorsque la main du sommeilFermera ma triste paupière,Ô Dieux, reculez mon réveil !Qu'à pas lents l'aurore s'avancePour ouvrir les portes du jour :Esclaves, garde…
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We hit joy and nostaligia hard in this ep. We have some joyful moments to share in this dumpster fire of a year. And some things hit the nostalgia button, whether we like it or not! Hillary asked what we would do in some hypothetical Bono situations and Jenny has a big question about creating U2 "classics." SUPPORT:www.patreo…
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Ce cyclone là va frapper fort, du port au titrain lontan. Musique : Les Windblows « Cyclone »由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Déferlantes, vagues gigantesques et coups de boutoirs sur la côte. Musique : Serge Lebrasse « A cause sa cyclone la »Photo : Iconothèque historique de l’Océan Indien由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Les propriétaires trouvent encore de la main d’œuvre.由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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La Réunion est frappée par un mal invisible由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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Milline on raamatute osa meie ajaloos, teadmiste, harjumuste ja elamuste kujundamisel ning mida toob neljapäeval algav eesti raamatu juubeliaasta, mida pakuvad Tartu Rahvaülikooli Hõbegeen ja restoranikuu Maitsev Tartu?
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La Réunion, terre sauvage, terre de naufragesDamia : « Les naufragés »由TARTINE DE PODCASTS
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