Useless on the Matter is a podcast about any and all things dealing with the internet! We are not going to regaile you with tons of facts and knowledge on subjects. But we will pick a topic you can find online and discuss the crap out of it! Nothing is sacred we will talk about anything you can find online! Episode zero we talked about guys pretending to be girls online for example. So if you like news, tech, games, movies, streaming, ect. ect. Feel free to drop in and give us a listen! We w ...
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Ever have one of those days you would just like to forget? Well, let us regale you with tales of times folks have F%*# up, and lived to regret it!由Useless on the Matter
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Well, we are back from our hiatus! Hear about how one of us missed out on 60 million dollar payday! Also how some companies are still in the business of doing good customer service! And maybe just maybe you will get some information that is not completely Useless...but i wouldn't hold my breath!由Useless on the Matter
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We take you on a trip to old stories and new stories all about the Deep Fake, and other dirty things on the interwebs! Is the real version of face off coming soon? It could be find out more here from us your useless informants!由Useless on the Matter
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Useless on the Matter is a brand new weekly podcast. Here we talk about random stuff we come across ranging from stupid people to tech. Basically anything you hear about on the internet, we talk about it, uselessly! We aim to provide perspective, insight, light non-repeatable facts, and explicit content.…
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