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Venice Church

Venice Church

Casual Atmosphere – Serious Faith – No Weird Stuff. If your life is as perfect as Ken and Barbie’s, then we’re probably not the church for you. Venice Church is for normal people and imperfect families with everyday issues. Sorry, no perfect people allowed.
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Venimos a Brillar

Judith Covadely

Vamos a disolver puntos de vista expandir nuestras percepciones para expandir nuestro mundo y dejar salir nuestro brillo que nos impulse a crear una vida que amemos vivir. Nuestro miedo más grande es reconocer nuestra grandeza y aquí estamos juntas para atravesar ese miedo para reconocer y habitar nuestra grandeza. Te abrazo ∞❤️ @JudithCovadely
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Venice Talks

Monica Cesarato

Welcome to Venice Talks, the weekly podcast series uncovering the authentic soul of Venice, Italy. Hosted by the fabulous Monica Cesarato, who has unparalleled knowledge of Venice, and is renowned as one of the city's top guides even among celebrities. Venice Talks is not just a podcast; it's your passport to a 360-degree experience of this extraordinary city. Join Monica as she delves beyond the clichés, steering clear of the tourist-packed routes that millions follow each year. Instead, sh ...
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Join renowned therapist Harry Venice on a journey that will change the way you think about life. This podcast breaks down Attachment Styles, Complex Trauma (CPTSD) and Jungian Psychology (Shadow Work and Alchemy). You will learn how to use these insights to heal and have an energy filled, authentic life. Finding your true self is hard. This podcast will help.
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Veni Creator

hilles digital

Bem vindo ao Podcast Veni Creator onde vamos refletir sobre a Palavra de Deus. Cover art photo provided by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash:
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Mariano Gier

Todos los viernes Mariano te narra historias breves, costumbrismo y, sobre todo, muchos cuentos. Un Podcast de lectura que explora universos de amor, muerte, pasión y locura. Textos propios, autores invitados y siempre nuevos condimentos. Pasá, vení que te cuento. Instagram: @elmariantelolee
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Syv piger, med vidt forskellig baggrund og socialklasse, mødes tilfældigt i en skolegård på Frederiksberg i 80erne. Et tæt venskab opstår, og pigegruppen begynder at betragte hinanden som en familie. Sammen opdyrker de en grænseløs venindekultur, som skal holde traumer og fraværende forældre ud i strakt arm. Her, 34 år efter, har deres samværsform ikke ændret sig meget siden teenagetiden, udover at de er blevet til seks. De mistede nemlig én undervejs, den karismatiske Mariam, som stadig spø ...
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« Le meilleur reste à venir » est le podcast qui va vous donner envie de vivre en 2050. Accompagné d'invités, Anthony nous raconte comment la Tech va changer notre vie « en bien » dans les prochaines années. Sept épisodes seront dévoilés autour de 3 grands thèmes : la ville, les robots et l'école. Un podcast d'Anthony Morel réalisé par Fabien Randrianarisoa, Yves Pulici et Léonie Guilbaut.
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Director and actor Chris Messina talks about his directorial debut, Alex of Venice. The film follows a workaholic attorney named Alex who’s forced to reinvent her life when her husband, George (Messina), leaves her. While trying to hold her family together, Alex discovers a vulnerability and inner strength she never knew she had. Moderated by actor Sam Rockwell.
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Podcast de periodicidad más o mensual en el que la periodista Carolina Velasco conversa con escritores, artistes y agitadores culturales sobre un tema de su elección, no necesariamente relacionado con la actividad por la que se les conoce. Editores hablando de coleccionismo o maternidad, periodistes abogando por acabar con la mitomanía, guionistes hablando de arquitectura, músiques hablando de la vida o escritores analizando realities, aquí cabe (casi) todo. ...
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En este espacio que dirige y presenta Lara López proponemos en cada programa a un invitado diferente, pero siempre vinculado a RTVE, que intercambie una selección musical expresamente para la ocasión, con un personaje de "fuera de la Casa", conocido o admirado. De esta manera, personalidades de diferentes ámbitos como el periodismo, la cultura o el deporte, protagonizan estos encuentros únicos que nos descubrirán la cara más personal y distendida tanto de quienes hacen cada día RNE y TVE, co ...
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What if you spent your next holidays in a country that no longer exists? Extinguished Countries is the first guidebook series about countries that no longer exist. We start with the Republic of Venice, a journey that takes you to Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece and Cyprus. At a time when Europe is experiencing resurgent nationalism, these guidebooks propose an alternative point of view. Instead of following today’s borders, they take you on a journey through time and sp ...
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Venice Sessions

Telecom Italia

Telecom Italia e Nòva24 - Il Sole 24 ore, con il contributo dei curatori Luca De Biase e Giuliano da Empoli, sono partiti da qui, dalle conseguenze, per chiedersi: come si puo' narrare il futuro? E' tramontata l'era delle certezze alimentate dai professionisti delle previsioni, i cosiddetti futurologi. Resta, pero', l’esigenza di comprendere gli scenari mutevoli e complessi generati dalla globalizzazione: è una sfida che l'Italia non può rimandare per cogliere le opportunita' di cambiamenti ...
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show series
Voix : Aimé Jean et Emilien Simioni Texte : Emilien Simioni Qu’est-ce qu’un futur ? Bonjour et bienvenue dans ce nouveau podcast ! Lors de notre dernier épisode, nous avons exploré le monde des options. Aujourd’hui, nous allons nous intéresser à un autre instrument financier incontournable : les contrats futurs. Alors, qu’est-ce qu’un contrat futur…
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We reached the first millennium in the last episode, and that means that it's time to look back at the Doges of the past 100 years and think about how we rate them. We've got three guys with the same name; four guys who leave office to become monks (including one actual Saint), and an extremely valuable Golden Bull. Who will come out as our favouri…
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In this episode of Venice Talks, Monica sits down with Samantha Wilson, the founder of Smart Move Italy, to discuss the realities of moving and living in Italy. With years of experience helping expats transition smoothly, Samantha shares her expertise on navigating bureaucracy, finding a home, and embracing Italian culture. Whether you're dreaming …
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As the new millennium dawns, the Venetians take a decisive step that will be commemorated for the next 800 years in the increasingly elaborate and spectacular Marriage to the Sea ceremony. The episode also paves the way for the city to become the recognised Queen of the Adriatic -- a waterway that she would dominate so completely that foreign mapma…
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In this episode of Venice Talks, Monica explores Mano a Mano, an inspiring initiative that bridges tradition and innovation in Venetian craftsmanship. Joining us are Michela Canzi Babini, Director of The Place of Wonders Foundation, and Alain Bullo, Maitre de Maison & General Manager of Londra Palace Venezia, to discuss how this project supports ar…
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Voix : Aimé Jean et Emilien Simioni Texte : Emilien Simioni J’aimerais savoir ce qu’est un ETF ! Pour ce nouveau podcast, nous rentrons dans le vif du sujet avec les ETF. Ils font l’actualité et sont à la mode chez les épargnants, mais de quoi s’agit-il ? Que veut dire ce nom barbare E-T-F ? ETF signifie Exchange Traded Funds, c’est à dire un panie…
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How does the Neuroscience of Complex PTSD meet with Carl Jung?! I explore that in this episode. Neuroscience provides the foundations. Carl Jung provides a final step. Complex PTSD or CPTSD is a real disorder with real consequences. It was recently added to the ICD-11 as a diagnosis. CPTSD is similar to PTSD, but is much more complicated due to the…
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Young Giacomo Casanova has been sent away to Padova at the age of 9 to cure his nosebleeds and get an education. He soon starts enjoying his schooling, and finds himself particularly fascinated by his teacher’s teenage sister, Bettina. What are these strange new emotions that he feels for her? And how will he feel when an older boy takes an interes…
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In this special episode of Venice Talks, Monica sits down with Fabrizio d'Oria, Chief Operating Officer of Vela Spa, the organization behind the Venice Carnival. Discover what goes into planning one of the world’s most iconic festivals and what’s in store for the 2025 edition! 🔹 Who organizes the Venice Carnival, and how is it brought to life? 🔹 Th…
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In Psychology Deep Dive podcast episode 17, Harry Venice provides a mini lecture which is an ‘Introduction to Carl Jung’s Alchemy’. We focus on Carl Jung’s text ‘Alchemical Studies’ (Collected Work 13) because it is a great introductory text for this difficult topic. In the beginning of this book, Jung discusses the classic Alchemical text: 'The Se…
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When you're walking a political tightrope you need strong nerves, good judgement, and sometimes a bit of luck. But with the resurgent Holy Roman Empire on her doorstep, Venice is politically divided between those who want to cosy up to their large and acquisitive neighbour, and those who want to keep a safe distance. The city's independence is on t…
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In this episode of Venice Talks, Monica sits down with Stefania Giannici, founder of Paperoowl, to explore the world of eco-friendly paper products. We dive into how Stefania ensures her creations respect both the environment and Venice's rich printing legacy. From sustainability in paper production to the art of bespoke, customized designs, Stefan…
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Texte : Aimé Jean Voix : Aimé Jean et Emiien Simioni Qu’est-ce qu’une action ? Nous sommes de retour pour continuer notre présentation des grands principes financiers. Après les obligations, parlons désormais des actions. Qu’est-ce qu’une action ? Il s’agit d’un titre de propriété en lien avec une entreprise. Quand une entreprise a besoin de financ…
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In this exciting episode of Venice Talks, Monica sits down with Romena Brugnerotto, the brilliant mind behind RominVenice. Together, they explore some of the most talked-about topics in Venice today. Key Highlights: 🎭 Venice Carnival 2025: Discover what makes this year's Carnival unique, with insights into new events, traditions, and must-see spect…
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On a hot August afternoon in 976, the city of Venice burst into flames, both politically and literally. After spending most of the century trying to steer a delicate but serene course between the competing interests of her much larger friends, neighbours, and rivals, the young republic could no longer contain its political tensions. If cleansing by…
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In Psychology Deep Dive podcast episode 16, Harry Venice explores the importance of living with passion and not wasting your life. It starts with small acts of letting go and getting outside of your comfort zone. These things are also linked to our attachment, trauma history and need for shadow intergration which Carl Jung said was a key to shadow …
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In Psychology Deep Dive podcast episode 15, Harry Venice explores the shadow through the "Baby Girl" movie netflix starring Nicole Kidman and Antonio Banderas. This movie explores the shadow symbol of the black dog which also appears in Goethe's book "Faust". Faust is a book which Carl Jung said was a key to shadow work and Jungian psychology. The …
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Texte : Aimé Jean et Emilien Simioni Voix : Aimé Jean et Emilien Simioni J’aimerais savoir : qu’est-ce qu’une obligation ? Bonjour à tous, nous continuons aujourd’hui notre série de podcast en lien avec la Finance. Suite au match actif vs dette, rentrons un peu plus dans le détail avec une explication de ce que sont les obligations. XX pourrais-tu …
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In Psychology Deep Dive podcast episode 14, Harry Venice provides a summary of Goethe's "Faust" and explains the roots of the shadow work concept. Carl Jung often wrote about the book of Faust and the Black Dog which appears in that story. In this way, shadow work has its roots in the story of "Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The dog represen…
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Join Monica for an insightful episode of Venice Talks as she sits down with Simone Venturini, Councillor for Social Cohesion, Residence Policies, Economic Development, Work, and Tourism. In this engaging discussion, they explore the delicate balance of preserving Venice’s rich cultural heritage while addressing modern challenges. Key Topics Covered…
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We begin our investigation into the life of the original Casanova -- a famous name whose popular reputation tends to obscure the much more interesting man who lies underneath. We start by looking at his earliest memories, and his relationship with his parents. We've got a mysterious witch, an alleged indiscretion by the Prince of Wales, copious nos…
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How do we become members of the Church of Christ and a church of Christ? How could we possibly not be a member of the Church of Christ when we are members of a church of Christ? Just Because You Are a Member of a church of Christ Does Not Mean You Must Be a Member of the Church of Christ Outline | Conversation…
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Voix : Aimé Jean et Emilien Simioni Texte : Emilien Simioni J’aimerais savoir les différences entre actif et dette Bienvenue dans le premier épisode de cette série de podcasts consacrés au monde de la Finance. Nous allons évoquer ensemble les bases de l’épargne et de l’investissement ainsi que les concepts fondamentaux qui y sont liés. Pour démarre…
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We're back in Venice this week with a couple of local legends set in the 8th and 9th centuries. First, we look at the story of the 12 Marias, featuring pirates, wedding calamities, sea battles, and the etymology of the marionette. Then we explain the supposed origin of the Venetian practice of giving a "bocolo", or rosebud, to your beloved on St Ma…
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In today's Psychology Deep Dive Podcast Episode, Harry Venice discusses Carl Jung's Collected Work 8 on: Why it’s hard to change your attitude & transforming your energy (Jungian Psychology and Shadow Work). Harry breaks down a key passage of Carl Jung's book, 'Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche' (Collected Work 8) to explain why it is hard to ch…
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We conclude our four-part investigation into the life of our own local heroine, Margaret Marshal, first Duchess of Norfolk, and we find a couple of unlikely connections to our main subject of the city of Venice in the process. Margaret and Walter are now a serious power couple, but the Golden Age of Edward's Arthurian court is slowly starting to fa…
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Amores, Les dejo esta meditación con un ejercicio de journal de 4 preguntas super poderosas: Qué recibí este año? y agradécelo. Cuál fue mi principal lección? Cuál es mi principal vacío en este momento? A qué me comprometo para yo misma llenar ese vacío (coloca en un lugar visible un objeto o papel que te recuerde a diario tu compromiso). Les Amo! …
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In the third part of our mini-series on our own local heroine, Margaret Marshal, we catch up with the glittering career of Walter Manny, the purveyor of relentless amounts of derring-do whom she married in 1353, after a long struggle to have her first marriage annulled. Get ready for Walter to buckle monumental quantities of swash as he cuts a dash…
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