梦游人间日记 微博:王黎子站在树上
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模仿播客 The WALKING podcast,录一些行走在各种地方的声音。
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各位俊男美女们,大家好 ,我是你们的好朋友音乐人潘特晰 在我的“耳机少年”专辑栏目里,你将邂逅各种不同类型的音乐。无论是活力四射的运动时刻,还是沉浸知识的学习时光;无论是驾车驰骋在路上,还是漫步在旅途之中,我的音乐都能陪伴你左右,为你营造最适配的氛围。 我致力于用音乐传递情感,激发动力,让每一个瞬间都因音乐而更加美好。快来关注我,一起在音乐的世界里畅游吧! Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most s ...
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发起人:Rachel,互联网创业者;任远,金融老江湖。 内容涉及科技、金融、创业及其他,专辑名称来源自“随机漫步理论(random walk)”。 封面设计:01interface 。
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Paths are made by walking, Stories will continue by telling … 在多年旅遊的路上,總是習慣這麼說 請貴賓把耳朵交給我 這裡,即將為您展開一趟充滿故事的旅程 這裡,有夢幻、有詭譎、有歷史、有美食,還有人性探討的故事~ 放輕鬆,跟著我的聲音,看風景 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Bukit Timah is a site of urban complexity and historical significance. The quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were built to meet the needs of a growing urban population from the early to mid-20th century, especially during the construction boom of the post-independence period. By the 1970s, the quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were exhausted. Over the years, they have gradually been reclaimed and given a new lease of life as urban parks. Embark on an acoustic journey with artist Oh Chai Hoo th ...
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Marhaban 我是萬陽! 我是一個你不注意就不會注意到的普通人 而我的podcast 也跟我一樣普通 但我就是 有 話 想 講!! 不管你是誤觸 還是真的想點進來 都歡迎跟我一起挖掘再普通不過的獵奇故事! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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哈囉,我是盒子, 我們的節目正式由「通勤短講」 轉型為更多元、更軟性的新聞週報 題材主要針對 📌喜愛遊山玩水、親近大自然的大朋友族群 A community of nature enthusiasts who enjoy hiking and exploring the outdoors. 📌需要優質時事內容的國小至高中青少年族群 Elementary to high school students who seek high-quality current affairs content. 🔊每集將會提供2則中英文雙語時事 Each episode will feature 2 bilingual news stories in both Chinese and English. 每週五晚上8點準時上架💪🏼 Scheduled for release every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. 🌈記得一定要訂閱、加入「知性盒粉」的小天地 也要贊助盒子報報基金 來鼓勵與支持盒子的創作喔🙏🏼 Remember to subscribe to and su ...
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感谢您收听 王渊源老师《清晨朗读会》,喜欢的话请点击左上方“订阅专辑”按钮,第一时间获得最新的节目动态。欢迎关注【wls英语实验室】更多精彩,与你相约!
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plain-me 由許多不同專長的夥伴組成,所以更能體會「服裝」這個文化不只單單依靠設計就能訴盡一切的。 在 plain-me 這個 podcast 小世界中,不僅陪你聊服裝設計、聊穿著風格搭配、聊創業,從服裝、流行文化出發,和大家分享不同角色,還有我們喜愛的事物。 「每週日下午更新」,打開 podcast 一同探索服裝的一切,一起搭配美好的一天。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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深度旅行|文化|議題|生活 從喜愛獨旅的旅行者化身為旅伴帶著大家深入走向世界 風格與調調,是在旅行與生活中持續培養 這裡聊旅行,但不只是聊旅行 這裡有獨旅的瘋狂、與人相遇的故事、生活獨白、精選訪談 讓我們盡情從各種視角認識世界 歡迎訂閱 | 分享 | 留言 | 追蹤IG 追蹤Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/xinglustyle/ 網站:https://lihi1.com/E9eod 留言:https://reurl.cc/9EMAjx 贊助:https://pay.firstory.me/user/xinglustyle 合作聯繫:xinglustyle@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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讨论有关城市和旅行的话题,「文艺」又「干货」。主播包括毕业于清华大学的建筑媒体人,文旅创业者,和北漂艺术家。 我们相信「每一座城市都是露天博物馆」。每一座建筑,每一条街道,每一个人,都可以是其中的展品。作为城市策展人,我们挖掘这座露天博物馆里每一件藏品的历史与故事,带你发现这座城市隐秘而伟大的所在。 你可以在微信和微博搜索「露天博物馆」找到我们。
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关于《不止是市民 | Beyond City Ambition 》 不止是市民 | Beyond City Ambition,致力于科普前沿的城市研究,探讨城市、乡村以及居住在其中每一个普通民众的生活,我们试图让人人都能多了解一点自身所生活的环境,多一个角度看城市,让城市和城市生活更加美好。 我们来自一览众山小团队,作为独立的专业志愿者团体,秉承专业理想与价值观,不依托任何机构,信守非盈利原则,帮助中国城市可持续发展。我们关注的领域包括但不限于:城市规划与发展战略、城市交通、公共交通与非机动化出行、活力街区、街道与城市设计、量化城市与大数据。 欢迎加入我们,我们的微信公众号是:一览众山小-可持续城市与交通。
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今年1月3日,中国演员王星抵达泰国曼谷。他原以为自己是去拍戏,没想到却落入了电信诈骗集团的圈套。下飞机后,他被拐骗至缅甸的妙瓦底县。 幸运的是,王星有一个机智又爱他的女朋友。她一方面报警求助,另一方面通过社交媒体发声,最终成功让王星在1月7日获救。 在飞回上海的飞机上,王星回忆了自己的遭遇。他说,当时过了河,竟然完全没有意识到自己已经离开泰国。他被关押在一个地方,和他一起被关的还有大约50人,所有人都被剃光了头。 王星的经历并非个例。在他获救后,有超过170名怀疑家人被困在缅甸的中国人发起联署,恳求当局伸出援手。联合国的数据显示,大约有20万人在柬埔寨和缅甸的诈骗中心工作。这些人遭到囚禁、虐待,被迫从事诈骗活动。 由于诈骗集团的主要目标是中国人与华人,从事诈骗工作的人中也有不少中国受害者。有…
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主播:Rachel 嘉宾:Beibei学姐,Beibei学姐在中美互联网行业拥有十余年的丰富工作经验,曾从事投资和产品管理。目前她在硅谷生活,经营一间服务创业公司与互联网客户的个人工作室,也是一名在训的心理治疗师。 剪辑:Rachel Shownotes(由音剪AI总结整理) 00:02:04:追随内心的声音:女性在家庭与事业中的成长之路 00:06:37:努力工作与追求卓越:原生家庭的传承与个人的成长 00:13:28:有意识的追求:寻找人生目标的旅程 00:20:16:重新连接朋友:心理治疗学习与情感重塑之旅 00:27:03:金钱观念的转变:从全职工作到个人热爱的自由之旅 00:33:48:探索人生新方向:从大厂裁员中找到重启机会的窗口 00:40:33:孩子进入学校后,为何对你很重要…
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在2024年岁末,中国军方一口气展示四款先进海空武器。 12月27日,全球首艘搭载电磁弹射系统的076型两栖攻击舰——四川舰,正式下水并命名。此外,解放军在成都和沈阳分别试飞两架疑似第六代战斗机,以及在西安试飞了全新的空警3000战略预警机,也都在12月26日和27日这两天里亮相。 中国在2025年之前密集展示多款世界先进武器,背后有什么深意? 这期的早报播客《东谈西论》,听主持人韩咏红与《联合早报》驻北京记者于泽远详细解析中国这次的军工大暴走是想对外发出什么弦外之音?它又会如何改变中美军事实力的平衡? 延伸阅读: 于泽远:中国军工开启暴走模式 中国“四川舰”下水 可在渡海战中执行多种任务 In a strategic move at the close of 2024, China has…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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大家好,我是你们的好朋友,艺术家Pantasy 在我的《耳机男孩时刻》专辑版块中,你会遇到不同类型的音乐。无论是动感的运动,还是沉浸在知识学习的时刻;无论是开车在路上,还是行走在路上,我的音乐都是陪伴你,为你营造最合适的氛围。 我致力于用音乐来传播情感,激发灵感 戴上耳机,享受音乐 Support the show由潘特晰
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Hello, everyone, I'm your good friend, musician Pantasy In my "Earphone Boy" album section, you will encounter different types of music. Whether it is a dynamic sports moment, or immersed in knowledge learning time; Whether driving on the road or walking on the road, my music can accompany you and create the most suitable atmosphere for you. I am c…
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