Bram Weinstein talks about sports and life in his native Washington DC area as one of the preeminent voices of the region. He's the founder of Ampire Media and the Play-by-Play Voice of the NFL's Washington Commanders and NWSL's Washington Spirit. HOME | Ampire Media
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Ein Wein-Podcast aus den Untiefen schwarzer Gläser
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Im Podcast- und Blogformat „Wein für Wein“ präsentieren wir – die Weinliebhaber*innen Kady Kirchmayr & Michael Prügl – Woche für Woche einen spannenden Wein & eine Winzerin oder einen Winzer dazu. Das Interessante daran: Der eine weiß nie, was der andere für einen Tropfen mitbringt.
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A podcast with all the recordings of Shuirim given at the Shtebiel 740301
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WEIN verkauft! untersucht die Erfolgsfaktoren florierender Weinmarken Sponsors: Amorim cork
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YUTORAH: R' Moshe Weinberger -- Recent Shiurim
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WeInspire is the only podcast where WE come together with some of the most talented women in retail. WE speak with Digital Directors, Heads of eCommerce, Marketing Directors and Global Digital Leads whose stories will help to inspire those up-and-coming superstars of today, to become the digital leaders of tomorrow.
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Join Dave as he makes his show YOUR SHOW! Something bothering you about politics or world events? Then get it off your chest!! Every Friday morning starting at 9amE/8C/6PST. Stay up to date here:
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YUTORAH: R' Moshe Tzvi Weinberg -- Recent Shiurim
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Videos about adaptive evolution, good governance, the breakdown of civil discourse and subsequent mayhem at Evergreen and other college campuses, and about the emerging Coalition of the Reasonable.
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Der eine ist Top-Sommelier, der andere Rapper und hat von Wein (noch) keine Ahnung: Willi Schlögl und Rapper Curly. Das Dreamteam ist jede Woche im Gespräch mit spannenden Gästen aus der Weinwelt und weit darüber hinaus. Wer sich für Wein interessiert, gute Unterhaltung und auch etwas Irrsinn mag, ist hier richtig. Egal ob Wein-Nerd oder völlig ahnungslos, Willi und Curly machen garantiert Lust auf die nächste Pulle!
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4 Flaschen - Der Wein-Podcast - vom Hamburger Abendblatt – alle 14 Tage neu mit den Experten Michael Kutej, Axel Leonhard und Lars Haider. Entdecke die Welt des Weins mit dem beliebten Weinpodcast "4 Flaschen" vom Hamburger Abendblatt. In jeder Folge begleiten dich Michael Kutej, Axel Leonhard und Lars Haider auf eine spannende Weinreise. Ob Rotwein, Weißwein oder Rosé – unsere Weinexperten probieren für Dich live die besten Tropfen und teilen ihr Wissen mit dir. Erfahre alles über Rebsorten ...
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Discover the transformative power of emotional healing with renowned emotion coach Moshe Weinbaum. In each episode of "Healing Within: Emotional Freedom," Moshe explores practical techniques to release emotional blocks, reduce stress, and unlock personal growth. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, self-doubt, or feeling stuck in life, Moshe offers insightful guidance and actionable steps to help you clear the path to emotional freedom. Tune in for real-life stories, expert interviews, an ...
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One of the first queries podcasts, running since November of 2004. Sometimes it's a roundtable of transgressive characters. At other times It's Madge Weinstein's stream of consciousness.
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„Über Wein kann man eigentlich nie genug wissen“, sagt Lou Schmidt. Als Wein-Expertin kennt sie sich bestens aus mit Rebsorten und Regionen, mit Säure und Süße – mit Korken und mit Schraubverschluss. In „Cheers! Der Weinpodcast mit Lou” schenkt sie uns großzügig Weinwissen ein – handgelesen, leicht verständlich und mit trockenem Humor. Was passt zu welchem Essen? Welche Rolle spielen Terroir und Tannine? Und warum gibt es überhaupt so große Qualitätsunterschiede? Co-Host Jonas Frank sorgt mi ...
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Speaker, soldier, entrepreneur. Andy Weins, owner of Greenup Solutions and author of the bestselling book, Words Fucking Matter. From the backwoods of Wisconsin through the sands of Iraq, Andy uses his battle tested experiences to bring audiences the Midwest reality check they need to optimize their life, their work, and their craft. Strap in for a high energy training session that will challenge the way you think about yourself and the world around you.
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Jason La Canfora and Ken Weinman have the INSIDE ACCESS to all Baltimore sports. Both native to Baltimore, their passion for sports is unmatched. Jason, the NFL TODAY’s NFL insider, is as well connected as any sports journalist. Ken’s fiery takes are must listen to radio. Listen to Inside Access with Jason La Canfora and Ken Weinman weekdays from 2-6pm on 105.7 The Fan, on the Audacy App or on
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Der Weinpodcast von mit Blogger Tobias alias am Telefon. Sein Gesprächspartner ist meistens Michael – langjähriger Weggefährte in Sachen Wein und Teil des Redaktionsteams bei Ab und an spricht Tobias aber auch mit Winzern oder anderen Experten. Doch immer zum Thema Wein und auf möglichst verständliche sowie unterhaltsame Art und Weise. Ganz so, dass auch Wein-Einsteiger viel Wissenswertes mitnehmen können. Alle zwei Wochen – immer dienstags – ersch ...
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Philosophie, Anthropologie und Kulturkritik in dialogischen Essays, ideengeschichtlicher Comedy, historischen Hörspielen, literarischem Schweifen und seriösen Wahrheiten. Auch im Blog unter
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"Genuss im Bus ist der mobile Weinpodcast von Wolfgang Staudt. Wolfgang trifft sich mit interessanten Typen der Weinszene und Persönlichkeiten, die den Wein ebenso lieben wie er selbst. In seinen Gesprächen versucht er herauszufinden, wie die so ticken, was sie begeistert und was sie zu den spannenden Themen rund um den Weingenuss zu sagen haben.
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Radikal ehrlich: Im Talk mit Yvonne Eisenring sprechen Schweizer Prominente über Tabuthemen wie Sex, Drogen, Lohn und Tod.
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Der Weinkabarettist Alcomedian begrüsst spannende Gäste aus der Weinbranche – Sommeliers, Weinproduzenten und Weinhändler – die ihre lustigsten und interessantesten Anekdoten zum Besten geben. Perfekt für Weinliebhaber und alle, die gute Geschichten schätzen.
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Chanukah shiurim from Rav Moshe Weinberger. Join the WhatsApp Status👉 Join the secure WhatsApp Group👉
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In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um unsere Gäste und den Wein, den sie mitbringen. Dietmar Horcicka und Thomas Mühlnickel laden ihre Gäste dazu ein, sich ein Wein-Thema und einen passenden Wein für eine Blindverkostung auszusuchen. Dabei kommen sowohl Experten als auch Neulinge auf ihre Kosten. Kein Podcast nur für Profis, sondern für alle, die einen geselligen Abend unter Freunden bei einer Flasche Wein schätzen. Neben dem Wein stehen vor allem die Gäste im Mittelpunkt des Talk-Formats – ...
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Brady Tiggleman
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Execs, sales leaders, and aspiring sales managers: Ready to create a healthy, high-performance sales culture and drive significant long-term sales growth? Had it with the noise and nonsense that passes for sales advice today and the nonstop pitches promising you a new hack, trick, or tool to solve all that ails your sales? Join practitioner, speaker, coach, and globally trusted sales expert Mike Weinberg, author of the bestselling and most reviewed sales management book, for straight talk, b ...
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Podcast by Christian Weinmayr
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"This Won't Last" with Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg
Turpentine, Keith Rabois, Logan Bartlett, Zach Weinberg, Kevin Ryan
Sit in on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel where they unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics. This Won't Last is part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more:
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You carry your own Unique Medicine…and Your Medicine is what we need for these times. Medicine for These Times with Beth Weinstein, spiritual business coach, combines grounded soul-centered business know-how with psychedelics, sacred medicines, spiritual teachings, ancient wisdom and subconscious and so you can share "Your Unique Medicine", help more people, and create transformation in the world. Host Beth Weinstein is a spiritual business coach, three-time entrepreneur, and a leader in the ...
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Just a couple of friends rambling
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Jede Folge ein neuer Gast aus Kunst, Kultur, Musik und purer Sympathie. Seit 2019 bewegt sich dieser Podcast mit einem randvollen Glas Vino in der Hand mit großen, freudigen Sprüngen durch Nürnbergs Podcast-Landschaft. Dabei gibt es unheimlich viel an wundervollem Potential, interessanten Charakteren und deren Projekte aus den unterschiedlichsten Subkulturbereichen und Kollektiven zu entdecken. Genau diesen Freigeistern, die oftmals hinter den Kulissen die Fäden ziehen, bietet Gastgeber Matz ...
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Somos uma igreja em células. Cremos que através das células aprendemos a ser uma família em Cristo Jesus. Nosso culto aos domingos às 16:00 horas
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Esther Wein on Parsha
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Rabbi Moshe Weinberger of Aish Kodesh
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A series of in-depth and off-beat interviews from comedian Brent Weinbach. With Donny Divanian.
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Hampton Roads is home to a burgeoning arts community. Classical Announcer and Content Producer Rebecca Weinstein spotlights local artists, directors, producers, and visionaries, sharing the resilience, relevance, and singularity of the 757’s creative forces.
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Willkommen zum "WINZER TALK", dem Podcast zum Wein Blog "wein-verstehen"! Hier bist du genau richtig! Ich lade dich ein mit mir den Winzern und interessanten Persönlichkeiten aus der Welt des Weins zu lauschen. Gemeinsam begeben wir uns auf eine spannende Reise durch die Weinbranche. Ich werde mit Winzern von bekannten Weingütern und Experten auf diesem Gebiet sprechen. Dabei erfährst du aus erster Hand, wie Wein hergestellt wird, welche Traditionen und Techniken dahinterstecken und wie leid ...
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Garrett Weinzierl is a nerd. He hosts podcasts about things like Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. Sometimes he wants to talk about things other than Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. So we find ourselves here where he gets to talk about things like other games, cars, cocktails, and a plethora of Q&A.
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Henry Weinreich takes you on the journey from writing your own book manuscript to publishing. What it takes, What you need to know.
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Here you can listen to all episodes of The Laibel Weiner Show! Subscribe to follow Laibel everywhere he goes!
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Jake Weingarten talks with basketball prospects across high school and college.
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„Hör mal Wein!“ Ja, du hast richtig gelesen! RPR1.-Moderator Kunze führt dich in diesem Podcast durch die Welt des Weins. In spannenden, witzigen und hoch informativen Interviews mit Winzern und Weinexperten erfährst du exklusive Einblicke, Hintergrundinfos und tolle Tipps – ganz im Sinne „in vino veritas!“ „Das Leben ist zu kurz, um schlechten Wein zu trinken“ wusste bereits Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Also, lass dich von unserem Wein-Podcast und den tollen Winzern aus Rheinland-Pfalz berat ...
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Der Krimi zu Stuttgart 21
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Director Matthew Weiner (Mad Men) talks about his big-screen directorial debut Are You Here? The comedy follows childhood best friends Ben (Zach Galifianakis) and Steve (Owen Wilson) as they embark on a road trip back to their hometown after one of them has inherited a large sum of money from his estranged father.
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Lernt mit uns was über das Leben, die Liebe und alles, was dazugehört. Mehr von uns findet ihr auf Die Hosts deines Vertrauens: Mona: Lisa: Hier geht es zum Impressum von Das sind die Datenschutzrichtlinien von
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Are you, a friend or a family member Transgender? Do you have questions and don't know who to ask? Here are two best friends giving you an inside look at what someone who transitioned goes through and his best friend who has been there from the beginning.
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Political commentator Jamie Weinstein sits down with the most powerful names in politics, business and media to get a better understanding of how they got to where they are, and how they see the world. You'll learn about their biographies, their core beliefs and what they think about what is going on in the world today.
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Als wir Matthias Warnung für diese Folge im Kamptal besuchen, strahlt er mindestens so viel Ruhe aus, wie seine eigenen Weine. Er stammt aus einer Winzerfamilie, also war's irgendwie klar, dass er die Weinbauschule in Klosterneuburg besuchen muss. Dort ging's dann eher ums durchkommen, dafür war die Gemeinschaft im Internat grandios. So richtig ist…
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Einige Empfehlungen von Ernährungsdoc Matthias Riedl seien wie Robert Habecks Heizungsgesetz zu dogmatisch, sagt Fernsehkoch Christian Rach. Es gehe doch auch um Lebensfreude. Selbiger fröhnen wir bei diesen vier Weinen: 6:40 Hampton Water, Languedoc AOP 2024, Gérard Bertrand 17:19 III Freunde Grauburgunder Trocken, Rheinhessen 2023 30:50 Bockstein…
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Ein gebrochener Arm zwingt uns zur Improvisation bei dieser Folge. Reden wir also spontan über die Frage, wie höflich Weinkritiker sein sollten. Das Paket für die angekündigte Verkostung findet Ihr hier. Wenn Ihr beim Checkout den Gutscheincode Felix12 eingebt, dann erhaltet Ihr 12 Prozent Rabatt auf die Weine. Viele der wunderbaren Weine, die wir …
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Die Community hat mal wieder fleißig Fragen gestellt – und deswegen wird’s höchste Zeit für einen neuen, buntgemischten Fragenhagel! In dieser Folge unter anderem mit dabei: Wie alt können Weinpflanzen eigentlich werden? Was ist die optimale Trinktemperatur für Wein? Und welcher Rotwein eignet sich für den Einstieg? Obendrauf gibt’s Lous Meinung zu…
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100 Folgen von Bei Anruf Wein sind ein Grund zum Feiern. Deshalb reisen Michael und Tobias in die wohl berühmteste Weinregion überhaupt, dem Bordeaux. Cédric ist als gebürtiger Bordelais mit von der Partie, denn er hat die beiden eingeladen, mit ihm Baron Edmond de Rothschild zu besuchen – ein Name wie ein Donnerhall im Bordeaux. Vor Ort treffen si…
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Heiner & Valentin Sauer - tolle Mischung aus Bodenständigkeit und Bescheidenheit, Unternehmergeist und Abenteuerlust
Zu gast im Podcast "Genuss im Bus" sind Vater und Sohn vom Weingut Sauer in Landau-Nußdorf Der Link zum Weingut Heiner und Valentin Sauer: Link zur Weinkenner Masterclass: https://dr-staudt-weinerlebnisse.de由Dr. Wolfgang Staudt
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Sport und Wein – Auf den ersten Blick wirkt diese Kombination eher ungewöhnlich, doch Tony Neukom, der zusammen mit seinem Bruder das Weingut Neukom in Wil bei Rafz führt, sieht klare Parallelen. In der ersten Folge des Podcasts erzählt Tony von seiner ungewöhnlichen Laufbahn: Vom Sportartikelverkäufer hin zum Winzer. Gemeinsamkeiten gibt es seiner…
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In today's episode of "Healing Within: Emotional Freedom," we delve into the transformative power of emotional healing. Our discussion highlights real-life stories that illustrate how disconnecting from the chaos of the digital world can pave the way for inner peace. One poignant story features a guest who, after years of battling anxiety, chose to…
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In this episode, we journey alongside our host as he shares a personal story of transformation through emotional release. After grappling with anxiety and self-doubt, he discovers the liberating teachings of a workshop led by an insightful guide. Through the exploration of suppressed emotions, he learns that confronting and embracing feelings can l…
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Call and get it off your chest! 573-578-2700 Special Guests: Moshe Rothchild, J.J. Bradshaw, Chris Adamo, Anders W. Edwardsson, Mark McCloskey由Dave Weinbaum
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Bram is joined by ESPN and John Keim Report host John Keim to look back at 2024 and look ahead to 2025 for the Commanders. Plus Bram looks at the long list of Commanders free agents. HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit由Ampire Media
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In the pursuit of emotional healing, finding peace within ourselves is often a profound journey. This episode of Healing Within: Emotional Freedom delves into essential strategies that encourage mindfulness and self-reflection. Listeners are invited to embrace simple practices like deep breathing and journaling, which can serve as powerful tools fo…
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Bram and Callow revisit the name change discussion and talk about some prominent Commanders players whose futures are in question. HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit由Ampire Media
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Meshivas Nefesh (42) Opening Up Through Honest Speech - Jan 30, 2025 -由Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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In this captivating episode, we explore the transformative realm of energy healing through heartfelt conversations that resonate deeply within us. Our guest shares enlightening techniques such as tapping and visualization, revealing how these practices can help release trapped emotions and foster emotional freedom. Listeners will discover the profo…
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Der Weinpodcast mit Willi, Curly & Freunden Sterne-Talk bei TundA*! Ohne Curly, aber mit einem hochmotivierten Willi und Schelli. Der Anlass? Seit letzter Woche ist der Guide Michelin endlich wieder in Österreich - genauer gesagt in der österreichischen Fläche außerhalb von Wien und Salzburg. Und es regnete Sterne im Plejaden-Style: Insgesamt hat Ö…
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Sounds like a YOU problem… or is it? Too many people get stuck blaming, making excuses, or waiting for life to happen to them. In this episode, I break down the Ish-You vs. Ish-Me mindset and the six “I” statements that will help you take ownership of your life. If this episode hits home, do me a favor—subscribe, leave a review, and share it with a…
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Bram and Callow discuss rumors of name and uniform tweaks for the Commanders after their season ended this past weekend. HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit由Ampire Media
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In this episode, we chat with Lauren Duncan, Head of eCommerce at Phillip Kingsley, about her incredible journey from sales consultant to leading digital strategy for a global beauty brand. Lauren shares how she built her career in the fast-paced world of eCommerce and digital marketing, navigating challenges from workplace bullying to sexism and s…
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Emotional freedom is a profound journey that invites us to confront our inner landscapes and embrace our feelings without judgment. By acknowledging our emotions, we can release the weight of past traumas and open ourselves to healing and growth. This process often begins with simple yet powerful practices like journaling or mindfulness, allowing u…
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The guys discuss how far the Ravens are away from getting to a Super Bowl, some unrestricted free agents that would make sense for the team to sign, a big home game for the Terps on Wednesday against No. 17 Wisconsin, David Rubenstein's comments about salary and a salary cap in the MLB, how many platoons we will see for the Orioles this season, and…
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In the final hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss some unrestricted free agents the Ravens should be looking at in the offseason. They also talk about how close the Ravens are to being a Super Bowl team and are joined by Evan Washburn.
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CBS Sports Reporter, Host, and Analyst Evan Washburn joined the show to discuss the Ravens and covering the AFC Championship. He touches on what it'll take for the Ravens to win a Super Bowl, if they'll be able to soon, the officiating in the Chiefs-Bills matchup, and much more.
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In the third hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss why they'd expect a ton of platooning from the O's again in 2025. They also touch on David Rubenstein's comments on salary and are joined by Andy Kostka.
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Orioles writer for The Baltimore Banner Andy Kostka joined the show to share his thoughts on the Orioles offseason. He touches on his expectation for the season, Dylan Carlson being an underrated move, Jackson Holliday taking a big step this season, and much more.
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In the second hour of Inside Access, the guys listen to Art Rooney sound and discuss what they believe the plan is for the Steelers in 2025. They also talk about what they're most sick of with the upcoming Super Bowl and are joined by Reeta Hubbard.
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In the first hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss which UFA's make the most sense for the Ravens to sign in the offseason. They also touch on how far away they think the Ravens are from winning a Super Bowl and the Terps great play of late.
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Bram and Callow recap the thoughts of GM Adam Peters and Head Coach Dan Quinn the day after the Commanders season ended in the NFC Championship game. HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit由Ampire Media
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Leaving Mitzrayim: Finding Ourselves and Our Portion in Torah - Jan 28, 2025 -由Weinberg, Rabbi Moshe Tzvi
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In the realm of emotional healing, energy plays a crucial role in shaping our experiences and well-being. As we journey through life, we often encounter emotional blockages that hinder our ability to connect with our true selves. These blockages, whether rooted in past traumas or present anxieties, can manifest as physical discomfort or mental unre…
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In the third hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss if they're buying any of the Ravens young pass rushers. They also talk about what a realistic expectation for the Terps is in March and are joined by Gene Wang and Jacob Calvin Meyer.
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Orioles writer for The Baltimore Sun Jacob Calvin Meyer joined the show to talk all things Orioles as we inch closer to spring training. He touches on Jackson Holliday expectations for this season, why Mayo will probably start the season in Triple A, if he expects the Orioles to make another move, and much more.…
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Are we concerned about the Baltimore Orioles owner David Rubenstein's comments in his interview with Yahoo Finance?
In the second hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss why Orioles owner David Rubenstein's comments in his interview with Yahoo Finance concern them. They also touch on which Orioles prospect they expect to take a step forward this season and the Chiefs dynasty.
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In the first hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss how impressed they were with the Terps two road victories. They also touch on the conference championships and the Ravens firing their LB's coach.
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Bram and Callow look back at the Commanders NFC Championship loss to the Eagles. HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit由Ampire Media
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Chaburah Yosef HaTzadik (218) Connection, the Heart of Yiddishkeit - Jan 19, 2025 -由Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe
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In the pursuit of emotional freedom, we often find ourselves grappling with the weight of our past experiences. The journey towards healing is not merely about forgetting; it’s about confronting and understanding the emotions that have shaped us. By engaging with our memories—both painful and enlightening—we can begin to untangle the intricate web …
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Die Bundestagswahl steht an und wiedervereint sprechen Jakob und Bruno über ein kompliziertes, relativ junges und hochphilosophisches Gefühl - das Ressentiment. Im deutschen ein Lehnwort aus dem Französischen, für das es keine wirklich adäquate Übersetzung gibt - im Französischen ein vom König des Essais, Michel de Montaigne, eigens geschöpftes Wor…
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In this episode of Healing Within: Emotional Freedom, the host takes listeners on a profound journey through the complexities of emotional healing. Reflecting on personal experiences with anxiety and grief, he shares how the teachings of a renowned mentor provided solace and guidance during turbulent times. With a powerful metaphor of a young tree …
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In the journey of life, resilience stands as a vital pillar, enabling us to rise above challenges and embrace emotional freedom. It’s not the absence of adversity that defines us, but rather our response to it. By reframing our perspectives on difficult situations, we can transform obstacles into opportunities for growth. This episode delves into p…
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This man needs no introduction. Und trotzdem bekommt er eine: Claus Preisinger zählt in der internationalen Naturweinszene zu den ganz großen Namen – und mittlerweile haben zum Glück auch wir Österreicher verstanden, dass Rotwein aus dem Burgenland elegant, saftig und zeitlos sein kann, wenn er aus der Feder von Leuten wie Claus stammt. Im Weingame…
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In the second hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss if they think Derrick Henry will be able to dominate next season like he did in his first year with the Ravens. They also discuss their best bets for the weekend and are joined by Ariel Epstein, Aditi Kinkhabwala, and Beltway Ben Hall.
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Orioles Hall of Famer Mike Bordick joined the show to discuss his thoughts on the Orioles offseason. He touches on the additions, if they did enough, why it would benefit to extend some of their young talent now, and much more.
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Reporter and storyteller for NFL on CBS Aditi Kinkhabwala joined the show to talk all things NFL as we enter conference championship weekend. She touches on the Ravens gut wrenching loss to the Bills, how hot Mike Tomlin's seat really is, George Pickens possibly being moved, and much more.
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In the first hour of Inside Access, the guys discuss the Terps big win over Illinois. They also talk about what the future holds for Lamar Jackson and how much they'd like to see the Ravens offense evolve next season.
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Call and get it off your chest! 573-578-2700 Special Guests: Moshe Rothchild, J.J. Bradshaw, Chris Adamo, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, Asst. Secretary of HHS Nominee Jeff Zink由Dave Weinbaum
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