榮獲第23屆媒體觀察基金會兒少優質節目:聲音類兒少評審團獎 聽我的原創英文故事、唱唱Silly Songs搞笑英文歌,學英文快樂又舒壓! 商業合作 | tsandytsaiyu@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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#旅行 #歷史 #文化 #世界各地的奇聞逸事 身為多元文化的信徒,相信地球因為分歧而美好。在解鎖地球 podcast 節目裡,只要發生在地球上任何角落的事情我們無所不談。 點開節目,跟我們的聲音一起環遊世界。 商業合作歡迎來信: alice@lumosads.biz 活動、講座邀約請來信: deromanx@gmail.com 在 Instagram、Facebook 搜尋「解鎖地球」並追蹤我們: https://linktr.ee/unlock.the.earth.podcast Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse cultures and share stories that intersect Chinese and American culture to interrupt barriers and create connections. The Spark is a cultural haven - A space held by a friendship between two women from two different countries, meeting at the point where their cultures, identities and stories intersect. Their conversations are grounded in transparency as they move beyond previous perceptions and ideas of the other to form deep conn ...
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分享我的成長人生 有正面和負面 我們可以一起進步👍 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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全新的中文播客系列将探索新加坡华族文化与新加坡华人身份的独特之处。通过在本地长大的两位年轻人——世明和嘉洋的视角,以幽默风趣但时而发人深思的对谈,分享他们对新加坡华族文化的观点和经历,包括食物、语言、价值观和节日。 Featuring two young guys who grew up in Singapore, the brand-new Mandarin podcast series will explore the unique aspects that make up our Chinese Singaporean identity in a casual and personable setting.
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精彩可期的網路電台混音作品,由來自台灣的DJ DAN CHEN所操刀製作,每半個月更新一次。 Outstanding wonderful mix produced by the DJ DAN CHEN from Taiwan. Updated every 15 days. 早期Progressive House / Trance 現在House / EDM 偶爾Tribal House 在Gay Party中串串場 MEDIA / BOOKING : mason@danchen.asia
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Daily Quote Winter is the trial of the soul, a test of man's endurance. (George Santayana) Poem of the Day 雪梅 卢梅坡 Beauty of Words The Pond in Winter Henry David Thoreau
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We’re back behind the mic after quite a hiatus (we’ve both had A LOT going on since May)! This first episode back marks a particularly special one though, because it’s the first episode we’ve EVER recorded in person. So, we ceremoniously recorded this one on Winter Solstice, around a campfire in Meg’s backyard in Montana, and took part in a Winter …
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Daily Quote In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (Martin Luther King) Poem of the Day 江雪 柳宗元 Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories Hans Christian Andersen
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❤️小額贊助好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 兒童雙語新聞是我想為孩子們做的一件小事。用孩子能理解的語言,說說適合孩子的新聞故事。如果你曾經透過我的podcast獲得幫助,邀請有能力的朋友進一步透過贊助幫助聽故事學英文永續經營,長期以免費的形式陪伴孩子學習成長! 【本集新聞英文全文】雙語報紙下載 On December 3rd, President Yoon Seok youl, the president of South Korea suddenly declared martial law on a late-night TV broadcast. The military quickly took charge. “I can’t believe th…
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Daily Quote The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself. (Charlotte Brontë) Poem of the Day And Death Shall Have No Dominion Dylan Thomas Beauty of Words 醒心亭记 曾巩
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Daily Quote It always seems impossible until it's done. (Nelson Mandela) Poem of the Day Dreams – are well – but Waking’s better Emily Dickinson Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories Hans Christian Andersen Seventh Story What Happened in The Snow Queen's Palace and What Came of it
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【2025 知識衛星高峰會:打破閾值,湧現增長】 ✅ 特邀 32 位國內外大師,面對面深度互動 ✅ 聚焦 7 大主軸深度分享,涵蓋多元領域,2 天精彩議程 ✅ 獨家未公開內容,總價值 40 萬課程精華,票價不到 5,000 元 結帳輸入「F200」再享 $200 折扣! 👉 詳情: https://fstry.pse.is/6yqkrp #打破閾值 #湧現增長 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 訪談嘉賓:林瑞昌 ✈️吉光旅遊總經理 ✈️國際線資深領隊 ✈️《無限長的旅行》作者 【一刻鯨選╳資深領隊林瑞昌聲音課】 打造不後悔旅遊行程必備,全台第一檔「旅行思維」線上課 20年國際領隊極致淬鍊,從心境到實例的全旅遊指南 完美旅程,點擊開始👉https://bit.ly/3…
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Daily Quote He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. (Emily Bronte) Poem of the Day Nothing gold can stay Robert Frost Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories - Sixth Story Hans Christian Andersen
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Daily Quote The desire for beauty is human folly. Wise people never wish to be beautiful, nor do they care about the beauty of others. (Anne Bronte) Poem of the Day 智慧之歌 穆旦 Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories - Fifth Story Hans Christian Andersen
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購買《小哈巴狗的草莓骨頭》繪本 支持好書 https://lihi.cc/nqpqF 輸入【lovesandy】享九折優惠! 故事:小哈巴狗的草莓骨頭 作者:一起說故事 英文翻譯:張采聿 Tsaiyu Chang --- ❤️支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 個人網站 | sandy-tsaiyu.com/ Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/ Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/ Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h 商業合作請來信 tsandytsaiyu@gmail.com ----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 繼陽明第一…
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Daily Quote In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (Martin Luther King) Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories - Fourth Story Hans Christian Andersen
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過年大魚大肉,棒免出來好難受? 交給 FutureSalad 全清高纖新沙拉飲✨ 純天然蔬果製成 無藥性成分好安心 一包含有5.7g膳食纖維能促進腸道蠕動 6到12小時順暢排空!輕輕鬆鬆 一次全清💩 連假不斷貨‼️屈臣氏實體門市販售中 Momo快速到貨 https://fstry.pse.is/6zrkqj —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— Keith 回歸,這次不講里程點數,而是帶我們走一趟專屬於東京人、最在地的東京散步街區!即將出發日本的我還不聽爆。 《東京現地特搜》 帶你去逛,東京人的東京。 購書連結:https://researcher.studio/shop-tokyouncovered 研究生 Keith 臉書:https://ww…
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Daily Quote I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will. (Charlotte Bronte) Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories Hans Christian Andersen Third Story The Flower Garden of the Woman Who Could Conjure
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Daily Quote Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. (Mario Puzo) Poem of the Day 短歌行 曹操 Beauty of Words Matilda Roald Dahl
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❤️支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 【MILAN西班牙文具】 ✅ 團購優惠85折起 https://gbf.tw/syedh 【滿額禮】滿$1500免運 滿$699送果凍自動鉛筆0.5mm (顏色隨機/限量50名) 滿$1999送雲彩朵朵圓桿色鉛筆6色乙盒(限量50名) 買隨行畫筆袋著走系列,送單孔削筆器橡皮擦乙個 下單就送小動物U型夾(限量100組) 【🎁加碼禮物】 只要跟團(不限金額),我就會從訂單中抽出一位,贈送一盒神奇的「魔法變色彩色筆」和我的手寫卡片,當作感謝小禮物喔! --- 2024年11月「環法自行車賽」第一次來到台灣日月潭。我們當然也參加了!天還沒亮就出門,路上被好多聽眾認出來,也巧遇Eno的好朋友Chien,當天騎完車就立馬邀請小車手…
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在我们上一次面对面录制的节目中(在Amy离开蒙大拿之前),我们回顾了在山中共度的时光,以及我们各自的2024年。此外,我们还讨论了创作障碍,Meg分享了她克服这些障碍的方法。Amy讲述了她在面对遴选困难时的叛逆精神,以及她挑选书籍影音的过程,这引发了我们对大大小小的决策进行了更广泛的讨论。点击听取更多内容! In our last episode recorded in-person before Amy left Montana, we reflect on our time together in the mountains and 2024. Plus, we also talk about creative blocks and Meg shares something that’s…
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Daily Quote Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. (William Shakespeare) Poem of the Day 雪梅 卢梅坡 Beauty of Words The Snow Queen Hans Christian Andersen Second Story A Little Boy and a Little Girl…
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Daily Quote Winter is the trial of the soul, a test of man's endurance. (George Santayana) Poem of the Day Winter Morning Alexander Pushkin Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories Hans Christian Andersen Story the First Which Has to Do with a Mirror and its Fragments
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【新年走春採買,來台中港OUTLET!】 全家大小「蛇」麼都對味的好地方 美食+美景+美好購物體驗 大人好買:全館2折起,免費可停車 小孩好玩:海景摩天輪,免費兒童遊憩區 週邊好逛:鄰近高美濕地、大甲鎮瀾宮,一日皆達成! 連結 : https://fstry.pse.is/6ywzsx —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 卡卡的旅程注定會卡卡的,第一次去秘魯就碰上政變、被迫躲進修道院,即使最終好不容易來到馬丘比丘老天也不賞臉… 跟著卡卡走一趟拉丁美洲之旅吧! 《把人生裝成66升的背包, 獨自旅行世界440天》 購書連結在此~🩵 誠品:https://eslite.me/6esr94 城邦讀書花園:https://pse.is/6esr88 博客來…
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Daily Quote Imagine all the people living life in peace. (John Lennon) Poem of the Day Afterwards Thomas Hardy Beauty of Words The Pond in Winter Henry David Thoreau
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Daily Quote The world is little, people are little, human life is little. There is only on big thing – desire. (Willa Cather) Poem of the Day The Darkling Thrush Thomas Hardy Beauty of Words Matilda Roald Dahl
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Daily Quote Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. (Mario Puzo) Poem of the Day On Winter's Margin by Mary Oliver Beauty of Words The Old and the New Schoolmaster Charles Lamb
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【2025 知識衛星高峰會:打破閾值,湧現增長】 ✅ 特邀 32 位國內外大師,面對面深度互動 ✅ 聚焦 7 大主軸深度分享,涵蓋多元領域,2 天精彩議程 ✅ 獨家未公開內容,總價值 40 萬課程精華,票價不到 5,000 元 結帳輸入「F200」再享 $200 折扣! 👉 詳情: https://fstry.pse.is/6yqkrp #打破閾值 #湧現增長 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 「懷疑,依然義無反顧, 因為不踏出第一步,就永遠不會知道答案。 於是,我把背起66升的30歲人生, 走進7大洲、37個國家,來一趟與自己相遇的行旅!」 跟著卡卡一起走過巴爾幹半島吧! 在各大 Podcast 平台搜尋「解鎖地球」收聽本集節目! 《把人生裝成66升的背包, 獨自…
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Daily Quote Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one. (Brad Paisley) Poem of the Day On Self-Knowledge Kahlil Gibran Beauty of Words “今” 李大钊
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給小朋友的新年祝福 Mistakes mean you’re trying—keep going! Dream big, work hard, and have fun! Your dreams are never too big — So reach for the stars! Every day is a new adventure, so make it amazing! You’re stronger than you think and braver than you know. Be kind, be curious, and never stop learning. Believe in yourself. It’s your year to sparkle and shin…
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Daily Quote You cannot catch a child's spirit by running after it; you must stand still and for love it will soon itself return. (Arthur Miller) Poem of the Day December Night D. H. Lawrence Beauty of Words 孩子 梁实秋
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Daily Quote The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. (Plutarch) Poem of the Day 留别王维 孟浩然 Beauty of Words 中年:当家的滋味 余秋雨
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Daily Quote Curious things, habits. People themselves never knew they had them. (Agatha Christie) Poem of the Day 明月皎夜光 《古诗十九首》 Beauty of Words I Find Plenty of News in Old Books Danny Heitman
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❤️支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 動物冷知識:動物是怎麼保暖的? How do animals keep warm in the winter? Emperor penguins huddle together to keep warm. Snowshoe Hares put on a fluffy white coat to keep warm. Some wood frogs simply FREEZE like a popsicle! Some animals move and simply run away from the cold. --- 個人網站 | https://sandy-tsaiyu.com/ Instagram | insta…
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過年大魚大肉,棒免出來好難受? 交給 FutureSalad 全清高纖新沙拉飲✨ 純天然蔬果製成 無藥性成分好安心 一包含有5.7g膳食纖維能促進腸道蠕動 6到12小時順暢排空!輕輕鬆鬆 一次全清💩 連假不斷貨‼️屈臣氏實體門市販售中 Momo快速到貨 https://fstry.pse.is/6zrkqj —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 第一次去非洲就挑戰西非獅子山共和國 6 個月... well。 《Friends Of Nixon Memorial Hospital 參考頁面》 https://www.givey.com/friendsofnixonmemorialhospitalsegbwema?fbclid=IwY2xjawEfXh…
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Daily Quote A man is useless who sits and thinks of what he cannot have. (Daniel Defoe) Poem of the Day The Window Pane Rene Char Beauty of Words Mrs. Battle’s Opinions on Whist Charles Lamb
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Daily Quote The world is little, people are little, human life is little. There is only on big thing – desire. (Willa Cather) Poem of the Day 短歌行 曹操 Beauty of Words Matilda Roald Dahl
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Daily Quote To be beautiful and to be calm, without mental fear, is the ideal of Nature. (John Lubbock) Poem of the Day Beginning By James Wright Beauty of Words The Philosopher W.S. Maugham
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Daily Quote The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. (Plutarch) Poem of the Day The Darkling Thrush Thomas Hardy Beauty of Words Educated Tara Westover
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Daily Quote In a society where appearances are everything, the only way to succeed is to be a hypocrite. (Stendhal) Poem of the Day 留别王维 孟浩然 Beauty of Words El Dorado Robert Stevenson
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*本集錄音中,將「happening bar」誤說成「opening bar」,特此更正。 ⭐️ 世界任意門 Podcast簡介 邀請來自世界各地的嘉賓分享出國動機、如何找到海外留學工作機會、以及在異國生活的心得與感想。不論你是憧憬海外生活、計劃出國留學或工作,這個節目會是你在異國生活的指南針,帶你深入了解不同國家的文化。 🟣 收聽世界任意門: Apple Podcast|Spotify 🔴 Instagram: 世界任意門|主持人Alicia ⚫️ Threads: 世界任意門|主持人Alicia 🔵 Podcast文字版: Medium|Dcard - → 喜歡解鎖地球嗎? 一鍵支持,讓我們繼續產出優質節目:https://open.firstory.me/user/unlockthee…
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Daily Quote Time held me green and dying Though I sang in my chains like the sea. (Dylan Thomas) Poem of the Day Morning at the Window T.S. Eliot Beauty of Words 中年:当家的滋味 余秋雨
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Daily Quote Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity. (Jean de La Bruyère) Poem of the Day 蛇 冯至 Beauty of Words Birth of Sister Tan Shih-hua
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Daily Quote There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil – a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome. (Jane Austen) Poem of the Day Beginning By James Wright Beauty of Words Two Friends(2) Guy de Maupassant
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感謝【富邦證券】贊助播出【兒童理財高手】系列 歡迎下載&列印本集Ep188英文文字稿! 【訂閱富邦證券,投資訊息隨時掌握】 快來參加富邦證券2023年優惠活動: 台股手續費100萬以下超佛心優惠 (新戶獨享~12/31前) 台幣活儲最高2.5%及美元活存最高3.4%起 ( 新開立北富銀奈米存數位帳戶~12/31前) 七大海外市場免收低收手續費好評延長 (~12/31) 定期定額存台股 ~ 手續費優惠中 (不足1元以1元計) 定期定額存美股 ~ 每月約定扣款最低30美元(或1千元台幣)就能買 ❤️一指開立台股、美股、基金 ✅ 立即開戶 https://pse.is/535nnn --- ❤️支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 個人網站 | sandy-tsai…
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Daily Quote To be beautiful and to be calm, without mental fear, is the ideal of Nature. (John Lubbock) Poem of the Day Maybe, Someday Yannis Ritsos Beauty of Words Two Friends(1) Guy de Maupassant
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【2025 知識衛星高峰會:打破閾值,湧現增長】 ✅ 特邀 32 位國內外大師,面對面深度互動 ✅ 聚焦 7 大主軸深度分享,涵蓋多元領域,2 天精彩議程 ✅ 獨家未公開內容,總價值 40 萬課程精華,票價不到 5,000 元 結帳輸入「F200」再享 $200 折扣! 👉 詳情: https://fstry.pse.is/6yqkrp #打破閾值 #湧現增長 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 明信片投稿 https://forms.gle/PyfSjUZqAqRcFNhs5 - → 喜歡解鎖地球嗎? 一鍵支持,讓我們繼續產出優質節目:https://open.firstory.me/join/unlocktheearth → 在社群上 follow 我們:http…
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Daily Quote The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack. (Rudyard Kipling) Poem of the Day 关山月 李白 Beauty of Words The Philosopher (3) W.S. Maugham
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Daily Quote Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. (Charles Dickens) Poem of the Day 赠别 舒婷 Beauty of Words Will O’ the Mill Robert Louis Steveson…
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Daily Quote Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity. (Jean de La Bruyère) Poem of the Day A Word to Husbands Ogden Nash Beauty of Words The Philosopher (2) By W. Somerset Maugham
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【惦佃】是恆春海苔老店(一芳行)第4代成立的新品牌,以「惦念佃煮」為初心,接承一芳獨特的台灣風佃煮技術,秉持家傳美味,不添加防腐劑及人工香料,使用高成本的青海苔 (green seaweed) 作為原料,全程手工製作,保留海苔天然纖維及豐富營養。文莉和正彥是我們家的老朋友,也是恆春古城家傳超過六十年的海苔醬職人。每次一踏進恆春老街的店裡,就會聞到一股青海苔曬乾的清香海味。 雙語訪談系列是特別為孩子製作的,找我身邊有趣的朋友,用孩子會有興趣的角度去提問,英文用字遣詞力求單純、生活化,內容富教育意義。為了讓孩子聽得更輕鬆,訪談以中文和英文雙語進行。最特別的是,我的來賓也都很願意用雙語對話,雖然來賓們英文不一定都很完美,但是我們想向孩子示範一種態度:「能夠說出來的英文,就是最好的英文!」英文應該用…
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Daily Quote They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. (Andy Warhol) Poem of the Day 蛇 冯至 Beauty of Words The Philosopher (1) By W. Somerset Maugham
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Daily Quote A happy life consists in the tranquility of mind. (Marcus Tullius Cicero) Poem of the Day I Took One Draught of Life Emily Dickinson Beauty of Words Birth of Sister Tan Shih-hua
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Daily Quote A man on a thousand mile walk has to forget his goal and say to himself every morning, ‘Today I’m going to cover twenty-five miles and then rest up and sleep.’ (Leo Tolstoy) Poem of the Day Musée des Beaux Arts W.H. Auden Beauty of Words The Spectacles By Edgar Allan Poe
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