出生台湾,现在正在暴走世界的Lily边走边爱的学英语环游世界的历程,2014年开始每天一集播客已经走了43个国家,每天分享一句旅行格言,带你探索充满爱、丰盛和自由的人生,只因生命就是一场精彩的旅程! 免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战 https://flywithlily.com/30 预约一个30分钟的免费通话咨询 https://calendly.com/flywithlily/30mins
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想買書,但係唔知睇咩好?想睇書,但係又冇時間? Sparksine Podcast頻道每星期為你推介唔同嘅書,幫你發掘更多好書,提升你嘅閱讀興趣。 Sparksine每星期為你挑選以及推介不同的好書,讓你在繁忙的生活享受閱讀。香港廣東話讀書頻道,每星期為你推薦好書。 了解更多: https://www.sparksine.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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description coming later or never......
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Podcast by Wong Ho Fai
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生活苦悶嗎?光良和朋友們CoolTalk,輕鬆閒聊生活大小事。讓我們用聲音陪伴大家。 Fountain/Apple Podcast/SoundOn/Spotify 每週五不定時上線!請幫我們五星留言和追蹤! Fountain收聽拿比特幣sats:https://fountain.fm/show/yqLFSjomH9YGvLWc5K5B 比特幣丟這裡(閃電網路)BTC Lightning:xymusic@pay.bbw.sv (工商洽談請聯絡:sam@xymusic.com / hans@xymusic.com) 光良社群: 官網 | www.XYmusic.com FB | https://www.facebook.com/michaelwong.guangliang/ IG | https://www.instagram.com/michaelxymusic/ YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/user/xymusic #光良 #光說瘋良話 #CoolTalk #XYmusic -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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廣東話/粵語頻道 王小姐9up 乜都講下 聯絡 mswong9up@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Hong Kong podsafe music podcast
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Everything about Digital Advertising & Social Media Marketing 論盡數碼廣告大小事 掌握社交媒體新方向 用至update marketing資訊 用至實戰嘅廣告技巧 激發你嘅廣告營銷潛能 展現你嘅 MARKETING SUPERPOWER https://getmarketingsuperpower.com/
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我是Qistin芭樂媽, Qistin Wong TV 為親子最大素食料理影音平台, 分享馬來西亞太太的台灣蔬食生活。 從鋼琴老師變成全職媽媽後, 喜歡用影片呈現食物的味道, 喜歡用文字記錄生活的驚喜。 因為有素食寶寶,讓我更想進入廚房燒飯做菜, 因為在異鄉生活,懷念的食物不得不自己下廚。 每天都進出廚房為家人做菜, 讓食物的香味四溢在整間家, 這就是家的味道。 希望我們可以一起愛護動物,愛護地球。 Youtube: Qistin Wong TV Instagram: qistinwong Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「愉樂 Pleasure」, 為愉悅和娛樂所結合而成的詞語, 是由「王楷翔 Oliver Wong」主持, 以個人視角看待事情及述說自身經驗, 期望與聽眾能夠克服一切難關成長茁壯。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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黃妍 (Cath) 在2017年時本打算在女巫店演唱這一次後就放棄音樂夢,回到香港乖乖當個上班族。誰知反在那次表演中被人賞識,成為她歌手事業的開始。 Cath想以podcast告訴你知她所喜愛的生活是甚麼面貌。由手沖咖啡聊到美食,由台劇談到手作,文化生活無所不談,更會在每集介紹一些與主題有關的音樂。 一起來場思想旅行吧! 更多有關我的連結:https://linktr.ee/CathWong
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何韻詩Podcast。 新Co-host黃詠詩加盟菇武門Podcast,兩個茂利女歌手/演員同你講生活、講工作、講理想,喺笑聲中分享通往更好一個自己的各種小秘訣。| Denise Ho's Official podcast with co-host Wong Wing Sze. Sharing life tips, bringing you interviews with Hongkongers, inspiring you to pursue a better and more fulfilled life.
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2015年,在為期三天的可持續發展峰會上 ,聯合國發佈了17個可持續發展目標 ,從社會、環境、經濟三個層面推動可持續發展。Hi 17 SDGs 系列節目從第一季 - 「Hi 17SDGs 逐個講」,兩位主持人每集訪問不同的可持續發展規劃師,一同探討可持續發展目標在本地與國際層面的進展;到第二季 - 「Hi 17SDGs 逐個行」,每集訪一間不同領域的認證可持續發展企業(CSDC),並與青年大使、大中學生一同共同探討企業如何將可持續發展目標融入商業模式、企業運營;第三季 - 「Hi 17SDGs 逐個做」的主人翁是各個不同類型的機構,包括學校、社企等,主持人將與機構中的不同持份者,例如學校校長、老師、同學共同解析其推動可持續發展的獨特「配方」,讓我們一起把一個更美好的世界,留給下一代。 主持人: Prof. Karen Q. CHEUNG 張沁教授 香港聯合國教科文組織協會執行會長兼秘書長 香港可持續發展教育學院院長 CSDP 可持續發展規劃師 Prof. Thomas C. C. WONG 王象志教授 香港中華廠商聯合會常務董事兼可持續發展委員會主席 CSDP 可持續發展規劃師
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My Voice Cast Practice
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你知道各種麵食的英語怎麼說嗎?如何用英語介紹我們特有的麵食文化呢?「學英語環遊世界」主播Lily Wong,受邀科技部人文創新與社會實踐計畫、國立中山大學社會實踐與研究發展中心並參與SKB文明鋼筆文具店在4.10~5.9的「畫說鹽埕麵」展覽來獻聲說法! 本系列總共十集! 高雄「畫說鹽埕麵」展覽的細節內容網站,歡迎大家到高雄鹽埕SKB玩: https://www.kaostar.com/star/yanchengnoodles 關注主播最新動態 FB| http://facebook.com/flywithlily IG | http://instagram.com/flywithlily Webpage| http://flywithlily.com Podcast製作 FB| http://facebook.com/ipodcasttw 「FLY WITH LILY 學英語環遊世界」最新節目收聽最新節目 Spotify https://reurl.cc/m9KdgG Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/Kj161j Google Podcast ht ...
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白白給你,解決你工作生活大小事,每周邀請專業大來賓和小白姐對談分享,真正為大家解決在工作、生活上碰到的疑難雜症! 每週四更新一集,更多內容討論或是許願來賓,歡迎加入工作生活家社團一起討論吧 ▶ https://www.facebook.com/groups/wljofficial Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Listen to Hong Kong Cantonese News slowly and nightly. Slow Cantonese News for intermediate and advanced Cantonese learners. 廣東話新聞,慢慢聽,晚晚聽。慢速廣東話新聞,適合中級或者高級廣東話程度嘅你。|| Learn Cantonese | Learn Hong Kong Cantonese | Learn HK Cantonese | Hong Kong News | 香港 | 學廣東話 | 學港式廣東話 | 學粵語 | 學港式粵語 | 香港新聞 || Transcripts: www.tsubasacantonese.com | Vocabulary videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfpdgw4DSofVUo63ZTZBagCgWOV-4pRSC
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格言: "The future belongs to those who dare to take risks." 未来属于那些敢于冒险的人。 挑战问题: "What skills or talents do I want to develop further?" 我想进一步发展哪些技能或才能? 我的回答: I'd like to be better at learning and speaking languages. I find more sense of achievement when traveling and speaking their native language in the country that I travel in. So far I can speak En…
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格言: "Step into the unknown, and discover what you’re made of." 踏入未知,发现真正的自己。 挑战问题: "How do I usually react to change, and how can I shift that perspective?" 我通常如何对待变化,我可以如何改变这种看法? 我的回答: I like change in my environment; however, I have a hard time changing the status of one relationship. I experienced both of my parents passing away at an early age.…
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格言: "She believed she could, so she did." 她相信自己能做到,所以她做到了。 挑战问题: "What are three things I’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet had the courage to do?"我一直想尝试但还没有勇气去做的三件事是什么? 我的回答: "I've been wanting to do some things I consider very beautiful but that would also push me out of my comfort zone. These include shaving my head, getting dreadlocks, an…
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支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 本集介紹香港電影《破地獄》,探討生死、親情與傳統偏見。 電影中,年輕殯儀策劃師與老一輩破地獄師傅的交流,引人反思生命的意義。 電影深入描述了父女間的情感張力: 女兒雖崇拜父親,但因為性別而被忽視。這樣的父愛隱晦卻深刻,反映出傳統與現代思維的碰撞。 死亡是電影另一個重要的議題。影片中,主角對死亡的恐懼引發人們思考:如果將來無法陪伴家人,我們要如何面對這份憂慮? 片中還討論了對女性的偏見:父親對女兒的冷漠正是受傳統偏見所影響。這讓我們反思,為何在一些傳統行業中性別歧視仍然存在? 電影提醒我們珍惜當下,不要讓恐懼掌控生活。珍惜和家人的時光,不要等到失去才後悔。 Hosted…
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格言: "The comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there." 舒适圈是一个美丽的地方,但无法成长。 挑战问题: "Who are the women in my life that inspire me to take risks, and what can I learn from them?" 我生活中哪些女性激励我冒险,我可以从她们身上学到什么? 我的回答: There are many women who have been inspiring me to take risks. The first one would be Lisa, an English lady who I met in Spain,…
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格言: "Dare to be different, and step out of your comfort zone." 勇于与众不同,走出舒适圈。 挑战问题: "What is one risk I’ve always wanted to take but haven’t yet?" 我一直想冒的一个风险是什么,但还没有去做? 我的回答: I've been wanting to hire a team member to my Fly with Lily team, but I'm very scared to do it. I've had bad experiences working with others and felt very uneasy to delegate th…
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Sparksine讀書會:https://class.isaac.mba/sparksine-hk-2024 支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 在本集的Podcast目中,Isaac探討了《川普拯救美國》這本書。 這本書由一位美籍蒙古裔作家撰寫,從他的觀點切入,揭露川普的「仇恨學」、槍械法案以及孤立主義的多重面向。 作家在書中對川普的政策持正面評價,特別是川普對憲法的支持,如擁護美國公民持槍的權利,同時也闡述了他對於孤立主義的態度。 透過本書,讀者可以理解美國政治的各個方面。 無論你對川普有何評價,這本書將挑戰你的觀點,並讓你重新審視新聞和政治報導背後的真實性。 在理解這本書的過程中,一定環理性分析、…
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格言: "You are capable of more than you know." 你比自己想像中更有能力。 挑战问题: "How would I define my comfort zone, and what does it look like?" 我如何定义我的舒适区,它是什么样子的? 我的回答: My comfort zone would be settling for a well-paying job and staying in one place and not following my dreams, which is traveling the world with my online business. I was living very comfortably …
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今日格言: "Growth begins at the end of your comfort zone." 当你走出你的舒适圈,你就开始成长了。 Day 1 挑战问题: "What fears are holding me back from stepping outside my comfort zone?" 什么恐惧让我无法走出我的舒适区? 我的回答: I'm afraid to get hurt and be different than others, and I will end up getting nothing to show for. That was why I prefer to be in my comfort zone, where I don't stand o…
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今日格言:"Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world; declutter both." “你的外在世界是你内心世界的反映;清理两者。” Day 30 挑战问题:"How can you create a more intentional life through decluttering?"“如何通过断舍离创造一个更有意图的生活?” Living an intentional life means making deliberate choices about how you spend your time, energy, and resources in alignment with your values, goals,…
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Sparksine讀書會:https://class.isaac.mba/sparksine-hk-2024 支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 大家好!今天要跟大家分享一本令我深刻思考的書籍:《香港製片》。 這本書帶領我深入了解香港電影的獨特魅力與製作艱辛。香港電影不僅代表一種文化,更是一種精神。 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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今日格言:"Be brave enough to let go of what no longer serves you."“勇敢放下那些不再服务于你的事物。” Day 29 挑战问题:"What would your life look like if you were no longer weighed down by excess?" 中文:“如果你不再被过多的东西拖累,你的生活会是什么样子?” Answer: "My life is pure and simple. I'm just happy with everything I own. I'm open to new people, things, and experiences. I'm surrounded by natur…
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今日格言:"In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself." “在放手的过程中,你会失去许多过去的东西,但你会找到自己。” Day 28 挑战问题: How can you practice gratitude for what you have while letting go of what no longer serves you? 中文翻译:“你如何在感恩现有的同时放下不再服务于你的东西?” My Answer: "I usually take 5 minutes in the first hour of my day for a gr…
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今日格言: "Decluttering is a journey to self-discovery." “简化生活是一段自我发现的旅程。” Day 27 挑战问题: What is the first step you can take to simplify your life today? “今天你可以采取什么第一步来简化生活?” Answer: Although I have already done a lot to simplify my life, I think the first step I can take today is to always leave a place tidier when I leave. For example, my desk is pret…
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今日格言: "The joy of letting go is greater than the fear of it."“放手的快乐大于对它的恐惧。” Day 26 挑战问题: How can decluttering your physical space inspire you to declutter your mind and emotions?“清理你的空间如何启发你清理心灵和情绪?” Answer: By letting go of my physical clutter, I started to feel more self-aware of my emotions and realized how much negativity I had been holding on…
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在這一集的Sparksine廣東話讀書會中,我們邀請到資深投資專家莊博士來分享投資心得。 從他如何應對市場巨幅波動、避免賠光資金,到如何使用200天均線進行技術分析來管控風險,提供寶貴的投資實戰心得。 無論你是新手還是有經驗的投資者,這些不為人知的策略將幫助你在下一次股市波動中站穩腳步。本集關鍵字包括:風險管理、技術分析、股票投資策略、高通脹時代投資技巧等,幫助你在不確定的市場中找到投資的信心與方向。 支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 捕魚投資學購買連結:https://www.enrichculture.com/products/9789888853229 支持Sparksine: patreon.…
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留下你的問題: https://forms.gle/95KY8HWnWa3TYQuMA 支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 本集將會回應觀眾的提問: 1個性太認真如何與人相處? 2. 怎知道要堅持還是放棄? 3. 如何知道別人是真關心你 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Create a life you love by removing what you don’t." “透过移除你不爱的事物,来创造你爱的生活。” 今日问题: What’s the most meaningful thing you’ve gained by letting go of something? “你放下一些东西后获得的最有意义的东西是什么?” My Answer: For me, by letting go of material things and unnecessary commitments, I've gained more freedom and time. …
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." “简单是最极致的优雅。” Day 24 挑战问题: How can decluttering help you build a life that reflects who you truly are? “断舍离如何帮助你建立一个反映真实自我的生活?” For me, I feel that as I strip away my belongings, I'm also stripping away mental clutter. It's like a magical approach to sim…
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Let go of the unnecessary, and you’ll find what is truly essential." “放下不必要的,你会找到真正重要的东西。” Day 23 挑战问题: What emotions come up when you think about decluttering, and how can you work through them? “当你想到断舍离时会产生哪些情绪?你如何处理它们?” Answer: "I often think about the things that I really have a hard time let…
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你现在可以到我的网站 flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Owning less is better than organizing more." “拥有更少比常常要整理更好。” Day 22 挑战问题:How can you make decluttering a regular practice rather than a one-time event? “如何让断舍离成为常规,而不是一次性事件?” My Answer: To make decluttering a regular practice, I believe it’s important to create small, consistent habits. For exampl…
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支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 在這集中,Isaac探討反社會人格的特徵和行為模式,並介紹了心理學書籍《4% 的人毫無良知,我該怎麼辦》。 書中深入剖析了那些缺乏同情心、冷酷無情的「冰人」,並提供了有效的應對策略。你將了解如何辨識這些無良知者,避免成為他們操控的目標,以及如何保護自己免受傷害。 如果你對心理學或自我保護有興趣,這集Podcast絕對不容錯過! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"Decluttering is infinitely easier when you think of it as deciding what to keep rather than what to throw away." “当你把断舍离看作决定保留什么而不是丢掉什么时,简化生活就变得容易许多。” Day 21 挑战问题:What does "enough" look like for you in terms of possessions, commitments, and relationships?“在物品、承诺和关系方面,对你来说什么是『足够』?” My Answer: When…
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"Clutter isn't just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships, and bad habits." “不只是物理的东西会造成杂乱,旧想法、有毒的关系和坏习惯也会。” Day 20 挑战问题: How does a clutter-free environment contribute to your happiness and well-being? “干净整齐的环境如何促进你的幸福和福祉?” My Answer: I am very lucky that even though I’ve been travel…
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你现在可以到我的网站 flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"Live simply so others can simply live." “简单生活,让他人也能简单生活。” Day 19 挑战问题:What are you afraid of losing if you let go of certain items or habits?“如果你放下一些物品或习惯,你害怕失去什么?” For me, I sometimes worry that if I let go of certain things, I might be losing money or precious memories that remind me of differen…
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你现在可以到我的网站flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Less is more."“少即是多。” Day 18 挑战问题:"How can decluttering help you move closer to your dreams and goals? “清理杂物(断舍离)如何帮助你更接近梦想和目标?” My Answer: Now that I’m traveling with only the things I truly need, I can focus more on the priorities in my life. I feel light and at ease. I'm already on my world trav…
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支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 本集Podcast深入探討了《自信練習:內向者的氣勢培育》這本書,揭示了自信心的真正來源以及如何通過心理學和腦科學的方法來培養自信。 作者伊恩·羅伯遜結合了科學研究,將自信拆解為結果預期和效能預期兩大要素,幫助聽眾了解如何在不同場合保持自信。 此外,我們還分享了如何通過調整心態、掌控感和實用練習,來實現持久的自信心。這集Podcast將為你提供建立自信的具體行動指南,讓你擺脫自我懷疑,展現真正的自我。 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Simplify your surroundings to simplify your soul." “简化你的环境,简化你的灵魂。” 节目更正:澳洲非常普遍的 Op Shops 代表的意思 Opportunity (机会) Shops 我用的读书app叫做:everand Day 17 挑战问题:What memories are you holding onto through physical items, and can you find another way to honor them? “有哪些记忆是通过物品保存的?你可以找到其他方式来纪念它们吗?” Answer: "Fo…
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留下你的問題: https://forms.gle/95KY8HWnWa3TYQuMA 支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 本集將會回應觀眾的提問: 1個性太認真如何與人相處? 2. 怎知道要堅持還是放棄? 3. 如何知道別人是真關心你 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "The best things in life aren’t things." “生活中最好的东西不是物品。” Day 16 挑战问题: What’s the most cluttered area of your life, and what small steps can you take to address it? “你生活中最杂乱的区域是哪里?你可以采取哪些小步骤来解决它?” Answer: "For me, although I’ve already deleted a lot of files and unused apps on my digital devices, I…
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言 "To find joy, declutter your mind and space." “想找到快乐,就要清理你的心灵和空间。” Day 15挑战问题: How can simplifying your schedule create more time for what truly matters? “如何用简化时间表为真正重要的事情创造更多时间?” 我的回答: "If you're feeling overwhelmed by your schedule, try breaking it down into blocks of time dedicated to what reall…
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你现在可以到我的网站 flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"The things you own end up owning you."“你拥有的东西最终拥有了你。” Day 14挑战问题:What are the top three priorities in your life, and how can decluttering help you focus on them? “生活中最重要的三个优先事项是什么?清理杂物(断舍离)如何帮助你专注于它们?” Answer: "For me, my top three priorities are self-care, world travel, and my online business. I’m…
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支持Sparksine: www.sparksine.com www.patreon.com/sparksine 在這集內容,Isaac和大家深入探討如何提升自己的說服力和溝通能力。 你將學到7個關鍵條件,包括如何組織你的語言、確保對方聆聽以及讓他們在行動中獲得價值。這些實用的技巧不僅能在職場上增強你的影響力,還能改善你與他人的關係。 如果你想成為一位更有說服力的溝通者,這集絕對不容錯過! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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大家好,欢迎来到我们的第1700集!今天是个特别的日子,我准备了32个澳洲俚语来庆祝,因为我现在人在澳洲嘛!哈哈,澳洲的俚语真是有趣又绕口,我以前一直以为我英语还不错,到了澳洲才发现又是一个新的学习领域,大家要准备好笔记喔,这集不听就亏大了! 1.Arvo = 下午 = Afternoon Example: "Let's meet this arvo." 中文翻译: "我们下午见。" 2.Brekkie = 早餐 = Breakfast Example: "I had toast for brekkie." 中文翻译: "我早餐吃了吐司。" 3.Macca's = 麦当劳 = MacDonald’s Example: "Let's grab some Macca's for dinner."…
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光良爸媽居然坐輪椅!?發生了什麼事? 勝民打電話怒罵XXX,沒想到居然是因為。。。 柏軒沒有做詐騙,但他的XX卻一直在騙人。。。 欣翰在慶功宴挑戰XX失敗了,下一次他能成功嗎? 良心推薦: 光良 2024「今晚我不孤獨2.0 」巡迴演唱會最後一站10月6日印尼泗水等你們來~ IG、FB現在限動可以在音樂庫內選星娛音樂出的作品囉❤️ Nostr可以聯動 Fountain囉 (懂的人就懂) Fountain/Apple Podcast/SoundOn/Spotify —— 搜尋cooltalk #光說瘋良話podcast #今晚我不孤獨2.0 #颱風 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn…
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你现在可以到我的网站 Flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like."“幸福就是放下你对生活应有样子的期待。” 第13天挑战问题:How would your life change if you let go of everything that doesn't serve you? “如果你放下所有不再服务于你的东西,你的生活会如何改变?” Answer: "I think I would become more confident, whole, and happier. I would no lo…
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你现在可以到我的网站 flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "A clear space creates a clear mind." “干净的空间创造清晰的思维。” Day 12 挑战问题:What is one thing you can let go of today that will make your life easier? “今天你可以放下什么东西来让生活变得更轻松?” Answer: "For me, I want to let go of the feeling of shame. I realize that holding onto shame has been weighing me down, and if I can …
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支持Sparksine: www.sparksine.com www.patreon.com/sparksine Sparksine QnA: https://forms.gle/fhBfSzFfgkh3wvns6 這集Podcast討論的是一本激勵心靈的書籍《行動致富》,作者拿破崙希爾通過與億萬富翁卡內基的對話,揭示了成功的核心法則:信念、行動與持續的心態訓練。 節目中分享了如何培養堅定的信念,如何面對失敗,並將其轉化為成功的機會。無論你是正在尋找致富方法,還是想要提升個人成就,這集內容都能提供寶貴的啟發。 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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你现在可以到我的网站 flywithlily.com 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"Letting go is the path to freedom."“放下是通往自由的道路。” Day 11 挑战问题:How does your digital life (emails, files, social media) contribute to your overall sense of clutter? “你的数位生活(邮件、文件、社交媒体)如何影响你的整体杂乱感?” Answer: "For me, my emails are definitely cluttered with unread messages, and I haven't been good at k…
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今日格言:"Your home is living space, not storage space." “你的家是生活空间,不是储物空间。” Day 10 挑战问题:What relationships are cluttering your emotional space, and how can you address them? “有哪些关系让你的情感空间感到喘不过气?你如何处理它们?” Answer: "For me, there are some friendships that make me feel drained, especially when it seems like I don’t live up to their expectations. In those m…
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你现在可以到我的网站flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Minimalism is not about having less; it’s about making room for more of what matters." “极简主义不在于拥有更少,而在于为真正重要的事物腾出更多空间。” Day 9 问题挑战: How can you create more space for creativity and relaxation in your life? “如何在生活中创造更多空间来激发创意和放松?” "For me, I find that being close to nature is when I feel the most re…
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想每星期讀好書、聽好書? 訂閱:www.sparksine.com 或 patreon.com/sparksine Sparksine電子報: blog.sparksine.com Sparksine Instagram: www.instagram.com/sparksine Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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你现在可以到我的网站Flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"You can't reach for anything new if your hands are full of yesterday's junk."“如果你的手里全是昨天的垃圾,你无法触及新的事物。” Day 8 简化生活挑战问题: What fears or beliefs are keeping you from letting go of things?“有哪些恐惧或信念让你无法放下东西?” Answer: "For me, I think one of my biggest fears is that if I let go of something, I won’t find …
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支持Sparksine: 1. www.sparksine.com 2. www.patreon.com/sparksine 在這集節目中,Isaac和大家探討《自律即命運》這本書,作者 Ryan Holiday 將斯多噶哲學的智慧融入日常生活中,幫助我們理解自律與自由之間的關聯。 節目中,我們深入討論了避免「過剩」的思維、如何成為自己生活的主人,以及堅持出席的重要性。 透過古羅馬政治家和傳奇棒球員的故事,本書揭示了自律的真正力量和如何應用在生活中。如果你對個人成長和斯多噶哲學有興趣,這集絕對不容錯過! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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今天,我们有幸邀请到一位特别的嘉宾——Lilu,她带着独特的生活故事,与我们分享她从台北到澳洲的非凡旅程。从失恋后孤身前往陌生国度,到在澳洲找到自己的人生方向,Lilu用坚韧与勇气,诠释了什么叫做迎接挑战、超越自我。她从不会讲英文,到在异国他乡打拼、结识爱人,并最终在澳洲定居,开始了属于她的全新人生。 在这次访谈中,Lilu会与我们一起探讨文化冲击、语言学习的艰辛,以及移民生活的点滴。她的故事不仅感动人心,更能让我们看到人生的每一次转折,都是一段不可思议的成长旅程。 无论你是否也曾梦想过环游世界,还是正在追寻自我,Lilu的经历都将为你带来深刻的启发和力量。让我们一同走进她的故事,感受那份勇敢与自信。 Lilu的聯繫方式 IG:https://www.instagram.com/outsid…
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光良演唱會現場發現他媽居然睡著!!!光良無奈直接XXX 勝民觀察王!察覺各地演唱會歌迷差異,並結論出未來演唱會該怎麼準備驚喜! 柏軒是黑色素之王,防曬原來是和命運作對! 欣翰被光良認證XX很重而相當自滿。。。 良心推薦: 光良 2024「今晚我不孤獨2.0 」巡迴演唱會最後一站10月6日印尼泗水等你們來~ IG、FB現在限動可以在音樂庫內選星娛音樂出的作品囉❤️ 詳細資訊請至官網 Fountain/Apple Podcast/SoundOn/Spotify —— 搜尋cooltalk #光說瘋良話podcast 📍Nostr專屬內容,趕快追蹤我的Nostr! Follow my Nostr for Nostr exclusive contents! 我的 Nostr public key: …
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Hello everybody, I have a tip and advice that was given to me by life coach Lily to help reach your goals and organize your life. So everybody get a notebook and get a pen and leave the first page blank and put above there, right above there, weekly to-do list. Then get a second page blank and write down monthly to-do list. 大家好,我有一个由生活教练 Lily 给我的建议…
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0:02 开场介绍,Lily Wong 主持《学英语环游世界》节目,并介绍嘉宾 Stella。 0:35 Stella 介绍自己,提到她在巴厘岛待了两周,接下来还会在这里待两周,并计划前往 Jabb 岛体验当地文化。 1:50 Lily 说明 Stella 在志工期间非常受欢迎,并分享了一个关于阿根廷朋友 Messy 的故事。 3:10 Stella 讲述与 Messy 在巴厘岛西部海滩上发生的故事,并提到他们在海边欣赏星空的浪漫经历。 4:30 Stella 回忆自己因为太激动,在海边奔跑时丢掉了左脚的拖鞋,并描述 Messy 如何勇敢地帮助她找回拖鞋。 6:30 Stella 分享了她与父母之间的关系,特别是她总会在信息中对父母表达爱意。 8:00 Stella 谈到东亚父母通常不善于直…
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支持Sparksine: www.sparksine.com www.patreon.com/sparksine 本集 Podcast 探討了《蔡康永的情商課 2》這本書中的三個關鍵主題,包括如何認識新朋友、建立健康的情感界線,以及如何讓自己在面對外界的批評時刀槍不入。 Isaac深入分享了書中的實用技巧,幫助我們在日常生活中提升與他人的互動質量,避免情緒勒索,並在社交場合中展現高情商。 這集特別適合想要提升人際關係、加強自我保護的聽眾。 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Peace begins when clutter ends.' (当杂乱结束时,平静开始。) Intro: "Welcome to Day 7 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we begin with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and share some personal experiences. The goal is to help you find inner peace and happiness by simplifying your life." 开场白: “欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第7天!每天,我们会从一句…
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