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y_Tell Tale Tail

在所有故事的結尾之後,之後的之後發生了什麼事情? 故事的結尾不是句點,逗點之後總有一些轉折,不得不,或是矛盾的那些。 一個人或是一群人,興之所至隨意的聊聊我們生活與生命中的那些逗點。 若有任何回饋,歡迎在Apple Podcast上留言,或是寄信到信箱: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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靠北少女 在线看|2020上映|完整版小鴨|在线看小鴨| 靠北少女 (电影)2020年再次觀看电影 《靠北少女 》 在线看电影(2020) 靠北少女 在线看(2020)完整版 靠北少女 线上看(2020)完整版 靠北少女 |1080P|完整版本 靠北少女 在线看完整版小鴨 靠北少女 (2020)完整版本 靠北少女 在线看完整版 靠北少女 在线看小鴨 靠北少女 电影完整版 靠北少女 在线看下載 靠北少女 2020 下載 靠北少女 澳門上映 靠北少女 2020上映 靠北少女 HD在线看
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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喜歡請客的男生,堅持AA制的女生,認為應該要AA制的男生,喜歡被請客的女生,排列組合大亂鬥的情況下,誰遇到誰除了靠緣分,是否還有更多的可能性? 我們不是女性主義的代言人,也不是沙文主義的奉行者,卻共同生活在這個父權紅利的框架下。NUTS在日常生活的行走,宛若一種例行性的研磨,不小心被嗑碎的那些,不過都是來不及被撿拾起的困惑碎片。被迫請客的之後,我們希望聊聊那些,無關是非對錯,但願下次都可以更圓融的學會這種應對眉角。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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如果說小孩子的快樂是無拘無束所以快樂,長成大人的痛苦,或許就是各種各樣的壓力纏身,所以我們不再是個小孩。 登大人的第二課,從識別壓力的存在,到培養自己的紓壓方法,從情緒到夢境,壓力的無所不在成為塑形我們之所以為我們的樣子,只是我們真的知道壓力是怎麼作用的嗎? NUTS的長大,或許就是在如胡桃鉗般的壓力下,破殼而出,我們剖露真心,想看看內裡的果仁,是否一如最初,保有歲月的皺痕,又富含多種營養/各種可能。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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小時候亂入大人的聊天場景,總會被拉著耳朵告誡:「囝仔人有耳沒嘴。」長大之後,我們真的就學會了怎麼開啟話題嗎? 登大人的第一課,我們都在學什麼可以說,什麼不能問。 也可能更多時候,我們都成為話題裡的他人,又或者成為不太認識的自己。 NUTS的默契考驗,在互相授權之間,學著長成可以被信任的大人。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「如果有一天,你的手足/朋友走上街頭,儘管你並未參與任何行動,當涉及你的升學、升遷、生命安全時,你會給出那份名單嗎?」不再是電影或遊戲,當成為現實的那一天,當走過了那一切以後,你是忘記了,還是從未想起來? 「__歸__,政治歸政治」彷彿成為近年各大論戰的起手式,只是生活在當今社會的我們,真的可以這麼乾淨俐落的說一切與政治無關嗎? 從新聞事件中的機車騎士無限待轉,到香港反送中運動,我們怎麼看待爭取自身權益時的手段與社會失序之間的尺度拿捏?面對諸多議題衝擊,以及大量資訊爆炸的時代,如何看待與消解這些對話所引發的「麻煩」? 政治從來都不是一件小事,但也正是身邊的種種小事,我們都在探索某種秩序的邊界,以及思考自己是誰,將去往何方。 希望某天,我們都不再因為文字,或因為彼此的誤解/歧見,入罪。 Pow…
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學校分組報告還在當雷隊友?出社會當小主管或是當人下屬不知道怎麼溝通?那麼你很可能是還不知道該怎麼吵架,或說是還沒學會溝通的技巧(?) 吵架不完全是一件壞事,更重要的是如何更加認識合作雙方的默契,釐清問題的邊界,以及好好的和好。NUTS嗑聊著不再復原如初的關係,也許幫助彼此更認識自己,也許和好後更加強韌,能夠一起走向更遠的地方。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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NUTS嗑嗑單元的PODCAST初體驗! 大學認識的我們,畢業之後回顧那段日子帶給NUTS的一點啟發。 從小組報告的雷隊友到溝通合作的重要性,從工學院的效率總結到社科院的多元關照,大學三學分──學業、社團、愛情(暫時忽略這項)──我們是低空飛過的及格,還是穩紮穩打得分畢業? Powered by Firstory Hosting
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好像什麼事都沒做,但也什麼事都發生了的2020終於迎來尾聲。 分享了我們的2020年度代表字,在末日將臨而未臨的這一刻,希望留下一點真實而平凡的生活註記;同時總結GOOGLE TRENDS的電影、戲劇、議題的關鍵字排行榜,推薦我們心目中的年度最佳戲劇和電影! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Watch Now! ►► Watch Now! ►► 导演: 浜崎慎治 编剧: 泽本嘉光 主演: 广濑铃 / 堤真一 / 吉泽亮 / 松田翔太 / 西野七濑 / 更多... 类型: 喜剧 官方网站:由doubanentertainment
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Watch Now! ►► Watch Now! ►► 导演: 浜崎慎治 编剧: 泽本嘉光 主演: 广濑铃 / 堤真一 / 吉泽亮 / 松田翔太 / 西野七濑 / 更多... 类型: 喜剧 官方网站:由doubanentertainment
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Watch Now! ►► Watch Now! ►► 导演: 浜崎慎治 编剧: 泽本嘉光 主演: 广濑铃 / 堤真一 / 吉泽亮 / 松田翔太 / 西野七濑 / 更多... 类型: 喜剧 官方网站: 制片国家/地区: 日本由doubanentertainment
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his episode is about the reasons for creating this podcast. I hope this podcast can help me find partners, cooperators and friends who have same interest in education. As saying does, many roads lead to Rome, I may be one of them, and because of my limited experience, my thoughts can be immature, but I sincerely hope you can share your points of vi…
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This episode is about the relations of 9 topics I have recorded. In this episode, I will give and explain the relations of 9 topics one by one. In general, the first 4 topics are the basis of my stance on education reform/revolution, the next 2 topics express education from an individual aspect, and the last 3 topics are about the significance of e…
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Thanks for listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: In ecosystem, diversity depends on variation of life and places species occupy. Education needs diversity, but so many people treat diversity by our appearances, identities and ethnic groups, which are learned from stati…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” I sincerely thank and respect the ancestors’ work and efforts, and I think we should follow their steps to improve education …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: This society never lacks wealth and talents, just as this world never lacks gold and diamonds. However, they both need a way to find them. The first one who found gold and diamonds is only a spreader of the news, bu…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Lifelong learning, as Wikipedia explains, is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons… It not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: The ability to choose helps us cope with future’s uncertainty, and the ability to learn deals with the past and the present. One who has ability to choose must own the ability to learn, but not everyone who is able …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Should we use our definition of excellence to decide others’ future, or should our views are being changed by others’ excellence of all kinds? SAT, for example, brings convenience to the evaluation process, but it i…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: When education is for everyone, it is only a privilege to keep giving to fill a bottomless hole. When it is for all people, it helps people realize what they need and then helps them to satisfy the needs. As Chinese…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: What is the biggest risk when improving education system? Financial barrier or our avarice for talents and our indifference to unequal opportunities? The main difference between people and things is that things are …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: For an admission officer or an interviewer, does he read applications as part of his job or a sense of mission to seek the talents? It’s different that one works for salary, one works for responsibility and one work…
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