Using the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology content outline for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board exam, starting with the most high yield, Dr. O'Leary has created this podcast for anyone interested in CAPS and also to help him study for the boards. Enjoy! Let Dr. O'Leary know what you think by going to and filling out the form there.
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Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Each month JAACAP highlights a selected article found within the pages of the Journal by providing a podcast interview with the author. Tune in regularly to this feature of JAACAP, where we strive for a relaxed 'fireside chat' atmosphere in which authors can share aspects of their science that we are less often privy to. Podcasts are typically 15 to 20 minutes in length.
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Scoping Review: Digital Mental Health Interventions for Children and Adolescents Affected by War: JAACAP February 2025
JAACAP February 2025: Contributing Editor Dr. Narpinder Kaur Malhi interviews Dr. Andrea Danese and Dr. Bennett L. Leventhal on limited evidence for the use of digital mental health interventions for children and adolescents affected by war.由Various
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Let me know what you think! - In the last episode, I introduced behaviorism, which took a strikingly different approach to human learning and development by basically assuming that everything we are on the inside is somehow learned from the environment, except for some of the most basic things we need for survival. Our inner life and the reasons we…
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Let me know what you think! - I have so far discussed some of the early psychosexual, psychosocial and cognitive approaches to child development, but I would be remiss if I did not also mention a group of theorists who attempted to study humanity by completely ignoring the fact that they have thoughts and emotions. The behavioralists tried to simpl…
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Let me know what you think! - In episode 8, I started discussing temperament theory with an introduction to Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess. They first developed a temperamental formulation by following 141 children longitudinally and proposed 9 dimensions of temperament that can be reduced to three basic categories: Easy, Difficult, or Slow-to-w…
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Maternal Migration, Prenatal Stress and Child Autistic Traits: Insights From a Population-Based Cohort Study: JAACAP January 2025
JAACAP January 2025: Contributing Editor Dr. Apurva Bhatt interviews Dr. Anne E. de Leeuw on a study that found women with a migration background reported more stress during pregnancy and more autistic traits in their children six years later than mothers without a migration background.由Various
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Let me know what you think! - While it may seem quaint today, the radical contribution that Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess made to child development was to look at children as unique individuals with very different innate approaches to the world that were present at birth. While processes like attachment and their psychosocial context help to de…
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Let me know what you think! - Attachment theory began when John Bowlby rebelled from the psychoanalytic establishment by, for the first time, observing families interacting in order to understand individuals. Bowlby was later joined by Mary Ainsworth who developed on of the most iconic clinical tools in the history of child psychology: The Strange …
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Let me know what you think! - Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory of development focuses on the social and emotional aspects of human growth. A child’s cognitive development underlies what Erikson describes and arguably, without the cognitive skills described by Piaget, the psychosocial stages that Erikson describes would not be possible. Erikson's …
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Let me know what you think! - Jean Piaget's description of cognitive development is markedly different from psychosexual and psychoanalytic approaches. He was concerned primarily with cognitive abilities. Instead of basically just making up a complex inner life and mode of relating to mommy’s breast, he described the kinds of cognitive tasks childr…
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Let me know what you think! - Following Freud, there were many researchers trying to make sense of child development using his psychosexual approach as a framework. Among those that adopted the psychoanalytic approach was his daughter, Anna Freud, who has been called “the mother of child psychoanalysis.” Other mothers include the developers of Obje…
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Let me know what you think! - Sigmund Freud's psychosexual approach proposes that human development unfolds in a series of stages, each focused on a different erogenous zone. Successful resolution of conflicts in each stage is crucial for healthy personality development. Dr. O'Leary gives a brief breakdown of Freud's psychosexual stages. Feedback c…
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Let me know what you think! - Dr. O'Leary reviews the basic developmental milestones children are expected to reach by age 5. Feedback can be submitted via a form at This is not medical advice. Please see a licensed physician for any personal questions regarding y…
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Let me know what you think! - Dr. O'Leary introduces PsyDactic - CAPS Edition, explains the goal of this podcast, and how it was produced. This podcast is intended as a study aid for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board exam. Feedback can be submitted via a form at This i…
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Yearly and Daily Discrimination-Related Stressors and Mexican Youth’s Mental Health and Sleep: Insights From the First Wave of a Three-Wave
Family Study: JAACAP November 2024
JAACAP November 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Jesse Hinckley interviews Dr. Margarita Alegría on the powerful methods of combining yearly and daily time data toinvestigate how and for whom discrimination-related stressors lead to adverse outcomes.由Various
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Randomized Trial of an Organizational Implementation Strategy to Improve Measurement-Based Care Fidelity and Youth Outcomes in Community
Mental Health: JAACAP October 2024
JAACAP October 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Rana Elmaghraby interviews Dr. Gregory A. Aarons about measurement-based care (MBC), which collects session-by-session symptom data from patients and provides clinicians with feedback on treatment response.由Various
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Remission, Recovery, Relapse, and Recurrence Rates for Suicide Attempts and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury for Suicidal Youth Treated With Dialectical Behavior Therapy or Supportive Therapy: JAACAP September ...
JAACAP September 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Narpinder Malhi interviews Dr. Michele S. Berk about a study evaluating rates of remission, recovery, relapse, and recurrence insuicidal youth who participated in a clinical trial comparing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Individual and Group Supportive Therapy (IGST).…
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Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Do White Noise or Pink Noise Help With Task Performance in Youth With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or With Elevated Attention Problems: JAACAP August 2024 ...
JAACAP August 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Apurva Bhatt interviews Dr. Joel T. Nigg on a systematic review and meta-analysis that included 13 studies and found that white/pink noise improved cognitive performance for children and young adults with ADHD or high ADHD symptoms.由Various
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Integrating Youth Readiness Intervention and Entrepreneurship in Sierra Leone: A Hybrid Type II Cluster Randomized Trial: JAACAP July 2024
JAACAP July 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Rana Elmaghraby interviews Dr. Jordan A. Freeman on a Hybrid Type-II Implementation-Effectiveness trial conducted in Sierra Leone where researchers tested a Collaborative Team Approach (CTA) for delivering an evidence-based mental health intervention, the Youth Readiness Intervention (YRI), within a youth e…
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Who Responds to an Adaptive Intervention for Adolescents With Anorexia Nervosa Being Treated With Family-Based Treatment? Outcomes From a Randomized Clinical Trial: JAACAP June 2024
JAACAP June 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Jesse Hinckley interviews Dr. James D. Lock about a study investigating the addition of 3 sessions of intensive parentalcoaching intervention to family-based treatment among youth with anorexia who did not gain adequate weight early in treatment, a predictor ofrecovery by the end of treatment.…
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Sex Differences in Adolescent Depression Trajectory Before and Into the Second Year of COVID-19 Pandemic: JAACAP May 2024
JAACAP May 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Aarya K. Rajalakshmi interviews Dr. Mariko Hosozawa on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent mental health, and a comparison of depressive symptoms among 16-year-olds surveyed, at a fourth wave, before or during the pandemic, while accounting for expected trajectories of within-person change base…
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Inequities in Mental Health Service: A 16-Year Longitudinal Study of Youth in the Justice System: JAACAP April 2024
JAACAP April 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Jack L. Turban interviews Ms. Maria Jose Luna, MS, and Linda A. Teplin, PhD, on a prospective longitudinal study usingdata from the Northwestern Juvenile Project that examines whether youth with mental health disorders receive needed services after they left juveniledetention, up to median age 32 years.…
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Association Between Marijuana Laws and Suicide Among 12- to 25-Year-Olds in the United States From 2000 to 2019: JAACAP March 2024
JAACAP March 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Apurva Bhatt interviews Dr. Christopher J. Hammond on the need to further study the public health effects of changing cannabis policies on youth and to consider evidence-informed legislative reforms to mitigate the risk for harm in vulnerable populations.由Various
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Systematic Review: Patient Outcomes in Transdiagnostic Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Programs. JAACAP February 2024
JAACAP February 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Rana Elmaghraby interviews Dr. Miriam P. Rubenson on a systematic review of the current scientific literature on the effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization Programs for high-risk adolescents with mental health problems.由Various
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A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Parenting Intervention During Infancy Alters Amygdala-Prefrontal Circuitry in Middle Childhood: JAACAP January 2024
JAACAP January 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Deepika Shaligram interviews Dr. Emilio A. Valadez on a fMRI follow-up of a randomized clinical trial where 8- to 12-yearolds whose parents received Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) intervention when children were infants showed more matured patterns ofbrain connectivity and brain activation t…
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Associations Between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), ADHD Medication, and Shorter
Height: A Quasi-Experimental and Family-Based Study: JAACAP December 2023
JAACAP December 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Aviva K. Olsavsky interviews Mr. Rickard Ahlberg on an examination of height in 14,268 males aged 18 years with ADHDbefore and after ADHD medications were available in Sweden.由Various
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Developmental Pathways of the Family Bereavement Program to Prevent Major Depression 15 Years Later: JAACAP November 2023
JAACAP November 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Nicole K. Cotton interviews Dr. Irwin Sandler on the developmental pathways through which the Family BereavementProgram (FBP) reduces major depression and generalized anxiety disorder 15 years later.由Various
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JAACAP October 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Jung W. Kim interviews Dr. Wanjiku F.M. Njoroge on impacts of stressors during neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) hospitalization on mother and child health at child age 5.由Various
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Intensive Longitudinal Assessment of Adolescents to Predict Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: JAACAP September 2023
JAACAP September 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Alastair J. McKean interviews Dr. Randy P. Auerbach on an intensive longitudinal assessment through the use of personal smartphones that offers a feasible method to assess variability in adolescents’ emotional experiences and suicide risk.由Various
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Meta-analysis: The Effectiveness of Youth Psychotherapy Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries: JAACAP August 2023
JAACAP August 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Carol Vidal interviews Dr. Katherine E. Venturo-Conerly on a meta-analysis that highlights the potential benefits of youthpsychotherapy in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) as well as the need for more studies of youth psychotherapy in LMICs.由Various
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Psychiatric Characteristics of Students Who Make Threats Toward Others at School: JAACAP July 2023
JAACAP July 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Desiree Shapiro interviews Dr. Deborah M. Weisbrot on a study aimed to describe students who make threats, factorsprompting psychiatric interventions, and treatment recommendations.由Various
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The Association Between Media-Based Exposure to Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Emergency Department Visits for Self-Harm: JAACAP June 2023
JAACAP June 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Aviva K. Olsavsky interviews Dr. Hyo-Won Kim on the impact of media on nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) behaviors and how responsible media coverage of NSSI and appropriate guidelines may help prevent increases in self-harm.由Various
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Longitudinal Changes in Cortical Surface Area Associated With Transition to Psychosis in Adolescents at
Clinical High Risk for the Disease: JAACAP May 2023
JAACAP May 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Nicole King Cotton interviews Drs. Adriana Fortea and Gisela Sugranyes on how transitions to psychosis in adolescence are associated with changes in longitudinal trajectory of brain cortical surface area.由Various
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Right Prefrontal Cortical Thickness Is Associated With Response to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in
Children With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: JAACAP April 2023
JAACAP April 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Jung W. Kim interviews Dr. Carles Soriano-Mas on associations between structural features of specific brain regions andresponse to psychological treatments, and how they may be more easily observed in developing brains. These results should serve to better define the brain circuits relevant for CBT success…
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Impact of the Russian Invasion on Mental Health of Adolescents in Ukraine: JAACAP March 2023
JAACAP March 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Alastair J. McKean interviews Dr. Andre Sourander on a cross-sectional study that compared war experiences, PTSD, anxiety, and depression in 2,766 adolescents aged 11 to 17 living in the war-torn Donetsk region and peaceful regions of Ukraine, more than 2 years after Russia first invaded in 2014.…
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Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Efficacy of Pharmacological Interventions for Irritability and Emotional Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Predictors of Response: JAACAP February 2023
JAACAP February 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Carol Vidal interviews Dr. Mara Parellada on the efficacy of pharmacological interventions for irritability and emotional dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder and predictors of response.由Various
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Methylphenidate, Guanfacine, and Combined Treatment Effects on Electroencephalography Correlates
of Spatial Working Memory in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: JAACAP January 2023
JAACAP January 2023: Contributing Editor Dr. Desiree Shapiro interviews Dr. Giorgia Michelini on the investigation of the neural mechanisms underlying medication effects using cortical source analysis of electroencephalography (EEG) data.由Various
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Homotypic and Heterotypic Continuity in Psychiatric Symptoms From Childhood to Adolescence in Autistic Youth: JAACAP December 2022
JAACAP December 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Aviva K. Olsavsky interviews Dr. Virginia Carter Leno on the results from a community-based sample that suggests psychiatric symptoms in autistic youth exhibit substantial developmental continuity and thus highlight the importance of early screening and intervention.…
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Effects of Computer-Assisted Social Skills Training in Children With Disruptive Behavior Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial: JAACAP November 2022
JAACAP November 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Nicole King Cotton interviews Prof. Dr. Anja Goertz-Dorten on a randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy oftherapist-led, computer-assisted social skills training to a resource activation intervention in a clinical sample of 100 children (6-12 years) with disruptivebehavior disorders and eleva…
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Understanding Associations Between Race/Ethnicity, Experiences of Discrimination, and Psychotic-like
Experiences in Middle Childhood: JAACAP October 2022
JAACAP October 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Jung W. Kim interviews Dr. Nicole R. Karcher on examining factors that may account for race/ethnicity differences inpsychotic-like experiences (PLEs) in a middle childhood sample, including evidence for experiences of discrimination as a psychosocial mediator of thesedifferences.…
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Review: Structural Racism, Children’s Mental Health Service Systems, and Recommendations for Policy and Practice Change: JAACAP September 2022
JAACAP September 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Alastair J. McKean interviews Dr. Kiara Alvarez on recommendations for what states, counties, cities, and mental healthsystems can do to promote antiracist evidence-based practices in children’s mental health.由Various
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Do "Real World" Childhood Mental Health Services Reduce Risk for Adult Psychiatric Disorders?: JAACAP August 2022
JAACAP August 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Carol Vidal interviews Dr. William E. Copeland on study data from the 25-year Great Smoky Mountains Study to test the "intervention as prevention" hypothesis: that treatment of childhood psychopathology in the community might reduce risk for adult psychopathology.…
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Psychiatric Outcomes, Functioning, and Participation in Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns at Age
15 Years: JAACAP July 2022
JAACAP July 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Desiree Shapiro interviews Dr. Jean A. Frazier on evaluating the prevalence, co-occurrence, sex differences, and functionalcorrelates of DSM-5 psychiatric disorders in 15-year-old adolescents born extremely preterm.由Various
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Meta-analysis: Are Psychotherapies Less Effective for Black Youth in Communities With Higher Levels of Anti-Black Racism? : JAACAP June 2022
JAACAP June 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Aviva K. Olsavsky interviews Dr. Maggi A. Price on a spatial meta-analysis that examines whether anti-Black cultural racism moderates the efficacy of psychotherapy interventions among youth.由Various
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Black Youth Suicide: Investigation of Current Trends and Precipitating Circumstances: JAACAP May 2022
JAACAP May 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Nicole King Cotton interviews Dr. Arielle H. Sheftall on current trends and precipitating circumstances of suicide by sex and age group in Black youth 5 to 17 years of age, using 2 national databases, the Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) and the National Violent Death Reportin…
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Meta-analysis: Which Components of Parent Training Work for Children With
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?: JAACAP April 2022
JAACAP April 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Jung W. Kim interviews Dr. Tycho J. Dekkers on a meta-regression analysis investigating which specific behavioraltechniques parents learn in parent training, and how they are associated with effects on parental outcomes.由Various
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Adult Outcome as Seen Through Controlled Prospective Follow-up Studies of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Followed Into Adulthood: JAACAP March 2022
JAACAP March 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Alastair J. McKean interviews Dr. Lily Hechtman on adult outcome of people with ADHD diagnosed in childhood and its several key predictors via a review of 7 North American controlled prospective follow-up studies: Montreal, New York, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Berkeley, an…
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JAACAP February 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Carol Vidal interviews Dr. Prudence W. Fisher on a systematic review of literature on nonverbal learning disability (NVLD), revealing great heterogeneity in criteria used to define NVLD and important methodological limitations in most research studies.由Various
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A Randomized Controlled Trial of Combinatorial Pharmacogenetics Testing in Adolescent Depression.: JAACAP January 2022
JAACAP January 2022: Contributing Editor Dr. Desiree Shapiro interviews Drs. Jennifer L. Vande Voort and Paul E. Croarkin on evaluating the clinical impact of combinatorial pharmacogenetics testing in a double-blind, randomized, controlled effectiveness study for the pharmacologic treatment of adolescents with depression.…
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Adverse Effects of Refeeding on the Plasma Lipidome in Young Individuals With Anorexia Nervosa?: JAACAP December 2021
JAACAP December 2021: Contributing Editor Dr. Aviva K. Olsavsky interviews Dr. Friederike I. Tam and Prof. Dr. Stefan Ehrlich on inspiring more research on nutritional interventions in anorexia nervosa and evidence for possible short-term adverse effects of current refeeding practices on the metabolic state.…
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A Novel Group Parenting Intervention for Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties in Young Autistic Children: Autism Spectrum Treatment and Resilience (ASTAR): A Randomized Controlled Trial: JAACAP November ...
JAACAP November 2021: Contributing Editor Dr. Carol Vidal interviews Professor Tony Charman on the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a group behavioral parentingintervention for emotional and behavioral problems in young autistic children.由Various
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