華人權益促進會全新每月錄音節目將會聚焦三藩市灣區,關注華人移民社區議題。通過與各方社會人士及專家對談,以社區視角出發,談論話題包括華促會核心項目及相關議題的最新資訊,例如移民權益,經濟正義,語言正義及社區正義及其他議題。 節目主要以廣東話及國語為主。 Each month, Chinese for Affirmative Action’s audio workshop series covers issues that impact Chinese-speaking immigrant communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through community conversations and interviews with area experts, we explore different community perspectives and connect people with key resources on CAA’s core issue areas such as immigrant rights, economi ...
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If you're looking to keep up your Chinese and learn about critical issues relating to U.S.-China policy, then you've come to the right place. This podcast provides a selection of audio recordings from AMS lectures in Washington, D.C., as well as readings from key policy documents often featured in AMS weekly newsletters. If you are not a member of the American Mandarin Society, go to www.mandarinsociety.us and sign up. Thanks for listening!
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Bing listening into the core of your Chinese study. Work on your pronunciation in every lesson.
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Bukit Timah is a site of urban complexity and historical significance. The quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were built to meet the needs of a growing urban population from the early to mid-20th century, especially during the construction boom of the post-independence period. By the 1970s, the quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were exhausted. Over the years, they have gradually been reclaimed and given a new lease of life as urban parks. Embark on an acoustic journey with artist Oh Chai Hoo th ...
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第二十三集 | 培育幼教人才: 啟明在職培訓計劃 (STEP) | EP23 | Nurturing Early Childcare Teachers: Kai Ming's Vocational Training Program - STEP
如果你有興趣成為代課老師或喜歡照顧小朋友,今集節目非常適合你!本集節目將介紹啟明的幼兒教育在職培訓計劃 (英文簡稱為STEP),專門培訓0-5歲小童的代課老師。啟明的人力資源主任Sabrina將講解計劃的一大優點:申請時不需要早期幼兒教育(ECE)學分,大大降低了入行門檻。在帶薪及享有福利的情況下,你可以學習幼兒教育知識並增加經驗,為成為代課老師做好準備。 此外,另一位訪談嘉賓是一位曾經參與STEP計劃的代課老師Anny將分享從報名、接受培訓到最終配對雇主的心路歷程,鼓勵新移民勇於嘗試這個在職培訓計劃。值得一提的是,三藩市在2018年通過了提案C,使低收入和中等收入家庭更容易獲得受資助的托兒服務,並加強對托兒服務者的保障和福利。市政府計劃在2025年將托兒服務者的最低時薪提高到28美元,吸引…
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第二十二集|呼籲社區支持, 改善三藩市華埠的網絡落後問題 | EP22 | Calling for Community Support to Improve Internet Access Issues in San Francisco's Chinatown
在當今時代,擁有一個可靠而廉價的互聯網已不是奢侈品,對於學生、年輕父母、甚至是長者來說,都是生活中不可或缺的一部分。根據華促會的-項調查,近一半的三藩市華埠家庭沒有訂閱寬頻互聯網,而且許多已連接網絡的家庭經常面臨網速緩慢和不穩定的問題。在本集節目中,散房居民Zoey將談到缺乏可靠網絡如何影響她和孩子的日常生活及心理健康。此外,我們邀請到市參事佩斯金的助理Calvin Yan探討市政府如何介入及提供支援。「光纖到住房」項目是其中一個成功例子。這個項目為華埠五棟可負擔房屋進行安裝項目,為租戶帶來更快速、更穩定的互聯網服務。總括來說,我們需要社區的支持,敦促市政府、網絡供應商及業主共同合作,確保所有社區都能獲得可靠、高速的寬頻網路。 我們需要你的支持!請填寫以下表格並簽署華促會致市長及市參事的請願…
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第二十一集 | 美墨邊境走線者的故事: 追逐夢想與更美好生活 | EP21 | Chasing Dreams & A Better Life: Chinese Migrants at the Southern Border
自去年以來,超過24,000名中國移民經墨西哥邊境進入美國。由於中文服務資源有限,華促會受到聖地牙哥的人道組織邀請,分別於去年十二月及今年三月前往當地為這一批中國移民提供支援。今年三月的最新情況:聖地牙哥移民中心因資源匱乏問題而關閉,導致移民滯留於偏遠的交通站點,與家人團聚成為一項艱鉅的挑戰。華促會團隊從三月十二日至十四日每天向約四百名移民提供直接服務。我們也訪問了幾位走線者,探討她們冒著生命危險前往美國的原因。身為移民,我們秉持同理心,聆聽並述說她們的故事。希望從華人的角度講述這些故事,與主流媒體的報導有所不同。這些走線者其實和我們一樣,為了追求更好的生活而勇敢奮鬥,追尋著美國夢! Since last year, over 24,000 Chinese migrants have mad…
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因應近日校園安全事件引起大眾擔憂,華促會聯同其他社區組織於三月份主辨了一場講座。今集節目進一步探討疫情後移民家庭的小朋友在心理健康及學業上面對的挑戰。今集開首,MLK初中的家庭聯絡員李先生會先講述疫情對小朋友的學業表現和心理健康帶來的不良影響。學生長期使用社交媒體及其他線上活動讓這個問題變得更嚴重。接著,阿儀分享她作為一位移民家長的親身經歷,深入探討移民學生及其英語有限的父母在學校經常遇到的障礙。阿儀希望透過分享她的故事,鼓勵所有移民家長積極參與子女的教育,共同營造一個更安全和鼓勵的環境,讓移民青少年得以茁壯成長。Together with our community partners, Chinese for Affirmative Action hosted a town hall in…
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本集節目探討三藩市庇護城市政策。這個政策自1989年起對維持公平及包容等價值相當重要,以及防止移民和海關執法局 (ICE) 濫用權力,針對移民社區作出種族歧視的執法。近年,有聲音試圖藉著打擊毒品問題攻擊庇護城市政策,將毒品問題怪罪於移民身上。今集開首,Angela Chan - 現任三藩市公共辯護律師辦公室助理首席律師 - 會分享她於亞洲法律聯會(Asian Law Caucus)當律師的經歷,並在2008年親眼目睹過百名移民兒童被送到移民和海關執法局。這個經歷促使她成立三藩市自由聯盟 (Free SF Coalition),並成功推動通過三項加強庇護政策的法案。接著,我們邀請到華促會的外展員Anny講述削弱庇護政策如可引起華裔移民社區恐慌,以及她參與本地運動以捍衛庇護條例的經歷。With …
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第十七集|隱形移民故事: 一位來自香港的無證朋友|Episode 17|Untold Migrant Story: an Undocumented Immigrant from Hong Kong
無證移民是我們亞裔社區的其中一分子。目前約1.9萬名 DACA (兒童入境暫緩遣返計劃) 受益人來自亞洲。雖然有12萬名亞裔青年符合DACA申請資格,但是亞裔社區對無證社群存有不少偏見及誤解,以至大部份人仍然抗拒申請DACA。今集的嘉賓正正是一位來自香港的無證人士Yudy。自17歲起便獨自來到美國讀高中,Yudy分享她過去20多年無證的日子,包括如何跨越困境、險被驅逐出境,並追求她的夢想成為一位護士。她希望藉由自己的故事為移民社區發聲。Undocumented immigrants are part of our AAPI communities with around 19,000 DACA recipients coming from Asia. Despite having more …
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Departure: Kampong at a bottom of a coconut mountain由National Gallery Singapore
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The acquired lands with a former durian farm由National Gallery Singapore
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Rest area: appreciating the texture of time at a quarry由National Gallery Singapore
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No hustle of this humankind由National Gallery Singapore
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Destination: imaginary existence and invisible cracks由National Gallery Singapore
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第十六集|學生派位機制及消除學校種族隔離|Episode 16|Combating School Segregation & Navigating Student Assignment in SF
今集我們邀請了三藩市聯合學區入學顧問 Cecilia 及一位華裔移民家長去探討三藩市校區K至12年級的學生派位機制。 移民家長在幫小朋友申請學校時面對主要什麼困難呢? 華裔移民家長們在為小孩挑選學校的時候,最關心的又是什麼呢? 三藩市學區目前的派位機制以什麼作為標準呢? 校區又採取了什麼措施去令到學習環境更種族多元化?重要資源:學校搜索 (School Finder): https://www.sfusd.edu/schools/enroll/discover/school-finder學校參觀 (School Tour): https://www.sfusd.edu/schools/enroll/discover/school-toursFor Chinese immigrant pare…
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美國中期選舉開跑了!作為美國公民或非公民家長的聽眾們,你們已經登記成為選民嗎?今集節目會先簡單討論美國政治制度的架構及背後所代表的民主概念,並有幸邀請到三藩市選務處外展項目經理Tiff為大家講述投票需知。另外,今次選舉有眾多加州及三藩市的提案,兩位節目主持會重點討論八項三藩士提案及華促會對這些提案的立場,助選民作出明智選擇。今集節目亦談及11月選舉最受矚目的民選議席包括三藩市地方檢察官及三藩市聯合校區教育委員會,並會為聽眾總括華促會舉辨的兩場候選人論壇。華促會作為無黨派、獨立的非牟利機構,不能發表任何支持個別候選人的意見及背書。最後,我們華促會希望合資格的市民於10月24日前儘快登記成為選民及更新資料,勇躍投票,用自己的一票為社區發聲!如需更多選舉資訊,請致電三藩市選務處中文熱線: (415…
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第十四集|支持三藩市齊撐市立大學! 請投票贊成提案O! Episode 14 | Save City College to Save SF - Vote Yes on Prop O !
三藩市市立大學 (City College of San Francisco) 不但提供免費及高質素的教育課程,並對數以萬計居住在三藩市社區人士的生活有深遠影響。 在新冠疫情的陰影籠罩下,市立大學對求職人士和正在經歷人生轉變的朋友顯得格外重要。正當我們期望三藩市能達到公平的經濟復甦,我們必須優先考慮勞動階層的需要,並繼續投放資源支持勞動力發展。今集開首,華促會的外展員阿娥會先分享市立大學如何改變她的人生。接著,我們邀請到市立大學ESL英文班教師Fanny Law講述聽眾可以如何參與及支持市立大學的課程。今集討論提及華促會全力支持提案O (Proposition O), 並促請聽眾在11月選舉中投下贊成一票。該提案將會資助市立大學擴展現有課程,解決供不應求的情況,以滿足社區需求。有關今集內容連…
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第十三集|打擊華人圈散播的中文假信息 Episode 13 | Combating Chinese-Language Misinformation & Fake News in the US
你平常是怎麼閱讀新聞和接收新的資訊的呢?看報紙,看電視還是看微信上的新聞?微信和推特上的資訊到底是真是假?「假新聞」到底是怎麼傳播的呢? 為什麼在資訊爆炸的時代,「假新聞」的數量也隨著爆升?相信大家都曾經思考過這些問題。 這一集的節目,我們邀請了華促會中文數位媒體互動團隊給我們分析如何分辨新聞的真假,怎麼去「打假」,以及華促會在中文數位媒體方面的工作。 這一集以普通話進行。想了解更多華促會中文內容,請瀏覽以下網站:華促會中文事實核查網站-闢謠吧 https://www.piyaoba.org/華促會中文新聞網站-正義補丁 :https://justicepatch.org/ 華促會營運的三個微信公眾號:美國華促會 “CAASF2019”,正義補丁 “Justice42020”及 美國華人…
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第十二集 | 全球疫情下,美亞裔社區面對的挑戰及經驗 Episode 12 | AAPI Challenges and Experiences During a Global Pandemic
在美國,每年五月是慶祝亞裔文化及社區對美國歷史、文化、社會、及多元種族民主的貢獻。在慶祝的同時也提醒我們美國亞裔的歷史, 反思前人面對各種種族主義的堅持及抗爭,對社會公義和民權的堅持。在過去兩年疫情,對華裔亞裔社區來說,除了要擔心新冠疫情之外,還要面對疫情而加劇的反亞裔仇視情緒。這一集我們會訪問華促會的政策主任—李申申女士( Annie Lee),了解華促會及“停止仇視亞裔居民“的倡議工作,如何從社區收集得來的仇視事件數據,去提高社會對亞裔社區的重視及需要,利用這個契機去聯合其他弱勢社群去推動公共政策,帶來改變。李女士(Annie)會簡單講解華促會目前在加州立法機構提出的「不容仇恨」的三項法案,AB2549,SB1161和AB2448,如何能夠長遠解決公眾場所的仇恨和騷擾問題,為我們帶來一個…
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第十一集 | 保育三藩市的廣東文化及廣東話 Episode 11 | Preserving Cantonese Language and Culture in San Francisco
從1840年代開始,加州三藩市城市發展與美國移民歷史息息相關,迎來不少來自亞洲的移民,尤其來自中國南方廣東地區的華人移民。目前三藩市的華裔人口比率多達總人口的20%,會講中文的華裔亦接近整體人口的18%。 即使有著相對豐富的華裔的歷史及集中的華裔居民,在保育華人文化及語言上,尤以當地華人的母語--廣東話,面對不少挑戰。今集我們邀請了三藩市市立大學教授廣東話的余天璇教授(Grace)及兩位在市立大學發起保育廣東話課程運動的學生Chester及Julia。 其中余教授會講述市立大學廣東話課程的歷史背景,保育廣東話及廣東文化對於華裔社區的重要性。Chester及Julia會分享他們作為美國土生華裔後代去學習廣東話的經驗及「拯救廣東話課程」行動的最新情況。 想了解更多「拯救廣東話課程」行動的資訊,請…
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今集我們會繼續探討美國的教育制度,延續第6集“ 美國大學入學及教育公平”, 更加深入討論入學申請步驟及同學們當中的經驗。華人權益促進會教育公平項目經理陳珊妮 (Sally) 邀請到在美國東岸賓夕凡尼亞州一所私立高中負責指導學生申請大學的升學輔導副總監邊亦珩女士。邊女士在指導學生申請大學有豐富的經驗,曾在多所大學擔任招生相關工作。節目當中討論了申請大學的時間表及步驟,包括大學高校招生官會怎麼評估申請的學生與及學生該如何去選擇適合自己的學校。 最後,我們還談論了學生在申請大學時候會面臨什麼的壓力,家長們該如何去支持孩子們。 這一集以普通話錄製。In this episode, we continue our conversation from Episode 6 on US college ad…
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在過去的兩年,Covid-19 的疫情反反覆覆,經歷了幾次的感染高峰以及不斷變種的病毒,公共衛生的建議指引亦相應調整。面對來自不同公共衛生部門的建議及網路上假訊息的傳播,社區人士往往很難去辨別並適應,尤其是英語能力有限的華裔移民。今集我們邀請到來自加州大學三藩市分校家庭及社區醫學副教授 梁醫生(Lydia)講解三藩市灣區的最新疫情情況,解釋何謂 Omicron 變種病毒?假如你感染病毒,你需要如何隔離?在保持基本社交活動的同時怎樣去衡量保障個人及家庭的健康。梁醫生亦會分享怎樣去理解及分析各樣疫情相關的資訊及新聞。今集的訪談以廣東話進行。Over the last two years, the state of the Covid-19 pandemic has shifted as we e…
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Easy To Read Chinese Short Story, Book 1, is the first book in the series that is for Chinese learners and by Chinese learners. It’s a collection of 17 best entries in Chinese Writing Contest 2021.To find out more about the contest, go to https://www.mslmaster.com由April
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第八集 | 移民故事:一位華人無證青年的夢想 Episode 8 | Immigrant Stories: Dreams of a Chinese Undocumented Youth
移民議題在公共政策論述及新聞報道當中,很容易簡單地被理解成兩黨政治化的議題,簡化為冷冰冰的立法草案。受到移民政策影響的家庭以及他們的故事往往被主流忽視,只是被還原為一個個數字號碼。 推動移民體系改革的法案的路非常漫長,然而無數的移民家庭及社區依然繼續堅持,面對日常生活所帶來的挑戰,持續推動爭取移民改革。今天的節目延續上一集,繼續關注華裔無證移民社區,一群相對沈默的無證群體。 我們邀請了代表東岸紐約市的亞裔無證青年團體的代表Ru,希望通過她的移民故事及在美國的生活經驗,讓我們對無證移民社區有多一份的理解。這一集以普通話錄製。Immigration is often seen as simply an increasingly partisan topic of debate in politi…
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近年來,移民議題經常成為美國國內政治的頭條新聞,熱門的公共討論話題之一。目前在美的華裔人口當中,有超過60% 是海外出生後移民來美的,所以移民政策對華裔社區至關重要。一連兩集,我們會邀請兩位華裔無證移民朋友去講述他們的故事--尤其是帶著華裔移民及無證的雙重身份。 今集,我們邀請到來自東岸紐約一個無證亞裔青年組織 RAISE 的其中一位成員 Jeff 來分享他的移民故事與及無證的身份如何影響他的人士軌跡。 我們亦會探討為何美國華裔社區相對較少討論無證移民議題及經驗的固中原因,另外華裔社區為何需要多關注移民改革。 今集以廣東話錄製。In recent years, immigration has increasingly become a central topic of discussion …
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一般來到每年秋季,12年級的學生就要開始準備申請大學,很多移民家庭的學生及家長們在申請大學時往往面對比較多的障礙,包括相關的中文資訊比較貧乏及中美教育體系的差異。華促會剛成立的教育公平項目,目標就是要消除障礙並增加機會予來自不同家庭背景的學生都能進入免費優質及種族多樣化的公立學校學習。今集節目,華促會教育公平項目經理陳珊妮 (Sally)邀請到萬曉峰先生來跟我們聽眾們談談美國大學入學申請的問題。萬先生目前任職於美國東岸麻省其中一家優秀的文理學院,擔任該學院招生錄取辦公室副主任及國際招生錄取主任,負責學院全球招生錄取事務。節目中會談及申請中國與美國大學主要的差別在哪? 美國學校入學官最看重的又是哪些部分?大學一般會提供什麼獎學金及助學金呢?想了解美國大學申請及升學的家長們,請繼續收聽。這一集以…
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踏入6月,代表學期的終結,學生們亦都開始放暑假。 6月份的節目,我們邀請了三藩市聯合校區兩位家長及聯合校區的代表,分享疫情一年多期間移民家長及學生的經歷及面對的困難,特別是英語能力有限移民家庭的需要。校區的代表--傳播總監馮弘美女士亦會講解校區在疫情期間怎樣去應變及回應學生及家長的需要,與及大家都非常關心秋季的復課安排。今集以廣東話錄製。June marks the end of the 2020-2021 school year for the San Francisco Unified School District. In this episode, we reflect on the past year of distance learning at SFUSD. We first …
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第四集:仇恨亞裔暴力及美國刑事司法改革 Episode 4: Understanding Anti-Asian Hate Crimes and Criminal Justice Reform
五月份的語音節目會延續上個月關於針對亞裔暴力的討論,我們邀請了三藩市地區檢察官辦公室 助理檢察官李蕙儀女士講解地檢處等執法部門怎樣回應針對亞裔的暴力及仇恨犯罪事件,解釋仇恨事件與仇恨犯罪之間的差別以及地檢處在司法程序上如何提出相關檢控。美國的刑事司法系統究竟有什麼根本性的問題,而我們在倡議刑事司法改革及“修復正義”時候, 又意味著什麼呢?今集以廣東話錄製。May’s audio workshop expands on last month’s conversation on the recent surge of anti-AAPI violence and community safety. This month, we invited Kasie Lee, an Assistant Di…
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You’ve learned a lot during the previous five lessons, articulating problems, describing places, talking about fitness, learning food ingredients, and practicing geography. It’s time for a thorough review, and make the end of this Basic Level B a fresh beginning of your next stage of Chinese study.Learn more about MSL Master here: https://www.mslma…
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“I want to change a job.”Unhappy about your job? You’re not alone.In this lesson, the topic is job related issues, such as benefits, insurance, annual leaves, and why people change jobs or quit working. Learn more about MSL Master here: https://www.mslmaster.com/index.php由April
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“Where would you like to live?”In this lesson, places and neighbourhoods are the centre of our conversations.The practice is focused on describing places you have been to and neighbourhoods you’d love to live in.For more info about MSL Master Chinese courses, visit https://mslmaster.com由April
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“What music do you like?”Music is such a good topic to talk about. In this lesson, you will learn how to say different genres in Chinese and talk about your media related preferences in general.An important sentence pattern is introduced in this lesson for you to say longer sentences with no fear.For more info about MSL Master Chinese courses, visi…
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在過去幾個月,相信大家都留意到主流媒體大肆報道針對亞裔的歧視及暴力事件。自2020年3月份疫情開始在美國社區爆發期間,華促會與另外兩個機構成立“停止仇恨亞裔和太平洋島居民(STOP AAPI HATE)”報告中心去收集相關數據,在2020年3月到2021年2月間,中心接收到超過3800宗的歧視亞裔的仇恨事件。 在4月份的語音節目,我們邀請到兩位在社區安全及正義有多年經驗的嘉賓受訪: 鄭小飛目前是華促會董事會副主席及“新呼吸基金會”創始人,分享他的個人成長背景怎樣影響他對暴力事件及社區安全的看法及背後的社會問題。社區青年中心行政總監温靜婷會講解宣傳 社區青年中心(CYC)的工作及如何協助在三藩市發生的暴力事件的受害者及相關的支援服務。In the past few months, incide…
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In this lesson, you’ll learn furniture, and practice describing the arrangements of the furniture, and also practicing giving instructions, such as “put the lamp on the desk”. Position words are the focus of this lesson.Learn about Mandarin Express books here: https://mslmaster.com由April
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In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say different jobs in Chinese, such as “doctor”, “singer”, “housewife”, “manager” and etc. You’ll practice how to express your opinions about these jobs, for example, “This job is boring”, or “That job is stressful”. The final exercise is a questionnaire for finding out what job is the best job for you. Learn abo…
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2021年3月,華人權益促進會邀請了三位嘉賓去講解三藩市肺炎疫苗分配的最新情況及疫苗相關的醫療資訊,三位嘉賓分別是: 三藩市疫情指揮中心綜合資訊部副主任 Kelvin Wu;三藩市疫情指揮中心綜合資訊部亞太裔事務經理陳嘉霖 Francis Chan及加州大學三藩市分校 梁醫生梁恂韻。 向社區人士講解如何預約注射疫苗以及疫苗相關的常見問題,例如注射預防肺炎疫苗的安全性,副作用及有效性。今集以廣東話錄製。In March, we invited three experts to talk about the Covid-19 vaccine: Kelvin Wu and Francis Chan from the San Francisco Covid-19 Command Center, as…
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Some cities and countries were introduced in Lesson 1. In this lesson, more are added. Moreover, students will learn how to say some major languages in Chinese, such as “Spanish”, “Portuguese”, “German”, and so on.The focus of this lesson is to practice how to do self-introductions, and to talk about neighbourhoods. Two important sentence patterns …
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Start learning Chinese with audio lessons! Based on Mandarin Express Intro Level A Student’s Book, these lessons teach practical Chinese expressions and essential sentence patterns students can use immediately. For more information, visit www.mslmaster.com由April
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第一集節目將會分享在疫情下,大家如何慶祝新年及最近社會熱話:很多社區人士未必能夠繳交房租。我們將探討疫情對租客帶來的影響,解釋何謂「暫停逼遷令」及與聽眾分享三藩市市內租客權益相關等資源。今集以廣東話錄製。In the first episode of CAA’s audio workshop series, we share about how we celebrated Lunar New Year during the Covid-19 pandemic and discuss a pressing issue for many community members: being unable to pay your rent. We talk about the widespread i…
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our event with Jin Yan (金焱), Caijing magazine’s DC bureau chief. In her talk, Jin Yan shares her observations of America, gained during her seven eventful years in Washington DC reporting for one of China’s leading business magazines on topics ranging from politics, to economics, to society. This is a he…
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Dr. Huang Ping, senior research professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). This lecture focuses on perspectives from China on U.S.-China relations and where the relationship is heading.
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Dr. Chen Ping-Kuei, assistant professor in the Department of Diplomacy at National Chengchi University. This lecture focuses on the Tsai administration's Southbound Policy, an aim to strengthen ties with countries in Southeast, South, and Austral-Asia. This is a helpful lecture for …
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Dr. Zhao Long, associate professor at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and visiting fellow at CSIS. The lecture focuses on heightened tensions between the United States and Russia as well as increasing cooperation between China and Russia.…
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Dr. Chelsea Chia-chen Chou, Assistant Professor in the Graduate Institute of National Development at National Taiwan University. The lecture focuses on elements that have led to progress in healthcare reform in China, including increased investment, expanded coverage, technological …
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Dr. Yang Xuedong, Director of the Central Documents Translation Center (CDTC) of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau of CCP Central Committee and senior research fellow of the China Center for Global Governance and Development Strategies (CCGGD). The lecture focuses on Ch…
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After the Homework Stops: Retaining Mandarin Proficiency Throughout Your Career - Robert Daly
In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Robert Daly, director of the Wilson Center's Kissinger Institute on China and the United States and AMS board member. The lecture focuses on building Mandarin fluency after formal studies have finished, how to incorporate it into professional practice, and how to continue to not onl…
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Chia-Huan Chang, a visiting fellow of the Freeman Chair in China Studies at CSIS and a former instructor at Taiwan's National Defense University. Chia-Huan Chang's research interests include the issues related to the international law of the sea, maritime policies, and the South Chi…
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Dr. Arthur Ding, one of Taiwan's leading experts on Chinese politics and foreign policy. Dr. Ding is the director and distinguished research fellow of the Institute of International Relations of National Zhengzhi University in Taipei.…
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In this episode, we bring you a recording of our recent event with Dr. Zhang Zhexin, research fellow at the Center for Asia Pacific Studies at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and visiting fellow at CSIS. The title of his talk is China’s Pursuit of a New Asia Pacific Security Architecture and Implications for US-China Relations. Am…
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As Americans, we often think of U.S.-China relations or U.S.-Russia relations, but few people think enough about China-Russia relations. China-Russia relations are critically important and little understood. They affect such things as Syria, energy, trade, one belt one road and many others.
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In this episode, we bring you a reading from 求事网 about the San Yan San Shi campaign in democratic political participation. Please read along with the link provided below:http://www.qstheory.cn/laigao/2015-05/27/c_1115420147.htm
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This episode’s reading from Qiushi examines how the Chinese government will implement their decision to comprehensively promote the rule of law.If you’d like to follow along with the article, please visit the link below:http://www.qstheory.cn/dukan/qs/2015-05/15/c_1115245324.htm
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In this episode, we bring you a reading from Qiushi that presents a summary of the Party view on core Chinese values.If you’d like to read along, please visit the link below to find the article: http://www.qstheory.cn/wp/2015-04/19/c_1115016863.htm
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