Avodas HaLev is sharing pnimiyus HaTorah to the Chicago community and the world.
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Shemos: The Proper Use of Emunah由Avodas Halev
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Shalom Bayis Va’ad: Back to Basics由Avodas Halev
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Parshas Vayechi: Getting Ready For Shovavim in Our Generation由Avodas Halev
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Parshas Vayigash: The Real Experience of Torah由Avodas Halev
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00:00 Introduction to the Conflict of Hanukkah 00:15 Yaakov and Esav: A Tale of Two Paths 01:07 The Temptation of Power vs. Family Values 03:08 The Deeper Significance of Small Acts 05:40 The Call of Hanukkah: Connection Over Power 07:09 Conclusion: Embracing Relationships and Miracles由Avodas Halev
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The Tes Kislev Fabrengen由Avodas Halev
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You Don’t Always Need More - Rabbi Stromer由Avodas Halev
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“Know Thyself: Are You a Rachel or a Leah Neshama?”由Avodas Halev
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Parshas Chayei Sarah: Finding Your Path in Serving Hashem由Avodas Halev
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R’ itche Meir Morgenstern series.由Avodas Halev
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R’ Itche Meir Morgenstern Weekly Shiur. Serving Hashem From Obligation & Desire由Avodas Halev
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Exploring Spiritual Growth and Embracing Both Inspiration and Struggles in Chassidus In this week's discussion, we delve into the teachings of Maayanos Hayam, particularly a piece from Tufshin Samach Hai. The conversation centers around the idea that in the month of Marcheshvan, spiritual energies and tasks introduced during Tishrei must be actuali…
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Pre-Selichos Divine Compassion and Transformation: Insights on Slichus and Kaddish This episode offers a profound exploration of spiritual themes, focusing on the symbolic act of unlocking spiritual doors through the Yud Gummim Yisra'achamim in the Slichus prayers. It discusses the manifestation of divine compassion and forgiveness, referencing tea…
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Yom Kippur with R' Itche Meir Morgenstern Exploring Profound Teachings and the Essence of Tshuva: A Journey through Torah Wisdom This episode offers a deep dive into the profound Torah teachings of Ravitcher Meir and explores various fundamental themes within Jewish tradition, such as Tshuva (repentance) and Yom Kippur. The discussion highlights ho…
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Spiritual Insights: Forgiveness, Torah Study, and the Journey of the Jewish Soul This episode is a rich exploration of key Jewish teachings and practices, encompassing themes of divine forgiveness, the proximity and dedication required for Torah study, and the intrinsic nature of the Jewish soul (Neshama). Drawing on insights from prominent Jewish …
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The Cyclical Journey of Jewish Holidays: Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukkos This episode explains the significance of Sukkos as the final holiday in the Shalosh HaGolem, alongside Pesach and Shavuos, in the Jewish calendar. It explores the thematic process of spiritual development and relationship with God, beginning with the awe-inspiring miracles of Pes…
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Transitioning from Yom Kippur to Sukkot: A Spiritual Continuity This episode explores the apparent stark contrast and deeper connection between Yom Kippur and the days leading up to Sukkot. It discusses the transition from the spiritual, non-physical practices of Yom Kippur to the hands-on, physical preparations for Sukkot. The narrative emphasizes…
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