Verse-by-verse teaching and topical messages seen and heard at Burtonsville Baptist Church in Burtonsville, Maryland.
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Sermon Notes - James 4:1-12 - Faith and Faithfulness Main Point: God demands complete faithfulness to him, but gives us the grace needed for it, if we have the humility to receive it. 1. The Problem of Sinful Passions (1-3) 2. The Problem of Sinful People (4-10) -The Heart of the Matter (4-5) -The Hope of the World (6) -The How-To of Humility (7-10…
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Sermon Notes - James 3:13-18 - Faith and Wisdom Main Point: True wisdom is from above and leads to righteousness - false wisdom is from below and leads to wickedness. -An Introduction to True Wisdom (13) -False Wisdom (14-16) -Source -Marks -Results -True Wisdom (17-18) -Source -Marks -Results由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Main Point: The Lord breaks us to make us to be servants for His glory. Point one: The Lord breaks us… Luke 22:54-62 Point two: To make us to be servants… John 21:15-17 Point three: For His glory…. John 21: 18-19由Pastor Jeff Robar
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Sermon Notes - James 2:1-13 - Faith and Partiality Main Point: Show no partiality. 1. The What (1) 2. The Example (2-4) 3. The Why (5-13) -Spiritual (5-6a) -Social (6b-7) -Scriptural (8-13) -Love over partiality (8-9) -Consistency over partiality (10-11) -Mercy over partiality (12-13)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - James 1:19-27 - Faith and Obedience Main Point: Faithfulness to God means hearing, doing, and living his word. 1. Hear the Word (19-21) 2. Do the Word (22-25) 3. Live the Word (26-27) -Bridle the Tongue -Visit the Afflicted -Keep Unstained from the World由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - James 1:1-8 - Faith and Trials Main Point: We can face the trials of life with joy through faith in God who always gives us what we need. 1. An Introduction to James (1) 2. Trials Through Joy (2-4) -The Reality of our Trials -The Response to our Trials -The Result of our Trials 3. Wisdom Through Faith (5-8) -What Wisdom Is -How God G…
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Sermon Notes - Death Is Not Ours to Choose Main Point: Death is never ours to choose because we are not our own and our pain has purpose. 1. Against Choosing Death (Exodus 20:13) -God's word is clear -Our world is unclear 2. We Are Not Our Own (Genesis 1:26-28) 3. Our Pain Has Purpose (John 11) -Pain and suffering are not to be avoided at all costs…
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Sermon Notes - Matthew 13:44-46 - The Treasure of Infinite Worth Main Point: The Kingdom of Heaven is the treasure of infinite worth that requires all you have. 1. The +Kingdom of Heaven+ is the treasure of infinite worth that requires all you have -Often Hidden -Joy Producing -For Everyone 2. The Kingdom of Heaven is the +treasure of infinite wort…
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Sermon Notes - 1 Timothy 4:1-11 - Catechisms Main Point: We must all be shaped by the teachings of God, not the world - and catechisms can help. 1. The World's Teaching (1-5) 2. God's Teaching (6-11) 3. Catechisms -What They Are -How They Work由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - 1 Corinthians 13 - Love Came Down at Christmas Main Point: Love is to always be our first priority because Love came down at Christmas. 1. When love is not our first priority: we are merely noise or nothing (1-3) -Giftedness without love -Generosity without love 2. When love is not our first priority: we are not like Jesus (4-7) -Lov…
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Sermon Notes: (JOY: John 16:16-24) Main point: In fulfilling his mission, Jesus brings us joy. Outline: (1) A Time of Sorrow (2) An Eternity of Joy由Brian Sandifer
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 1:1-2 - The Beginning of Blessing Main Point: God creates out of nothing and brings blessings out of chaos. 1. God creates out of nothing (v. 1) A. God alone is above all that exists B. God alone is sovereign over all that exists C. All that exists is to worship God alone 2. God brings blessings out of chaos (v. 2)…
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Pastor Jeff explores the underpinnings of Mary's song of praise recorded in Luke and how it can be experienced in our lives.
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 24:1-25:11 - God's Providential Provision Main Point: God providentially provides his blessings through our faithful obedience 1. Abraham knows God will provide (24:1-9) 2. The servant asks God to provide (24:10-27) 3. Rebekah trusts God will provide (24:28-60) 4. Isaac receives God's provision (24:61-67) 5. God provides bles…
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Sermon Notes - Luke 1:39-56 - Recognizing the Savior Main Point: Recognizing who Jesus is leads us to joyful humility. 1. The Joyful Humility of Elizabeth (39-45) 2. The Joyful Humility of Mary (46-56) -Looking In (46-49) -Looking Forward (50-53) -Looking Back (54-55)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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What does a new generation of God's children crossing into the promised land have to do with His church's responsibility to combat racial injustice today? How should their experience inform how we should live in the world we're experiencing? Elder Jeremy Dawkins opens God's Word and shares Israel's experience and his own to help us answer those vit…
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由Pastor Tim Girdler
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Sermon Notes: Hope – 1 Peter 1:3-16 Our Living Hope Main Point: Set your Hope fully on grace to be given to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Biblical Hope – A confident expectation that God is ready, willing, able, and faithful to do what he said he's going to do, that God is faithful to keep his promises. 1. Living Hope / New Birth 3-6 2. Suffer…
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Sermon Notes - Psalm 136 Main Point: Because God’s steadfast love endures forever, we ought to respond in worship and thanksgiving. 1) Give thanks to God for who He is (v1-3) 2) Give thanks to God who created and sustains the universe (v4-9) 3) Give thanks to God who delivers His people (v10-15) 4) Give thanks to God who keeps His promises (v16-22)…
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Sermon Notes - Psalms 100 Main Point: Because of who God is and what he has done, does, and will do, we should respond to him in thankfulness and praise. 1) How we praise: Verses 1 - 2 2) Who we praise: Verses 3 - 4 3) Why we praise: Verse 5由Pastor Jeff Robar
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 49:29-50:26 - The End of the Beginning Main Point: God will sustain us through everything, even life and death, to the end. 1. The End of Jacob (49:29-50:14) 2. The End of Joseph (50:15-26) -Acknowledge God's Role -Accept God's Perspective -Apply God's Love 3. The End of Genesis…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 49:1-28 - Salvation and Blessings Main Point: God's salvation and blessings are sure in his Messiah - the Lion of Judah. 1. The Future of the Other Brothers 2. The Salvation from Judah -Authority -Might -Rule -Prosperity -Christ 3. The Blessings of Joseph由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 46-47 - Israel in Egypt...For Now Main Point: We are to trust God every step of the way, even when we don't see the fruit of that trust, because God has always been and will always be faithful to us. 1. Israel's Blessed Journey (46:1-7) 2. Israel's Awaited Genealogy (46:8-27) 3. Israel's Joyful Reunion (46:28-30) 4. Israel's …
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 44 - True Repentance at Last Main Point: True repentance means acknowledging our sin and then turning from it and towards God. -Joseph's Test (v. 1-17) -Excursion: A Question Dodged 1. 3:13 - Shifting the Blame 2. 4:10 - Complaining 3. 12:18 - Leaving 4. 20:9 - Rationalizing 5. 26:10 - Silence 6. 29:25 - Making Excuses 7. 31:…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 43 - Mercy Overcomes Jealousy Main Point: The jealousy in our hearts can only be overcome by the mercy of God. 1. The Mercy Jacob Prays For (v. 1-15) 2. The Mercy the Steward Recognizes (v. 16-25) 3. The Mercy Joseph Displays (v. 26-34)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 42 - Awakening Our Consciences Main Point: God awakening our consciences to our guilt is a blessing, even if it is painful. 1. Trouble in Canaan (v. 1-5) 2. Testing in Egypt (v. 6-25) 3. Tension in Canaan (v. 26-38)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 41 - God is Sovereign Over Everything Main Point: Our sovereign God directs everything for our good and his glory. 1. God Directs the Timing (1-13) 2. God Directs the Details (14-36) 3. God Directs the Good (37-52) 4. God Directs the Bad (53-57)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 40 - Not Forgotten Main Point: God never forgets us, so we are to remember him in all we do. 1. The Structure of the Passage -A. The Meeting (1-4) -B. The Inquiry (5-8) -C. The First Dream Interpretation (9-13) -D. Joseph's Request (14-15) -C. The Second Dream Interpretation (16-19) -B. The Fulfillment (20-22) -A. The Forgett…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 38 - Grace in Unexpected Places Main Point: God's grace overcomes all our sin and leads to our salvation. 1. Fall to Sin -Judah (1-5) -Tamar (6-11) -Judah and Tamar (12-23) 2. Rise to Salvation -Judah and Tamar (24-26) -The People of God (27-30)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 37 - The Providence of God Main Point: God's providence cannot be stopped; therefore we are to be faithful to him in everything. 1. The Favorite Son (2-11) 2. The Obedient Son (12-17) 3. The Sinful Sons (18-28) 4. The Deceitful Sons (29-35) 5. The Living Son (36)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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由Pastor David Bickell
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Sermon Notes - Psalm 27 - The Beauty of the Lord Main Point: The beauty of the Lord deserves all our praise and dispels all our fear. 1. David's Situation 2. David's Hope -Gaze -Beauty -Worship 3. Our Hope由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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由Pastor Tim Girdler
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Sermon Notes - Psalm 99 - The Divine Authority of Our Holy God Main Point: Let us worship the Lord, for he is holy. 1. Our Holy God Reigns (1-3) 2. Our Holy God is Just (4-5) 3. Our Holy God Comes to Us (6-9)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Jesus died for you (verse 1) -brokenness -God's design -Sin -Jesus -Turn and trust -Recover God's design Live for God: Wholeheartedly (verse 1) Live for God: Not for the world (verse 2) Live for God: His way (verse 2)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - Matthew 6:19-24 - Serve God, Not Money Main Point: You will serve either God or money - choose God every time. 1. Why serve money when it won't last? (19-21) 2. Why serve money when it pollutes your heart? (22-23) -Time -Talents -Treasure 3. Why serve money when you can serve God? (24)…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 36:1-37:1 - All Scripture is God-Breathed Main Point: Because all of God's word is inspired, we can stand firm on his promises. 1. The Doctrine of Scripture: -1st List: -Revelation -Inspiration -Inerrancy -2nd List: -Sufficiency -Clarity -Authority -Necessity 2. God Has Fulfilled His Promises to Esau (36:1-43) 3. God Will Ful…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 35 - Faithful to the End Main Point: Because God is faithful to the end to us, we are to be faithful to the end to him. 1. God calls us to be faithful to him alone (1-4) 2. God brings his people safely home (5-7) 3. God remembers the "little" people (8) 4. God's plan of salvation will not fail (9-15) 5. God provides for us in…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 34 - The Damaging Effects of Sin Main Point: When faced with evil, we are not to respond with fear or fury, but with full trust that God will make all things right. 1. The Damaging Effects of Lust (1-4) 2. The Damaging Effects of Deceit (5-24) 3. The Damaging Effects of Violence (25-31) When faced with evil, we are not to res…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 33 - Grace-Filled Reconciliation Main Point: Reconciliation is to mark those who have received God's grace. 1. Jacob and Esau Come Together (1-11) -Jacob's Humiliation Before Esau (1-3) -Esau's Acceptance of Jacob (4-7) -Jacob and Esau's Reconciliation (8-11) 2. Jacob and Esau Separate (12-20) -Jacob Rebuffs Esau's Requests (…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 32 - Wrestlemania Main Point: God allows us to wrestle in life, even with him, for our good and his glory. 1. Jacob Wrestles With Fear (1-21) -Jacob is assured of God's presence (1-2) -Jacob is afraid of Esau's arrival (3-8) -Jacob prays for God's deliverance (9-12) -Jacob prepares for Esau's arrival (13-21) 2. Jacob Wrestles…
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 31 - God Brings Jacob Home Main Point: God protects his people and always brings them home. 1. Jacob's Obedient Departure (1-21) 2. Laban's Selfish Anger (22-35) 3. Jacob's Righteous Anger (36-42) 4. Laban's Defeated Departure (43-55)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - Genesis 30:25-43 - God's Unstoppable Blessings Main Point: God works through human efforts to accomplish his will and administer his blessings. 1. God's Blessings Discussed (25-34) 2. God's Blessings Displayed (36-43) -Superstitious Traditions -Wise Practices -Trust in God由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Main Point: God blesses according to his sovereign plan. 1. God blesses the downcast (29:31-35) 2. God blesses the desperate (30:1-21) -Surrogates (30:3-13) -Supplements (30:14-21) 2. God blesses the desperate (30:1-21) 3. God blesses the dependent (30:22-24)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10 - Hannah's Prayers Main Point: We can always take our problems to God in prayer. 1. Problem: Hannah's Suffering (1:1-8) 2. Prayer: Hannah's Solution (1:9-28) 3. Providence: Hannah's Savior (2:1-10)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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Sermon Notes - John 17:1-26 - The High Priestly Prayer Main Point: Jesus' prayer reveals the triune God's plan of salvation for his people. 1. Jesus prays that he be glorified (1-5) 2. Jesus prays that his apostles be fortified (6-19) 3. Jesus prays that his church be unified (20-26)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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由Pastor Tim Girdler
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Main Point: We can have a relationship with God because he comes to us. God’s Revelation (10-15) The Setting (10-11) The Vision (12-13a) The Promise (13b-15) Jacob’s Response (16-22) At Midnight (16-17) At Morning (18-22)由Pastor Bryan Arnett
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1. Esau's Disobedient Marriages (26:34-35) 2. Isaac and the "Son of Blessing" (27:1-4) 3. Rebekah Sends Jacob Forward (27:5-17) 4.Jacob Receives the Blessing (27:18-29) 4. Esau Receives the "Blessing" (27:30-40) 3. Rebekah Sends Jacob Away (27:41-45) 2. Isaac and the Son of Blessing (27:46-28:5) 1. Esau's Obedient Marriage (28:6-9)…
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