Love like Jesus. Live like Jesus. Lead like Jesus. As followers of Christ, this is the focus and commitment of Calvary Christian Center in Yuba City, CA. Join us each week as Pastor Michael A. Ciociola delivers challenging and encouraging messages, casting the vision and leading the way as we press on toward the goal!
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Send us a text The battles we face include the world, the flesh and the devil. And the adversary attacks in cycles and seasons. Today we will expose the tactics our enemy uses and acquire the power Jesus has provided us to overcome and break through.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text This generation desires authenticity over performance - spiritual connection instead of a concert atmosphere. Jesus said those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled. Join us as we seek to worship God in Spirit and in truth. Jesus is still forgiving, He is still healing the sick, He is still delivering.…
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Send us a text There is an absolute connection between the Spirit of worship and the mission of the church. One of the secrets to David’s successes was his desire to worship the Lord.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text In our faced paced culture, happiness is fleeting. Rapidly jumping into something new - stimulating but elusive, leaving one unfulfilled leading to depression. Joy on the other hand is the result of the posture of our heart - a change in perspective, namely gratitude. We can thank our way out of the pit!…
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Send us a text Deliverance and breakthrough are available even in the middle of our greatest tests. There’s a war going on contesting for your destiny. Worship is a weapon our Lord has given us for the win.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text Nor Cal/Nevada District Worship Director, author and founder of "People of His Presence" ministries, Ben Brown and his team led us in worship and Pastor Ben delivered a powerful word on pursuing the Presence of God.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text Worship ushers us into the Presence of Jesus. And worship is a lifestyle, not a Sunday morning ritual. When we worship in spirit and in truth, we stand empowered in the Presence of Jesus as we are filled with Holy Fire.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text The Scripture is filled with analogies related to fire. Moses at the burning bush. Tongues of fire in the Upper Room at the birth of the church, John the Baptist telling us Jesus will baptize His followers with the Holy Spirit and fire. Jesus reminds us to remain “hot” in our love for Him. Join us for Spirit anointed worship and a lo…
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Send us a text Isaac discovered that finding water in a famine takes hard work, constant maintenance - and even fighting off the enemy. But when he made the effort to dig - God blessed him abundantly! Jesus offers us living water, even through life's worst famines - but it's up to us to dig, to fight - to not give up. Join us as Pastor Michael "dig…
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Send us a text God is in need of… Nothing!! But it is OUR needs that define us. Our needs are a blessing, because they draw us to Him! Blessed are those who hunger for righteousness. Pastor Michael unpacks the truths that: when we look to any sources, other than the Needless One… we will end up empty, every time.…
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Send us a text After a busy end to 2024, we’ve arrived in 2025. The church in America has been granted an incredible opportunity to bring about a course correction in our culture. Prayer is the key to spiritual acceleration. Join us as we lay out steps to spiritual renewal.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text We were in God before He created earth. We His people are destined to bring spiritual renewal to our culture, by sharing the hope of rescue to those lost. We are nation changers. To fulfill that destiny, we must learn to pray relationally instead of transactionally - and to grow in spiritual discernment! Join us as we ACCELERATE into…
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Send us a text Anticipation is building. Expectations fill the hearts of many as Christmas approaches. What would be your best gift ever to receive? What’s on this year’s most wanted gift list? Join us as we unwrap the greatest Christmas gift ever.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text Christmas is a celebration. “Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.” Ephesians 1:4 NLT. Long before the world was created and He created man, God planned this amazing rescue mission. Join us as we unwrap this Biblical journey you’ll never forget.…
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Send us a text Jesus went to the death on a cross to forgive us of our sins. May we, in turn, love Him with our “ALL’S”: All our heart, soul and strength. Join us as we begin the Christmas season demonstrating our commitment to the true reason for this season.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text In this message, Pastor Bill unpacks the apostle Paul's 3 open doors: The Doors of Opportunity, Obligation & Opposition! When we follow Jesus, the same doors will open -but what we do with those doors makes ALL the difference!! Pastor Bill travels regularly to the places that no one else will go - to do what no one else will do - and…
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Send us a text Even with an election outcome that indicates Americans are ready for change, many people are still uneasy because of the intimidating spirit of fear. The spirit of fear searches for a doorway into your life. Join us as we uncover Biblical truths that will slam the door shut on the spirit of fear, bringing the freedom Jesus promised i…
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Send us a text If we want to change the atmosphere in our lives, we have to change what we’re hearing. What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Join us as we unlock Biblical truth for personal victory in a broken culture.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text In Acts 3, Peter preaches a powerful prophetic Word. In a similar culture spinning out of control, stand in faith in Jesus’ promises. From Jesus in these last days is coming refreshing, restoration and revival setting the stage for His return.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text We stand at a critical crossroads for Jesus’ church as well as the American republic. Our core values are under attack. The alarm is sounding. If there ever was a moment for the church to heed Paul’s admonition to awaken it’s now!由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text American values based on Biblical truths are being tested. Unwise choices have contributed to our present situation. BUT GOD. Remember, while we stand on God’s promises He is faithfully working behind the scenes to bring His purposes to fulfillment. Join us as we look at the significance of four principles we need in America’s church…
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Send us a text Need an answer from God - Something only He can solve? The story of Jonathan is classic. Nothing supernatural happens until something natural happens to set things in motion.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text In these Last Days, God promised to pour out His Spirit in an unprecedented way… Spiritual vision upon the next generation… Spiritual dreams to those who have traveled ahead. God has planted a dream in every heart but there is always something trying to stop those dreams. Join us as we discover the resilience of Joseph to never let g…
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Send us a text Words matter. Jesus said, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Matthew 12:34 NKJV. It is amazing how what we say - when aligned with God’s truth - can change circumstances around us. Today we will learn the importance of aligning our hearts and speech with God’s Word.…
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Send us a text “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9. History demonstrates that long term commitments pay off. Living life fully committed to Jesus has eternal consequences.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text When we give, we’re becoming more like Jesus. Jesus gave and is still giving. Everything we have is a gift from God!由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text Benjamin Franklin quipped “nothing is certain except death and taxes“ When we’re faced with the inevitable, and issues bigger than us, then what? Who can we turn to? Join us as we learn more about the greatest Tomb Raider of all time.由Pastor Michael D. Ciociola
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Send us a text Chains symbolize captivity. There are invisible chains binding and restricting many. Chains that hinder progress, chains of addictive behavior. Join us as Pastor C reveals the powerful truths in God's Word about the one and only: Chain Breaker!由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text Our children are important to God - before the child is born and after the child is born. Join us as we unpack God’s Word related to our children. Bring your children. We will be praying for all those returning to school after the morning livestream concludes.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text The disciples thought that the little food they have was not enough to feed the crowd - BUT God! See, what they didn't know yet was: when we have Jesus, it's Never Not Enough!! Like the wedding guests at Cana learned - the miracle comes when we are at the end of our resources.. the end of our abilities, our strength, our talent, time…
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Send us a text Since COVID, we observe people on edge, discouraged, feeling helpless. Jesus’ Presence in our lives changes our perspective, restores hope and releases freedom. Join us as we unpack how the anointed One restores our joy and hope giving us power to live victoriously.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text Jesus performed astounding miracles throughout the gospels, and He is still at work today! We are going "Into the Deep" with Jesus and Simon after an all-night fishing expedition which proved unsuccessful. At the fishermen's lowest point, Jesus shows up and shows off His glory, but there's more to this story than you can imagine. Mir…
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Send us a text由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text Can we talk about relationships? The stats are everywhere: Loneliness, disconnection, shallow communication, disposable friendships, dismantling marriages... more than ever, we feel within our own hearts the cry of Proverbs 20:6: "Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful man, who can find?" Just us Sunday morning at 10am as …
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Send us a text Human Relationships are God's original, beautiful and powerful idea. In Pastor Michael's first message in this series, he covered the first intra-human relationship that God created: Marriage. Today he covers: Family. When God established the nation of Israel, He gave them guidelines for families to grow, to invest in one another and…
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Send us a text Jesus wants us to overcome in this current culture, but we must have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to His church. And an ear to hear comes from a Transformed Mind - one that is ready to present ourselves as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2) Join us as we learn how to carry out Jesus’ mission with passion and joy.…
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Send us a text Paul, the one who, through the Spirit’s inspiration, wrote that “God works all things for the good… of those who are called according to His purpose…” understood and lived this spiritual law of God’s purpose. Even when in prison - He knew God was at work… and He is at work in YOUR life too! Join us as Pastor Michael unpacks a powerfu…
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Send us a text There is a real enemy threatening our families and nation. Join us as we are equipped to fight for our families and win. This is a battle we must win and our Heavenly Father is on our side. “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” 1 John 3:1 ESV…
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Send us a text Thank you Moms for loving, sacrificing, guiding and praying for your children. You are mighty warriors. As we should every day, we express our love and appreciation for all you’ve done and still do for us. Join us as we honor Moms by looking at the incredible warriors they are as defined in God’s Word.…
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Send us a text Have you noticed so many all over the world seem unhinged, meandering, and unfocused? When the fabric of our foundations are torn up, we lose our footing and begin a downfall. For Jesus’ followers it not need be so. “We fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. The things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see w…
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Send us a text “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.“ Romans 8:7 NKJV. The daily battle is won or lost in our thinking. We are urged to be transformed by daily renewing our minds in God’s Word - thinking God’s way.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text Jesus said the first sign of His return would be deception. “Pay attention that no one deceives you.” Information is flying at us at an unprecedented rate- much of it untruthful. Today we will unpack Biblical truth concerning the days we are living in.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text It's not the size of the dog in the fight... it's the size of the fight in the dog. Many of us have heard this truth before - but there was undoubtedly a critical moment in King Jehoash's life that he wished he had heard - and understood - this truth also!! Have a problem chasing you down, snarling like a vicious dog?? It's not the s…
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Send us a text Many today live in a continuum of fear - uneasy, on edge. The enemy seems to be controlling events. Not so from God’s perspective. Join us as we discover how God is arising and scattering His enemies.由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text To remind His people of His faithfulness to protect them, God’s glory/Presence was visible at the Temple. His people took His Presence for granted, no longer honoring Him until one day they saw His glory depart. Ichabod. Once again in America we need God’s Presence manifesting. Government can’t fix what is fundamentally wrong. Only G…
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Send us a text Why does God use and permit suffering? Why did Jesus ask (and have recorded for us in the Word) His request to let the Cup of Suffering pass from Him? What we hate and see as suffering - can be the path to Peace, in the hands of our Father. This week we are remembering Jesus' suffering - which purchased our Peace. Jesus IS the Way - …
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Send us a text Jesus told us: YOU are the light of the world. A city set on a hill ... and Jesus directed us in this same passage that our light must shine before people in such a way that they may see our good works - and glorify our Father! If we are looking for the light of Jesus to break through the darkness in our city, families, neighborhood …
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Send us a text There are 10 deadly sins that we - yes, followers of Jesus - can commit with our mouths. In this powerful message, Pastor Ciociola breaks down the top 10 deadly Word-Related-Sins, Scripture's warnings and instructions - and how to keep our mouths from speaking this poison!由Pastor Michael A. Ciociola
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Send us a text We live in a culture with misdirected hope that leaves one empty. Some attempt to find an answer jumping from one high to another, still empty. Faith is based on what we personally know. It’s the evidence of truth we know. Faith brings us the only One who satisfies because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.…
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Send us a text Which is it? The (true) answer to that question about our Love and the condition of our hearts is already - and will be all the more before Jesus returns - a CRITICAL one. It is actually one of Jesus' most important signs of the End Times... the hearts of many will turn cold. Many whose hearts once blazed with love for Jesus and for …
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