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Welcome to Chapel City Church! Last week we looked at the untamable tongue, and the reality that our speech will be a reflection of our heart. This week, James will work through two types of wisdom. And while those two things might seem like separate topics, they are intimately related. How do we respond when things don’t go our way? How do we thin…
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Welcome to Chapel City Church! The Book of James is not complicated, but it is very convicting! We have seen the call to count our trials as joy, to be slow to speak and slow to anger, to love others unconditionally, and to consider whether our living faith is a working faith. This week, we will work through perhaps the hardest part of the body to …
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Welcome to Chapel City Church! As we continue working through James chapter 2, we are going to come to one of the most difficult passages in the whole letter. It isn’t grammar or content that make this passage difficult. Rather, it’s how James appears to say something different about faith and works than the other New Testament writers. Does James …
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Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will continue to look at what genuine faith produces in the lives of believers. Experiencing joy, and all aspects of the fruit of the Spirit are one way we see how saving faith changes us in our daily lives. But what is our part in receiving this gift in the midst of circumstances that are not joyful, or …
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Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will open up the second chapter of James with an example of what love looks like. He closed chapter 1 by pointing out that pure and undefiled religion meant caring for the outcast and the other, as well as being unstained by the world. Chapter 2 works through personal favoritism, and how that response goe…
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Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will finish the first chapter in our study of the Book of James. This last section will set the stage for the rest of what James writes to his scattered readers. The reality of your faith is demonstrated by its impact on your life. There is a faith that is deluded, a religion that is worthless. There is a…
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Where did THAT come from? Welcome to Chapel City Church! Over the last two weeks, James has instructed us to think rightly about trials. We understand that they are occasions for joy in the life of a believer not because they are easy, but because they produce eternally valuable things. Trials will come to everyone, but Christians can rejoice becau…
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Welcome to Chapel City Church. This week we will continue to work through what James reminds his readers about suffering. We have seen the call to respond joyfully, to think rightly, and to ask for wisdom in times of need. We have also seen God’s promise to faithfully supply that need when we ask in faith. But how should we think about ourselves in…
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Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will begin to work through the first chapter of the Book of James. In his opening call, James asks his readers to do something that many consider impossible- they are to consider their trials as opportunities for joy. Living in a fallen world means that Christians will face difficult things. Some of those…
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Welcome to Chapel City Church! As we turn the calendar over to a new year, we also turn the pages of our bible to the study of a new book. For the next few months, we will work our way through the Book of James. This wonderful, practical book shows us what real faith looks like. It’s more than understanding a collection of theological facts. It’s m…
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Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad to have you here with us on this last Sunday of 2024. Before we move on to 2025, let’s look back to 2024 and remember the Lord’s faithfulness to us as we prepare to make 2025 the best year ever. We would love to answer any questions that you might have, and to know how we can be praying for your specifi…
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