Latest Microsoft Excel Tips, Tutorials and Announcements
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Use the EXACT function to compare cell values, including upper and lower case. Get the links on my Contextures website:由Debra Dalgleish
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Pivot table sorting, how to split date and time, symbols in drop down lists, and many more tips. Get the links on my Contextures website:由Debra Dalgleish
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See the pivot table survey results, navigation tricks, dashboard design ideas, and many more tips. Get the links on my Contextures website:由Debra Dalgleish
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Pivot table survey, chart tricks, Power BI update information, and many more tips. Get the links on my Contextures website:由Debra Dalgleish
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See the Excel Survey results, create a seating chart for an event, compare Excel and Power BI, and more tips Get the links on my Contextures website:由Debra Dalgleish
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Copy just the numbers in a column, show the month or day name for a date, let me know if you love or hate Excel Get the links on my Contextures website:由Debra Dalgleish
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Use Rank in Excel pivot table, find free Excel add-ins, and more tipsGet links on my Contextures website:由Debra Dalgleish
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In this week's Excel Roundup, --Watch a video on Taking Dashboards to the Next Level--See how Excel handles the display and entry of dates--Learn how to build a nested IF formula--Move fields in a pivot tableand many more Exce tips由Debra Dalgleish
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Pivot Table % Running Total, best file format, build Excel add-in由Debra Dalgleish
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Check formulas, fix Excel tables, save time with shortcuts, Power BI由Debra Dalgleish
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Dashboard course, array formulas, faster VBA, rounding, big data由Debra Dalgleish
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Function tips, dashboard webinar, funnel chart, VLOOKUP and data analysis由Debra Dalgleish
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Column chart alternatives, random numbers, goal seek, complex counting由Debra Dalgleish
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Highlight dashboard items, change chart color, project management, counting functions由Debra Dalgleish
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Pivot Tables, Excel improvements, dynamic charts, highlight numbers由Debra Dalgleish
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VLOOKUP, Pivot table makeover, shortcuts, Power Query由Debra Dalgleish
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Pivot table calculated field, sparklines, Power View, iPad formulas由Debra Dalgleish
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Excel 3-D charts, billing sheets, day 42000, productivity tips由Debra Dalgleish
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