This podcast will offer general information regarding symptoms and behaviors that I currently treat and have dealt with in the past. It's to help people understand and have a better grasp on diagnosis like: depression, anxiety and ADHD, along with various other conditions. More about me:
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Benvenuti al nostro podcast! Mi chiamo David Recinos, assistente sociale clinico autorizzato con una vasta esperienza nel mondo dell'arte presso Disney e Warner Brothers, fino alle arene delle forze dell'ordine e dell'assistenza infermieristica. Con oltre 12 anni di esperienza nel campo della salute mentale, mi concentro su bambini, adolescenti e f…
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Willkommen zur ersten Folge von Therapy Matters mit David Recinos, LCSW. In dieser Einführungsfolge erzählt David von seinem faszinierenden beruflichen Werdegang von der Arbeit als Künstler bei Disney und Warner Brothers bis hin zum staatlich anerkannten klinischen Sozialarbeiter mit über 12 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit. S…
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Bienvenue dans l'épisode inaugural de notre podcast thérapeutique, animé par David Recinos, un travailleur social clinique agréé. Dans cet épisode, David se présente et partage son parcours professionnel diversifié, depuis son travail avec des studios emblématiques comme Disney et Warner Brothers jusqu'à la police et la lutte contre les incendies, …
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治療很重要:介紹大衛雷西諾斯:心理健康之旅 Zhìliáo hěn zhòngyào: Jièshào dà wèi léi xī nuò sī: Xīnlǐ jiànkāng zhī lǚ
歡迎收看由執業臨床社會工作者大衛·雷西諾斯 (David Recinos) 主持的《治療對我很重要》第一集。在本介紹節目中,David 分享了他多元化的職業背景,包括在娛樂和公共安全行業的工作經歷,以及轉向心理健康領域之前的經歷。他概述了即將播出的系列節目的重點和主題,該系列將圍繞心理健康診斷和乾預。 David 擁有超過 12 年的經驗,廣泛與兒童、青少年和家庭合作,處理憂鬱、焦慮和注意力不足過動症 (ADHD) 等問題。他強調了創造一個討論心理健康的支持性環境的重要性,旨在減少恥辱感,讓那些可能無法負擔傳統服務的人更容易獲得資源。 David希望分享在他的實踐中被證明有效的應對策略和乾預措施,鼓勵聽眾尋求專業幫助,同時也提供自我提升的見解。本集深入探討了常見的家庭關係問題,例如養育方式不…
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Bienvenidos al primer episodio de Therapy Matters con David Recinos, LCSW. En este episodio introductorio, David comparte su diversa trayectoria profesional y su amplia experiencia en salud mental, trabajando con niños, adolescentes y familias. Analiza problemas comunes como la depresión, la ansiedad y el ADHD, y adelanta los próximos episodios cen…
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Hello, this episode covers ADHD and some of the presentations that I see working with my clients, along with interventions. 504 Plan resources and information links: Your Rights: Students With ADHD: Letter and Resource Guid…
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This Episode discusses parenting and specifically understanding your child's needs and how to improve communication with your child.由David Eli Recinos
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This episode focus on regions of the brain and the clinical presentation (e.g. anxiety, depression). It will discuss the dysfunctions and some coping skills that can be beneficial.由David Eli Recinos
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This episode involves clinical presentation involving depression, it's symptoms and behaviors. more about me: davidrecinoslcsw.com由David Eli Recinos
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This podcast will offer general information regarding symptoms and behaviors that I currently treat and have dealt with in the past. It's to help people understand and have a better grasp on diagnosis like: depression, anxiety and ADHD, along with various other conditions.由davidrecinos9
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