Experience God's Love. Share God's love. Daystar Family Church located in Tuscaloosa, AL.
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Listen to Pastor Dalton Ballew deliver his message "Bitterness Stops the Supernatural" at Daystar Family Church
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Listen to Pastor David Redding deliver his Sunday message "Win This War" at Daystar Family Church.
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Listen to Bishop Patrick Schatzline deliver his Sunday message "Servanthood" at Daystar Family Church.
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Listen to Pastor Dalton Ballew deliver his Sunday message "Called or Sent" at Daystar Family Church.
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Listen to Daystar's executive pastors, Scott & Kristi Schatzline deliver their powerful Sunday message "Punch Back" based on their new book.
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Listen to Bishop Patrick Schatzline deliver his Sunday message "The Spirit of Poverty" at Daystar Family Church
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Listen to special guest Bishop Frank Harvey deliver his Sunday message "The Church that Turned the World Upside Down" at Daystar Family Church
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Listen to Bishop Frank Harvey's Word for Daystar Family Church Staff & Leaders.
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Listen to Pastor Vernadine Schatzline's message "Wonded in the Battle."
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Daystar Family Church由David Redding
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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During these uncertain times, walking in FAITH over FEAR requires a shift in your perspective and positioning in God! Check out this incredible Word that continues in our current series about trusting wholly in God--and SEEING what HE SEES!由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Harry and Cheryl Salem
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What is God's heart for His house? How should OUR heart mirror His? Check out Part 2 of this series--as we discuss where we've been, where we are and where we're going! (Note: this sermon is live translated into Spanish)由Scott Schatzline & Howard Bosman
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What is GOD'S heart for His house? Check out Part 1 of our brand new series as we explore how OUR heart for the house must match HIS heart for the house!由Daystar Family Church
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Who did we learn church from?? Maybe they were wrong?? Check out this conclusion of our "Why Church" series!由Scott Schatzline
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What is GOD'S order for church? Are we following it? Check out this powerful message!由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Why church??? What is God's original purpose and design for His Church? Check out this message to learn more!由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Andrew Ighofose
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由David Redding
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Tony McFee
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Check out our first installment of "Overcoming the Orphan Spirit", as we break down barriers concerning identity and being fathered!由Scott Schatzline
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Join us as Pastor David takes us through 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 and teaches on becoming the best version of yourself!由David Redding
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Daystar Family Church由David Redding
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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Daystar Family Church由Scott Schatzline
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