Dina Visram, is Soul Alignment Coach and Energy Healer. She is a gifted intuitive and clairvoyant. In addition to holding a Master’s Degree in Nursing, Dina is a trained Vedic Astrologer, Certified Angel Card Reader, Reiki Master, Advanced DNA ThetaHealing Practitioner and a Pranic Healer with experience in Chakra Healing and Energetic Clearings. She has worked with hundreds of clients in over eleven countries, healing and guiding them through clearing core issues, limiting beliefs and deepl ...
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84: Are you chasing after your desires or are you wanting to learn to attract them into your life with ease?
In this episode, learn how to connect with Goddess Kamakshi and attract your desires into your life with ease. I talk about how to practice true detachment and letting go and allowing God. Learn how to involve the Universe from the first time you have the seed of that desire implanted in your consciousness.…
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In this episode I share 4 next level money practices that helped me triple my income in 2020. A must listen if you have a money related goal.
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In this episode I share 3 simple practices that you can start doing today to tune into the energy of money, create a continual flow of cash, and allow more abundance in more easily than ever before by opening up to receiving more. Lastly, I shared how I use the ancient Hawaiian practice of ho'oponopono with the energy of money to attract more of it…
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Have you heard of the Japanese term Wabi Sabi? In this episode I share how embraced the principles of Wabi Sabi to attract more love, joy, contentment, fulfillment and gratitude into my life.
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There is a major Saturn Jupiter conjunction happening on Dec 21st 2020. I discuss the astrological significance of this conjunction and a few practical themes that are showing up for me on the mental. physical and spiritual fronts to prepare for the incredible opportunity this conjunction will shed light on.…
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I always like to select at least 3 theme words for the new year that will guide me forward and keep me aligned to the energy of 2021.....which is a 5. Listen to this episode to find out about my theme words for the upcoming year and select your theme words today!
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In this episode I talk about the 5 levels of gratitude and how when you cultivate gratitude, you're able to feel true joy and contentment, no matter what you have or don't have in your life. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, when you're grateful for what you already have, you will naturally attract more for which you can be grat…
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Do you always worry about every situation in your life? If you a chronic worrier than you need to listen to this episode and incorporate the steps I share with you in your day to day life. Remember that accepting worry as "normal" is not normal.
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76 How to discern your life lessons and become a certified card reader and energy healing practitioner
This is a very informative episode on how to discern that you have soul lessons and embrace these lessons through recognizing the patterns and fears. If you have always wanted to be a healer than listen in on the details on my very first Healer Training Course on how to become a certified card reader and energy healing practitioner in just 4 sessio…
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You must have all heard about this myth, that in order to manifest your desires you need to be high vibe all the time! This is not humanly possible. I share with you some things you can do on a daily basis if you are feeling those negative vibes or emotions when you are trying to manifest.
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In this Episode I share some signs that will easily tell you that you made a vow of self denial in a previous lifetime and how to rescind this vow so you can open yourself to more abundance, opportunities and magic.
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73: How to incorporate forgiveness into your daily routine to assist in the manifestation process
In this Episode I talk about 3 ways to forgive yourself, others and even ancestors for a speedy manifestation process. When someone hurts us, we often refuse to forgive because we think that by doing so we are excusing what that person has done. But that's not the case. Forgiveness does not require condoning or accepting a person's hurtful behavior…
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In this episode I talk about receiving as a spiritual practice and how one can open themselves to receiving with the use of affirmations. Release the guilt, shame and unworthiness issues to open up your receiving channels today.
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Follow these steps to manifest anything you desire quickly and rapidly.
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In this Episode I share some ways you can use to connect with Angels and receive Angelic guidance from them everyday.
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In this Episode I talk about the Universal law of Increase and how you can use it in your life to attract more goodness, miracles, magic and expansion.
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Today I share a meditation with you that can be used daily to further activate your luck factor and enable you to tune into the energy of luck. This will assist you profoundly in attracting all forms of human luck opportunities into your life.
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Do you wish you were born lucky? Do you wish that luck was always on your side? Do you ever wonder how others are so lucky? Well... there are three types of luck - Heaven luck, Human luck and Earth luck. Learn how to activate each type of luck in today's episode and become a super lucky human being!
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Have to always wanted to be a healer, a card reader and own your own spiritual business? Are these fears keeping you stuck? In this episode I discuss 3 steps to overcoming fears with my personal example; first step is deep diving onto your fears. Second step is calling upon Angelic guidance. The third and final step is to take action inspite of the…
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65: Start taking these 4 steps today to open yourself up for more goodness to flow into your life.
Listen to today's episode on how to open yourself to more goodness - whether you are facings some hurdles, resistance or negativity in your life right now. I share 4 things you can do today to shift that into more goodness and positivity.
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Are you a chronic giver and have a difficult timing receiving from others? In this episode I share with you a simple visualizing exercise that will tell you if you are a chronic giver or a balanced receiver. I also share three tools you can utilize to shift your energy from continuously giving to receiving with ease.…
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Are you trying your best to manifest and nothing seem to happen? Listen to these 3 reasons why things are not manifesting for you.
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Episode 62: Are you feeling stuck? How to use these 5 steps to get unstuck from any situation
In this Episode I share my 5 steps to getting unstuck from any situation or circumstance and turning the odds in your favor.
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In today's episode I share three ways to tap into the energy of abundance, even though you are surrounded by lack everywhere.
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In today's episode I share with you how to align yourself to high vibrational states with a powerful prayer.
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In today's episode I share simple and easy tools that I used to activate my gift of Clairvoyance to clearly see messages from Angels, Guides, Ascended masters and deceased loved ones.
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In today's episode I share more than 5 ways you can use today to raise your vibration on a daily basis. These are simple and easy tools that I use every day to raise my vibration and do amazing things with it like readings, energy healings and connecting with light beings.
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57 Are you always tired and exhausted? Listen to today's episode on energy leaks and energy drains.
The number one complain I get from friends, family and my clients is I am tired! I want to achieve so much but I am exhausted, not motivated or simply don't have the energy. Its because you have some major energy leaks and energy drains. Once you are aware of them you can starting taking action and have a lot more energy to invest in yourself.…
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This is a BONUS Episode where I share three lessons learned from the Corona Virus and its impact.
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54 Do you desire more money? Listen to 3 ways that you are disrespecting the energy of money.
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53 Are you super bored? Listen to today's episode on how boredom is your soul's guidance to stop playing small.
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In this episode I share 3 things you can do today to start opening yourself to receive the lavish abundance of the Universe.
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In this Episode I share my own formula to rapidly manifest your desires using the power of love and gratitude combined. Plus I share 3 things I manifested recently using this formula. You dont want to miss this episode!
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in this episode I discuss the never heard before meanings for combination Angel Numbers 844,777 and 1222. A must listen episode.
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Start tuning into more joy today using these 5 methods I mention in this episode. I share my childhood story on how I released the seriousness that I had surrounded myself with and started to tune into more joy on a daily basis.
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Re-listen to Episode 16 on my 5D manifestation technique and once you have mastered that then come back to listen to this new episode on advance manifesting techniques. I cant wait to hear back from you on what you have been manifesting lately!
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Listen to Episode 25 for mantras on money, abundance, wealth and opulence. I have included 3 more mantras in this episode for self love - Aham Prema, Peace - Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu and compassion and letting go of ego - Om mani padme hum
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Having a strong intuition is important if you have always wanted to do energy healings or card readings. I share 4 ways you can start increasing your intuition in today's episode.
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Have you heard about switch words? I started using them 3 months ago and landed a Forbes India Article Feature! Learn all about switch words and start attracting more money and abundance in your life today.
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I share 4 methods I use to shield my energy during healings and clearings that I do on a daily basis. Listen to these methods and use them for yourself to create a shield of positive energy around you at all times.
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