DSVC Rough Talks is a podcast series about design, visual arts, and the creative industries which support them. Join us as we dive deeper into the people, topics, meetings and events of the DSVC with our host, Ramsey Ruelas.
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Past President Angela George & Ramsey Ruelas discuss gathering the Friends of Type.Website: http://dsvc.org/Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_DSVCGuestsAngelas George http://bygeorgepartners.com/Hosted & Edited by Ramsey Ruelas: http://dsvc.org/member/10/ramsey-ruelasMusic by Glenn [email protected]…
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Past President Brandon DeLoach & Ramsey Ruelas discuss driving Aaron Draplin to Whataburger.Website: http://dsvc.org/Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_DSVCGuestsBrandon DeLoach http://brandondeloach.com/Hosted & Edited by Ramsey Ruelas: http://dsvc.org/member/10/ramsey-ruelasMusic by Glenn [email protected]…
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NSSC Board Members Nathan Gathright & Ramsey Ruelas discuss the 13th National Student Show & Conference.Website: http://dsvc.org/Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_DSVCNSSC Website: http://nationalstudentshow.com/NSSC Twitter: https://twitter.com/NatlStudentShowNSSC BeHance Portfolio Review: https://nvite.com/BehanceReviews/e7c3GuestsNathan Gathright…
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DSVC Board Members Bryan Grudowski, Alina Suzeth & Ramsey Ruelas discuss September's speaker Justin Harder.Check out poster designer Justin Harder at http://www.clausstudios.com/Website: http://dsvc.org/Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_DSVCGuestsBryan Grudowski: http://dsvc.org/member/2/bryan-grudowskiAlina Suzeth: http://dsvc.org/member/309/alina-…
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DSVC Board Members Kishya Greer & Ramsey Ruelas are joined by Nathan Trimm as they discuss May's speakers Brian French & Nick Sambrato.Check out poster designer Nathan Trimm at http://www.theghostheart.com/Website: http://dsvc.org/Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_DSVCGuestsKishya Greer: http://dsvc.org/member/66/kishya-greerNathan Trimm: http://dsv…
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