Raw messages about how to achieve your goals in life & business from Eddie Fooshang and his mega achievers guests.
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In this interview I got to ask Jenai about her policies and game plan for district 49 in Austin. She is currently running for the Texas house district 49
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The most successful sprint in the 4th quarter to finish the race strong, while everyone else is gasping for air, giving up and taking it easy. That’s what separates the high achievers from everyone else. Richard Smith shares his methods on how he always has a HUGE 4th quarter.
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Pier Physco started his Real Estate career 3 years ago, and in a very short time he has made a name for himself and produced on a massive level. Edward Phuong just got his license last month and is averaging 5-6 face to face meetings a week and already has 4 Loans that will be closing in the next few weeks. They share how they execute on that level…
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Jack Marino with Lake Hills Wealth Management shares the tools and wisdom of how the wealthy entrepreneurs manage their money to build their financial freedom. He explains how the old school budgeting system doesn’t work anymore, instead the new wealth builder tool is the way of the present and the future to grow your financial assets while having …
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Abel Garza is a successful Entrepreneur in San Antonio, TX. He is a business consultant and received his masters from UT Austin. He has also served in the military for the last 20 years.
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#9 - How this young couple team went from ZERO to over 200K a year in commissions in under FIVE years
Andrea McNeese shares with us how Lyndee and her went from ZERO to earning consistently over 200K a year in commissions as realtors, without having to buy leads. They built their clientele organically through their personal relationships.
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Robert Elder of San Antonio shares with us exactly how we was able to earn over 500K a year in under 3 years, after losing everything and starting from scratch.
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Thoughts produce Feelings. Feelings produce Actions. Actions produce Results. Results produce Beliefs. Beliefs create an Identity. Identity provides Thoughts. This is the formula of manifestation.
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Eddie interviews Thomas McGregor the CEO of Central Texas Strings who specializes in, Event Music & Entertainment. Thomas shares the concept of how to be different than everyone else in your field to stand out and create your unique Brand. People remember emotions and how events made them feel, but they hardly remember the details of a presentation…
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Eddie Fooshang interviews one of the best Real Estate and Mortgage coaches in the industry Doug Cadaret. Doug shares his CARE model, which stands for Creating a Referable Experience. We all get a "Thank you" at least twice a day in our business, if not on every call or every meeting. What most of us do is respond back with the common "You're welcom…
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You’re 100% responsible for everything that happens to you. Stop blaming others for your current situation. It’s your decisions and actions that got you where you are today, whether good or bad. Don’t play the victim card. Don’t be a puppet in their hands. Who are they? Listen and find out.
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Tony Robbins teaches that being pulled towards something is much easier than pushing towards something. The one thing that stands in the way of accomplishment is our own self talk, habits and thoughts. If we can create a fool proof way to bypass this hurdle, every door will swing wide open for us.
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Jon Manning and Eddie Fooshang share their insights from their own personal experience on how they overcame many of their challenges, and fears to accomplish the success level they are currently enjoying.
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Until you become obsessed with a specific result you are after, nothing will happen. You must commit to achieving that result by literally obsessing over it to the point that mentally you live as if you have already achieved that result, even though it’s not the case yet in the physical world.
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